Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, January 27, 2011


These are the sort of people who admire Rush Limbaugh and follow his every toxic radio broadcast.  If this doesn't sicken you, nothing will:

"California Lawmaker Receives Racist Death Threat Warning ‘Rush Limbaugh Will Kick Your Ch-nk Ass’

Last week, California State Sen. Leland Yee (D) called on right-wing hate radio host Rush Limbaugh to apologize for mocking Chinese President Hu Jintao and the Chinese language by speaking gibberish 'ching chong chang' Chinese on his radio program. Yee, who is Chinese-American and chairs the state Senate Select Committee on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs, said Limbaugh owes the Chinese-American community an apology for his 'pointless and ugly offense.' Naturally, Limbaugh did not apologize, and instead railed against Yee the following day on his radio, calling him out repeatedly by name.

Yee’s call for civility did not sit well with one Limbaugh fan, who responded by sending several racist death threats to Yee’s office this week. “Rush Limbaugh will kick your chink ass and expose you for the fool you are,” the faxes read, threatening him with 'death.' "

If this is what Rush Limbaugh inspires in his listeners, then Limbaugh deserves to be shunned and disgraced.  Wait.  He is disgraced.  No thinking person, IMHO, would listen to his swill.  Those who do, apparently need to have their racism enforced and promoted.  This is what Limbaugh inspires in his listeners.  Racism.

Limbaugh, the idiot, Michele Bachmann, and finally, the darling of the conservatives, the chronically uninformed and confused, Sarah Palin, all broadcasting their ignorance about America and her history, these are the characters the righties look up to?  

And now we hear that 400 rabbis have written a letter to Rupert Murdoch asking him to sanction the anti-semite, Glenn Beck, for attacking Jews and spreading lies and calumny about George Soros.

Another hero of the conservatives, Glenn Beck, also urged his listeners to shoot liberals in the head.

So to recap:   Limbaugh has a ditto head, who admires him, calling the President of the United States a "Marxist Nigger," Michele Bachmann stupidly claiming that the Founding Fathers tirelessly worked to end slavery, Sarah Palin, among her many preposterous statements, saying the US lost the space race to the USSR [Hey, Sarah! Which country was the first to land on the moon?], and Glenn Beck broadcasting anti-semitic lies about Jews.

What will it take for reasonable conservatives to walk away from these assh**es?  Are they waiting for their heroes to say something disgustingly stupid?




Leslie Parsley said...

Ugly and disgusting. I really think these vile comments and the people who say them are beginning to make the Republican base a bit uncomfortable, as it should have done a long time ago. But the GOP thought they would enhance the party and humped them for all they were worth. Now the extreme right has become a liability and the GOP is trying to distance themselves, but it may be too late. In the meantime, the TP is alienating a lot of people and turning them off of the GOP. Good.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Michele Bachmann was awarded prime time cable teevee coverage for her SOTU rebuttal, when the GOP rebuttal was already awarded to another GOPer. And just before she was given this coverage, she was on video making a spectacularly stupid assertion--that the Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery.

Then we get Sarah Palin on FAUX NOOZ telling some talking hairdo that the USSR won the space race, completely ignoring the fact that the US put the first man on the moon?

And on this day, one of Limbaugh's ditto heads threatens a Calif. state senator and calls President Obama a Marxist N***er.

Next, we have 400 rabbis condemning Glenn Beck's anti-semitism, and ask his employer to get Beck to stop the Holocaust and Nazi rhetoric.

These 4 are among the TPs top heroes.

Imagine that? A racist, an idiot, a liar, and an anti-semite.

These are the characters that the Tea Party Goopers look up to and admire.

Kevin Robbins said...

We can only hope that we are close to hitting bottom. Or someday we could become Egypt.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It appears to me that Boehner and his dudes are trying to play a balancing act with the kooky tea bagger types to keep them in the fold.

So far, so good for them. They can all bitch but in the end they will all vote against whatever Obama and Democrats are for.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Interesting, isn't it, that the new star of the GOP, Marco Rubio, has distanced himself from the TP, and the Senate TP caucus attracted only 3 or 4 people to it?

Serious pols understand what the TP was good for: It got a lot of people angry, and angry voters are the ones who flock to the polls on election day.

Now that the election is over, those politicians who used the TP to their advantage are now distancing themselves from it.

Too many of their "stars" live in Crazy Town, and politicians like Rubio, who have bigger political ambitions, know enough about politics to understand that Independents don't vote for Crazies.

Palin and Bachmann, two of the TP's biggest clowns, will NEVER be nominated or elected to the presidency. Anyone who thinks they can be is not living in the real world. Their own best and brightest pols are reinforcing this truth by staying away from the toxic stupids.

Pamela Zydel said...

This doesn’t surprise anyone, does it? It’s Rush’s shtick; he speaks outrageously and stirs the pot.

What I don’t understand is why many on the Left give him more attention. He’s not going to apologize (I don’t believe he ever has) and the extra attention, while negative, only serves to boost his ratings, consequently adding more advertisers which increases his already inflated wallet. It’s a win-win for Rush, and he knows it, therefore, he’ll continue this type of behavior as it proves beneficial for him.

K. said...

All libtard lies! Glenn Beck is a man of peace!

Pamela, I have long thought that no liberal or progressive should appear on any Faux Snooze show or on right-wing radio. We should not give them the time of day.

Pamela Zydel said...

K: If I were running for political office, I wouldn't do an interview with talk-radio. I know it's a serious medium for right-wingers, but for me, it's mostly entertainment. I get "tips" on which way the wind is blowing then do my research from there. As far as the news goes, I'd much rather have some eye-candy with my doom and gloom, so I watch Shepard Smith or Lester Holt.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You gotta say this for Lester Holt. No matter how bad the news he always has a twinkle in his eye.

Les Carpenter said...

K said...

"I have long thought that no liberal or progressive should appear on any Faux Snooze show or on right-wing radio. We should not give them the time of day."

I seldom watch or listen to liberal or progressive broadcasts. For the same reason I have stopped listening to Limbaugh, and rarely watch Beck.

I keep looking in the lost and found of broadcasting journalism for something of real value. Perhaps someday something will surface from both sides.

Shaw Kenawe said...


The News Hour on PBS presents straight news without the histrionics you get on cable or other network news.

The program devotes about 15 minutes to 4 stories that are the most prominent of the day.

There's nothing flashy or controversial about the presentations.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

One reasonable conservative that has spoken out is David Frum (he's consistently and vociferously criticized Mrs. Palin, co-founded No-Labels, etc.). His, unfortunately, is a lonely voice.

Shaw Kenawe said...

David Frum, Kathleen Parker, even Peggy Noonan, all thoughtful conservative pundits, whom I read, are not outrageous or controversial enough for the teevee news.

Unfortunately, the clowns win over the serious pundits because they bring in the ratings.

And that is part of the problem--people listen to the uninformed and the non-serious minded instead of people who actually know what they're talking about.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Couldn't have said it better if I tried.

Leslie Parsley said...

Friday night, NPT have Brooks and Shield - a nice balance of conservative and liberal without all the rancor.