Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Rick Wilson: For The Debate Tonight


Not only for the spin before and after, but for every Trump utterance on stage, remember the Rules of MAGA: 

 Every accusation is a confession. 

 Every denial is a full confession of guilt. 

 Every claim of evil is projection. 

 Every boast of strength is an admission of failure. 

 Every fact is subject to Trump’s sole interpretation. 

 Every law is a conspiracy against Trump. 

 Every anecdote is pure fiction. 

 Every casual cruelty and crazed conspiracy leads deeper into more cruelty and conspiracy. 

 Every word is a lie, every lie is a promise of betrayal. 

 Every person or group Trump claims to stand for, he loathes. 


Everything Trump Touches Dies.


Anonymous said...

Death Awaits the American Experiment in Democratic Self Rule. If Trump Is Returned to Power, and, Is Given the Senate and House.

2024 could very well usher in an era of American Authoritarianism under MAGA Fuhrer Trump.

Dave Dubya said...

My Debate Predictions:

There will be no handshake.

Trump will LIE. (Duh!)

Trump will rant about "Marxist, radical left, Communist Democrats".

Trump will say, "fake news", "rigged" and "not fair".

Trump will attack the moderators.

Trump will leave the podium and aggressively approach Biden.

Trump will interrupt Biden.

Trump will yell while his mic is muted.

50/50: Trump will walk out.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Of course no matter what happens Trump and his army of deluded fools will declare victory. I look for Biden to do quite well. I have a feeling some of his slow walks are a ruse and he will come out looking the the far more fit physically and mentally. Be interesting to see if the moderators have the courage to shut Trump's mic off when he goes on his lying rants.

skudrunner said...

Biden will come out ahead in the debate because the evil one is being restricted to being a human being and not dominating the stage which he is good at. The format that the trump team agreed to makes it not a debate but a campaign event.

If joey remains upright and can stay awake he will win. Regardless of the answers and accusations the media will declare biden a clear winner. This debate will not change trumpers or bideners minds and may sway some thinking individuals, that's independents for you yellow dogs, as to which way to vote or to not vote at all.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous, Dave D., JoBama, skud,

I have no predictions for tonight's "debate." It's NOT a debate, btw, since the rules of debating are never followed.

Tonight will be a chance for CNN to get a gazillion viewers, we'll learn nothing, and Trump will declare victory even though he's incapable of cogent thoughts.

I'm not sure I'll even waste my time watching.

I think Biden made a mistake agreeing to "debate" and share the same stage as a convicted felon.

In any other sane country Trump would be persona non-gratis. And rightfully so.

This country has lost its mind for even considering having a convicted felon/rapist/tax fraudster as a candidate for POTUS.

We are in a very, very dark era.

Shaw Kenawe said...

non-grata! not non-gratis!

Anonymous said...

We are living in a deepening degenerate age in America. Largely if not entirely due to Christian Nationalism, neo-Nazism, and the authoritarian directed MAGA ruse.

America's psyche is indeed growing darker the longer Trump and MAGA are given legitimacy by the legitimate media and the courts.

Paula said...

Biden needs to say during debate: "Tragic as it is that a convicted FELON is running for the highest office in our country but the FACT that he's also a convicted SEX ABUSER of women and is proud that he overturned Roe V Wade. Well, just think think about that when you vote."

R.D. said...

"Does your probation officer know you're here?" Is the first question Biden should ask Trump tonight at the debate.

Joe Conservative said...

Tonight isn't going to be a debate, it's going to be an presidential acid trip, with Biden micro-dosing off-camera between questions to remain alert. Mt prediction? We won't see Biden for 3 days afterwards, as he "recovers" from his Thursday micro-dosed macro-dosing.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said... "Tonight isn't going to be a debate, it's going to be an presidential acid trip, with Biden micro-dosing off-camera between questions to remain alert. Mt prediction? We won't see Biden for 3 days afterwards, as he "recovers" from his Thursday micro-dosed macro-dosing."

Joe, for Goddess' sake! Lay off the funny 'shrooms!

Dave Dubya said...

Joe Con is a hoot. He probably knows as much about psychedelics as he does neurobiology or psychology.

For instance, does he know MRIs show authoritarian personalities, aka conservatives, have enlarged and overactive amygdalas? Does he even know what an amygdala is?

It's the primitive "reptilian" part of the brain that activates the fight or flight response.

They are essentially fearful and suspicious creatures, terrified of whatever or whomever they don't understand. They deeply FEAR being "replaced" by POC. They FEAR drag queens!

Of course the authoritarian ego is full of itself. They are self-deluded into BELIEVING they have ALL the answers. Just ask them. (They typically won't answer, which proves my point.)

Like their malevolent mendacious messiah, they think they're the experts on everything. They "do their own research", but ONLY at pro-Trump propaganda outlets and Q-Anon.

"Nobody knows more than I do", declares their Felonious Fuhrer on every subject. This is the Dunning/Kruger effect that crowns their delusional arrogance.

I'll suggest another thing Joe Con FEARS. LSD and other psychedelic agents can temporarily dissolve the ego. Ego is everything to the authoritarian.

But there's plenty of research and monitored setting experiences that indicate these can be therapeutic and even revelatory drugs.

But it requires an open mind, and positive attitude towards the unknown or new experience.

Cons HATE that. And they HATE people who have the open minds that can lead to insight. Who needs that when you already have ALL the answers, amirite?

My prescription for Joe Con's multiple personality disorder is to find a natural and comfortable setting, ingest some LSD, let his ego take a rest, and experience his own mind in a different light for once. The mere thought of this may frighten him.

If he summons the courage he could put on some music like Bach, acoustic jazz, the Grateful Dead, Allman Brothers, or Beatles. Maybe he'd learn George Harrison's songs "Piggies" and "I, Me, Mine" are all about him. Maybe he'd ask himself if that's the best life has to offer.

Then we can talk about the benefits of micro-dosing.

But conservatives are never comfortable with self-reflection or examining their beliefs. They would just as soon ignore the advice of Socrates, "The unexamined life is not worth living". Who needs THAT when you already have ALL the answers given to you by Trump?

Anonymous said...

The delusions of Mr. JC are, comical. Perhaps shrooms, or maybe LSD is at the heart of it.

Window Washing Mama said...

I happen to agree with Joe C.
I always say Live and let live. And don’t tell anyone else how to live.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The MAGA party is all about telling people how to live.

Grey One talks sass said...

Exactly Shaw. Live and let live?

And if you ask about Reproductive Rights, or the existence of LGBTA+ humans, or, or....

I'm laughing so hard because you nailed it, MAGA is all about control. Don't tell anyone else how to live, oh my sides....

Anonymous said...

The one thing Trump and the MAGA lie cannot do. Take control of one's mind. Unless you allow it. 45+ percent have already allowed the MAGA termite to rot their minds.

Mike said...

I can't watch debates. My wife watches and then fills me in.

Sam said...

Biden was weak last night. He will rebound in future debates. But how do you stop people from believing Trump's lies?

Anonymous said...

An embarrassing evening for our country last night. A lying cheating felon -vs- a decent yet aging octogenarian w/diminishing cognition.

Basically our country is screwed unless democrats convince Biden to step aside for a younger person with more vitality and mind quickness. As well as name recognition and a decent track record.

Trump is a disaster. Biden is simply too old and last night it showed. Very badly.

What Now said...

So now the democrats have a huge problem on their hands

Should they ask Grandpa Joe Biden to drop out of the election?

If so what if “Doctor’ Jill Biden says no?

The last thing they want is s bloody political fight at the convention

He could resign next week (with Jill’s permission)

But I think Kamala Harris is absolutely unelectable

So that option is off the table

It will be interesting so see what the democrats will do!

Anonymous said...

Vice President Harris - Far and away superior to Trump in EVERY way.

Shaw Kenawe said...

JoeCon with his micodising prediction Was wrong again!!!

Grey One talks sass said...

Not one complaint about the substance of what President Biden said, just that the optics look bad. In June with the election a little over four months away (this is my 'are you freaking kidding me' face).

So, reality check. Pres. Biden lost the debate in the court of public opinion. That happened, and if I'm absolutely honest, has been happening for years. Public opinion doesn't like the disabled, at least not now. Maybe once the Overton Window has shifted a bit but now? We just remind the healthy of their own impending doom of illness and death. Not everyone of course but not all humans are enlightened.

However, he may have lost this round but in now way did President Biden fail the debate. As I understand it the definition of success is 95% showing up and 5% effort. He showed when he felt like crap. He participated against an opponent who hasn't debated in good faith his entire life. No, he did not fail.

So, what to do. Well, for the "we gotta toss him out" folks Murphy's Lawz taught me you don't jettison an experienced captain when the boat's about to go over the rapids.

If those who wanted someone else had been a bit more busy two years ago, well we would be having a different conversation. But they didn't and now are whining because they don't like the choices in front of them. Tell me you've always faced good choices and never bad without saying a word.

So do this ya whiners. Don't vote FOR Biden, vote AGAINST Trump, meaning abstain from voting for any random third party candidate as a protest vote won't produce the results you think they will.

How do I know? All the language used in the plan is the stuff the GOP in private told marginalized communities for decades all the while hiding behind their good old American "Liberty for All" masks. Now they aren't hiding.

Thersites said...

Did you test him? Blame his performance on the meds... its' your least-bad option. :)

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thersites said..."Did you test him? Blame his performance on the meds... its' your least-bad option. :)"

Biden didn't need to be tested.

In any case, Biden is the clear winner, not in performance, his performance was sub-par. But he won because he was the only person on that stage without a criminal record. That's all that matters.

One guy has a criminal record for fraud and rape, and is facing more charges.

The other guy, the superior and more decent human being, doesn't

And that's all that should matter.

Dave Miller said...

Grey... you brought up optics, and I hear your point. It's valid. Trump lied everytime he opened his mouth. Every single time.

Among them, he attributed the biggest deficit ever to Biden. Nope, that's a Trump lie.

There are states that allow babies to be executed after birth. Nope, another trump lie.

He's the president who got Veterans Choice through Congress. Another lie.

Look up Dan Dale and fact Check for more.

But, and here's what ppl miss... Optics do matter and they have since at least 1960. Look, the mid 20th century Dems were nervous about ppl seeing FDR in a wheelchair, so they covered up how bad he was. Same with JFK and his debilitating Addison's disease.

But in 1960, the great majority of Americans who heard the Nixon/Kennedy debates on the radio felt Nixon had won on substance. But those who watched the debate, a huge number, went with the more youthful looking and clean shaven JFK.

I did not see the debates. But from what I am seeing from a lot of folks I trust, Biden did look horrible. I asked a couple of those folks the hard question... Do you think, based on what you saw at the debate, that Biden will live out his term?

Both said no. They are not confident, as Biden supporters, that Biden will make it, or is up to the job.

There's no other way to say it... this is a mess. God help America.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.,

It's all true. Biden was sub-par at the "debate."

But this fact, this reality hasn't changed:

Does America want a convicted felon/adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist, tax fraudster who's facing dozens more criminal charges to lead America, or an old man (who knows how our government works and has done a good job in managing his presidency for almost 4 years) as president.

Trump is a raging liar who demonstrates time and again that he cares nothing for this country and is a danger to our democracy.

How can a country allow a criminal to be its leader? THAT IS WHAT IS AT STAKE in this election:

A convicted criminal who cannot tell the truth, or Joe Biden.

It's really as easy as that!

Anonymous said...

\\ Blogger Sam said...

\\ Biden was weak last night. He will rebound in future debates. But how do you stop people from believing Trump's lies?

Maybe... just maybe. With starting telling Truth? ;-P

Anonymous said...

We agree -FJ/Joe Con/Thersites, or whoever you are today, that the felon, rapist, insurectionist Trump needs to start telling the truth.