Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


If there's a bigger fobbing pumpion in this world, I haven't seen him--with perhaps the exception of Italy's Silvio Berlusconi.  Trump's self-aggrandizing cockwalk over President Obama's release [again] of his birth certificate is only more evidence of the man's insatiable need to hog the headlines like the beslubbering fustilarian that he is.

We must remember that this mal de perruque announced only weeks ago that his team of "investigators" were finding amazing things in their search for Mr. Obama's birth certificate.  What this colossal  blowhard fails to acknowledge is that he went on a fool's errand, and it is Mr. Obama, not Trump, who comes out of this farrago of nonsense looking like the rational, reasoned, cool-headed, classy guy that he is.

What Trump's "investigators" found was NOTHING. 

Trump is a first class chump.  And his hair is ugly, too.  Now he's attacking Mr. Obama's academic achievements and questioning how he got accepted into one of America's most prestigious institutions of learning.  In the racist world Mr. Trump inhabits, only the sons of wealthy white men can achieve what Mr. Obama did, and that makes Trump suspicious of any African-American's achievements.

But wait, why didn't the talking head who interviewed Trump on this issue ask him if he questioned the academic credentials of Clarance Thomas, Condoleeza Rice, Michael Steele, Colin Powell.  Afterall, these--to use Trumps word--"blacks" attained academic excellence in prestigious American universities as did Mr. Obama.  Are we to understand that Trump only questions African-American Democrats' achievements in academia? 

Trump, a kidney-faced coward, would never be able to answer that because it would reveal him to be a publicity-seeking worm who would encourage suspicion and doubt to be cast upon his own mother in order to keep his name in the public's view and the ratings of his inane reality teevee show up.

The good news is that as a presidential candidate he will fade and deflate like a left-over balloon from a children's party.  All eyes are on this fool right now, but he'll be another Giuliani very soon.

It is astonishing--NOT--how certain members of the GOP attach themselves to and encourage clay-brained people like Trump [and Palin and Bachmann and Beck, etc.] a their leaders.  Trump is just the newest shiney object that has blinded them into believing that the rest of America joins them in their skewed and delusional thinking.

IMHO, this entire non-controversy is racially motivated.   No other president has ever been subjected to this constant hammering to delegitimize him through casting aspersions on his birth, on his religion, and now on his academic achievements.  And no other president has been bi-racial with an Arab name.

It's the RACE issue, stoooopid!  And certain elements in the GOP will not give it up.

Photo of Mr. Obama's birth certificate here.

"Dave Weigel explains its importance and predicts the future:

Does this end "birtherism?" I don't think it will. Surely more forgery gurus will tumble out of the woodwork and quibble with the kerning. This document includes the name of Obama's hospital and attending physician, but it doesn't include a footprint, and even though no Hawaii birth certificates like this included that, it'll be a reed for birthers to hang on to.

Does it end the "questions" about Obama? No. I'd expect the focus to shift now to Obama's college records and writings -- as Donald Trump has already been shifting them, by asserting that Obama must have gotten into Columbia via affirmative action to make up for what, he speculates, were bad grades."

"And in related news George W Bush released his military records proving he did not commit a felony by going AWOL and therefore eligible to serve as President during his two terms.*

*Not intended to be a factual statement.

In Obama's defense, this issue was going to dog him throughout his re-election campaign. Now that there's evidence, people who continue to doubt where he was born will continue to look like dolts. This also means he's shown he is willing to get down to business by removing distractions like conservative slander."
Posted by Alverant at Pharyngula.


Dave Miller said...

Shaw, this is just crap...

Now that President Obama has released the thing, the focus will shift to whether or not it is authentic. The idiotic right-wing Orly Taitz loving birthers will not be satisfied no matter what is presented.

They have already made up their minds, and no amount of factual evidence is going to change that.

The real question is why any independent voter with even just half a brain would vote for anyone who was not able to say "While we may disagree on policy, President Barack Obama was born in the United States, is a citizen of our great country, and to question whether or not he is an American is wrong."

But for someone in the GOP to do that, they would open themselves up to a charge of being a RINO.

Instead, they opt for the coded responses like, "Well, that's what he says" or "I take him at his word."

Mr. Trump said he might release his tax returns when Obama released his birth certificate. Well the time has come, but let's not hold our breath.

The GOP has to hold on to these issues because their only raison d'etre is to demonize Obama and government, even while they take subsidies for their districts, money for their pet projects, and pay checks for ruining our economy over the last 30 years.

Sorry about the rant Shaw, but I feel a lot better now...


Charlene said...

Mr. Trump is a rich entertainer. This whole stunt was to get people to watch his TV show. The GOP supported what he said because that kept us entertained while they continued to be the paid lackeys for powerful rich people.

As I did with the former governor, I do not watch Sarah or the Donald. I see their name and I turn the channel or skip the story in the paper.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

No icing tops the cake more than this remark from the hairpiece-turned-mouthpiece: “Today I'm very proud of myself, because I've accomplished something that no one else has been able to accomplish,” crows the forever truculent and triumphant Trump.

For a man obsessed with bragging about himself - his yacht, his money, his media exposure, his wives, and his manhood - I can’t help but wonder whether he is hiding a secret in his pants. Perhaps the man with a constant need to brag is overcompensating and covering up the lack thereof, having neither prick nor balls. Why should we take the Donald at his word? President Obama showed us his; it is time for Donald to put up or shut up.

Donald, now it’s your turn. Call a press conference and fess up. Drop your pants and show your penis. Citizens have a right to know.

Dave Miller said...

Octo, obviously he is worried about shrinkage...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The man has no penis Octo! For God's sake man, have some compassion for the dickless!

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Have no fear - I do have compassion for the Donald. If the Donald held a press conference and the police arrested him for indecent exposure, the Donald would get off for lack evidence.

Leslie Parsley said...

Dave - good points but I think there are some Republicans who have told the birthers to back off and I think, believe it or not, that McCain was one of them. But, in general you're right - there certainly hasn't been enough of them. It's called tacit agreement.

Lol, octo. "lack of evidence." Very good.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave,Charlene, Octo, TRUTH, tnlib,

This is about President Obama's race. Period.

And Donald Trump is a racist buffoon.

No other president has had to endure what Mr. Obama has endured--and may I say he has behaved with amazing grace and class.

Donald Trump and all the birthers, college transcripters, social security numberers, and every substitute racist reason for wanting to delegitimize this man are beneath contempt and not fit to lick the soles of Mr. Obama's shoes.

There are Republicans who reject this slime that people like Trump have chosen to wallow in.

David Frum is one. There may be others, but he's the only one I could find just now.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You, me and everyone else know it's about the President's skin color. The bigots and idiots know it also but can't admit it.

So I call them stupid and peckerless. What else can you do with these idiots?

Anonymous said...

What actual facts do any of you have that this is all about "race"? Quite frankly, I can't figure why the birth certificate wasn't released long ago. If there was nothing to hide, then why not release it? The real issue everyone is avoiding, is not whether Obama is an American citizen as he clearly is. However, under the Constitution, in order to be President; one of the qualifications is that you have to be a "natural" born citizen. Scholars and courts have argued what constitutes a "natural born" citizen and the overwhelming consensus has been that both parents have to be American citizens (although no legal ruling has ever been made). Clearly, Obama's father was not an american citizen. Personally, I agree with the provision that parents should be citizens. (it's just an opinion and a whole other debate). But since the argument is there, how can you honestly say that the birth certificate was not released until now so that this discussion would not be raised? Unlike race, which is based on an opinion, this is an argument based on a fact. One that not many are willing to debate.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

I share your anger over this Birther bullshit ... and lots more. Yes, it is about racism but it is also about fascism ... to employ every deception, defame every opponent, disenfranchise minority voters, exploit every kook for political theater ... all in an effort to steal, lie, and buy American democracy out from under us. Frankly, it is nothing less than a Coup d'Etat in increments.

Yes, it is about racism, but if you focus solely on bigotry, and the circus clowns driving these messages, you will not notice the incremental fascism.

Shaw Kenawe said...

If Anonymous wants to come here, at least he or she should have the courtesy of knowing what he or she is talking about:

Constitutional provisions

Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution sets forth the eligibility requirements for serving as President of the United States:

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

The Supreme Court has stated that:

The constitution nowhere defines the meaning of these words [citizen and natural born citizen], either by way of inclusion or of exclusion, except in so far as this is done by the affirmative declaration that 'all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.'

And finally, the Father of our Constitution James Madison:

James Madison

In a speech before the House of Representatives in May 1789, James Madison said:

It is an established maxim, that birth is a criterion of allegiance. Birth, however, derives its force sometimes from place, and sometimes from parentage; but, in general place is the most certain criterion; it is what applies in the United States.


Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii, the 50th state in the United States of America to an American mother.

End of discussion. And shame on those who are not satisfied by these indisputable facts.