Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, October 30, 2023

Pat Robertson as Speaker of the House?


The new Speaker of the House was one of the architects of overturning the 2020 election and installing Trump, the loser of the election. That makes him an anti-democracy, anti-Constitutional rebel, and dangerous to America.

Speaker Johnson also  is a Christian Nationalist who has said school shootings are caused by feminists, abortion, and teaching evolution.

This guy is nothing more than Pat Roberts in younger skin. A genuine nutcase.

Psaki: I would love to know what passage in the bible told Johnson to become one of the most important architects behind trump's effort to overturn the 2020 election. Which passage? Was it god whispering in his ear to ignore the constitution and disenfranchise millions of voters?

 “People say, ‘How can a young person go into their schoolhouse and open fire on their classmates?’” Johnson asked the audience. “Because we’ve taught a whole generation — a couple generations now — of Americans, that there’s no right or wrong, that it’s about survival of the fittest, and [that] you evolve from the primordial slime. Why is that life of any sacred value? Because there’s nobody sacred to whom it’s owed. None of this should surprise us.”

As journalists and others uncover more about Johnson and his anti-American, anti-democracy crackpot ideas, we'll see what he really is about.


Joe Conservative said...

Democrats follow the religion of a secular Satan (man). Is that why they're so upset? Satanism is taking a back seat?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...
Democrats follow the religion of a secular Satan (man). Is that why they're so upset? Satanism is taking a back seat?

Really? And your evidence for this inane comment is?

Go read about the secular countries where religion takes a backseat to rationalism. Countries like the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, for a few examples. They are overall the happiest countries with the lowest number of massacres.

Then compare those countries to Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and other countries where theocracies are the norm. Also, you may want to remember how it was here in the fledgling US when religion was the civil law of the land, say, around 1690 Salem, Mass., when pastors were the law and they burned human beings because they followed the Bible that told them to kill witches. Or you can go back even further when Religion in Europe was the law, and it proscribed any scientific discoveries that contradicted the Bible, and apostates and so-called heretics were tortured and murdered in the name of God. That was called The Dark Ages, when religion reigned supreme.

Your comment is nothing more than religious bullpuckey meant to shame, frighten, and confuse people who don't know better, y'know, people like Mike Johnson and his theocratic bullpuckey.

Les Carpenter said...

And the foolish say... Praise not the creator, rather praise the religionist zealots who created god in the image of man, and worship that god..

As the Evangelical tRumpists attempt to impose their will on all in the name of god. Man's most hypocritical creation of all.

Dave Miller said...

Molly Jong-Fast got it about right...

Johnson looks like Paul Ryan and acts like Sidney Powell...

BTW Joe... You've stated in the past that you are not a Christian. So why do care who the Dems follow? Evangelical Christian belief says all people who have not made a decision to follow Jesus are separated from God and by definition, follow Satan.

Wouldn't that include you too?

Are you just angry with the Dems because they refuse to follow your non Christian iteration of how how you see the world?

You see, I'm willing to be wrong. And I'm sure I am, on a lot of things.

But what about you?

Johnson's views on how government should be used to set one religion against others are not good for a melting pot country. At least IMHO.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.

Mike Johnson wrote/said this: "...that it’s about survival of the fittest, and [that] you evolve from the primordial slime."

It's pretty clear from his statement that he knows bupkis about the Theory of Evolution. Most people think "survival of the fittest" means those entities that are the strongest; but, in fact, it means that those entities that are able to adapt to their changing environment are most likely to survive.

Johnson comes off as a shallow thinker who is afraid to question his Bible beliefs for fear he'll find many things that are written there are just plain wrong. Most of the stories are allegories, and not the descriptions of actual events. The story of Noah's Ark is an example. Teaching children that dinosaurs and humans shared room on the ark is more than laughable, it is lunacy. And the question is why do folks like Johnson push that fantasy as historically real?

Is it his and his fellow theocrats goal to make fundamentalist Christian children look stupid to the rest of the world? Because it's working.

Shaw Kenawe said...

PS. Dave M.

JoeCon/-FJ's job on the internet is to be a disrupter and mischief maker. He has declared so himself.

Shaw Kenawe said...

PS. JoeCon,

There is no "Satan." Your references to "Satan" is like me reading about someone's reference to the ancient Sumer god, Asag, or the Babylonian demon-goddess, Lamashtu; the Greek demon god, Typhon, and Angra Mainyu, the "Satan" of Zoroastrianism.

The history of mankind and its cultures is rife with Satan-like gods, which were needed to explain evil in human nature, before we understood what drives people to do horrific, dehumanizing things.

One person I like to quote to give ONE explanation, though it doesn't cover all the reasons people do evil, is this one by Nobel Laureate in physics, Steven Weinberg:

"With or without religion, good people can do good and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.” ― Steven Weinberg

Mike said...

Shaw, visit my blog today and look at the last meme.

Shaw Kenawe said...



So, the cause of mass shootings is divorce and women (evidently, we're the only country w/ divorce and women).

Well, MTG is a woman, and she calls for a national divorce. NATIONAL DIVORCE!😱 Oh, the humanity!

Save lives, MAGA Mike, expel MTG!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Why is your "not real" absent landlord god ANY better than a Christian's or a Jew's? Because your secular He/She/Ze/Zer isn't as limited and need not follow any predefined behaviours? You don't worship Nihilism, do you? So why are Christian believers your "devils/satans" and deserving a scapegoating (a religious practice)?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

for good people to do evil - that takes religion.” ― Steven Weinberg

Save the planet from global warming? Anti-racist eradication of racism? As Slavoj Zizek commented recently, "Exactly as in the case of cancel culture, the threat to inclusion and diversity are inclusion and diversity themselves, when they are practiced in a way that shows/displays extreme exclusion."

Shaw Kenawe said...

FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
Why is your "not real" absent landlord god ANY better than a Christian's or a Jew's?

Of course I've never, ever expressed that anywhere because that's like asking me why I think a vacuum is better than pressure, which is no question at all. Neither one has value over the other in science. Vacuum refers to a space that is empty of matter, while pressure refers to the force exerted on an object by the surrounding environment. They both just are, and some events can happen in one rather than the other.

Belief in gods is a human idea. We are matter that thinks about ideas to explain what is known and unknown.

-FJ wrote: "So why are Christian believers your "devils/satans" and deserving a scapegoating (a religious practice)?"

Christian believers are not my "devils/satans." You wrote that; I did not. You presume to know what I think, and you're wrong.

I'm an equal opportunity critic of ALL religions, not just Christianity (in which I was raised).

IMO, we should have outgrown our need to believe in an incorporeal being that is continuously watching and interested in our every action and thought -- especially those actions and thoughts having to do with our naughty bits; what we wear on our heads; which day of the week we should worship it; and what kind of seafood we eat.

I should think that an omnipotent, almighty, supreme and all-knowing entity wouldn't bother itself with such pettiness. But, according to many religions, it does! Many humans miraculously believe that their god is, like them, obsessively concerned with the same human physical urges and hatred of others that they do.

Isn't that something?

Les Carpenter said...

Any religion or religionist who attempts to impose their particular religious beliefs on anyone is extremely authoritarian in their nature. Whether it be atheism, Islam, Christianity, Wiccan, Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, or any other religious dogma.

Christianity and Islam just seem to be the most inclined to do so with Islam seemingly the most egregious and the Evangelical Christians not far behind in desire to do so. It is beginning to be crystal clear for those paying attention.

The creator clearly has many more important things to worry about than giving a crap what individual humans and organized religions are thinking, saying, or doing. But those who believe simply know "their paticular god flavor" is the one true god.

Yup. It takes religion to get good people to do bad things. Being a seeker and accepting nothing as absolutely permenant or concrete truth just seems a sensible path to walk. Except for the true believers of course. Because they just know.

Joe Conservative said...

I should think that an omnipotent, almighty, supreme and all-knowing entity wouldn't bother itself with such pettiness

I agree wholeheartedly. So, why do you think that the new Speaker is going to force you to take communion and genuflect to cross symbols? I really don't think he would bother himself with such pettiness either.

Les Carpenter said...

Since you apparently don't get it i'll move.

But do have a pleasant evening.

Shaw Kenawe said...

JoeCon "So, why do you think that the new Speaker is going to force you to take communion and genuflect to cross symbols? I really don't think he would bother himself with such pettiness either."

I never expressed that! My and others' concerns are Johnson's belief that this country's laws should be based on Biblical law and that everything he believes in is found in the Bible.

This country's laws are based on the Constitution, not the Bible. And every American should be concerned and repulsed when they hear a Constitutional officer say what Johnson said.

This is a secular nation. Our Constitution is NOT based on the Bible. Our laws are NOT based on Biblical laws.

Anyone would understand that if our laws were based on the Bible, we'd be arresting and putting in prison everyone who works on the Sabbath, anyone who takes a god's name in vain, anyone who is cruel and disrespectful to his/her parents, anyone who worships a fake billionaire who lives in a tasteless penthouse decorated like a sultan's palace with a gold toilet, anyone who admires his neighbor's new SUV or new young wife, or cheating on one's many wives with porn stars and playboy playmates. None of that is written in the Constitution as being unlawful.

With maybe a few exceptions, every culture proscribes killing, stealing, and bearing false witness. A working society cannot survive if there were no laws against those things. It's not just the Bible that sees those behaviors as wrong.

Shaw Kenawe said...

PS. I know. There are no laws against lying. If there were, Trump would be serving a life sentence.

However, you cannot lie under oath. One of the reasons Trump's lawyers don't want him ever to take the stand on his own behalf. Trump is incapable of telling the truth.

Joe Conservative said...

Trump always tells "his" truth. And yes, "truth" is subjective. Which is why the government's "criminal" cases against Trump are so egregious.

Dave Dubya said...

Poor Joe. He's so confused by bullshit he equates Trump's wildly flexible "truth" with the facts and evidence required under rule of law.

Obviously Trump IS his law. Trump IS his "truth".

This is why people like Joe refuse to even READ THE INDICTMENTS. His Malevolent Messiah is ALWAYS correct, wise and just.

And they wonder why rational informed people see them as a cult. They just don't wonder too much, because resorting to indoctrinated lies and hate is so much easier.

Shaw Kenawe said...

JoeCon: "Trump always tells "his" truth. And yes, "truth" is subjective. Which is why the government's "criminal" cases against Trump are so egregious."

Trump should try that nonsense in a court of law. Let him try telling the judge and jury that his "truth" is what's real and what what the judge and juries see as hard evidence -- heard on audio tape, for example, as he tried to get the Secy. of State of Georgia to steal votes from Joe Biden and give them to him so he could steal the election from Biden. Yeah. Try it.

PS. No one believes any of that bunk you posted. We know that you LOVE to make outrageous remarks just to get attention.

When someone states there is no truth because it's subjective, and Trump tells his own "truth," what I understand is that person is dishonest and manipulative and he cannot and will not accept reality when it's right in front of his nose.

Les Carpenter said...

Only fools believe tRump over hard evidence backed up by live tape recording and video. Not to mention eye witness testimony.

Ole joe con loves his illusions/delusions. They make all the sense in the world to one who is completely removed from reality by choice. Unfortunately the number of folks like Joe runs into the millions.

We can only hope these firebrand tRnmp MAGA zealots cool off before they grow more ominous in their beliefs and behavoirs.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I don't think JoeCon/-FJ believes half the stuff he posts.

Dave Dubya said...

And IF JC/-FJ DOESN'T believe that crap, then he's evil instead of duped.

I say he can be both.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

So, how many times has the MSM truth "gotten" Trump? Zero comes to mind...

Shaw Kenawe said...

"-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
So, how many times has the MSM truth "gotten" Trump? Zero comes to mind..."

The MSM isn't the law. How many times has the LAW "gotten" Trump?

I'd say 91 times with 91 felony counts, and a civil finding that makes Trump liable for raping a woman. That actually happened in a court of law. The 91 felony counts will play out with people presenting evidence, and then a judge/jury deciding on Trump's fate.

The MSM isn't the law. We'll see if Trump can fight the law and if the law will win.

Meanwhile, we sane folks look at the MAGAs and shake our heads knowing how blind they all are to reality and the fact that Trump is a Liar, a Cheat, a Fraud, and a Rapist. And they stay loyal to that hideous man.

Les Carpenter said...

Their loyalty says nothing about tRump, but it sure as hell says volumes about them.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

How many times has the LAW "gotten" Trump?

Still zero! :)

Shaw Kenawe said...

" -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
How many times has the LAW "gotten" Trump?

Still zero! :)

The LAW found Trump liable for sexual assault/rape and defamation of E. Jean Carroll and he has to pay her $10 million.

The LAW found Trump guilty of fraud in his Trump University scam, and he had to pay $25 million for that law suit.

On September 26, 2023, a New York judge, the LAW, issued a summary judgment finding Trump and his two adult sons liable for fraud. The judge canceled the business certification of the Trump Organization.

On December 6, 2022, the LAW convicted Trump's company, The Trump Organization, of 17 criminal charges, and he is now in court to see how much he will pay for those crimes.

The LAW threw out 60 cases for lack of evidence in the election fraud cases that were brought before the court on Trump's behalf, because he claimed the election was rigged and stolen.

The LAW will go forward and hear the evidence in all the other felony charges currently pending against Trump.

-FJ has serious problems with reality if he truly thinks the LAW never got Trump.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

ps - What's $25m to a billionaire/ He'll get that back in a weekend from progressive golfer at Mar-a-Lago.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump isn't a billionaire. He's a liar.

Joe Conservative said...

Mar-a-Lago ISN'T worth a billion dollars??? What's Zillow list it for?