Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Friday, November 13, 2009


Years ago, I remember overhearing my father tell a joke about the Soviets and their style of "justice." I don't remember the beginning of the story, but I DO remember the punchline where the Soviet thugs says: "Comrads, take him away; give him a fair trial; then shoot him."

William Kristol of the Weekly Standard must have heard the same joke and really liked the Communist-style justice it represented because he's advocating our American courts act like filthy commie pinko traitor thug murderers. [Actually, he doesn't even believe in a MOCK trial, just drag the guy out and shoot him.]

I'm shocked! Shocked! Shocked! That a devoted anti-Commie, like Kristol, would suggest we abandon our beloved Constitution--abandon everything this country has stood for and fought for--and act like vengeful, lawless savages--act like the very people we were taught to despise [the Commies] for their lack of "LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL."

Yes, Bill, even for bad guys. That's why so many millions of people looked to this country as a beacon of justice in an world too full of murderous dictators and tyrants who would do exactly what you fantasize doing to Hasan.

Actually, I'm really not shocked. This is what Kristol and others of his ilk dream of. This, to them, is their vision of AmeriKa.

Read about it here.


libhom said...

A liberal columnist could never get away being as far off into outer space as Kristol is.

TOM said...

For all the patriotic posturing, conservatives have no time to follow the proper processes set up to deal with such problems. If their oratory matched their actions, these trials should have started years ago. Instead they were busy with their techniques of torture, which might be the reason these killers get off. Another example of how their hate, is hurting our country.

dmarks said...

I liked Billy better in the City Slicker movies.

Anyway, I'd be satisfied with a life sentence for Hasan. As I am opposed to the death penalty. But if he gets shot during an escape attempt, I'd shed no tears.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Difficult as it is to accept, Hasan is an American citizen. Just like Timothy McVeigh, who murdered dozens more American citizens in domestic terrorism than did Hasan and who was a decorated US Army veteran.

I don't remember anyone calling for him to be shot before he had a trial.

I don't remember the GOPers accusing Irish Catholics of hating America because one a**hole went on a rampage and killed 168 Americans. McVeigh's only political affiliation was to the Republican Party and he was a member of the NRA.

I don't remember GOPers smearing Irish Catholic Republican NRAers because McVeigh slaughtered 168 fellow Americans.

dmarks said...

Good points, I think. I haven't seen anyone say "kill the ay-rabs" over this, but I would not be surprised if it is happening somewhere.

ME said...

Just because Kristol wants it, you are against it? are you siding with this animal?

Anonymous said...

Shaw sais: Difficult as it is to accept, Hasan is an American citizen. Just like Timothy McVeigh, who murdered dozens more American citizens in domestic terrorism than did Hasan and who was a decorated US Army veteran.

So what, terrorism is terrorism they all should be killed. And they can start with Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four other Guantanamo Bay murderers.

Ghost Dansing said...

American conservativism has always borne strange fruit......

dmarks said...

It is hardly "siding" with a man to want him to serve the remainder of his life in hard time.

I speak for myself, but I think it would be safe to say that, at a minimum, this is the type of sentence the liberal host and participants would want too. Just my guess.

dmarks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaw Kenawe said...

ME said...

Just because Kristol wants it, you are against it? are you siding with this animal?

Dear ME,

Kristol wanting to use Communist Thug Justice against Hasan and my being appalled at his Communist leanings does not mean I'm siding with anyone.

You don't have any sense of logic.

But I'm not surprised.

YES! said...

Communist leanings = Obama

Shaw Kenawe said...

Commenter YES = boring troll.

Thayer Nutz said...

Amusing, isn't it shaw? The YES troll equates Obama with Communism as he advocates following the Constitution by putting Mohammed on trial, but has nothing to say about Kristol who believe in summary execution--the good old totalitarian way.

GOPers: Up is down; black is white; war is peace.

They really are nuts.

Arthurstone said...

The last thing the folks who launched the 'war on terror' want is the light a trial will provide shining on their illegal acts. These trials are going to be fascinating.

I. Can't. Wait.

dmarks said...

Thayer said: "GOPers: Up is down; black is white; war is peace."

No matter how many times you insist to us that these things are true, we won't give in.

Arthur: I just hope there are decent attorneys involved. Not the ones that lie in order to get the guilty to completely escape justice.