Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, September 21, 2024



Any American who is seriously thinking about voting for this deeply disturbed and mentally disintegrating man for the presidency needs extensive therapy to find out why Trump appeals to him/her:

There is no such thing as "execution of a baby after birth." That is infanticide, and it is a crime in every state of the nation.

To point out how insane it is for him to repeat this, one would have to ask this simpleton, Trump, how exactly the "execution of a baby" is carried out in the delivery room.

Do the doctors and nurses set up a gallows and hang the baby by its neck until dead? Do they bring out miniature guillotines and chop off its head? Do they bring in a firing squad, but first blindfold the infant before shooting it dead? Are there baby-sized electric chairs hidden in the delivery room so that the doctors and nurses can place the newborn in the chair and electrocute it?

Can Trump enlighten Americans, with proof, on how these executions of babies are carried out in the delivery room in front of the mother, father, and other relatives and medical attendants (I was present in the delivery room when one of my grandchildren was born).

Trump continues to repeat this Trumpshyte crazy claim, when the rest of the nation and world know it to be a whopper of a stupid, insane lie!

IMO, Trump needs to be taken into a psychiatric hospital for evaluation.

If anyone is seriously going to vote for him, he or she needs the same treatment.


Joe Conservative said...

how exactly the "execution of a baby" is carried out in the delivery room.


Les Carpenter said...

Folks who believe one iota of the lying drivel that flows off Trump's tongue are too far gone to be helped. Their fearful insecurities, likely as voluminous as Trump's own, prevent them from seeing truth or reality as it really is.

The vision Trump has, if it can even be referred to as a vision, is one of utter chaos, delusion, and hate. Hate for everything and everybody that doesn't support his insecurities and delusions and then kiss his ring.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Another lie. Healthy, viable live-born babies are NOT left to die of neglect in the delivery room. I have several close friends and relatives who worked in delivery rooms, and this NEVER, NEVER, NEVER happened. You're lying, or swallowing lies from propagandists like Trump.

Any doctor who delivers a healthy, viable live-born infant and, in front of the mother and father or whomever is watching the live birth in the delivery room, leaves it unattended to scream and die of neglect would immediately be arrested for murder. You know this. But still you come here and perpetrate that damnable lie by Trump because you're either a chaos agent or you enjoy lying.

BB-Idaho said...

I watched a bit of Mary Trump (niece psychologist) explain - He grew up in
a dysfunctional family. In his early teens he was a bully, a liar and knew everything. She went on to explain that he failed to develop into an adult human. What a resume.

Dave Dubya said...

Well, well.

It figures Kremlin Joe regurgitates Tim Pool, a fellow Kremlin agent, PAID by Russia.

Question: How much does Russia pay -FJ/Joe Con?

Shaw Kenawe said...

" In his early teens he was a bully, a liar and knew everything."

"...was a bully, a liar and knew everything." And he never grew out of that adolescent stage. Now he's an adult bully, liar, and malignant narcissist.

I cannot understand any mentally mature adult who supports him.

Dave Miller said...

Joe calls it neglect. Others might call it hospice care. When a baby is born, severely deformed or with horrific birth defects and facing certain death, a terminal diagnosis if you will, doctors and nurses keep the baby comfortable until death. Just as families do everyday with mom, dad and grandparents with terminal illnesses.

I remember the stories from my mom during the 1970's where she was a charge nurse at a local hospital. Sitting with families who thought they were getting a healthy baby instead dealing with the realization that their precious dream was not going to live was horrific she said. All they could do was keep everyone comfortable while awaiting the inevitable.

It's not neglect. It's not infanticide. It's not murder and it's certainly not a "post birth abortion".

It's the best once hopeful parents could do in the worst moment of their lives when confronted with a brutal, tragic reality. We don't need more government in these situations. Parents & family, doctors and pastors or spiritual advisors can handle this... in a sensitive, care giving way.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I'm sure Joe Conservative knows that what you wrote is the truth. No healthy, viable, full-term infant is left to die of neglect in the delivery room. But he's not an honest commenter, preferring to post conspiratorial bunk and outright lies.

One of my dearest friends was an OB/GYN nurse who told me similar stories about the heartbreak families endured when a non-viable fetus is delivered.

Anencephaly is a fatal birth defect that occurs when a fetus doesn't develop parts of the brain, skull, and scalp. It's a type of neural tube defect (NTD) that happens when the upper part of the neural tube doesn't close completely during fetal development. This leaves the developing brain and spinal cord exposed to amniotic fluid, which causes the tissue to degenerate.

Babies with anencephaly are missing large parts of the brain, including the forebrain and cerebrum, which are responsible for thinking, seeing, hearing, touch, and movement. They are blind, deaf, unconscious, and unable to feel pain. Some babies may have reflex actions like breathing and responding to sound or touch.

Anencephaly is usually detected during routine prenatal testing and ultrasound. It can also be recognized at birth.

There is no cure or standard treatment for anencephaly, but treatment can be supportive to keep the baby as comfortable as possible. Most babies born with anencephaly die shortly after birth. Grief counseling services are available to help parents cope with the loss of their child."

Joe Conservative said...

Why was the "born alive act" necessary, and why did Barack Obama speak against passage?

Shaw Kenawe said...


House Republicans’ “Born Alive” Abortion Bill Isn’t Just Political Messaging. It’s a Cry for Help.

The GOP is beholden to the anti-abortion movement—but terrified of actually passing anti-abortion laws.

Joe Conservative said...

Jill Stanek

Joe Conservative said...

Shortly thereafter, Advocate Health Care changed its policy on induced labor abortions, barring its use against fetuses with non-lethal developmental issues.[8] Stanek was fired by Christ Hospital in 2001,[6] for allegedly "taking photographs inside the hospital and misrepresenting the hospital on a television program."[2]

Shaw Kenawe said...

The best way to handle all of this is to keep judges and politicians out of girls' and women's uteri. The decision to have an abortion is no one else's business.

No more discussion on this subject. I will not have you hijack my comment section.

BB-Idaho said...

Sorry to say, I've been there. Son and wife had one. Donated the organs.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I’m sorry your you and your son’s family had to endure that heartache. My condolences.

Dave Dubya said...

-FJ/Joe Con is an authoritarian personality. He lies with ease.

Jill Stanek is a hysterical wacko who ended up writing "opinions" (disinformation) for the lying far Right rag World Net Daily. They make the National Enquirer look like the NY Times.

And since he is such an authoritarian personality, -FJ/Joe Con refuses to MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS.

He wants to CONTROL women, like the rest of them, from the evangelical extremists, to Opus Dei misogynists, and the neo-Nazis of the Trump mob.

Like Trump, he doesn't give a damn that women have died due to ER staff terrified of being arrested for treating them.

I keep saying they have no conscience. And they keep proving it.