Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Friday, December 11, 2020

Will we know by 3 PM today?


106 Republican Congress members and 18 Republican attorneys general are insisting that a presidential election ought to be invalidated because their party lost. This is being treated by many as "no big deal" because we know they won't win. Instead it should be treated as the harbinger of Constitutional collapse that it is.

73 million Americans are brainwashed. They are the same folks who said President Obama wanted to "fundamentally change" America, and here is a POTUS and a major political party engaging in a seditious effort to overthrow the will of over 80 million voters and the US Constitution because the current Republican Party believes only it has the right to govern.

A friend wrote: "...what Trump was doing is dangerous. A month after losing, he has more GOP support for overturning the election than he did on 11/3. It's a result of his rhetoric, GA rally and Tweets. His enablers smell the power of his lies and can sense the danger.

And they like it."

"The situation today is not remotely connected," said Theodore Olson, the lawyer who argued victoriously in the 2000 Supreme Court case for Mr. Bush. "The voters should determine outcomes of elections, not masses of lawyers across the country."


In Blistering Retort, 4 Battleground States Tell Texas to Butt Out of Election 

The attorneys general of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia asked the Supreme Court to reject a lawsuit from Texas seeking to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victories.

WASHINGTON — In blistering language denouncing Republican efforts to subvert the election, the attorneys general for Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia asked the Supreme Court on Thursday to reject a lawsuit that seeks to overturn the victories in those states by President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr., calling the audacious effort an affront to democracy and the rule of law. 

 The lawsuit, filed by the Republican attorney general of Texas and backed by his G.O.P. colleagues in 17 other states and 106 Republican members of Congress, represents the most coordinated, politicized attempt to overturn the will of the voters in recent American history. 

President Trump has asked to intervene in the lawsuit as well in hopes that the Supreme Court will hand him a second term he decisively lost.


Shaw Kenawe said...

This is from a writer on fb, David Gerrold

"The problem for the Democratic party is profound.

The Republicans want a war. They truly need the context of a civil war against the evil lefties to maintain the solidity of their cult.

The Democrats want to govern. And part of real governance is recognizing the needs of the entire population. Joe Biden has said it clearly. He intends to be a president of all Americans.

But the Republicans are already sowing the seeds of discontent. "He's not my president." "The election was stolen." Blah blah blah. And also, "Fuck democracy."
As others have pointed out, the Republicans are preaching sedition.

A more aggressive Democrat would simply declare war on the Republicans and use the same tactics the Republicans have used — endless investigations — to discredit the party.
But Joe Biden can't do that. That's exactly what the Republican cult wants him to do — they want and need to play the victim.

Biden wants to lead the country to a national healing, recovery and repair. But he can't do that while Trump is out there raising money, holding rallies, and stoking the fires of disruption.

A quick tangent:

The mistake that any tyranny makes is the assumption that an armed aristocracy can maintain control over a resentful majority. The French Revolution and the Russian Revolution are pretty good examples of why that assumption is a self-destructive one.

Today's Republicans have made the assumption that they are exist as a majority. This latest election demonstrates that they are NOT only NOT a majority, but a dangerously deluded cult.
Now, from the Republican point of view, a cult is more desirable than a political party. Cult members do what they're told, often without question. And it's harder to quit a cult than a political party. So there is no reason for the Republican party to change its tactics.

The nation's news media has to stop treating the Republican machinery as a political party and recognize it as a deranged political cult."

Paula said...

We cannot normalize how totally insane it is that Trump, 18 state AGs & 106 House Republicans still trying to overturn election 37 days after, when Biden won by 7 million votes, 306 electoral votes certified, Trump campaign lost 55 court cases & presented no evidence of fraud.

Dave Miller said...

Yesterday a US President didn't just complain about losing the "the most secure in American history." Yesterday a sitting US President made history, openly pleading for the results of that election to be overturned. Because he believes he won.

In 1960, Nixon believed, with proof we now know, that he had been cheated out of the presidency. In 2000 Al Gore believed he had won Florida and with it the presidency. In 2004, many Dems believe chicanery in Ohio cost John Kerry the presidency. In 2016, Hillary Clinton believed, we now know it was true, that Russian influence had cost her that election.

And what happened? What did all these men and women do?

They accepted defeat as it was dealt to them, called on their supporters to support the newly elected president and graciously conceded.

In 2020, after losing an election in which not a single GOP or Dem Sec of State believes was fraudulent, Trump publicly calls for that election to be overturned.

And what did millions of Americans do? What did members of the once illustrious GOP party do?

They publicly agreed with him. All the while, if reports are to be believed, in private conversations with reporters and with friends, they "quietly" state that Trump has indeed lost.

The strict constitutionalists, millions of them, are supporting a man who is openly ignoring the very document he swore an oath to protect.

We're in deep do...

Anonymous said...

Trump (and his supporters) are the last gasp of white supremacy and they won't be easy to get rid of. This isn't over just because Trump lost the election. As we can see there is plenty of support for this crap within our own Congress.
The Courts (especially the Supreme Court) are the stop to dictatorship and anarchy. Will the Republican Supreme Court decide in Trump's favor? I think not, but that's how a dictator could take over America, with the approval of the Supreme Court.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave and Anonymous @12:59

The Republican party is fine with democracy as long as it furthers their interests. For them, democracy is a vehicle, not a destination. We know this because of the number of Republicans who've joined in on the Texas suit to overthrow a legal presidential election. Republicans believe only they have the right to govern, and they will do anything to keep it that way.

“#OVERTURN,” Trump said on Twitter this week, adding in a separate post that “If somebody cheated in the Election, which the Democrats did, why wouldn’t the Election be immediately overturned? How can a Country be run like this?”

This is the POTUS who swore an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the US Constitution, and here he is, asking his cultists to defile it.

It is unlikely that the Court will accept, let alone rule on this monstrosity. The very act of filing it is akin to sedition - an active attempt to overthrow the legally elected government.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Oh, this is rich:

Dan Crenshaw (R-TX)
The left-wing outrage is predictably over the top. The request here is simple: allow this case to be elevated to the Supreme Court, and let the Supreme Court make a determination. All cases should be heard, all investigations should be thorough. It is that simple.

Donald Trump lost an election by 7 million votes and an electoral college landslide (by his own standards), filed dozens of lawsuits, lost them all, refuses to admit he lost.

Dan Crenshaw: "Left-wing outrage is over the top."


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'd like to see an investigation onto Florida this year. As I recall Trump won it by around 15,000 votes in 2016 and now around 300,000 votes against Biden. The reasoning was that Cuban Americans were misogynists. Yet a woman at the top of the ticket gets more votes than the Biden/Harris ticket. If there were chicanery anywhere it was in Florida.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly

Hi cuz! Yeah. Florida looks very very suspicious. Its governor is a bad actor, so who knows what shenanigans he was up to? Right now he's being sued by the Orlando Sentinal for refusing to release House Coronavirus reports. Why won't he release them? What is he hiding? And what the hell was that raid on a whistleblower about?

My sister lives in Florida, and so did I for 10 years. I'm glad I left, and my sister is sorry she didn't.

Stay safe and healthy. Good to see you here!

skudrunner said...

Rev, 35 million unsolicited mail in ballots sent out and you say it was the most secure election ever. What are you basing your statement on?

The AG and the courts have not said there was no fraud but just not massive fraud enough to override the election results.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

My son and his wife live in Florida. They like the weather.

Les Carpenter said...

So your real point is what skud?

The reality is 2020 was confirmed the most secure election in our history. It was Dotard's OWN administration that confirmed this. Then Dotard fired him.

There is zero reason to believe Dotard, his sycophants, or his cultists whining and hissy fits about "voter fraud". PERIOD. END OF STORY. There full frontal assault on our republic and democracy is outright sedition.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Skud, you and your friends have been bamboozled, and I’m sorry that you can’t see it, that you REFUSE to see it. A majority of your fellow Americans see it, as does a majority of the civilized world.

Carl Sagan explains what I mean:

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

This is exactly what’s happened to you and to the thousands of Trump cultists who’ve been bamboozled by this century’s greatest bamboozling conman. It breaks my heart to see so many thousands of my countrymen unable to break away from the hold Trump has over them. You and the people on the Trump blogs you frequent have given that power to Trump, and he doesn’t care about you or your lives.

The fact that we are the sickest country with 300,000 Covid deaths while being the richest and most technically and medically advanced in the world tells you all you need to know about Trump’s miserable leadership and his disregard for the lives of the people he was supposed to lead.

Trump has bamboozled millions of Americans into thinking he’s what he is not! I’m sorry for you and your loss of rational thinking.

What we saw today was a national tragedy. Thousands of Americans unable to look at facts and face the truth of Trump’s defeat, and honest and legal defeat in the election. And that’s because you’ve been bamboozled!

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, Neither you nor I will disabuse Skud from his belief that the election was stolen from Trump, no matter how much evidence we place before him to the contrary. Skud and his friends at those far right blogs have been bamboozled by the conman, and they’re lost to rational reasoning.

This does not bode well For America’s future and the future Biden administration.

Dave Miller said...

Skud asked me... "Rev, 35 million unsolicited mail in ballots sent out and you say it was the most secure election ever. What are you basing your statement on?"

Skud, I'm basing it on the Trump Administration saying so, from Mr Krebs, the US Attorney General bill Barr, of the Trump Admin, saying there is no evidence of sufficient fraud to change the election, and the 50 Secs of State across the country who have all, under penalty of perjury and jail time, certified the results in their states as accurate.

That and the multitude of judges across the country, at all levels, appointed by GW Bush, Obama and trump himself, who have all determined that the Trump Campaign has presented no evidence of fraud.

So if there was not enough fraud to change the election, besides the point that no one has presented any evidence of fraud, what's your point?

Trump lost.