Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Fascists for Trump

Fascists in America:

In case you’re defending things and don’t know what you’re defending.

The thug in the photo above is wearing an RWDS (Right Wing Death Squad) shirt that says 6MWE --that stands for "6 Million Wasn't Enough," referring to the number of Jews that were murdered during the Holocaust. 

This is what you're defending when you defend the Proud Boys. 

PS. The eagle is a fascist image used by pre-WW II Italy and the logo at the bottom of the t-shirt is a Roman fascio and is where the word "fascist" comes from. 

These are actual fascists in the United States, the group that Americans gave their lives to defeat in WWII. 

And they marched in the streets of Washington DC in support of Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

This is where we are after four years of Donald Trump and the deplorable Republican Party.

If you think that's an exaggeration, read this:

"[North Carolina state GOP lawmaker, Bob] Steinburg, wasn’t alone among GOP lawmakers in suggesting that Trump suspend civil liberties, even after the electoral college finalized Biden’s win on Monday and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) publicly acknowledged the Democrat’s victory on Tuesday. 

Virginia state Sen. Amanda F. Chase (R) on Tuesday also called for martial law, echoing a suggestion floated by Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser pardoned by the president last month."


Les Carpenter said...

Like I've been saying... We're screwed... Much of America has lost their GD minds... Violence is on the horizon... People will injurted and some will die... trump, the vile evil bastard is responsivble... As are his sycophants in congress and the senate as well as many state officials.

Fascism is now alive and fully entrenched in America. And is comoing for our democracy an those who suppopert it. Precisely as trump has planned all along. Bet on it.

EDGETHO said...

Hey Ms. Shaw, the moronic shit you make up is of no concern to me, or to anyone else.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Then why do you keep coming to my blog, reading it, and commenting on it? LOL!

Dave Miller said...

Hey Shaw... stay safe and warm this weekend. You too RN and Ducky.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

A huge danger is the people that pander to these fascist bastards and think they can control them or they won't do anything dangerous. Or worse, they don't care as long as it happens to someone else. A republican can go from hero for supporting all Trump's madness but say one thing not on support, such as admitting Biden, they get death threats. There is no controlling these nuts. They've deluded and brainwashed themselves into believing they're patriots and good Christians. There is no, or soon anyway, no amount of violence they won't commit and they think it's okay and even sanctified. Need of their votes and fear of they're wrath is what's holding the republican party together.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly,

In my post: "These are actual fascists in the United States, the group that Americans gave their lives to defeat in WWII."

Anytime we see a self-professed "Conservative" or Trumper on Veterans' Day saluting the men and women who were injured or gave their lives fighting against fascism in WWII, we need to remind them that fascists marched in Washington DC during Trump's administration, and Trump said nothing against them. Nor did anyone in the Republican Party. Not a damn thing. Silence is complicity. The GOP is now factually a Pro-fascist party.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave, I've been through hurricanes and blizzards while living here in Boston's North End and never lost power. I can easily walk to a local store or "salumeria" in my neighborhood for victuals, should I need them.

It's just a little snow, 6 to 12 inches. NBD here in New England. LOL!

Thank you for your good wishes.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN: "Fascism is now alive and fully entrenched in America."

Too bad Trump's government wasn't dedicated to trash talking about adopting fascistic ideas as it was about taking a knee.

The Trump administration's values are there for all the world to see.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw and others...

As we watch the US hurtle towards even more death from Covid and we transition to another group of elected leaders, let us never forget the mayhem the Trump Admin has foisted on the American people.

In now obtained emails, we finally can see the full strategy of the president and his admin as it relates to Covid-19.

"Infants, kids, teens, young people, young adults, middle aged with no conditions etc. have zero to little risk….so we use them to develop herd…we want them infected…"

"WE [The Trump Administration] WANT THEM INFECTED

Take a moment and let that sink in. Especially everyone who has lost a member of their family who was an infant, kid, teen, young person, young adult or a middle aged person with no conditions etc. The president's plan was to HOPE your relative got sick. Not keep them from getting sick, but to hope they in fact contracted the virus.

All you conservatives who are Pro Life, how does this make you feel? All you conservatives who have been saying President Trump has been working his behind off for us during this pandemic, how does this make you feel?

This isn't a general hating the fact that he has to send a bunch of young soldiers to almost certain death, this is a general hoping they die. WE WANT THEM INFECTED.


The worst president in the history of America.

No wonder they delayed the Biden transition. They are still trying to clean up their email tracks.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Diverging from much of the world, Sweden let COVID-19 spread in hopes the population would develop "herd immunity." But the risky strategy failed, a new report finds.

Rather than imposing a hard lockdown in March as other countries did, the Scandinavian nation relied on individual responsibility to stop the spread of the deadly coronavirus. This is the idea of "folkvett" -- common sense of the people -- and the approach made headlines at the time.

Gyms, stores and restaurants remained open; schools were open for kids up to age 16; while gatherings of more than 50 people were banned.

Authorities predicted that 40% of the people in Stockholm would get the disease and develop protective antibodies by May. The actual prevalence, however, was around 15%, according to the study published Aug. 11 in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.

"It is clear that not only are the rates of viral infection, hospitalization and mortality [per million population] much higher than those seen in neighboring Scandinavian countries, but also that the time-course of the epidemic in Sweden is different, with continued persistence of higher infection and mortality well beyond the few critical weeks period seen in Denmark, Finland and Norway," said researcher Dr. David Goldsmith, a retired physician in London.

Experience suggests that severely infected COVID-19 patients acquire antibodies immediately and during early recovery, but antibodies are much less common in only mildly ill or asymptomatic patients. This means they are likely not immune, and can't prevent the spread of the virus, the study noted. This is central to the concept of herd immunity.

In the other Scandinavian countries, rapid lockdown appeared more successful in stopping the spread of infection, Goldsmith said.

The findings are a cautionary tale for the world.

The Trump administration embarked on a ill-thought out course of action that would have killed millions instead of thousands of Americans. And yet Trump's cultists still think he was a great president, even as he and his people plotted to kill them off.

Mike said...

We need Georgia to vote democrat on their senate election coming up. Then maybe the dems can look at what tRUMP and McConnell did and fix the laws so it can't happen again.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Regarding edgetho's comment, he's over on WYD talking about how Michelle Obama is a man. That is some genuine moronic shit.

Re herd immunity failing in Sweden, Minus FJ posted many times on his blog about how that is what we should be doing. According to a comment he made on my blog (if he were in charge of US policy) he'd have kept it secret that there even was a pandemic. HOW, I don't know, but he said he thought people would just think it was a bad flu season.

Anyway, we all knew Dotard is a fascist. The Proud Boys aren't White Supremacists according to the trumper Right. Minus FJ told me that Joe Biden couldn't win because his whole campaign was based on the "lie" that Dotard said neo Nazis and neo Confederates are "very fine people" (and everyone knows it is a lie).

btw, RN, you must be disappointed in Randal Paul (who you have praised previously). He's speaking out strongly about how the election was stolen.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Derv, Little man-babies like EDGETHO think they make themselves look macho by attacking women who are smarter, better looking, and stronger than they are. Wimpy wusses always do that.

As for Minus, his sock puppets, and his fevered conspiracy theories: HE'S BEEN WRONG ON EVERY SINGLE ONE.

Think about that. NOTHING he's predicted has happened. And yet, he clings to his fantasies as though any minute they will come true. He lives in a dream world and not reality, like the soon-to-be EX-president and Whiner-in-Chief.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Mike It may take a generation before we can undo the damage Trump and his administration visited upon America.

I hope that starts with defeating the two Georgia Republicans senators!

Les Carpenter said...

Well, have you heard anything even remotely positive from me about Rand Paul lately?

A complete disappoint actually. The man is no a all in trumper sycophant.

Green Eagle said...

Eagle? Where? I'm pretty sure that is a parrot. said...

Once again, Trump's actions and words are reprehensible. Thanks for the ACRONYM education.