Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Thursday, January 28, 2010

.Playing the Blame Game in the SOTU Address: Who did it?

" To understand the State of the Union, we must look not only at where we are and where we’re going but where we’ve been. The situation at this time last year was truly ominous. [...

First, we must understand what’s happening at the moment to the economy. Our current problems are not the product of the recovery program that’s only just now getting under way, as some would have you believe; they are the inheritance of decades of tax and tax, and spend and spend. [...]

"When I visited this Chamber last year as a newcomer to Washington, critical of past policies which I believed had failed..."

"The only alternative being offered to this economic program is a return to the policies that gave us a trillion-dollar debt, runaway inflation, runaway interest rates and unemployment."

No, those quotes were not taken from Obama's speech last night, they was taken from Ronald Reagan's SOTU back in 1982.  So Obama taking to account the past POTUS, George W. Bush, is not unprecedented as many GOPers, and trolls who come to my blog would like us to believe.  The uninformed bleaters who spam other people's blogs slamming the president and having their heads explode because President Obama rightly placed the blame for our desperate economic situation on the previous 8 years of neglect, tax cuts for the rich, spend and borrowing, need to do some research about other presidents doing exactly what the president said in his speech before they make fools of themselves condemning him. 

h/t JohnC., commenter here and at other blogs.

David Biespiel

Poet and writer, Attic Writers Workshop :

"On a side note related to last night's State of the Union. Republicans continue to complain that President Obama won't stop blaming the Bush Administration and the Republicans in Congress for where America finds itself. And yet Republicans will not defend the Bush Administration, either. A nice rhetorical and unpleasant dodge.

But let's be clear: A president laying blame on what he perceives to be the past failures in a State of the Union address is as American as apple pie--and Republicans need to get over that. "...Ronald Reagan continued to blame Jimmy Carter for four years."

"To understand the State of the Union, we must look not only at where we are and where we’re going but where we’ve been. The situation at this time last year was truly ominous. [...] First, we must understand what’s happening at the moment to the economy. Our current problems are not the product of the recovery program that’s only just now getting under way, as some would have you believe; they are the inheritance of decades of tax and tax, and spend and spend. [...] The only alternative being offered to this economic program is a return to the policies that gave us a trillion-dollar debt, runaway inflation, runaway interest rates and unemployment," Ronald Reagan, in his first SOTU address.

"Government's response to these recessions was to pump up the money supply and increase spending. In the last 6 months of 1980, as an example, the money supply increased at the fastest rate in postwar history—13 percent. Inflation remained in double digits, and government spending increased at an annual rate of 17 percent. Interest rates reached a staggering 21.5 percent. There were 8 million unemployed...." Ronald Reagan, 1982 State of the Union

"As we begin our third year, we have put in place a defense program that redeems the neglect of the past decade..." Ronald Reagan, 1983 State of the Union

"As we came to the decade of the eighties, we faced the worst crisis in our postwar history. In the seventies were years of rising problems and falling confidence..." Ronald Reagan, 1984 State of the Union


Arthurstone said...

There is an endless list of faults I find with words (the actions are another series of posts altogether) of the late, unlamented Ronald Reagan. This statement is the one that sticks in my craw more than the rest.

'In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem...'

While it wasn't true at the time and, remarkably, is not true today it isn't for a lack of effort on the part of Reagan and his demon spawn. I can think of no more irresponsible remark made by a President in my lifetime. And I find it unforgivable.

Government isn't our enemy. Government is us and how we collectively work together to insure our security, provide opportunity and strive for harmony in our society.

It is monumentally imperfect.

As are we all as individuals.

That said government action through the rule of law is a mechanism we must use and to suggest to the contrary is wrong headed and cynical beyond belief. And to work as avidly as Reagan did and as his acolytes continue to until this very moment to dismantle, hinder and essentially destroy how government functions is, in my view, virtually criminal.

People are far too hard on GWB.

For my money Ronald Reagan's two terms as President is hands-down the worst thing that ever, ever happened to this country in my lifetime.

Jim said...

As memory serves me Mr. Obama voted for most of the bills as a Senator in Mr. Bush's last year. And even before that as well. Mr. Obama must shoulder blame as well. Besides, the economy is all his now.

No Spin Cycle said...

Why don't we just BLAME BUSH!
Then everything will be understood!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Repeating conservative talking points like "the economy is all his" doesn't make it so.

In the first year of Obama's adm. the country was working off of Bush's budget. And it takes more than one year to turn around 8 years of incompetence. Obama has his work cut out for him, and it won't be easy, but it will be many times more difficult because of what came before him.

That's Life,

We can agree on that!

Shaw Kenawe said...

That's Life,

This is up on my blog on the right-hand side with a link to the poll:

A new NPR national poll showed that 58 percent blame President Bush for the current state of the economy while just 33 percent blame Obama.

dmarks said...

" policies that gave us a trillion-dollar debt,"

And currently we have policies giving us trillion-dollar deficits in one year. (And yes, Reagan was part of the problem of making it worse. As have been all of his successors).

Shaw said: "In the first year of Obama's adm. the country was working off of Bush's budget.

By the choice of the President and Congress. As they had the power to change things.

The J Mopper said...

Dmarks: do you still not understand that the stimulus package was meant to "save" the economy and that adding to the deficit short term is the way many economists see as getting out of our predicament?

In some economist's eyes (Paul Krugman as an example) the stimulus was not big enough.

dmarks said...

Johnc: Thanks. While you justified it, you showed an example of deficit spending in Obama's first year being directly his fault (from direct action, as opposed to inaction of not bothering to change what was there).

Of course, you'll find someone to justify every shovel-full dug out out of the deepening debt hole.

The J Mopper said...

dmarks: I wouldn't say I "justified" it as I have absolutely no idea whether the economic plan will work. I'm a bit skeptical but there are many nonpartisan economists that agree with the plan.

"Fault" is not the proper term here. When we had 8 years of tax cuts and enormous government expansion then drastic measures need to be made to fix the issue.

Arthurstone said...

Jim typed (regarding President Obama):

'Besides, the economy is all his now.'

What an odd thing for a self-described student of history to write. Someone must have been dozing through more than a few lectures.

Last time I checked there were plenty of people hard at work on the economy. Factions with different agendas, different solutions and indeed, very different views on just how the 'economy' should be structured.

And those efforts have unfolded over years. We didn't just wake up with our current situation and short attention spans aside, the sort of problems we have take a while to sort out.

Any student of history would know that.

The Right Look said...


It is now certain.President Obama is Off his rocker.

Shaw Kenawe said...

One thing about trolls: they are consistently unimaginative, dull, and witless.

"The Right Look" left a comment and was obviously irked that the AP reported good news--that the nation's economy grew for a second straight quarter (see right side of my blog).

"The Right Look" is so unhappy to read this good news for America and is so fearful that Mr. Obama may get a modicum of credit for it, that he/she was compelled to post this witless comment:

"It is now certain. President Obama is Off his rocker."

Feeling better now, "The Right Look?"

Shaw Kenawe said...


"The Right Look" says this about himself on his blog. And I quote:

"Hello to you out there!

I really want to thank you for checking out my blog!

A little about me…
My name is James and I am a evangelical christian conservative man. I am in creative and have been for last 14 years. I have been involved in web design, and somewhat in web development for all of those 14 years.

I encourage you to comment! It is something I am truly looking forward too!
I am excited to see where this blog can go and if I can make just a small difference in our world. I assure you that I totally believe in my tag line!

This is not about Right vs. Left. It’s about Right vs. Wrong!

Be blessed in all you do!

Go Newt!
God bless America!

Isn't he darling?

It's good to know James is "in creative." It explains the comment he left here.

The J Mopper said...

That's quite a lot of exclamation points!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope I can change a few liberal minds with this posting, I know it’s impossible but I’ll try anyway..
The real HOPE that America brought was late in the 1700's, about 1776, when many brave people drew a line in the sand and decided they wanted real CHANGE, away from tyranny and towards freedom. A real democracy, for the people, by the people! They fought for it and won it for all of us. The only way we can repay them is to preserve the freedoms they lost their lives for. At least that is my opinion.
But when Obama was running for the highest office in our nation, we used buzz phrases like "hope" and "change" and said he wanted to "fundamentally transform America". If over 200 years ago we transformed our country to be the freest nation in the world, then to what would fundamentally changing it make it to be? We have already overcome terrible injustices of freedom when slaves were freed and when women got to vote. So, where else could we head if we changed except back towards tyranny??
For all the progressives who think that only the government can help people, do you ever look in the mirror first and think what have you done? Do you not value and admire the charitable works others do? Do we not as a nation admire those who are self-made people? I know I do.
This is what drives people like me crazy! If a liberal could answer any of these problems I have with progressivism, I would really appreciate it. I would really love to know why you think fundamentally changing America is a good thing? I would really love to know why you don't believe in the human spirit that given the opportunity can do great things, and it's not evil for them to benefit when they do? Please help me understand! Maybe if you could, you could change my mind! But you can't change my hope, because Obama doesn't give us hope, that comes from within, always.. And I see that Glenn Beck's rating are going up, while Obama's approval goes down. That's what I call the beauty of free speech! Some Obama voters are having buyer's remorse I guess, facts seem to have that effect.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Oh Gawd. A concern troll.

The troll, in the guise of being "concerned," would like "progressives to explain to it" why fundamentally changing this country would be a good idea, while at the same time bringing into the discussion the functioning moron, Glenn Beck?

So far, the "human spirit" has kept gay and lesbian American citizens in second class status--and the "human spirit" kicks them out of the military if they admit to being what they fundamentally are. That's just for starters.

"The human spirit" wants to outlaw a legal medical procedure and return women to back alleys.

"The human spirit" when it doesn't get its way, demonizes a bi-racial president and calls his wife "fat," "ugly," and other nasty names.

"The human spirit" in the cloak of populism is out to destroy a presidency, it is not interested in moving this country forward and solving its desperate problems.

I don't rely on "the human spirit" for justice--I rely on the law.

"The human spirit" once hanged young black men for looking the wrong way at white women.

But thanks for your concern.

Arthurstone said...


Oh well I'll pick a point at random.

Anonymous typed:

'For all the progressives who think that only the government can help people, do you ever look in the mirror first and think what have you done?'

I have never in my life met a single progressive who in any way, shape or form 'think(s) that only government can help people'.

Nor, I'd wager, have you.

Why do you feel the need to make s**t up?

dmarks said...

Shaw: It took me about 15 seconds to pop a few words from the Anonymouse "concern troll" into Google to find out that the anonymous "I hope I can change a few liberal minds with this posting, or maybe they could change mine!..." comment was plagiarized unchanged from a comment elsewhere by Beth. If it's not plagiarized, that would mean it is by Beth, going incongnito.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The concern troll is either Beth from the blog "Five Foot Three," or someone who plagiarized her post:

"Hope" and "Change"
I hope I can change a few liberal minds with this posting, or maybe they could change mine!

The real HOPE that America brought was late in the 1700's, about 1776, when many brave people drew a line in the sand and decided they wanted real CHANGE, away from tyranny and towards freedom. A real democracy, for the people, by the people! They fought for it and won it for all of us. The only way we can repay them is to preserve the freedoms they lost their lives for. At least that is my opinion.

But when Obama was running for the highest office in our nation, we used buzz phrases like "hope" and "change" and said he wanted to "fundamentally transform America". If over 200 years ago we transformed our country to be the freest nation in the world, then to what would fundamentally changing it make it to be? We have already overcome terrible injustices of freedom when slaves were freed and when women got to vote. So, where else could we head if we changed except back towards tyranny??

For all the progressives who think that only the government can help people, do you ever look in the mirror first and think what have you done? Do you not value and admire the charitable works others do? Do we not as a nation admire those who are self-made people? I know I do.

This is what drives people like me crazy! If a liberal could answer any of these problems I have with progressivism, I would really appreciate it. I would really love to know why you think fundamentally changing America is a good thing? I would really love to know why you don't believe in the human spirit that given the opportunity can do great things, and it's not evil for them to benefit when they do? Please help me understand! Maybe if you could, you could change my mind! But you can't change my hope, because Obama doesn't give us hope, that comes from within, always.
Posted by Beth at 1:02 PM

Underhanded phonies.

Pamela Zydel said...

Anonymous or Beth said: This is what drives people like me crazy!

NOW I understand! Crazy….yep…don’t have to tell me twice!

Oh lordy Shaw! If it’s not my blog then it’s yours! Do we have signs that say “Trolls please enter”?

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Octo: [at Patrick’s weblog] “All conversations are on YOUR TERMS and on YOUR TURF. You are the quintessential "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY" type of guy. There is no mutuality.”

dmarks: “I saw Octo's comment. Not sure what he meant by "my way or the highway". Maybe I missed something …

Perhaps you recognize these comments (above) as taking place at Patrick’s weblog. The reason why I chose to respond here instead of where the conversation originally took place:

Point 1 - Patrick has a bad habit of visiting other blogs, starting a conversation, and then saying: “If you want to continue this conversation, you’ll have to visit my blog and continue the conversation there.

That is why I said, “ on YOUR TERMS and on YOUR TURF,” and that is why I chose to move the conversation here. I will no longer engage Patrick on his terms or on his turf.

Point 2 – I am tired of hyper-partisan, hyper-emotional rhetoric such as: “craptastic silly son of a bitch pissfaced assblock motherfucker

Dmarks, if you know anything about me by now, you know that I prefer reasonable argument to emotional bombast. Rhetoric whose purpose is to stoke resentment is offensive to me.

On his weblog, Patrick is free to say whatever he wants. On my weblog, I am free to remove him from my link list, and I have done just that.

dmarks said...

Octo with German character at end:

Ah. That explains what you said over there. I wondered if I had missed something. I knew I hadn't seen Patrick just deleting those who disagree with him. I only recall seeing Patrick on this blog when he comments outside of his own. You read different blogs than I do, and must be seeing him make the on-my-turf type of comments.

A Republican's response said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Not a Troll said...

@ A Republican's response:

You must have missed this:


A new NPR national poll showed that 58 percent blame President Bush for the current state of the economy while just 33 percent blame Obama.

You appear to be suffering from cognizant dissonance.

@ A Republican's response: "The man is still campaigning and not leading. Three more years of this might be more than I can take."

You can always move to France.

Shaw Kenawe said...

To "Not a Troll:"

"A Republican's Response" is a spammed comment that was pasted into the comment section of other blogs.

Jim said...

Arthur did the rain stop? You must be pleased.

Mr. Obama and crew have been in office long enough to take the reins of the economy firmly in hand and leave their marks on America. As other administrations have done in the past.

Arthurstone said...

Two things I can count on.

The rain falls most of the time here in Seattle.

And 'a degree in history' doesn't mean very much.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Arthurstone: "And 'a degree in history' doesn't mean very much."

History ... there's no future in it.

Patrick M said...

Octopüß: I had to put up with this kind of shit last month when I wasn't towing a particular damned line with some of the right-wing blogs, so I'm used to disappearing from the list of the links because somebody got pissed at me.

I'll be brief (since you're carrying the attitude to other posts and blogs). This blog is about what pours out of my mind. Occasionally, that means I'm going to indulge in a little vitriolic rhetoric, because sometimes I just need to vent. That's the exception, not the rule. But since you don't like playing by those rules and want to go home, fine by me. You have added to the blog when you were here. I'll fill in the blanks when you're gone.

(Oh, and I haven't wiped your link because of some pissy posts on Swash that I could have only answered with said vitriol (and didn't out of respect.))

(note, this is reposted from comments my blog in answer to Octo dragging issues with me across the blogosphere)

Arthurstone said...

Poor, poor Patrick.

I've read your posts for a while now and 'toeing (or not) the line is never a problem. I vist this blog, yours on occasion and others in the hope of disagreement, debate argument.

And I'm rarely diappointed.

On other hand expletive filled rants and name calling is simply not interesting and I sympathize with those who don't wisht to endure it.

We aren't in highschool anymore.


(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Patrick: For the record, there is an anonymous troll who copied my comment and spread it across two of your posts and two of Shaw's posts, that I know of. So if you think the viral spread of this comment came from me, you are quite wrong. There are trolls who take pleasure instigating arguments, as there are sharks attracted to chum.

There are a great many blogs in Cyberspace that put forth well-written, well-researched, and well-documented commentaries that do not insult readers or waste their time. You do yourself a disservice when you stoop to this level: "craptastic silly son of a bitch pissfaced assblock motherfucker.”

Furthermore, you have a bad habit of trying to redirect comments, conversations, and traffic back to your own blog. Very bad manners!

Last, there are 10 writers at the Zone. If you object to a post, take it up with the author of that post.

Patrick M said...

Octo: Ok, so you didn't post your comments on my blog. They're still said, and that's where I read them first.

As for doing myself a disservice with occasional invectives, I have a few in mind right now. I'd say more, but you'd find reason to complain (see issue #1 above).

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Patrick, your reading comprehension skills can use improvement. I posted one comment that was copied four times by a troll called "anonymous." Got it!

There is hardly a blogger who hasn't uttered a primordial scream in private; but most bloggers don't relieve themselves in public. Until you understand the difference between the two, wash thoroughly before leaving the lavatory.

Jim said...

Yeah, history degrees are a waste of time. I ain't got no jobs with mine. ;-)

O well, I think I must be moving in the progressive direction. Yes, I am seeing the light.

I'm gonna be a community activist. Get millions writing autobiographies. My wife will get a 6 figure job just to show up at work. And last but not least, move into the White House with less experience than a small town mayor!

Yeppir. Gonna be good.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Jim: "And last but not least, move into the White House with less experience than a small town mayor!"

Of course, once global climate change kicks in and ocean levels rise, the White House will be under water, and I get to move in without even running for office.

Yeppir. Gonna be good.

Jim said...

Doggone it Octo, I forgot about that! ;-)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

hi all