Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Convicted Felon Wannabe POTUS


“Following his felony convictions. Donald Trump was required to report to probation services to prepare a post conviction pre sentencing report for Judge Merchan. Trump blew off the requirement and left the courthouse before he visited with his new probation officers. 

That may have been a big mistake Judge Merchan depends on the probation report to determine Trump’s sentence. If he cannot follow the rules of probation. Prison may be the necessary sentence. 

 Whether Trump is sentenced to prison, probation or a ‘split sentence’ of prison and probation. Probation services are about to be a big part of Donald Trump’s life. 

Criminals on probation are supposed to accept their guilt and show some signs of remorse and retribution for their crimes. Trump is not likley to do that. If Trump doesn‘t follow the rules. He can and will be violated and sentenced to prison. 

 As a convicted felon,Trump no longer has the freedoms that are afforded to those of us without a felony conviction. One restriction will be on Trump’s travel. As a convicted felon Trump will need permission to leave his state of residence. His passport will be seized and any foreign travel will be prohibited or greatly restricted by his rules of probation. Not only that but many countries do not allow felons to enter their county. This conviction will drastically change Trump‘s life. I do not see Trump successfully completing a sentence of probation if that is his sentence.” —Marty Taylor


Dave Miller said...

This is somewhat fluid. We do know he did not meet with his PO. We do not know if his lawyer had already negotiated another time for them to meet.

Either way, as a convicted felon, his life will now be monitored at a level he is not going to like. If he owns guns, he must turn them in. If he leaves the state of Florida, he must get permission from his PO.

All sorts of everyday activities will change for him.

Also, in the interim before sentencing, he would do himself a favor by not attacking the judge, the court, the judge's staff and his family.

Listening to and reading ppl, it seems as if one area of his parole interview is going to stand out to the judge... Has he shown contrition, accepted his responsibility and is remorseful.

We all know how Trump is. I don't know how he makes a favorable impression given his demeanor.

Les Carpenter said...

We could be so lucky.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Sorry, -FJ, you don’t get to link to your blog and spread disinformation, misinformation, and lies about the convicted felon, Donald Trump.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Why not, I come here and read all of yours...

BB-Idaho said...

Hopefully his remote monitoring ankle collar will have an electroshock feature. We ponder
18 US Code # 1503 - (threatening Jurors or court members etc)
The punishment for an offense under this section is—
(1) in the case of a killing, the punishment provided in sections 1111 and 1112;
(2) in the case of an attempted killing, or a case in which the offense was committed against a petit juror and in which a class A or B felony was charged, imprisonment for not more than 20 years, a fine under this title, or both; and
(3) in any other case, imprisonment for not more than 10 years, a fine under this title, or both.
Trump Inc. lawyer team is emptying the BAR quickly. ANY other similar crook would not be
treated with kid gloves.

Mike said...

A fellow blogger found this... "the choice [is] between Mr Biden and a self-centered, sociopathic, misogynistic, wannabe fascist"

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ, I don’t post disinformation. If I make a mistake, I try to correct it immediately. I’m not a conspiracist, like you.

Les Carpenter said...

All which is, unlike yours, truthful documented fact.

Sorry -FJ, false facts and delusion is not what Shaw or others do here.

For that you'll need to stick with MAGA sites to get your appetite for garbage facts satisfied.

Anonymous said...

As Nixon said , there are penalties for breaking the law. I can see where my friend FJ hates war protesters. But now he hates Nixon? You better link his blog so we can keep up with trumps latest list of things to hate and lie about Ms. Shaw

Joe Conservative said...

One sided lies and misinformation are certainly more consistent. But as Emerson said, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds".

Shaw Kenawe said...

But JoeCon,

You’ve been consistent in being wrong about all your conspiracy theories.

Especially your predictions that the Arizona and Wisconsin recounts would prove that Trump won those states, and the conspiracy to cheat him from those wins would be exposed, and your conspiracy theory that Ruby Freeman and Shayne Moss interfered in the Georgia election with suitcases of illegal votes. Giuliani lost that defamation suit to the tune of $150 million, because it was a big, fat conspiracy lie.

And every time your conspiracies are debunked, or when Trump is found liable or guilty for breaking a law, you find some obscure quote from someone to suggest everyone who participated in the finding of Trump’s guilt is wrong and through his entire life of cheating, lying, and fraud, Trump somehow is always unfairly held accountable by the “Deep State.”

Trump’s dishonesty and mendacity is responsible for what has happened to him.

Joe Conservative said...

Suspending the statute of limitations for one year and promoting misdemeanor charges to felonies for this crime only signifies Trump's mendacity? Who knew?

Dave Miller said...

JoeCon, -FJ, Farmer or whatever your current moniker, here's the simple truth. You're not an honest broker. You've stated that you exist simply to roil the waters.

Most of us welcome reasoned opinion, backed up with facts, but that's not what you post. You hijack threads, frustrate even conservative bloggers, [think Silverfiddle] and frequently bring nothing more than obtuse video links, absent personal context.

Shaw has no responsibility to post your comments. Just like Z or AOW had or have no responsibility to post liberal comments.

So go cry elsewhere, or bring something real to the table. Preferably under one name so we know who you are.

Shaw Kenawe said...

From Politico, 6/1/24

“He [Bragg] has been assailed by tough-on-crime conservatives, after laying out his agenda of declining to prosecute certain lower-level offenses. Crime rates in Manhattan have trended down over his time in office, but are still above pre-pandemic levels, making Bragg an easy target.

Bragg was also criticized by many Democrats for not quickly bringing a criminal conspiracy case against Trump that assistants in the office had been building. Prosecutors on that case publicly resigned, and it took Bragg another year to bring this separate Trump indictment about hiding hush money payments to benefit his campaign.

The case earned detractors, even from some Trump critics, who argued it was weak, in part for relying on federal laws to escalate misdemeanor charges to felonies.

The conviction, Bragg political adviser Richie Fife told POLITICO, proves it was the right case.

“Alvin doesn’t spend time worrying about the Twitter lawyers or the outside noise,[or JoeCon]” he said.

Criminals ever like it when the law catches up with them, JoeCon.

Trump got what he deserved for bending and flouting the law his entire criminal and mendacious life.

Joe Conservative said...

When will Bragg get his just desserts?

Joe Conservative said...

Thinly disguised Bills of attainder won't pass Constitutional muster... but then again, these legal cases are ALL about election interference, and need only last a single election cycle to achieve their ends.

Dave Dubya said...

The voice of reasonable good faith discussion: "Sorry, -FJ, you don’t get to link to your blog and spread disinformation, misinformation, and lies about the convicted felon, Donald Trump."

The voice of the inherent resentment, dishonesty, and arrogance of Trumpism: "Why not?"

Because bullshit like "alternative facts", "white victimhood", and "fake news" are essential features in the propaganda of the neo-Nazi party of Trump. We are under no obligation to repeat or publish their fascist lies.

Les Carpenter said...

Dishonesty - A hallmark of MAGA and most of the sheeple who support the neo-Facist agenda of trump and his MAGA propaganda.

Anonymous said...

For your resident conspiracy hawker and his sock puppets:

A jury of Trump’s peers reviewed the evidence and witness testimony, giving him his due process. He was sued more than 3,500 times before ever running for potus in 2016. He is no victim.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative,

Bragg will get his just desserts if, like Trump, he commits a crime, gets indicted by a grand jury, and is found guilty by a jury of his peers.

You label this a “ thinly disguised bill of attainder” because you don’t like the fact that Trump was treated like any other law breaker and found guilty.

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”

Trump got his just desserts.

Shaw Kenawe said...


When someone is brought to account for his or her transgressions after avoiding accountability for years, it feels like persecution.

Trump got what he deserved.

Dave Dubya said...

JoeCon is correct that "these legal cases are ALL about election interference".

But as a flagrantly dishonest neo-Nazi Trump loyalist he's projecting TRUMP'S interference. The "hush money" and coverup WAS election interference. That's WHY he is GUILTY of felonies.

The Georgia indictments are all about Trump's election interference.

The DC indictments are all about Trump's criminal coup to steal the election and his multi-state election interference conspiracy with fraudulent and illegal "alternate electors".

The stolen documents is the one case that isn't election interference. It's about betrayal of our country's national security. We have EVERY reason to suspect he shared those secrets with Putin, as he did with Israeli intel he gave to RUSSAINS in the OVAL OFFICE!

Trump is a traitor. Everyone who supports his is a treasonous virtual Kremlin agent, like -FJ/JC.

These white nationalist neo-Nazis are enemies of democracy and our constitutional republic.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~ Maya Angelou

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave D.,

I understand your frustration with MAGA, I share that frustration. And I don’t understand the people who still support Trump after all we know about his low moral character, his shocking ignorance about our country and its Constitution, and his obvious declining mental acuity.

I don’t think -FJ/JoeCon are traitors. I think they’re so invested in being contrarians, spoilers, and conspiracists, that they cannot or will not abandon MAGA, Trump, and those destructive forces tearing at our fragile democracy. To do that now would be their admission that they bought into and were bamboozled by the greatest con man and liar this country ever produced and elevated to the presidency. That would make them look like fools.

Dave Miller said...

Now we have news that some witnesses for the defense in the recently completely Trump corruption trial received large salary increases, multimillion dollar severance packages and jobs for family member from various Trump companies and the campaign.

Nothing to see her I'm sure.

I mean, who doesn't receive a million bucks for no apparent reason from a company when you leave?

Les Carpenter said...

Shaw said, I don’t think -FJ/JoeCon are traitors. I think they’re so invested in being contrarians, spoilers, and conspiracists, that they cannot or will not abandon MAGA,...

They may not be intentional traitors, however, the fact they are supporting the insurrectionist and his neo-Nazi agenda effectively make them traitorous even if < they are ignorant of that reality.

Les Carpenter said...

And, if the truth is embarrassing or hurts i simply say, too bad.

BB-Idaho said...

Was thinking about 'what if they had hung Mike Pence? The only places that had opinion were Redddit and Quora, places to be avoided by the sane. Would Trump's 'patriots' have hung
all the congressmen they could grab? Confused by Marjorie Taylor Green knowing more about
virology and immunology thant Dr. Fauci. Other than the reprise of the "Know Nothing Party'
can your fascist commenters explain? (they are rather clever in a sad way)

Joe Conservative said...

Whatever happened to the 1960's "Don't trust the Government" (or anyone over 30)? I put my trust in G_d. Bureaucrats and politicians (much like Communist countries), I "trust but verify".

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.,

I just read about that in Pro Pub,I an and was going to post it, then I read about the two thugs sitting behind Dr. Fauci in today’s House hearings.

Who invited those two thugs???

Shaw Kenawe said...


We heard testimony in the J6 Congressional hearings that the mobs were looking for Nancy Pelosi as well to do her harm.

I recall that VP pence was quite shaken that day, and would NOT get in the VP car with the Secret Service. Something frightened him.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative: “Bureaucrats and politicians (much like Communist countries), I "trust but verify".

Well you must not trust Trump. When his claims are investigated for !

For example, he lied when he said he did not have a one- night stand with Stormy. And an affair with Karen McDougal. And when he claimed he won the 2020 election. And when he said the trial for election interference was rigged.

Joe Conservative said...

I never said that Trump was my ideal candidate. RFK, Jr. looks better and better every day. Who know, maybe he could even tear down the DNC like Trump did the RNC.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

...but of course, the DNC is stuck, and refuses to work on improving its' identity, have pushed the limits of identity politics far beyond the capacity of any nation state to withstand.

Dave Miller said...

BB... if they had hung Pence, that would have given new meaning to "Tourist visit".

Shaw Kenawe said...

WOW: According to an ABC News poll 16% of Republicans and a staggering 52% of Independent voters now say that Trump should drop out of the presidential race after his Conviction on 23 felony counts.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump’s supporters would do well to remember that the fraudulent business records trial that ended last week was not an isolated event. There is a lengthy trail of illegal and fraudulent activities that preceded it.

In 2016, after accusations of fraud, Trump was forced to close Trump University and pay a $25 million fine. In 2019, after accusations by the New York attorney general of a “pattern of illegality” at the Trump Foundation, he was forced to close the foundation and pay a $2 million fine.

In 2022 a jury convicted the Trump Organization of tax fraud and the company was fined $1.6 million. In 2023 a jury convicted Mr. Trump of sexual abuse and defamation, and ordered him to pay a $5 million fine. In 2024 a jury convicted Mr. Trump of defamation again and fined him $83 million. In 2024 he was convicted of falsifying his net worth and fined $454 million.

And in addition to the three significant ongoing cases in Washington, D.C., Georgia and Florida, there are several lesser-known civil lawsuits pending against him.

This is a pattern of dishonesty and illegality from a man seeking to hold the highest office in the land. It demonstrates a lack of a moral compass and confirms that he is a fraud.

It startles me that people support and trust him.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... 34 counts.

And it should be noted that the Biden DoJ is right now in the process of trying Biden's son Hunter and Dem Senator Menendez of New Jersey.

How's that for a weaponized DoJ aimed squarely at the Dems?

Man, do these clowns ever get out and read any real news?

Dave Dubya said...

Most Trumpists are not traitors in the sense of betraying our secrets and aiding enemies.

Millions are just ill-informed, poorly educated people who don't really pay attention to politics, world events, or history. They vote for Republicans because their family has always voted for Republicans. They are charmed by Trump's celebrity status and dismiss his crude language and behavior. Or they are anti-abortion evangelicals who vote for anyone who would repeal Roe v Wade. They are encouraged by Right wing media to trust his "business background". They never hear of his history of bankruptcies, fraud, and squandering Daddy's money.

But many ARE truly insurrectionists and traitors to our democratic republic. They regurgitate Russian lies in the halls of Congress. They are authoritarian true believers in dictatorship over democracy. They are white nationalists who want to dominate the majority of Americans and punish those they hate. Any and all means are justified in their anti-democratic criminal coup. January 6 was the beginning, not the end of their threat to our country.

There are the die-hard extremists like Mike Flynn, Roger Stone, Alex Jones, with their Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, gun nuts, and wacko militia types who think they're minute men. They have a media empire of soulless hacks, Putin lovers and racists poisoning the minds of millions of Americans with endless scapegoating, hate, and lies.

Being duped by Trump's lies and hate-mongering, or worse yet, knowing better and just cashing in, doesn't absolve them anymore that it would absolve "good Germans" who cheered for their Fuhrer's dictatorship, belligerent militarism, Holocaust, war and police state. They were all "patriots" who believed loyalty to the Fuhrer was loyalty to their country.

And we now have Trump’s dinner guest Nick Fuentes who said 11-9-22: “There are too many nonwhite people in the country… And it sucks, and it is what it is, but that’s why we need dictatorship…We need to take control of the media, take control of the government, and force the people to believe what we believe. Or force them to play by our rules and reshape the society.”

He told Jews to "get out fuck out of America": "You serve the devil. You serve Satan. ... I piss on your Talmud."

And Trump? “He (Fuentes) gets me.”

This is exactly who the core "Mega MAGA" cult really are,

The white nationalist Trumpists parrot neo-Nazi hate rhetoric by calling anyone who opposes or holds Trump accountable "communists", while they PRAISE Putin because Trump does. Their rage fuels calls vengeance, retribution, revenge, and even for civil war all because they BELIEVE in Trump's Big Lie. This is the final step before justifying violence against us. January 6 is CELEBRATED, and the thugs Trump praised with "We love you. You're very special" have become "hostages, martyrs and political prisoners" in their fascist cult. They are effectively Putin’s agents in his information/propaganda war against the US.

Therefore, I stand by this statement:

These insurrectionist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi Trumpists are domestic enemies of democracy and our constitutional republic.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya,

You made a compelling case, and there is truth to what you’ve outlined, because there is documentation (receipts) for your claims.

I agree with you on your point that what many MAGA profess is profoundly unAmerican and dangerous to our democracy.

What is frightening to me is the fact that this MAGA- fueled, anti-democracy, pro- fascistic impulse isn’t just limited to disrupters and ideological traitors to our Constitution, but people (US Senators, Reps, Supreme Court justices) in the highest positions of our government who are willing to dismantle 235 years of Constitutional governance and replace it with a kind of theocracy led by convicted criminal whose mental health is disintegrating before our eyes.

IMO, America is facing an existential crisis worse than anything I’ve seen in my lifetime.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.,

MAGA isn’t interested in facts, as you clearly pointed out regarding the DoJ. MAGA is in the throes of an irrational fueled by disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda being spread by the enemies of democracy.

Les Carpenter said...

The German Nazis and Japanese Imperialist could not defeat America.

Perhaps Nikita K. of the old USSR was prescient when he predicted that the USA and democracy would fall without a shot being fired.

Well, we're well on our way to democracy's collapse in Amrrica. Brought about from forces within our country and the present anti democractic MAGA movement of donald j. trump.

Anonymous said...

“Most Trumpists are not traitors”

True. But they are not critical thinkers, otherwise they wouldn’t stay loyal to a convicted criminal. They swallow lies from Fox News and don’t check out other news sources.

Dave Dubya said...

Anonymous and Shaw,

I should have framed it this way:
"Most Trump voters are not traitors in the sense of betraying our secrets and aiding enemies."

I would say "Trumpists" are the true believers, white nationalists, propagandists, and neo-Nazi types.

Anyone who believes, or acts on, or defends Trump's Big Lie is a true believer. If Trump's word is your gospel, you're in a neo-Nazi white nationalist cult.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

MAGA isn’t interested in facts, as you clearly pointed out regarding the DoJ.

LOL! why should they in a totally "values-based" neo-puritanical justice system?

Woke Moral 'Values' Superiority in Action - When FACTS no longer matter.

Shaw Kenawe said...

There you go again, -FJ, changing the subject from the convicted felon, adjudicated sexual assaulter/rapist, and tax fraudster, who’s facing dozens of felony charges, to “ wokeism.”

“ Wokeism” has nothing to do with the fact that MAGA wants a disgraced common criminal to lead this country.

“ Wokeness” didn’t commit crimes, Donald Trump did. His followers are cultists who refuse to see what’s in front of their MAGAnoses.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya,

Yes. I too believe that many MAGAs betrayed America by believing in an anti-democratic wannabe dictator who bamboozled them into believing he’s “one of them.”

They are “true believers” who have much in common with the “ Good Germans” who believed in a con man as well.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The woke crimes were invented to punish DJT. Extending the statute of limitations for ONLY 1 year so that charges could be brought. Raising misdemeanors into felonies. The only FACT that mattered to the prosecutors was that DJT was running for President. It was all a VALUES-based case from there on out. And DJT just didn't have "the right (woke) values". So DoJ orchestrated a bill of Attainder just to punish him... and his "staff" and his J6 protestors, and MAGA in general.

DoJ is "all woke" all the time. Us military policy is "all woke, all the time". Russia isn't woke. That's why Russia delenda est.

Shaw Kenawe said...

No, -FJ,

It’s quite simple: Trump broke the law. Trump was indicted by a grand jury of ordinary Americans who heard the charges and the evidence. Trump was arrested and booked. Trump was given his day in court, represented by counsel of his choice. A jury of his peers heard the evidence presented by the state of New York, and countered by the defense. The jury deliberated and found Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts.

The end.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Trump at worst committed a misdemeanor whose statute of limitations had long expired. That was then turned into 34 felonies by a woke activist prosecutor. Those are the FACTS of the case.

Les Carpenter said...

I think our somewhat obscured friend -FJ likes running that continuous loop of misinformation/disinformation because he believes it will make it true through repetition. Just like his pathological lying mentor trump has likely believed his entire life.

Well -FJ, that is just another delusion of MAGA dogma.

Anonymous said...

\\Blogger Dave Miller said...

\\ So go cry elsewhere, or bring something real to the table. Preferably under one name so we know who you are.

And you'll ADMIT it being real???

Or... more likely, that your hostess will not even allow it to pass through her cretinic pre-moderation. ;-P

Shaw Kenawe said...

Very funny, “ Anonymous” who sounds a lot like - FJ and company.

They happily post on the Geeez blog that uses the “cretinic pre-moderation.”

No one who disagrees with Geeez is allowed on that convicted felon Trump echo chamber.

Grey One talks sass said...

So, if I understand our many faced troll, who is devolving before us in technicolor grandeur... ok, I didn't understand them. At. All.

In reading their comments it appeared to me they wanted the term woke to mean 'against the law', 'for the law', and 'weaponizing the law' all at the same time. Well different comments so there is that. Maybe it's Fibro brain, maybe it's the desperation of MAGA. Or both, it could be both.

The chutzpah! Coming to another's blog, demanding freedom to ignore rules of conduct which others follow without difficulty, whining when told to follow the rules, claiming victim class for an issue they created because they want to do whatever they want, whenever they want, all without suffering a jot of consequences. And worst of all, doing a bad flounce stage left only to dance back in for a final word under yet another name.

Sound about correct?

Fact check - the many faced troll conflated the E Jean Carroll trial with the 'hush money' case (I know, paying Stormy wasn't the issue, it was hiding the payments, a misdemeanor, in order to bury the story before a presidential election elevating the crime from misdemeanor to a felony for election interference). Hush money case fits on a bumper sticker so that's the name that sticks.

Yes, there was a law enacted in NYC that allowed humans with sexual assault/rape accusations whose statute of limitations had expired a small window to achieve legal satisfaction. This did not affect the payments to Stormy case. But they knew that, this was just an opportunity to muddy the waters in order for their slime to be less noticed.

Fellow commentators, I had to turn it all off, hence my late to the party appearance. The two wolves inside me are having words, with the darker one advising caution to the light wolf who just wants to smite those needing a good smiting. As I'm not a deity I'll take another step back. Naps sound good. I'm going for a nap. Awesome job though. You really know how to get the points in when humans are just lamebrained dumb. Made me smile more than once. thank you.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said... “Trump at worst committed a misdemeanor whose statute of limitations had long expired. That was then turned into 34 felonies by a woke activist prosecutor. Those are the FACTS of the case.”

Grey One talks sass, thank you for setting -FJ straight after he mixed up the E. Jean Carroll and Stormy election interference cases.

It is, after all, confusing trying to keep track of the cases where Trump sexually assaulted/raped women and ones where he was cheating on Melania with porn stars and playmate bunnies.

Joe Conservative said...

Grey one, thanks for revealing the politicized prosecution finegaling required for both "get Trump" election interference attempts that have gone to trial thus far.

Joe Conservative said...

Anybody know any other sexual assault cases prosecuted in NY under the 1 year extension other than Trump? There must be a lot, right, or why else change the law?

Les Carpenter said...

As -FJ digs and digs. Again proving nothing. Other than his fealty to a lying narcissistic buffoon who is now a felon in search of and planning on the corrupt SCOTUS he corrupted stepping in and "fixing" his legitimate guilty verdict.

As cons grow in ignorance the rest of the country needs to band together and stand firm against their lies and conspiracy BS.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I made my case, Les. You're pretending that I haven't is cute, though, for convincing any children who might read this that I haven't.

Anonymous said...

Your retort are flimsy here, FJ.

Children -- not equipped to understand such intrinsic topics... and all that DEMN-cretins are like children.
