Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The GOP: The Party of Shame.


"Morans" still making fools of themselves the halls of Congress.

Wow!   It has come to this? The GOP refused to give help to American disaster victims? 

I never thought a political party could stoop so low.  But I'm reminded almost daily how unreasonable and vindictive the GOP has become.  To refuse to bring this important legislation that helps victims of the latest disaster up for a vote is beyond shameful; it is inhumane.

 WASHINGTON -- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) lit into House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and House Republicans Wednesday for not holding a vote on a Hurricane Sandy relief bill. "There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims: the House majority and their speaker, John Boehner," he said.

"This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. Natural disasters happen in red states and blue states and states with Democratic governors and Republican governors. We respond to innocent victims of natural disasters, not as Republicans or Democrats, but as Americans. Or at least we did until last night. Last night, politics was placed before oaths to serve our citizens. For me, it was disappointing and disgusting to watch."

House Republicans declined to schedule a vote for Sandy aid Tuesday night, after voting to pass a fiscal Christie said he was not given an explanation as to why the vote did not take place Tuesday. He added that House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) placed a call to him at 11:20 p.m. to inform him that the speaker had decided not to schedule one. Christie then called Boehner four times, and Boehner did not call him back. 

 "There is no reason for me to believe anything they tell me," he said, referring to the House GOP.cliff deal. If the House does not pass a disaster relief bill before noon on Thursday, when the new session of Congress begins, lawmakers will have to start over.

 "Last night the House of Representatives failed that most basic test of public service, and they did so with callous indifference to the suffering of the people of my state," said Christie. "Sixty-six days and counting -- shame on you. Shame on Congress."

h/t HuffPost


Dave Dubya said...

This is exactly how the party of "You're on your own" operates. Northern congressmen have always offered economic assistance for Southern storm victims. Now we see their sense of compassion and gratitude.

It is truly a hateful minority of extremists that control the GOP, especially toward fellow citizens of a part of the country they held hatred for since the Civil War.

These are the same thugs who called us traitors for calling out Bush/Cheney war mongering lies.

If they don't like being compared to fascists they should stop acting like fascists.

BB-Idaho said...

GOP still trying to adapt to the
Tea Party movement. -fascinating.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Boehner diplomatically caved to the sensible side and has supposedly scheduled a vote for Friday on relief.

I of course condemn the not voting for relief for the victims of Sandy months ago.

Silverfiddle said...

I guess nobody cares that Democrats larded the initial request with billions in unrelated items.

Political demagoguery at its best.

The emergency response money has already been disbursed. This is recover money, but who cares about facts?

skudrunner said...

They were all working so hard to avoid the fiscal cliff that it just didn't come up for a vote. Maybe they should have all flown to Hawaii to have a sit down with El Presidente who was so concerned he left town.

Silverfiddle said...

I do agree that this was another debacle for the GOP.

According to the Washington Post...

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) defended the House’s lack of action this morning, telling “Fox and Friends” that it was “packed with pork” and blaming New York Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand (D) and Charles Schumer (D) for not accepting a smaller, more narrow package. ”They had the opportunity to have a $27 to $30 billion dollar legit relief package, packed it with pork, then dared us not to vote on it,” Issa said.

But natural disasters are generally a time when principles are left for another time.

They need to drop their principles and get with the times.

Shaw Kenawe said...

World Nut Daily: Roberts Should Refuse to Swear In Obama

SUBMITTED BY Brian Tashman on Thursday, 1/3/2013 10:30 am

"After unsuccessful attempts to knock President Obama off the ballot and defeat Obama after the election by throwing the Electoral College into chaos, WorldNetDaily now is petitioning Chief Justice John Roberts to refuse to administer the presidential oath of office. WND commentator Craige McMillan said that if Roberts doesn’t withhold the oath, he will face “impeachment and eternal dishonor.” He even compared the current state of the U.S. to Nazi Germany by warning that America will have its own Nuremberg Trials to prosecute those who had been “violating their own oath of office, continu[ing] the sham through a second presidential term.”

Anonymous said...

They did this when GM and Chrysler needed the bailout, too. Sen Shelby of AL took sadistic pleasure in making the auto execs squirm. This is also an example of bitter tea bagging southerners sticking it to the North. It is time to shut them down once and for all when 2014 rolls around. I find SF's whining about pork to be utter bullshit.
Bachmann is at it again as well. Bill #34 to repeal Obamacare. They will need to be shamed again ang agian until they quit acting like the idiots that they are.


Silverfiddle said...

"Whining about pork?"

OK sheeple, enjoy the fleecing!

You know what would solve all of this regional bickering?

Federalism. Stop funneling all of our revenue into the federal pot where poobahs and panjandrums dole it back out as political patronage.

Let each state take care of itself.

Dave Dubya said...

Let each state take care of itself.

How compassionate, right after a storm ravages the blue North...

From the Party of "You're on your own".

Compassionate conservative has got to be the greatest oxymoron.

Silverfiddle said...

Obviously, the federalist model could not be implemented overnight, and the people of those states have paid taxes, so they are right to ask for some of it back now.

Compassionate conservatism? Like the compassionate liberalism that keeps people enslaved in poverty?

skudrunner said...

So you buy a home in a flood area, don't bother to get flood insurance and when it floods it is every taxpayers obligation to pay for your damage. Seems fair to me,

Guess I should cancel my fire insurance and expect everyone to pay for my loss.

Silverfiddle said...

Here's whats in the $60 billion "Disaster Relief" bill

• $13 billion for large infrastructure projects that we are assured would “mitigate” damage from future storms.

• $10.8 billion for public transportation, almost entirely for future projects, not disaster relief.

• $207 million for the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Manhattan Medical Center.

• $199 million in tax breaks for rum makers.

• $188 million for upgrading, not repairing, Amtrak rail lines.

• $150 million for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to provide fisheries in Alaska.

• $100 million for a federal day-care program.

• $57 million for tracking debris from the 2011 Japanese tsunami.

• $20 million for a national “water priorities” study.

• $8 million to buy vehicles and equipment for the departments of Justice and Homeland Security.

I'm sure the people of New Jersey will breath easier knowing the rum makers got their cut of taxpayer money.

The socialists of all parties will continue spending until they eventually run out of other people's money.

Why isn't anyone who is concerned with getting badly-needed disaster relief to people upset about this abuse?

Pork-Laden Relief Bill

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Now let's not jump to conclusions Dave. Perhaps Silverfiddle lives in New Orleans or an area that takes back far more in federal largess than it pays in. He may feel guilty about that and as penance wish to see his local and state taxes go way up to pay for any damage from natural disaster.

Anonymous said...

It was Republicans vote, that put us in this position and caused our credit rating to drop. So by all means lets leave it to Republicans to give us a solution, especially when they refuse to negotiate in good faith.

Dave Dubya said...

It's a good bet SF lives in such a state. They breed that sort down there. The "takers" that accuse others of being parasites.


liberalism that keeps people enslaved in poverty?

More cult dogma. It's the utter failure, or off-shoring of jobs, by the sacred "job creators" that puts people in poverty. High medical expenses have also forced people into poverty. Not in socialist Europe or Canada though, the darn Commies.

Corporate globalism, not liberalism. is the primary culprit, but the cult refuses to admit this.

Liberal safety nets are the compassionate way to care for and feed those victims of domestic and global corporatism.

Say, there SF, you haven't apologized for your false accusation about me "slinging around Hitler comparisons"

Or don't you conservatives ever apologize, no matter how wrong and accusatory you are?

Yeah, that's how the cult operates.

If you don't want to be compared to fascists, stop acting like them.

Infidel753 said...

I'm starting to wonder if Christie is revving himself up to switch parties. He's certainly not pulling any punches on telling the truth about this crap, and he's surely noticed the difference between Obama's helpfulness right after Sandy and the Republicans' stonewalling now.

Silverfiddle said...

Speaking of cult-like behavior, Dave, you sure have the 100% positive canned answer to the failed war on poverty.

A complete inability to think beyond the propaganda. The indoctrination has worked.

Silverfiddle said...

Progressivism at its finest:

Cash for Clunkers actually hurt the environment.

And this:

CARS created a dearth of used cars, artificially driving up prices. For those who needed an affordable car, but didn’t qualify for the program, this increase in price meant affordable transportation was well out of reach. It also meant used-car dealers, most of whom are independently owned, small-business owners, had little to no stock.

If this is progress, I don't want any part of it...

Dave Dubya said...

Since SF found no reason to correct or expand to my point, then we may assume my "100% positive canned answer" is the correct one.

Or...Perhaps SF alone has the correct answer and punishing us by not disclosing his secret wisdom.

I report, you decide.

Still no retraction on that false accusation, we see. Yes maybe that indicates the new "conservative character". Never apologize, even after shown to be incorrect.

Now that seems like cult thinking all the way. Or would it be simply more typical radical Right rudeness wrapped in self-righteousness?

Anonymous said...

Cash for Clunkers? Wow. Digging deep for a zero point. This from the author of a blog that never misses an opportunity to try and prove Obama is a Socialist. Proving he has no idea what a Socialist is.

Dave Dubya said...


What, still no apology? Remember when you accused me, ”Dave slinging around Hitler comparisons”>?

Why all the denial? Who did I compare to Hitler? Where was I “slinging” them around? Got evidence? Hmmm?

Instead of showing us just cause for your accusation you only added: look at your irresponsible comments


There are none that you indicated. All you do is accuse, and then run away from it. Be a man, son, and defend your words. They mean so little as they are.

So you say Hitler and Bernie Sanders are both socialists. This from Mr. “Conservatives in this country do not resemble Pinochet or Francisco Franco any more than liberals resemble Pol Pot or Chairman Mao.”

Talk about having it both ways. Sheer hypocrisy.

One can foolishly latch onto one statistic

...or better yet, be “conservative” and spout only your opinion as all the “facts” required.

The final test is...

...whatever you decide it is, right? Facts about who caused the financial collapses are not required, only righteous “conservative” dogma. FDR bad. Reagan good. Yes, we all know your indoctrination.

Dave Dubya said...


Hitler melded nationalism with his own brand of socialism indicates a fascist dictatorship, not socialism. Dictating one’s “own brand” of nationalism is not socialism at all. Hitler jailed the real socialists. I bet you didn’t know that.

From someone who was there:

“First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out.
Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out.
Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out.
And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.”

- Pastor Martin Niemoeller

Seems like Republicans go along with that program at least half way.

Did you read this part of your link? the party also added "National Socialist" to its official name, in order to appeal to both nationalists and socialists,

It was a PR gimmick because socialism was favored by most people. Guess what. Nazis lied. There really fascists, hence “National Socialism”. Did you see my example of the Peoples Democratic Republic of North Korea?

Is North Korea a democratic republic? Since labels mean everything to you, we may only surmise you do believe North Korea to be a democratic republic. I guess that’s settled, then.

And did you read this far in your link?

Initially, Nazi political strategy focused on anti-big business, anti-bourgeois, and anti-capitalist rhetoric, although such aspects were later downplayed in order to gain the support of industrial entities, and in 1930s the party's focus shifted to anti-Semitic and anti-Marxist themes


Your attempts to link liberals and progressives with fascists and communists indicates a similarity to what fascists did, They loved to label all opposition as communist, or Jewish, or whoever they could ramp up hatred and scapegoating against. .

Bernie Sanders is a socialist. Both Hitler and Mussolini claimed to be fascist. Stalin was a communist. As long as you say they are all socialists I will call your propaganda out. Your position is indefensible. And indeed you do not defend it. You can only regurgitate the wild false claims of the radical Right.

Please spare us the lunacy of Goldberg’s “Liberal Fascism”. It looks like that’s the only history book you’ve ever read.

FOX(R)/Limbaugh Dogma: liberalism that keeps people enslaved in poverty?

My response: “More cult dogma. It's the utter failure, or off-shoring of jobs, by the sacred "job creators" that puts people in poverty. High medical expenses have also forced people into poverty. Not in socialist Europe or Canada though, the darn Commies.”

Your response? Why more accusations and not an iota of anything else. Dave, you sure have the 100% positive canned answer to the failed war on poverty. A complete inability to think beyond the propaganda.

How are we ever to be enlightened if you only resort to slinging accusations? No wonder I stand correct and you do not. Your cult says “liberalism keeps people enslaved in poverty”. Forgive us the impertinence and disrespect in asking you to substantiate any of your indoctrination points. Just project “cult” back and see if it sticks.

So Napoleon, who has the “more equal’ right to free speech money in our politics? Hmm? I notice you never answer questions. But that requires facts and foolish statistics, right?

I’ll tell you who else is more equal than others. Republicans control the House even though more Americans voted for Democratic representation, by around a million votes, too. Gerrymandering pays well for the anti-democracy elites. Some representative republic eh?

Les Carpenter said...

Submit the bill strictly for relief relative Sandy without the lard on attachments and watch how fast and overwhelmingly it would pass.

But, hey, gotta have the agenda driven excesses to keep the games and divisions rolling on.

Anonymous said...

The GOP at work again to mandate state-enforced prayer:

Schools ‘May Require Recitation Of The Lord’s Prayer’ Under Indiana Bill

Indiana State Senator Dennis Kruse (R)
A state senator in Indiana introduced a bill on Thursday that would give public school districts the authority to mandate daily recitations of the Lord’s Prayer in public classrooms.
The bill, introduced on the first day of the new legislative session by Republican Senator Dennis Krause, outlines Krause’s reasoning for requiring school prayer:

“In order that each student recognize the importance of spiritual development in establishing character and becoming a good citizen, the governing body of a school corporation or the equivalent authority of a charter school may require the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer at the beginning of each school day. The prayer may be recited by a teacher, a student, or the class of students.”

Your totalitarian GOP at work.

Forcing Christian prayers in public schools on every school child whether they're Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, or nonbelievers!

Silverfiddle said...

Another ranting and raving ramble from Dave...

I have repeated over and over that European left and right of the history books has little relevance to today's American politics, yet you persist, like a raving lunatic, to hammer away at this tired subject, summing it up by calling me a fascist.

Keep it up. It's hilarious.

Dave Dubya said...

calling me a fascist

Now this is looking like paranoia, or else I'm just an ignorant and mean old cuss.

So let me get this straight. I'm an old fool, with a complete inability to think beyond the propaganda, slinging Hitler comparisons while calling you a fascist.

We duly note the symptoms of an overactive amygdala.

Anything else you'd like to add to your list of accusations? Perhaps I'm a Kenyan Marxist imposing death panels on you, too.

Silverfiddle said...

@ Dave Dubya: "Your attempts to link liberals and progressives with fascists and communists indicates a similarity to what fascists did, They loved to label all opposition as communist, or Jewish, or whoever they could ramp up hatred and scapegoating against. . "


Dave Dubya said...

You seem to believe "indicates a similarity to" to be the same as labeling, and "calling me a fascist".

You see, if you said my comment "indicates a similarity to" an old fool, I would see no reason to whine about being called an old fool. I would see that as something I may have in common, but not as the same thing. You however make no such distinctions in your accusations.

Here's how you outright accused me:

I'm an old fool, with a complete inability to think beyond the propaganda, slinging Hitler comparisons while calling you a fascist.

All false.

You are obviously thin skinned enough to believe whatever slight you care to inflate out of proportion, while openly accusing me of doing what I had not done.

If I'm such an old fool, why do you take my words so seriously and yet misinterpret them? You've mocked my words but not once rebutted them with evidence.

Yet you continue with the, "liberalism that keeps people enslaved in poverty" dogma.

This is of course demonization and scapegoating. You know who else demonized and scapegoated ethnic groups, and fellow citizens like liberals, educators, journalists and artists?

The lessons of history are there.

Now, go ahead and falsely accuse me of something again. It seems like a personal vendetta or something on your part.

It appears like you hate me and fellow liberals like other certain types hated other certain types, not to use any direct reference to you-know-whos hating you-know-who-else.

Any similarity is mere coincidence and not intended to call you a fascist.

And if you don't want to be compared to, not accused of being, a fascist, maybe you shouldn't behave like one, demonizing good people and slinging false accusations.


Silverfiddle said...

Dave: Such petty controversies could be avoided if you would learn to stay on topic.

Generations mired in poverty, trapped in lives so mired in misery and violence that they cannot see a life beyond is a mark of shame on this country.

It is easier to make money being self-employed in the average Latin American country than it is here.

I am not one to pin everything on just the dems or liberals, or progressives, but we need to look beyond what we have been doing.

It's going to take more than Obama worship to improve things.

Dave Dubya said...

"Let each state take care of itself.

liberalism that keeps people enslaved in poverty

I am not one to pin everything on just the dems or liberals"

Which of theses topics must I "learn to stay on"?

Or which of these, sir?

Generations mired in poverty, trapped in lives so mired in misery and violence that they cannot see a life beyond is a mark of shame on this country.

It is easier to make money being self-employed in the average Latin American country than it is here.

I am not one to pin everything on just the dems or liberals, or progressives, but we need to look beyond what we have been doing.

It's going to take more than Obama worship to improve things.

Silverfiddle said...

Nevermind, don't focus on any of them. I can tell you enjoy throwing rocks much more.

Have fun with yourself.

Dave Dubya said...

And thanks for the new accusation:
you enjoy throwing rocks ;-)