Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, October 21, 2024

Lewd, vulgar, brutish Trump at his rallies:


Trump used vulgarity in the video below to describe our sitting VPOTUS at a rally, and his cultists cheered and applauded his nasty and brutish name-calling, because they're as low and brutish as he is, IMO.

This is who the folks on the Mother Ship, and others who should know better, think is the best man to lead America! Think about what being in a cult does to people's brains:

Here Trump implies that Arnold Palmer has an impressive penis -- which is something one would never hear at a campaign for the presidency rally or at ANY political rally! EVER! And yet this vulgar, low, and gross man, Trump, is at his rally saying such things. And his vulgar, low, and gross cultists cheer him on! What does the size of Arnold Palmer's penis have to do with the presidency and how Trump will govern? Does anyone know?


Opinionated and Right said...

The Democrats are not only bringing foreigners, and Illeagles into the United States to live, but they are driving the United States citizens OUT of the country because they are NO LONGER able to afford to live here!
With ever increasing Inflation and Crime, more and more Problems here people are moving outside of the US.
People are realizing just how much more Affordable and Safer the rest of the world is. Plus you escape the Left Wing Lunacy being pushed on the entire country that is probably worse in the US than it is anywhere else in the world..And to add to this Lunacy, the type of people the Left are running for offices here is getting Worse, and Worse.

Les Carpenter said...

The filth and garbage this "man's" diseased mind holds and spews almost daily is beyond repulsive and disgusting. When I'm walking these days whenever I walk past a dog plop I immediately think of Trump.

If the diseased mind of trump sits in the Oval Office next year then America itself becomes all of that.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I occasionally allow a troll from Lisa's blog to comment here, and that's why OaR's comment was allowed.

Dear Opinionated and Right, as far as I know, Democrats DO NOT allow or encourage sick birds come into the US to live, but I'm guessing some do sneakily fly over the border and manage to so. What to do?

OaR: "With ever increasing Inflation and Crime, more and more Problems here people are moving outside of the US."

As is usual for the escapees from Lisa's blog, this is incorrect. Inflation and crime are down. Crime is at its lowest in decades, BTW.

But OaR's opinions never get in the way of facts.

To be honest, OaR's comment is so inane that I'm guessing it's a parody of a typical MAGA who posts at WYD.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Les, How to explain that this demented fool is even this close to gaining the WH again? I don't recognize the America I'm currently living in anymore.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Michael Steele, former head of the RNC:

"The Republican candidate for the presidency of the United States spends his time not talking about making the lives of citizens better, or setting forth an agenda to educate the next generation, or even a strategy to tackle climate change, but rather about the size of another man’s penis.'

Mike said...

tRUMP is getting desperate and he has to get his base stirred up. Hopefully this will get some of his base to realize what an idiot he is.

Dave Dubya said...

Gee, Opinionated and Right, I hope your baseless statement that people are leaving the country is true, especially if they are white Trump voters.

Trump can win a majority vote ONLY among white people. What dies that tell you?

BB-Idaho said...

Yet another Right Wing Lunatic complaining about Left Wing Lunacy. Yawn.