Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Ayatollahs of Texas Are Upon You, Girls and Women!


This will not stand!

The lawsuit takes aim at federal privacy rules, including one enacted this year that Ken Paxton, the state attorney general, called “a backdoor attempt at weakening Texas’ laws.”

By Michael Wines Sept. 6, 2024 

"Texas has sued to block federal rules that prohibit investigators from viewing the medical records of women who travel out of state to seek abortions where the procedure is legal. 

 The lawsuit, filed on Wednesday in Federal District Court in Lubbock, targets medical privacy regulations that were issued in 2000, and takes aim at a rule issued in April that specifically bans disclosing medical records for criminal or civil investigations into 'the mere act of seeking, obtaining, providing or facilitating reproductive health care.' ”


Sam said...

If the law was passed in April, it seems it will stand. This is an example of how far the conservatives will go to deny rights.

Les Carpenter said...

Texas cons in government working to shepard in a dark age of fear and complete control over "their" women's lives.

The Taliban of Texas. Attemting to bring to America the patriarchal control enjoyed by the Ayatollahs of the oppressive Middle Eastern Regimes.

Some Americans have obviously lost their frigging minds.

BB-Idaho said...

Sounds a bit like the old pre-Civil War Fugitive Slave Act. Better not leave the state - we'll hunt you down. How come they call that the Bible Belt?

Les Carpenter said...

Reified archaic beliefs methinks BB-Idaho.