Conservatives, Progressives, and other bloggers:
There's a new fake commenter trolling conservative blogs and "she" calls herself "Frieda Van Wiener."
"Frieda" has taken an image of Karin Dorrepaal from the internet and used it as "her" avatar attached to "her" name:
This faker, Freida Van Weiner" has also commented on conservative blogs under the name "Just Joanna," "Right Klik," and "Hildegard Hammerasshat"(or something like that).
The guy pretending to be "Freida Van Weiner" is a troll and probably a person who's been doing this for years: Stealing photos from the internet for his profile pictures and using a fake name.
Here's what the troll left on a conservative's blog:
All the person has to do is claim "a sincerely held religious belief", and as the law is written it doesn't even need to be dogma within a major religion - it is the individuals belief. From the law ""Exercise of religion" means the practice or observance of religion, including the ability to act or refusal to act in a manner substantially motivated by a religious belief, whether or not the exercise is compulsory or central to a larger system of religious belief." And Service can be refused to races, religions, interracial couples, service can be refused basically to anyone.
It's interesting that today on a conservative blog, the discussion is about trolls. And today we have another newly hatched little reptile of a troll making a fake debut.
Welcome to blogging troll "Freida!" Now everyone knows you're a fraud!
NEWS FLASH! Freida the Weiner made a long, boring explanation for "her" trollology on "her" blog, talking about her exquisite sense of humor and how progressives don't get it, blah, blah, blah. "She" then changed "her" avatar to this:
Hmmmmmm. Why didn't Freida's highly developed sense of humor and all-around knee-slapping hilarity tell "her" to use the "wiener joke" image in the first place instead of using Karin Dorrepaal's photo? I'll make a stab at the answer. It's because "Freida" is a fraud and got caught at "her" deception. And if anyone believes "her real name" is "Joanna," I've got a bridge in New Jersey I'd like to sell you.
PS. The faker never addressed why "she" copies and pastes other people's comments from U.S. Message Board as "her" own.
Let's review: "Frieda" stole a woman's image from the internet; "Frieda" stole someone's comments from the internet.
That's the fake "Frieda the Wiener!"
Hot Dog!
NEWS FLASH! Freida the Weiner made a long, boring explanation for "her" trollology on "her" blog, talking about her exquisite sense of humor and how progressives don't get it, blah, blah, blah. "She" then changed "her" avatar to this:
Hmmmmmm. Why didn't Freida's highly developed sense of humor and all-around knee-slapping hilarity tell "her" to use the "wiener joke" image in the first place instead of using Karin Dorrepaal's photo? I'll make a stab at the answer. It's because "Freida" is a fraud and got caught at "her" deception. And if anyone believes "her real name" is "Joanna," I've got a bridge in New Jersey I'd like to sell you.
PS. The faker never addressed why "she" copies and pastes other people's comments from U.S. Message Board as "her" own.
Let's review: "Frieda" stole a woman's image from the internet; "Frieda" stole someone's comments from the internet.
That's the fake "Frieda the Wiener!"
Hot Dog!