Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Wednesday, January 16, 2019


"Here's what I wish the Democrats would say to Trump: 

 Mr. President you can have your wall. You can get it the same way that President Obama got Obamacare; the way Lyndon Johnson got Medicare; the way Franklin Roosevelt got Social Security. In each case the president had a project he wanted enacted; so his administration crafted a bill. That bill went to Congress where committee hearings were held; amendments were proposed; studies were conducted that tested the cost, effectiveness etc. of the proposal; testimony was held in Congress; debate ensued and if the measure had enough support, a vote was taken and the measure was passed. That's how you legislate. It takes hard work, planning and the ability to actually negotiate. Your pet project doesn't get to leap frog over the pathway laid out by the Constitution and 250 years of precedent. You have chosen to skip over this entire process (even when you had majorities in both Houses) and have resorted instead to taking the American public hostage in exchange for your wall. You want a wall? Put down the gun you are holding to the head of the American people and get to work."


Les Carpenter said...


Ray said...

Trump isn't a president he's a thug. He's acting the way a thug acts when he wants something, he takes hostages. In this case the hostages are the American people. Whaat do we do with a thug? Put his ass in jail.

Jerry Critter said...

Obviously Donald does not understand how government works. He is trying to run it like his company...and he is getting the same results...FAILURES!

Dave Miller said...

Here's the old, white GOP thinking in a nutshell, perfectly expressed by a loyal Trumpista...

"... our Country is lost. It truly came full circle when the Kenyan was elected TWICE! It started the downhill slide under President Lincoln (Tyrant Wannabe), hit more speed under President Wilson (first real Socialist), and has slid faster and faster since then. So, it’s sad but true. I don’t know if it’s the End of Days but it’s certainly the end of our culture."

All anyone needs to know is this... this person's view is that Obama was not born in the states, Wilson's idea of a League of Nations was socialism, and Lincoln, who freed the slaves and the directed the Union Army victory over a traitorous secession movement was a tyrant.

Is it any wonder you can't reason with these folks?

The real questions are whether Trump shares those views and how many GOP leaders in Congress also share them. We know Trump is a birther, as he was one of the biggest proponents of this lie.

The writer is correct about one thing Shaw... us libs/progressives do want to end a culture that values money over people, certain people over others, based on skin color, and willingly separates kids from parents, lies about immigration facts and doesn't seem to care about political or societal norms, cusses at the drop of a hat and is okay with grabbing women in their private parts.

That's what I want to say to a lot of folks...

Shaw Kenawe said...


The Trumper wrote:

I don’t know if it’s the End of Days but it’s certainly the end of our culture."

Since when did this person think America belonged to him/her and his/her ilk? America belongs to all of us, and the fact that a majority of Americans (the largest since Ike was elected POTUS) voted for President Obama, wounded these people to their parsimonious, disgustingly unAmerican core.

Reading that text from that poor, benighted soul gives me a deeper understanding of the sort of frightened people who continue to support the liar, cheat, and fraud that still occupies the Oval Office.

President Obama, who was born in America, had a clean, scandal-free 8 years as president, was a loyal, loving husband and father, and steered this country away from disaster, despite the fact that the opposition wished him failure and thwarted him every chance they got from passing legislation that benefitted their fellow Americans. And the worst -- deprived President Obama of his Constitutional right to nominate a judge to the SCOTUS.

Every day, now, we hear of a new act of malfeasance committed by the current occupyer of the Oval Office. Soon we'll hear from his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to what extent Trump perverted the laws of the land in service to his corruption.

Trump's days are numbered. This is NOT wishful thinking as the 30 percenters believe. This is fact. The American people are not with him on the wall or on much of anything else he's done in office. He's been underwater approval-wise since his inaauguration.

We'll soon find out the extent of his dirty, corrupt dealing while campaigning and after defiling the office of the presidency.