Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, September 18, 2020

Non-Cultist Conservative, David Frum

Frum's informed opinion, plus a warning about how the Republicans will cheat and commit fraud in this election, and the military's alarm. 

Like Trump, what's left of the GOP is a cadre of malevolent cheating anti-Americans who are hellbent on keeping a corrupt regime in power:

FRUM: "One of the perverse consequences of the MSM horror at Trump is that they have spent 3 1/2 years in terrified over-estimate of Trump's political strength and anguished poking at Democratic weaknesses.

Day in, day out, for nearly 4 years, Trump has been the most unpopular first-term president in the history of opinion pollin The anti-Trump ceiling has been as hard and unyielding as the pro-Trump floor - and a lot bigger. And that was *before* Trump drove US society and the US economy into the worst catastrophe since the Great Depression. 

We're dealing with probabilities of course, not certainties. But in 2020, it's much less probable that Trump repeats his fluke win of 2016 than that the whole ball game is over by 10 pm, with Florida called for Biden and the Senate already Blue after Collins and Tillis lose. 

The fact that 40% of Americans tolerated Trump's wrongdoing -and that so many GOP leaders actively connived at it - will remain a huge ethical and political problem for US society. But it's not a basis for a presidential victory in a high turnout year."

Trump in 2016 got a little more of the vote than Michael Dukakis in 1988. In 2020, Trump will probably get a smaller share of the vote than Dukakis did. 

Freakish as the Electoral College is, there's a limit on its ability to produce negative miracles for electoral minorities."

We all remember the rug being pulled out from us in 2016 and know all too well that it could happen again in  Florida, where the voting machines have been revealed to contain malware that erased every 10th vote. 

Far too many Republicans would go to jail if they lose, so they aren’t going allow a fair election.

Be aware:


Dave Miller said...

I particularly am incensed by the mask story. The Trump Admin nixed a plan to send a package of reusable masks to every address in the United States. Why? Because they thought send Americans masks would lead to a panic.

So instead of going on TV to explain that masks can help us win the war against the virus, and sending the masks out, the admin chose instead the death of thousands. What great leadership. What sane person would chose that route?

Shaw Kenawe said...


It's beginning to make sense -- Trump's hideously wrong actions on the Covid-19 pandemic:

He didn't want to "play-up" the danger because that would mean he and his administration would be responsible for setting out a plan to save as many lives as possible.

We know Trump and the administration got rid of President Obama's pandemic response plan, which left America unprepared and woefully underequipped to deal with Covid-19. And we've not recovered from that fatal beginning mistake on Trump's part.

The mask story IMO is about not wanting to "play-up" how dangerous the virus is, because then, again, he and his administration would be responsible for setting out a plan to save as many lives as possible, which makes the withholding of the masks even more bizarre.

I've called Covid-19 Trump's Waterloo. I believe that's exactly what it is. He and his lackeys were so convinced that coasting on the economy would hand him an easy re-election and so they did everything wrong ("playing it down") so as to keep the pandemic's lethality from spoiling that plan. Trump and his administration sacrificed American lives for his re-election.

Here's how history reports Napoleon and his Waterloo:

"The French loss at Waterloo was a direct result of Napoleon's own leadership blunders and inferior methods of warfare.

A second argument claims that Napoleon was defeated mainly due to the superior strategy and tactics of his enemies, the Prussians and Anglo-Allies."

Applying this explanation to Trump, substitute, "inferior methods of warfare" with "playing down the lethality of Covid-19 and an inferior response to the virus."

And secondly, also substitute "due to the superior strategy and tactics of his enemies" for "Covid-19" as Trump's enemy because Covid-19 didn't care about Trump's politics and is an equal opportunity killer in red states and blue states.

So there's the comparison IMO of Trump's defeat by Covid-19 to Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo.

Infidel753 said...

substitute "due to the superior strategy and tactics of his enemies" for "Covid-19" as Trump's enemy

It figures Trump would be outsmarted by a submicroscopic particle of RNA and protein without even the remotest approximation of a brain.

BB-Idaho said...

The Very Stable Genius has taken the US to new lows in
world opinion ,
Small wonder he wants to "Lock Him Up" when he
mentions the name of his predecessor. IMO, the circus of horrors will continue until the first GOP Senator arises from the muck and gets a standing ovation from
the others..a remake of the Joe McCarthy fall. And like Bonaparte, He can strut the rocky shore of St. Helena.

Howard Brazee said...

Some of my fear is that the environment for creating a populist president still remains. We may get a competent populist fascist next time.

People still believe Washington is corrupt. People still don't believe in a better future for themselves and their children.

Dervish Z Sanders said...

"I've called Covid-19 Trump's Waterloo. I believe that's exactly what it is".

On one hand he's now a know quantity. And (everyone paying attention) knows he has done an extremely bad job. So he should lose all the votes from people who "took a chance" on him the last time. On the other hand he has control of the levers of government he can use to cheat much more than before. Before it was Russian collusion and the usual republican voter suppression and election fraud. Now it's that PLUS everything the administration is doing to cheat. He absolutely could still "win".