Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, October 16, 2024

How does an American explain this to the world?

I invite Trump supporters to tell us why they're supporting this threat to our democracy.

You know who else gets rid of his political opponents by putting them in prison and eventually killing them? Putin, Kim Jong Un, and Xi.

This is Trump's promise to America! 

Trump Escalates Threats to Political Opponents He Deems the ‘Enemy’ 

"Never before has a presidential nominee openly suggested turning the military on Americans simply because they oppose his candidacy. With voting underway, Donald Trump has turned to dark vows of retribution."


Trump rode hatred of others all the way to the presidency in 2016 and his very first executive order was what he called "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims coming into the country." 

Trump's acting on his hatred led to another of the Supreme Courts terrible and un-American decisions upholding Trump's Muslim travel ban after his administration put a fig leaf of "national security" over his flaming religious animus. He'd do the same to Jews too in a heartbeat. He recently said if he lost this election, it would be because of the Jews. Blame the Jews! Does that sound familiar? 

When he tells the GOP base he's their retribution, he's exploiting normal human imperfections and fears. The divisive, nation-destroying aspect is that he's convincing millions of Americans that someone is intentionally out to end their existence as free people, something conservative media has implied for decades on AM radio talk shows, which were listened to by millions as the hosts opposed healthcare reform, lied about the modern economic system, resisted gay marriage, claiming it would lead to an epidemic of women marrying their pets, while rejecting men and having a family. 

This is what the Democratic Party is up against with Trump activating these manufactured laughable ideas into real grievances. 


The Mother Ship, which represents the older (and should know better) generation has this meme up on its blog today:

Without a drop of self-awareness, they put up this meme and continue to support (and will vote for Donald J. Trump) a convicted felon, an adjudicated rapist, a tax fraudster, a serial adulterer, a pussy grabber, who's facing dozens more felony counts, a man who called our military personnel "losers and suckers," a man who called liberals "vermin," and said immigrants "poison the blood of our country," and who just the other day promised he would jail anyone who opposed him.

PS. These sailors on the Mother Ship are devout Christians who believe the Bible should inform our actions and our laws.

How does an American explain this to the world?


BB-Idaho said...

Tocqueville paints with a broader brush. Did the mother dinghy notice his
admonition -
"A man's admiration for absolute government is proportional to the contempt for those around him"

Joe Conservative said...

Government: "an institution which prevents injustice other than such as it commits itself"
-Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun

We've seen a lot of injustice in the past 4 years, much of it committed against Trump. Leticia Jame's case is in the processes of finally being appealed and tossed out. We can only hope to soon see her in prison, and her judicial accomplice disgraced and disbarred.

Joe Conservative said... other words, America has stopped being good. Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldun has exposed "the problem of government". It has turned itself to performing injustices, foreign and domestic. And only by curtialing this activity can America become great again.

Dave Dubya said...

Ask any neo-Nazi and racist and they will tell you straight-faced they are a "Christian".

The antisemitic American Nazi movement in the 1930s included the Crusader White Shirts, the Protestant Gentile League, the Christian Front, Christian Mobilizers, the American Nationalist Federation, and yes, the America First Committee.

Trumpist Christian nationalists are descendants of those Nazis. And they are America's version of the Taliban.

skudrunner said...

IMO, No matter who wins it is going to be a long four years. We have an election that has two candidates who few support. People are going to vote against one instead of for one therefore the winner is not the one people want but settle for.
Sad state of affairs

Les Carpenter said...

Trump's increasingly incomprehensible blatherings and unhinged behavoir are merely indications of the growing realizations of his own incompetence, negative attributes, and increasing dislike for himself... He can run from who and what he is, but, he can not ultimately hide it from himself. His growing erratic behavior and increasing aggressiveness is likely the direct result of the conflicts boiling within the ground of his being.

The Mothership sailors? Deeply obscured and deluded by their egos acceptance and support of a deeply flawed and dangerous " man".

Shaw Kenawe said...

America stopped being good when it elected a man who bragged about being able to sexually assault women because he's a star; when American elected a man who cheated on all three wives and committed fraud by paying off his porn star lover in order to win an election; a man who had to pay $25 million for defrauding people who signed up for his fake Trump University; a man who cheated contractors out of the money he owed them.

Your platitudes are meaningless and hypocritical when you support a Liar, a Cheat, and a Fraud and pretend it's something else that stopped America from being good.

You forget that Trump was the government for 4 years, and has been a shadow government since he lost the 2020 election.

We stopped being good when millions of Americans feel for this Liar, Cheat, and Fraud and watched his armed thugs desecrate our US Capitol and tried to illegally install him as president when he himself knew he lost the election.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"fell for this Liar..."

Dave Dubya said...

"We've seen a lot of injustice in the past 4 years, much of it committed against Trump."
More neo-Nazi bullshit from our fascist friend.
He MUST parrot the lies of his authoritarian leader and play the famous fascist/Nazi "victim card".
"No president has ever been treated as badly as me", his master whined. Now he threatens to send the military after anyone who disagrees with him or who refuses to submit to his will.
If Trump and Joe Con honk and step like a goose...
The party of Lincoln is dead. It is the authoritarian party of Trump.

Joe Conservative said...

You had Bush Derangement Syndrome long before you caught Trump Derangement Syndrome. But it took Trump to allow the American people to see "above the veil" (WEB Dubois, "The Soul of Black Folk") for the first time and learn that "I sit with Shakespeare and he winces not. Across the color-line I move arm in arm with Balzac and Dumas, where smiling men and welcoming women glide in gilded halls. From out the caves of the evening that swing between the strong-limbed earth and the tracery of the stars, I summon Aristotle and Aurelius... and they come all graciously with no scorn nor condescension. So, wed with Truth, I dwell above the Veil.”

...Shakespeare, Balzac, and Dumas are doing a LOT of wincing these days, and its' got nothing to do with colour and everything to do with class. The political elites are out of control..

Grey One talks sass said...

At this point of the process the person I'm most concerned about isn't Trump - he's, well, doing as best as he can at this point - no sense in beating a decomposing horse. No, what concerns me is Vance and the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation). They along with the Heritage Foundation (authors of Project 2025) truly believe their deity commanded them to take over this nation in their deities name. They are serious and have already indoctrinated their followers to believe unless Trump wins the election was stolen. We thought the violence on Jan6 was over the top? That was the dress rehearsal for the 2024 election.

skud claims if Trump wins we only need to wait four years to try again, which ignores the metric ton of lawsuits brought by MAGA in every state in an effort to inhibit a free and fair election. Thank the stars for Mark Elias and his team. Also thank the stars for blogs like this one which point out items ignored by traditional media.

Perhaps I've been listening to too many podcasts and watched too many youtube videos of MAGA cultists proudly announcing their intention to kill folks like me, but I'm the sort who Needs To Know.

No, if Trump wins our country as it stands today is over. NAR will make sure the only folks placed in office ever again will exactly match their Christian nationalist ideology. How do I know? Well, those who want their plans to come to fruition aren't exactly shy about it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

GWB invaded and bombed a country that didn't attack us. He's an actual war criminal. I agree about the political elite: The Heritage Foundation and its Project 2025, Supreme Court Justices who gave Trump the right to be a criminal as long as he was presidenting, and the multi-billionaire, Elon Musk, who is THE ELITIST OF THE ELITE, because he's the riches man in the world.

You don't like the elites who do not like your ideology, but the elites who do are just fine.

You're not fooling anyone even if you wrap your hypocrisy up in other people's quotes and philosophy.

You LOVE conservative elites.