Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, October 11, 2024



Trump says immigrants have "bad genes" and they're  "poisoning the blood of America."



Dave Miller said...

And they will be one day again. After Trump is forced from the stage, or dragged kicking and screaming to jail.

And then the Dems will find themselves in the wilderness.

They are only close in this election because the GOP candidate is so horrible. They could have ran a card board cut out and won handily, but chose Trump.

Why is beyond me, but Dems should heed the warning signs and get to work on a new national strategy to win over Americans, or 2028 will be a blood bath.

Joe Conservative said...

Let's all hope that they move to Massachusetts.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Massachusetts, the most educated state in America, and among the best states for quality of life issues, has had more Republican governors than Democrats -- which is a good thing, since our state legislature is majority Democrats, and one-party rule for years and years is not a good thing.

At one point, Republican Governor Charlie Baker was the most popular governor in the country with a whopping 80% approval rating in a blue, blue state. Pre-MAGA, and the Trump sickness in the GOP, that party would have BEGGED him to run as POTUS with those approval numbers, and, IMO, Baker would have won!

The GOP lost its decency to an indecent, criminal, Trump. That stench will follow the Republican Party for decades to come.

Les Carpenter said...

What i fail to understand is this, Trump and his loyal deluded cultists piss and moan about how bad America is. A failing nation. Nothing is good, wholesomenes.

Democrats are not the ones whining incessantly about how the USA is a failed nation. That is reserved for Trump and his deluded loyal cultists.

So, the question is, Trump and cultists, since the USA is so damn bad and failing why the hell don't the lot of you move to Russis or North Korea where you would probably be much happier.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

No, you DO have one party rule in Massachusetts. You merely have a "controlled opposition" in Governors like Mitt Romney... servants to the corporate globalists, just like the (D)s.

Dave Miller said...

Nevada over the years has had a wonderful mix of Dem and GOP Governors.

Back in the day before he became a beloved GOP Senator, Paul Laxalt was here the Mike Callahan, a Dem. During the Obama Admin, the gov was a GOP guy, Brian Sandoval. He was on the short list for SCOTUS of, wait for it, Obama before he took GOP recommended Garland.

Shaw, as you noted in MA, it was the same in Nevada. We have seldom had one party rule, preferring instead a check on runaway power.

We shall see how it goes now. We do have a GOP guy who likes Trump, but he tempers that because both houses here are Dem super majorities.

Mike said...

I tell people I'm an independent and I used to be. I used to vote split tickets. Until Reagan. And I voted for him because he was going to balance the budget. Then he ran up the biggest deficits ever. Now I tell people I'm an independent that doesn't vote for republicans.

Craig said...

"rather than putting up a fence... open the border, both ways". Ronald Reagan. Oh my. I guess Kamala is a Reagan Republican.

Les Carpenter said...

And Trump is a new age zenophobe with a particular distaste for POC and a soft spot for all eastern European strongmen.

Shaw Kenawe said...

You’re not a believable commenter when you leave this sort of bosh in the comments.

Sam said...

I went back and watched the whole debate. Very interesting. You are right. Republicans are not what they use to be, sane and rational.