Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston
Monday, November 30, 2015
Christian Women and Abortion
70% of women who get abortions are Christian
Abortion Rates Highest Among Christians According To Groundbreaking Study
When it comes to anti-choice activists interfering with women's reproductive rights, there's no denying that it's mostly Christian groups trying to get Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers shut down.
From the Pro-Life Action League to the National Pro-Life Religious Council, there's an undeniable link between Christianity and anti-choice activism. That's what makes a recent survey, sponsored by a self-proclaimed pro-life group, so ironic. Planned Parenthood Sees Plenty of Christians
The newly released research, conducted by Christian research group LifeWay at the behest of pro-life group Care Net, paints a very different picture of those seeking abortions than you might imagine.
The study interviewed 1,038 women who had received an abortion. Surprisingly, a full 70 percent of these women were Christian.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Planned Parenthood Killer Apprehended
Planned Parenthood Shooting Suspect Robert Lewis Dear Apprehended
At least one police officer and two others have been killed and nearly a dozen wounded after a man reportedly armed with an AK-47 hit a Colorado Planned Parenthood. At 11:38 AM on Friday, the Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) was notified of an active shooter situation at the local Planned Parenthood clinic. According to a suspect description relayed over the police scanner, the shooter was a white man with a “white beard,” wearing a long coat and a hunting hat with flaps on the side.
The man allegedly behind the shooting was later identified as Robert Lewis Dear, 59. Over seven hours later, after the shooter had been apprehended, CSPD spokesperson Lieutenant Catherine Buckley conveyed the tragic news: one University of Colorado police officer and two civilians were dead. Several more had been injured. What occurred in the interim was a horrific, hours-long standoff between the armed man inside the clinic and police outside of it.
Robert Lewis Dear, cop killer, and hero to the Christians on the right who are praising his killing spree at Planned Parenthood.
Christian Conservatives Celebrate Colorado Planned Parenthood Shooting
by Michael Stone
Some anti-abortion Christian conservatives are celebrating the shooting at a Colorado Planned Parenthood that left three people dead and nine others injured. Calling the shooter, Robert Lewis Dear, a hero for attacking the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado, some social conservatives came out on social media to declare their support for what appears to be a terrorist attack inspired by anti-abortion propaganda promoted by the GOP and Christian conservatives. The following is a selection of depressing if not surprising social media posts praising the Planned Parenthood shooting:
Friday, November 27, 2015
Even Mainstream Republicans Are Calling Donald Trump the "F" Word.
Over the past week or so, something unusual has happened in American politics: political figures, mainstream scholars and commentators are describing a leading contender for president of the United States as a fascist. Sure, people on barstools around the country have done this forever but it’s unprecedented to see such a thing on national television and in the pages of major newspapers.
For instance, take a look at this piece by MJ Lee at CNN: [I]t it was after Trump started calling for stronger surveillance of Muslim-Americans in the aftermath of the Paris terrorist attacks that a handful of conservatives ventured to call Trump’s rhetoric something much more dangerous: fascism. […]
“Trump is a fascist. And that’s not a term I use loosely or often. But he’s earned it,” tweeted Max Boot, a conservative fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations who is advising Marco Rubio.
“Forced federal registration of US citizens, based on religious identity, is fascism. Period. Nothing else to call it,” Jeb Bush national security adviser John Noonan wrote on Twitter.
Conservative Iowa radio host Steve Deace, who has endorsed Ted Cruz, also used the “F” word last week: “If Obama proposed the same religion registry as Trump every conservative in the country would call it what it is — creeping fascism.”
Donald Trump: "A billionaire brute.
Timothy Egan at The New York Times writes about Donald Trump’s rhetoric in the race for the Republican nomination:
"Take him at his word — albeit, a worthless thing given his propensity for telling outright lies and not backing down when called on them — Donald Trump’s reign would be a police state. He has now outlined a series of measures that would make the United States an authoritarian nightmare. Trump is no longer entertaining, or diversionary. He’s a billionaire brute, his bluster getting more ominous by the day."h/t DailyKos
What does this say about the people who support Trump? Do they really not understand that forcing people to register by religion is morally as well as Constitutionally repugnant? I imagine Trump's supporters think of themselves as patriotic Americans, but do they not know American values? Laws? Decency? How can they approve of a man who suggests these abhorrent policies? Who are these thousands and thousands of people? Did they grow up here in America? They seem more foreign and contra-America than the people Trump is suggesting we surveil, register, and even monitor in their mosques.
Have Donald Trump's supporters lost their minds?
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
A special thank you to my loving family and friends who helped me through this most difficult year. I am thankful for all your support, encouragement, and love. I could not have endured my ordeal without you.
This simple passage from Bruce Weigl's poem, "Home," resonates with me; and in its simplicity, speaks to what is truly important in this life:
"I didn't know I was grateful
for such late autumn
bent-up corn fields"
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Wednesday is Trump Hump Day
Donald Trump’s dangerous, racist lies of the past few days :
Here’s a partial list of his false statements:
The United States is about to take in 250,000 Syrian refugees;
African-Americans are responsible for most white homicides;
and during the 9/11 attacks, “thousands and thousands” of people in an unnamed “Arab” community in New Jersey “were cheering as that building was coming down.”
Trump’s Lying, Racist ‘Black On White Crime’ Tweet Is Actually Neo-Nazi Propaganda
Donald Trump has had an interesting week. Just when we thought the guy couldn’t be any more of an outrageously bigoted imbecile, he goes and decides that it would “absolutely” be a good idea to have a Nazi-esque database and identification program of all Muslims living in America. And of course, for his grand, racist finale,
The Donald tweeted out an incredibly racist, and patently false, graphic that claims that most white homicide victims are killed by black people. It turns out, though, that this particular scandal isn’t over. It appears that the graphic that Trump tweeted out is not only really, really racist, and completely false — it is also neo-Nazi propaganda.
Charles Johnson, who runs the blog Little Green Footballs, went on an extensive search for the origins of the image as well as the statistics it claims come from the San Francisco Crime Statistics Bureau. It turn out that no such government outfit actually exists; however, the FBI’s correct statistics reveal that 82 percent of white people who are murdered fall victim to those of their own race; the same is true of 91 percent of black murder victims. This is simply because people tend to commit crimes close to home.
As for the racist and incorrect statistics? Well, that graphic came from a twitter account belonging to the neo-Nazi group the German Faith Movement. Their official account photo is that of a modified swastika, and the description shows that they are big fans of Adolf Hitler:
Congratulations, Donald Trump: you’ve brought Jews and Muslims together – against you.
Having lost momentum in the republican primary and having realized that his attacks against Mexicans could only get him so far with conservatives, Donald Trump thought he’d finally found the edge he needed this week to get his poll numbers climbing again: attack Muslims in such an over the top manner that republican primary voters would once again become excited at the idea of him as President. But instead the move has backfired to the point that he’s unwittingly brought Jews and Muslims together – against him.
Never forget who the people are that support this neo-fascist. They're the same folks who've smeared President Obama for the past 7 years and who cried less than 3 months into Mr. Obama's presidency "WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK!!!!!"
Never forget this is the dangerous bigot and demagogue they want to put in charge of America:
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Donald Trump: a dangerous demagogue
dem·a·gogue ˈdeməˌɡäɡ/ noun
a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.
synonyms: rabble-rouser, agitator, political agitator, soapbox orator, firebrand, fomenter, provocateur
In the Republican field, Mr. Trump has distinguished himself as fastest to dive to the bottom. If it’s a lie too vile to utter aloud, count on Mr. Trump to say it, often. It wins him airtime, and retweets through the roof. This phenomenon is in fact nothing new.
Politicians targeting minorities, foreigners or women have always existed in the culture. And every generation or so, at least one demagogue surfaces to fan those flames. [...]
This isn’t about shutting off Mr. Trump’s bullhorn. His right to spew nonsense is protected by the Constitution, but the public doesn’t need to swallow it. History teaches that failing to hold a demagogue to account is a dangerous act. It’s no easy task for journalists to interrupt Mr. Trump with the facts, but it’s an important one.
The Washington Post:
These are not random errors. All of them appeal to the basest instincts in supporters; they reinforce fears and prejudices. All of them, Mr. Trump knows by now even if he did not know when he first stated them, are false, but he does not care.
The amplification of the lies is accompanied by growing intolerance in his campaign, with Mr. Trump praising supporters for beating a protestor, crudely denigrating anyone who challenges him and penning reporters into designated zones so that they cannot speak with his followers.
And all of this matches the brutality of his policies: mass deportation of longtime U.S. residents, torture of foreign detainees, expulsion even of refugees who are here legally .
The New Jersey Star-Ledger:
Donald Trump must apologize to Muslim Americans and to Jersey City for his untrue, divisive and reprehensible comments perpetuating an old rumor we thought had rightly died.
By repeating – and indeed embellishing – this hateful rumor, Trump once again ratchets up the ugliness in the current political climate.
Thousands and thousands of people in Jersey City did not cheer the destruction of the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. Period. End of story. There is no need to continue to "fact check'' his words.
Damon Linker at The Week:
In its nativism and xenophobia, in its willingness to use inflammatory, demonizing rhetoric against minorities, in its deployment of demagogic lies to whip up and mobilize populist fury and whet appetites for Blackshirt-style political violence — in all of these ways, the Trump campaign (along with its opportunistic imitators) is undeniably toying with fascism, as some commentators are beginning to recognize. And most distressingly of all, an alarmingly large number of Americans appears to approve of the organized illiberalism.
h/t DailyKos
The far right's flirtation with Donald Trump, a dangerous demagogue, has gone on long enough. When will sensible people say NO MORE! No more to Trump's divisiveness, to his lies, and no more of his brownshirt tactics.
His supporters are responsible for sustaining his lead in the polls. What they don't understand, or will not face, is that America will not choose him to lead this country. A great many of us believe we will not turn this country over to a man who is not fit for anything except as a teevee entertainer. What we're seeing is Trump's support coming from frightened, ignorant, and vengeful people.
Monday, November 23, 2015
"On Hate in America"
From my friend, Leslie Parsley's blog, Parsley's Pics, published November 22, 2013:
Ralph McGill Reflects on Hate in America
"A young President, husband, father, now done savagely and pitilessly to death, is the latest harvest of psychopathic hate. Before we mourn, it seems necessary that the nation comprehend the fact that hate, whether of the extreme left or right, can destroy not merely the chief of state, but the state itself. By one of those odd coincidences of history, the President was shot in the week of the 100th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address. This President, himself so soon to die by an assassin's bullet, reminded us that it is we, the living, who must dedicate ourselves to democracy and truth. . . .
The first suspect was a typical product of the factories of hate. He is American born and bred. That he is a psychopathically disturbed young man is evident from his actions and his record. He had served his country in the armed forces. He had quit his country for Russia. He had become disillusioned with communism. Back in his own native land he swung over to one of the pro-Castro groups.
There were other evidences of hate, bitter, deep and irrational. When news of the shooting came and later that of the death of the President, some of the Southern newspapers received anonymous cheering calls, saying, "So they shot the Negro lover. Good for whoever did it." .
...For some years now the more vocal extremists, left and right, have directly or indirectly encouraged violence and defiance of federal authority. This has included evangelists, heads of organizations dedicated to defying the U.S. Supreme Court ruling against racial discrimination, and groups both anti-Semitic and anti-Negro. Some of their leaders have been careful to avoid open incitement of violence, but that their words and their own expression of hate directed at their government and their President inspired those whose disturbed minds tend toward criminal action is supported by evidence."
McGill then recalls the acts of violence that had occurred since the Little Rock riots - the night of rioting at Oxford, Miss., the sniper fire that killed an NAACP official, and the murder of four innocent children in the dynamiting of a Birmingham church. "
. . . . We have grown used to seeing in newspaper pictures and on television the hate-twisted faces of young men and women and adults crying out the most violent threats and expressing a virulence of venom against their country and its authority. All of these are pieces of the mosaic of hate that has poisoned this country. . . . One can only wonder in what furnace this hate-distorted mind has been fired and one asks, too, how many men in our country are secretly planning violence and death. It has been increasingly plain that there are American men and women who no longer feel any love for their country. They have withdrawn in hate."
"Hey obama !
Most of us know what a pathetic liar you are, what an imbecile you are and what an enemy of true Americans (of any color) you are. Seriously, I might have an ounce of respect for you if you came out and told us how you intend to do America/Americans harm day after day.
Know that the only people who supprt[sic] you are Losers. Just like you who have never worked an honest day in their life and exist only to demand free stuff from productive people who will eventually disappear and leave you and yours in a wasteland of libtard, black aggression, moslem agression[sic] shit holes.
At least you will all end up with what you deserve.
You're pathetic. I can't wait until you are back in private life trying to rewrite history like every other POS democrat president in history."
"Conservatives need to stop laying[sic] down. People who are not interested in this lifestyle need to stop laying[sic] down. And here's a tip for any lib progressives. No one has to like you. No one has to like LGBT people. No one has to like or even accept moslem vermin. Got a problem with that?"
From PM Carpenter's blog - right wing populism in 2 minutes, 24 seconds:
Sunday, November 22, 2015
November 22, 2015: We Have Learned Nothing.
Fifty-two years ago today, John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, at the age of 46, was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
Here's what was distributed in the Dallas area on the days that preceded his visit to that fateful city on November 22, 1963:
Fifty-two years later, we've learned nothing and we've not progressed past the sort of murderous hatreds that killed the young president and left his wife a widow and his two young children fatherless.
A few days ago, a far right blog featured a comment by one of its favored commenters that said this about the current Democratic President of the United States:
Every time O opens his mouth, he makes himself less and less believable. He is the laughing stock
of the world…………and so are we for having elected him! For the free world to have any chance of survival, we need to get rid of him NOW, and being as we “can’t” impeach him, then a hit man, whatever… life in exchange for the rest of the world would be a bargain. I know what that sounds like and can hardly believe I’m saying it, but given the thousands who have been killed and millions who have been displaced, his death would be nothing. Also, the stronger ISIS gets, the more nuts will join around the world because it encourages them.
You have to believe this has been considered in some circles in D.C., perhaps even the CIA or our military? But if it did happen,
- Mal says:November 19, 2015 at 10:34 am(to finish the above…sorry!) it would make him a Martyr and they would make him like Martin Luther King and name streets after him!
Kid says:
November 19, 2015 at 10:35 amMal, do you really want barack hussein obama boulevards and buildings and schools all over America? ;-)Kid says:
November 19, 2015 at 10:35 amI’d rather see a military coup. Take him and biden and toss them out on their ears. Put Ryan in for the next 14 months
What is in the heart of people who are so consumed with roiling hatred that they wish to murder our current president and leave his wife a widow and his two daughters fatherless? Where are the people of good will to say STOP! ENOUGH! Are they, too, so filled with poisonous hatred that they would advocate committing treason against their own country, the United States? It appears that they are, since the comment went unchallenged and was left standing .
Scurrilous cowards.
Fifty-two years ago ignorance, hatred, and spite killed a U.S. president. Thankfully, these past 7 years, the Secret Service has been able to thwart the many threats to President Obama's life, but that doesn't deter treacherous villains from expressing their desire to see President Obama murdered. These are the same people who fear that Muslims and Islam will destroy our way of life. Meanwhile it is they who hope for and plot the murder of our American president, an unspeakable crime that would plunge our country into chaos. Are they really that stupid to not understand this?
Fifty-two years later, we have learned nothing, except, perhaps, who is our real enemy.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Calling for the death of our American president is...
a federal offense. But the "good Americans" doing so believe it is Mr. Obama who is engaging in treason, not them, even as they wish for him to be murdered,.
These people are irrational and dangerous. These people are the same people who support Donald Trump, y'know, the candidate who would shut down mosques and require American Muslims to sign into a data base registry -- so that Trump's government will know who and where they are.
The blog comment on murdering President Obama is below. I've passed it and the blog's name onto the FBI and to
We believe in free speech, but free speech has its limits, and one of them is when a treasonous group of people advocate for the murder, by a hit man, no less, of our duly elected American president.
Mal says:
Every time O opens his mouth, he makes himself less and less believable. He is the laughing stock
of the world…………and so are we for having elected him! For the free world to have any chance of survival, we need to get rid of him NOW, and being as we “can’t” impeach him, then a hit man, whatever… life in exchange for the rest of the world would be a bargain. I know what that sounds like and can hardly believe I’m saying it, but given the thousands who have been killed and millions who have been displaced, his death would be nothing.
Federal and State Laws
A federal law makes it a crime to threaten to hurt someone else if the threat is made through "interstate commerce." Generally, that covers any threat sent through the US Postal Service, e-mail, or otherwise over the Internet. Many states have similar laws. A person convicted of committing this crime may be fined, sent to jail, or both.
As you can see, cyber threats are serious business.
- Mal says:(to finish the above…sorry!) it would make him a Martyr and they would make him like Martin Luther King and name streets after him!
- Mal, do you really want barack hussein obama boulevards and buildings and schools all over America? ;-)
- I’d rather see a military coup. Take him and biden and toss them out on their ears. Put Ryan in for the next 14 months
Threatening the President of the United States is a class E felony under United States Code Title 18, Section 871. The offense is punishable by up to 5 years in prison, a $250,000 maximum fine, a $100 special assessment, and 3 years of supervised release. Internet restrictions such as a prohibition on access to email have been imposed on offenders who made their threats by computer. The U.S. Sentencing Guidelines set a base offense level of 12 for sending threatening communication, but when a threat to the President is involved, a 6-level "official victim" enhancement applies. Moreover, "an upward departure may be warranted due to the potential disruption of the governmental function
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit held that a threat was knowingly made if the maker comprehended the meaning of the words uttered by him. It was willingly made, if in addition to comprehending the meaning of his words, the maker voluntarily and intentionally uttered them as a declaration of apparent determination to carry them into execution.
Other cases
Courts have held that a person is guilty of the offense if certain criteria are met. Specifically, he must intentionally make a threat in a context, and under such circumstances, that a reasonable person would foresee that the statement would be interpreted by persons hearing or reading it as a serious expression of an intention to harm the President. The statement must also not be the result of mistake, duress or coercion. A true threat is a serious threat and not words uttered as a mere political argument, idle talk, or jest.
The standard definition of a true threat does not require actual subjective intent to carry out the threat.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit held that a threat was knowingly made if the maker comprehended the meaning of the words uttered by him. It was willingly made, if in addition to comprehending the meaning of his words, the maker voluntarily and intentionally uttered them as a declaration of apparent determination to carry them into execution.
Other cases
Courts have held that a person is guilty of the offense if certain criteria are met. Specifically, he must intentionally make a threat in a context, and under such circumstances, that a reasonable person would foresee that the statement would be interpreted by persons hearing or reading it as a serious expression of an intention to harm the President. The statement must also not be the result of mistake, duress or coercion. A true threat is a serious threat and not words uttered as a mere political argument, idle talk, or jest.
The standard definition of a true threat does not require actual subjective intent to carry out the threat.
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Friday, November 20, 2015
This is the thread from the blog that published the death threat to President Obama
58 Responses to Christians; OK. Muslims: Stay Home
- The acceptance of refugees, the determination of refugee status, has long been predicated on whether the applicant was threatened existentially because of religious or political beliefs.
Christians (and the few Jews left) in Islamic countries meet that criteria long before others.
If you need to meet a quota of relief, the Christian refugee historically has presented the least threat to a host country, and the most proof of religious persecution, so it seems that should be a primary filter. bocopro says:
At one time, Christians were some dangerous dudes, but they grew up and got over it. Islam hasn’t yet seen any need for reformation.An in-depth check (and the lists are easily searchable) of all terrorist acts involving deaths of multiple innocents across the globe in the past 25 years reveals absolutely ZERO staged and committed by Christians. In fact, nearly ALL have been organized and performed by al Qaeda, Abu Sayyef, ISIS, and self-radicalized Muslim males. Saddam Hussein and Bashir al Assad have caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of their own people simply for disagreeing with them. And the worst of the lot is Boko Haram.No Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Shinto, or even atheist bombings involving massive loss of life . . . only Islam associated events. Couldn’t find any beheadings by Baptists or Presbyterians either, only Muslims.- Get ready for the executive order to open the floodgates so as to admit the Trojan Horse.
- If we insist on taking people in from that region, it should be exclusively Christians and other religious minorities, because they are besieged at every turn in that region. The Muslims who are escaping the chaos fit in religiously, culturally and linguistically in many other countries of the region.
- I don’t want any moslems here. islam has nothing in common with a free society. They will never integrate and always be a drain and a threat Has anyone heard even one of them call out to the rest to stop the violence ?
They won’t be employable. We’ll be paying everything for them just like the Koran tells them to do – Infidels will pay their way. Aside from that, It would be cheaper to build refugee camps somewhere in the ME where they belong. And most of them won’t be from syria or be refugees, They’re Invaders ! - If Obama was really more concerned with refugees truly needing help, he’d be picking Christians to come first; they’re the ones who are being killed for their religion.So, since he thinks America’s “better than that” and we welcome all religions, when the precedent is clearly not that, and he clearly doesn’t care more about the CHristians, what can we believe about his motivation? :)
- I believe obama is helping his brothers with their Caliphate. Remember the Le Pen comment about EU being subservient to the USA or something to that affect. It makes me wonder how much influence obama may have had on the EU countries taking in the vermin…
- It’s what Kid said above, O’Boy is helping to establish a Caliphate here in America to help him further destroy our once proud country. It’s part of his ‘remaking’ of America. I said it before, I’ll say it again, SHAME ON EVERYONE WHO VOTED FOR THIS MONSTER!!! (Sorry, not shouting at you, just the wickedness that allows this to go on).
- If Kid is suggesting that Obama has influence over EU member states, I have to disagree. His first European tour was extremely popular primarily because he bludgeoned his own nation from the capitals of Europe. The Europeans ate it up. But it wasn’t long before most of the European states (and all of the Islamic states) understood what a complete buffoon Obama is … and rather than being someone to fear, or someone to listen to, they leaned that he is someone to laugh at and take advantage of. Of course, knowing this, American voters reelected him in 2012.
No, I think the EU has had a globalist mindset since around 1947, and notice too what a wonderful fit that is with socialism. Obama, as it turns out, is following behind the EU states as a puppy would follow its mother. He is doing the will of George Soros in establishing global socialism, and he is doing the will of the moon god by increasing the population of Moslems living in America: his share of a global invasion.I do not think that we should exercise a religious test over whether or not someone is admitted to the USA on the basis of humanitarian concerns. There must be a security test, however, and also questions regarding the suitability of admitting people whose culture prohibits them from assimilating the norms of any other society. No one should be here if they hate what we stand for; if they hate what we stand for then that fact should neutralize any humanitarian concerns. Who in their right mind will bite the hand that feeds them?Meanwhile, European citizens continue to come to the USA without the screening associated with visas. This would include Abu Ibn Killin whose citizenship is Belgian, whose religion is radical, and whose expertise is chemistry. - Every time O opens his mouth, he makes himself less and less believable. He is the laughing stock
of the world…………and so are we for having elected him! For the free world to have any chance of survival, we need to get rid of him NOW, and being as we “can’t” impeach him, then a hit man, whatever… life in exchange for the rest of the world would be a bargain. I know what that sounds like and can hardly believe I’m saying it, but given the thousands who have been killed and millions who have been displaced, his death would be nothing. Also, the stronger ISIS gets, the more nuts will join around the world because it encourages them.
You have to believe this has been considered in some circles in D.C., perhaps even the CIA or our military? But if it did happen, - (to finish the above…sorry!) it would make him a Martyr and they would make him like Martin Luther King and name streets after him!
- Mal, do you really want barack hussein obama boulevards and buildings and schools all over America? ;-)
- I’d rather see a military coup. Take him and biden and toss them out on their ears. Put Ryan in for the next 14 months
Imp says:
House defies Obama, votes to ‘pause’ Syrian refugeesThe 289-137 vote saw 47 Democrats join Republicans, defying a veto threat from Mr. Obama, who has grown increasingly strident in accusing his critics of everything from hysteria to Islamophobia.But his victorious critics said he himself is to blame for having repeatedly betrayed the country’s trust on security issues, including a lax policy on immigration enforcement and mistakenly blaming an anti-Islam film rather than terrorists for the 2012 Benghazi attack that killed America’s ambassador to Libya.“The American public has very little faith in this administration,” Rep. Ken Buck, Colorado Republican, told administration officials who were on Capitol Hill to try to sway lawmakers just ahead of the vote.No kidding.- No, Kid. God forbid they name streets or buildings after him but that’s what probably would happen should he meet his demise. But I really doubt he would be enshrined after long consideration of the damage he has wreaked upon the world. But we can dream, can’t we?
- Yes we can Mal. I just noticed the New York Post says obama should lead or resign. Having him go out as a confirmed failure is something anyway.
- Mustang, today, a religious test IS a safety test.ALL: I don’t want any talk about assassinations or anything even close to that here. Ever.
Thanks. We start to sound like leftwingers full of glee for Tony Snow’s death…. or when Cheney has a heart problem. We don’t do that here. Thanks very much.The NY Post is conservative….I wish it was the Washington Post that said he should go! :-) Imp says:
The true facts …Ben Shapiro breaks it down into numbers that we can easily understand islam and it’s massive threat and forces.Imp says:
The notion that the problem is “radical Islam”. Unfortunately, there really is no such thing as “radical” Islam.There is only “Islam”. The more you ascribe to its tenets the more radical and violent you become. One need but only glance at the Qur’an to see that this is indeed the case.The line we must cross, if 21st Century Western civilization is to have a chance at surviving, is to equate Islam with the other nihilist black holes we’ve faced, such as Naziism. Pretending that mainstream Islam is no more dangerous than mainstream Christianity, Judaism or Buddhism is like walking across a pit of rattlesnakes, hoping they won’t do what rattlesnakes were born to do.- IMP, Yea, I’d say the moslems inventred the term radical islam. Like a magician’s trick, Look over here at the atrocities while the rest of us move in, breed you out and impose sharia law. And make you pay for it. Disgusting. I want them all gone.
- Good luck with that, Kid!
In the meantime, I’m hearing from CNN News reporters ducking the SYrian bombings that Syrians are starting to blame ISIS for the constant bombings, and their having to leave Syria…….exactly what I blogged about months ago re ISIS: that this kind of barrage is going to backfire on ISIS. Imp says:
@Kid…It’s a “religion” with as much adherence to peace as Nazism was…they are one and the same. This a political movement and cult that masquerades as a “religion”. If your “religion” is based on murder, genocide, torture, slavery, conquest, murder of innocent civilians and domination…it’s hardly a “religion”.We should attack and defeat Islam as we did to those who were Shintu devotees of an “Emperor / god or fascism as Hitler and Germany practiced it for 25 years before it was obliterated and Europe destroyed in the process. It is a cancer that threatens all of humanity. And unless we start closing down and infiltrating their command and war planning centers…mosques…we will never be safe from it’s evil.To me…that equates to Zero Muslims. Or hang an ankle bracelet tracker on all of them.But to some…that may seem…”Harsh”.- Z, Yea, I know it will never happen.
I don’t consider anything that happens between moslem factions to have any bearing on the future of civilization in a positive light. The cockroaches have been at it 1400 years now and it has only gotten worse and has spread to our mostly civilized environments and has been turnign them into hellholes. - IMP, Yes, it is not a religion. It’s high time we define religion like we recently defined “Planets” and removed Pluto from the club. Let me take a quick stab – A “Religion” must serve the entire community with acts of giving and support,of the needy, hospital/medical services, funeral services, faith services for Any who wich to attend or are in need of.islamfails on all counts. You are not invited into their mosque, they don’t have hospitals or provide services of any kind to the needy of all faiths, Boom, done. You’re not a religion. We don’t recoginize you as a religion, we disrecognize CAIR, we are taking away your tax exempt status and we will deport you for trying to practice sharia law. Then maybe we start getting somewhere.
Imp says:
@Kid…get this. Hollande just called on his EU partners to join with him to eliminate the safe havens ISIS enjoys in Iraq and Syria. Now…what do you find asinine and bullshmidt about that statement?Fire away.- IMP! “Now…what do you find asinine and bullshmidt about that statement?”Everything? It’s as ainine as our imbecile in chief saying “ISIS is contained” – While trying to Import them into the US !Plus eliminate their safe haven in Iraq and Syria, and they’ll simply relocated to Europe ! Wow. Almost the pinnacle of stupidity. (I’m sure they can get more stupid yet.)
Imp says:
Yup….Get them out of France, Belgium, GB, Germany, Netherlands, Holland, Sweden…where they have their safe havens…..but he’s going to let 30K more in right? What a complete douchebag…they all are. Ovomit, Merkel, Hollande, Klinton….jeezuz…the list is endless.- Even more mind boggling to me is the news item I happened to see while eating dinner in front of a TV. An interview with the leader of one of the French SWAT teams who happened to be assigned to the mass murder at a French Cafe.The people in the cafe are being shot at by some vermin with an AK-47, then they cut away to video of the SWAT guys suiting up and then studying a map of the interior of the Cafe.. while the people are being shot at. No where during this glowing expose on the brave SWAT guys did anyone ask, Gee would it have been helpful if the inhabidents of teh Cafre were armed and shooting back?It literally causes pain in my head to think that people should actually believe they should be disarmed in this environment. Literal pain.
Imp says:
Kid…the reason being…”you see if we have a civilian or two firing back, we won’t know who the bad guy is…( dressed in black, with a mask, with a vest, with camo, with an AK or an M4, shouting alla snakbar, reloading a 30 round mag )….yea while the poor schlub with a 380 is on the floor firing back?- It is almost comical to watch the leaders of these countries respond to these situations that their liberal disarmed policies force them to completely and totally incompetently deal with. Hundreds of their citizens are murdered by moslem vermin and their response is that they must import more moslem vermin and then even further disallow or hamper their citizens abilities to defend themselves. Well, comical in one sense and unbelievably disgusting in another.
I find it amazing 10 or 20 people at a soccer match don’t swarm Hollande and (because of Z’s blog policies) pursuade him to take another tact. - IMP, I don’t think it even goes that far. These people are so far committed to their disamed stance, they refuse to believe that anyone who wishes can arm themselves and do this wort of thing. Sacre Blue! What an anomoly these criminals were armed – how did this happen, we must prevent this. And of course they can’t prevent it anymore than America can prevent 12 year old girls from getting heroin on the street anywhere in America.
They don’t want them armed for the same reason politicians in this country don’t want anyone armed. They fear for their own safety because they know what POSs they are. Imp says:
Just bought an XD 9….my 5th acquisition and addition to my armory.- I’m not sure what getting rid of safe havens is a bad thing when it means bombing them…which Hollande is doing.Some of your conclusions are a little hard to buy because they don’t take into consideration the place or the laws there. We, too, are not allowed to have guns in a restaurant in many places….
It’s like Europeans laughing at America for not having totally nude shower shots in soap ads……’s just not our values. It’s like we have guns and it’s something they haven’t had to worry about … suddenly, they’re supposed to gun up and act American?I stand by the amazing French cops, who are largely military, by the way, and the fact that I felt far safer there than I ever have here, not that I feel fearful here. - IMP, I like the Springfield Armory XD’s – the safety system. Grip it and rip it. I have not had a single problem with mine. I have the .40, and the next one will be a short .45 for CCW.
- Z, My friend has a CCW, carries everywhere we have gone. Restaurants, shops, etc. Of course Ohio also has Open Carry. I could carry openly but would probably make a lot of people nervous so I don’t, but I will soon be concealed carry with all that’s going on and there will be very few places I won’t be allowed to carry into. I may avoid those places as mass murder happens in gun free zones.Finally, when death is moments away for you, cops are only minutes away.
- Z, I don’t see being personally attacked as a high percentage bet, but IF I’m attacked, I want a reasonable way to defend myself. A 45 with lots of rounds in the magazine is attractive. Beside that – if Everyone was armed, do you not think the vermin would take some serious pause before going to a public place and pulling the trigger ?This is the same as MAD – Mutually Assured Destruction logic that kept the cold war cold. If everyone is armed, the vermin would not be doing this kind of violence. I triple guarantee you.
- Kid, it’s not that I don’t understand we can shoot faster than we can call a cop, believe me.l know people who have concealed carry here in L.A….and some who don’t but wear them down their cowboy boots, for instance…and have for YEARS! My sis’s dad-in-law, a dentist, has had a gun tucked into his boots forever.All I’m trying to say is that the Europeans haven’t had to face much of what we have here….no Columbine, etc…or at least VERY little of that…they just haven’t had as many Sandy Hooks, etc….
I think Paris might wake them up but I wouldn’t hold my breath. Imp says:
@Z..”some who don’t but wear them down their cowboy boots, for instance…and have for YEARS! My sis’s dad-in-law, a dentist, has had a gun tucked into his boots forever.”Dear Lady..and if they get caught or use them without a permit…they’re going to jail. 3 years ago CA had open carry too. Now…with moonbeam…that freedom is gone too.- Dear Imp, he wears his gun whether the governor likes it or not.
Imp says:
Send a letter of Thanks to Vlad Putin for having the guts to MOAB those ISIS scum…I’m just wondering why he’s been a little restrained?Imp says:
Dear Z….I like that. One should never need permission from a wog hack pol either. The second amendment is the only permit needed.- Of course we should allow Christans first . Of course not all Muslims are vermin ,
but I can’t be 100% sure
I came across this video. Pretty profound
Imp says:
This one will warm your hearts… will.A group of 400 U.S. servicemen stationed in Ireland received an unexpected surprise while eating lunch at an airport.Los Angeles-based philanthropist Shlomo Rechnitz was on his way to Israel with his family when he spotted the servicemen eating standard bagged lunches, while other passengers ate at trendy restaurants. Rechnitz went straight to the commander, insisting he pay for all the servicemen to get lunch wherever they wanted.The commander asked why.In a video captured of the event, Rechnitz explained exactly what prompted his generosity.“The reason is that … you guys risk your lives to protect me and my family,” Rechnitz tells the crowd of servicemembers. “If I get to go out and see a whole bunch of Army soldiers and Marines. That’s something that makes me proud. I’m on my way to Israel actually now. I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.”“I’ll take it off my taxes, don’t worry,” he added.The servicemen applauded.- Imp the chilling thing about that ISIS video is they have actual Times Square footage on it .Not that surprising but chilling just the same
- M & M analogy.M & M s are wonderful candy.
You’re given a bowl of a thousand.
You say thanks,
The giver says one of the thousand is laced with poison.How valuable is that bowl of a thousand to you now? - Obama says we shouldn’t vet Syrians based on religion.
I just heard a guy say that Lois Lerner didn’t have a problem with a religious test. - I like that analogy, too. And I’m sure I will use it some time in the future, also.
jerrydablade says:
Ed, your example fails to take into account the homeland is more at risk from home grown Tea (BLOG EDIT)s, at least according to this administration. Great discussion, Z. As for the Christian refugees, let the predominantly Christian Middle East countries take them in…Baysider says:
Love the M&M Ed!
We can cross Mali off the list now.
I’m at the point of ‘no refugees’ until we have a way to sort out clearly who is who – which may be never.- Baysider; I’m 100% with you on this. For the Lefties to keep saying “It’s not WHO WE ARE” to not allow possible trouble into our country is despicable. And for Obama to have said “What about the tourists who come in every year?” as if we all hear how many tourists are causing terror?? (none)I think of all the jobs taken from American workers, too…and all the huge amount of money we could be spending on American poor but now we’ll have to support the poor of other places?I hate to say O’Riley was correct but he is: Let NATO worry about it…have them build areas in Syria, etc., and have NATO soldiers keeping those people fed and safe. They’d be happier being at home, and the world would be better off.I have a heart for the desperation of many of them, but the thought that their young men won’t stay and fight but expect OURS TO? Are they NUTS?NATO…let NATO do something really good for a change.
- Agree with your last comment Z, except for the taking of jobs. None of these vermin are going to be taking our jobs, they’re only going to be taking our money. Our hard earned money.
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