Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, June 1, 2024

This is what the convicted criminal, Trump, has done to America:

 NBC News:

Trump supporters try to doxx jurors and post violent threats after his conviction 

On social media and web forums, users called for jurors, judges and prosecutors to be killed after the former president was found guilty on 34 felony counts

Because of Trump, one third of Americans have become lawless vigilante wannabe thugs.


Les Carpenter said...

This nation is treading down a similar path as Germany did in its lead up to fully embracing the Nazi horror.

twump is a neo-Nazi and his party and supporters are of the same mentality that allowed a brutal inhumane human form to exact unbelievable suffering on a people and the world. Their blind unquestioning loyalty to a thug and pathological liar speaks I think to the horrible effects of blind belief and blind faith. I note the high level of support from Evangelical Christian Nationalists and the un-educated and under-educated.

The only thing that can explain support for twump from educated folks is ignorance. Ignorance does not imply one is either dumb or stupid. On can be highly educated yet ignorant. Usually due to attachments ans or blind faith. As in religous blind faith.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Biden didn’t manufacture Trump’s criminality - Trump’s been compromised for decades - it’s in his criminal nature.

His cultists’ attachment to him is irrational. It’s an indication of their complete break with reality. The politicians who continue to support him are the worst kind of hypocrites and power-crazed liars.

Dave Miller said...

Again, let's be careful not to blame the behavior of these idiots on Trump, no matter how violent they become.

It is fair however to ask why such people as those who would choose violence to support Trump, feel like they belong to the Trump team.

possumlady said...

I just saw that the Heritage Foundation is flying an upside down flag since trump became a felon. It truly is crazy land out there...

Anonymous said...


BB-Idaho said...

Bible selling bully. Judas would have liked him.

Shaw Kenawe said...

ANON, I don’t think you understand how karma works.

Trump interfered in the 2016 election by conspiring to hide his adultries with a porn star and playboy model from the American people by buying their silence about his cheating on his wife, he then committed another crime by fraudulently accounting for his hush money payments.

The jury of his peers believed the evidence presented. Trump chose NOT to testify, and his lawyers made the decision with Trump’s agreement on who would testify.

Trump was found guilty on all 34 counts.

No amount of lying, whining, and more lying about what happened will change the truth.


Shaw Kenawe said...

For skud:

For those who still can't understand.

Trump was convicted of falsifying business records to hide hush money payments made to women during the 2016 election. These payments aimed to prevent damaging stories from surfacing and thus influence the election outcome. This included using shell companies and disguising transactions to conceal the true nature of the payments, which is considered election interference by deceiving voter

Les Carpenter said...

Those with willfully shuttered eyes ears, and mind to the truthful reality relative to twump and his criminality are blissfully euphoric over his rhetoric and false statements overt past 10 years. Leading to their hyper anger over the justice he just rightfully received by a jury of his peers.

Cultists live there delusions. Until there is an intervention or they have an epiphany.

And your right, anon has no idea how karma works.

Joe Conservative said...

Democrats obviously made all their threats to the jury pool BEFORE the verdict was arrived at.

Joe Conservative said...

The doxxed Republicans on the jury were all given permission by the judge to be excluded before the trial began.

Mike said...

I see you posted a reply to Skud twice. You may have to post it a bunch more times to get your point across to him.

Shaw Kenawe said...

JoeCon’s grasping at mendacious straws.

But I suppose even convicted felons need their supporters.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Mike, I think skud now understands that Trump was convicted because he committed an actual crime, a crime DA Bragg said he’s prosecuted dozens and dozens of time.

The scandal is that MAGA members of the House and Senate have announced that they intend to punish the American people because a jury of Trump’s peers found him guilty of crimes HE COMMITTED.

Les Carpenter said...

The republican party - now effectively part of the twump crime family.

Republicans are trying to turn the country into a Banana Republc and they won't stop until annilated at the polls , or they succeed.

Their success or failure rests with Democrats and independents. A massive turnout of true American Patriots voting Biden/Harris and democratic up and down the ticket is to ONLY way to thoroughly defeat the republican authoritarian designs for America.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, The democrats got their wish in convicting trump. Pelosi showed total disrespect for the office of the president, he was attacked constantly since he rode the elevator. Impeachment charges were started before he took office and the country spent millions on disproving the russia hoax.

I believe he did commit a crime but paying a hooker was not it. At least Paula didn't turn tricks for a living so clinton cannot be accused of paying off a hooker. The evil felon's actions didn't cost the taxpayer billions in vote buying schemes and an administration that is all about special interest groups. Of course joey learned that while he was VP during covid

Now the dems need to see if they can put the evil felon behind bars and totally make their day. It is the American people who are going to pay the price because our choice is a senile guy who gets us involved in wars, gives taxpayers money away, telling young people you can remain irresponsible because the govt will take care of you or we can vote for a scumbag felon who is out of control.

I have always said we can do better and neither of these candidates is doing better.

BB-Idaho said...

Who will be Trump's next VP pick?

Shaw Kenawe said...

BB-Idaho, This is just my guess:

Trump may pick an unremarkable, rich white pro- MAGA man. Trump is a malignant narcissist, and he would not want a VP to outshine him.

Trump’s personality disorder demands that he be the center of attention.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Skudrunner: “Ms. Shaw, The democrats got their wish in convicting trump.”

No, Skud, you don’t get away with that untruth. A jury of Trump’s peers, after hearing a mountain of specific evidence, convicted Trump.

Your constant mischaracterization of the facts and the outcome of the trial shows us that you do not respect American jurisprudence.

Trump was convicted, after evidence was presented, because the prosecution PROVED to the jury that he committed 34 felonies.

I’m surprised to learn how much you distrust and don’t believe in our American justice system.

What happened to Trump has nothing to do with Pelosi or anyone else.

MAGAs and other angry people will have to face the fact that Trump was convicted because, under our justice system, HE WAS FOUND GUILTY OF BREAKING THE LAW!

That’s the end of it.

BB-Idaho said...

Like a lot of voters, Skud seems to prefer neither.
I'm curious as to who he thinks would be a better choice?

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, you are correct in I don't trust our legal system because your guilt is determined by which lawyer you can afford and you can sue anyone for anything and even looser pays. Judges can override any law and any verdict. No our legal system needs a major overhaul.

BB, the best choice is not running which would be almost anyone else. Trump is poison and I fall into the 16% of conservatives who won't vote for him after his conviction. Biden is a joke and serial liar but that is expected because he is a lifelong politician who has never held a job.

I cannot vote for joey b because he is a puppet not a president. He switches gears on everything that it is hard to keep track. I support Israel and they have a right to retaliate to end it or else, I cannot do anything about the border to I am going to sign a EO shutting the border after I left it open for three and a half years, I support labor but will only use money to pay off rich kids who went to college not a plumber who had to support themselves through trade school.

Both of these candidates bring a new height to the privileged white guy.

Dave Miller said...

BB hits the nail on the head by asking Skud to actually name someone he prefers.

Can you do it Skud? Not a concept, not an idea. Not the nameless person who is better than the two we have. Not the perfect idea of a candidate who will sign your beloved flat tax and be everything for America.

A name or two of actual people.

Can you do it?

Because I think BB is correct. You are like a lot of voters dosgusted with both major party candidates. I get it.

So would be a better choice, not for a throwaway vote so you can say you participated, but the name of someone you would be enthusiastic to support and vote for.

Dave Miller said...

Hahaha... As if on cue.

I had not seen Skud's above comment, as Shaw had not yet published it, when I left my comment asking him for a specific name.

And yet, read his response.

Just as I predicted, Skud has no one, preferring to hide behind some esoteric idea or principle.

Probably because no one exists who favors...

No immigration, legal or otherwise, to the US.
Higher taxes for poor people.
No legal abortions.
No military intervention overseas.
Full access to guns of all types.
Restoration of statues honoring Civil War traitors.
Non acceptance of all government statistics contrary to previously held ideas.

skudrunner said...

Rev, You do seem frustrated that I will not vote for either privileged white guy.

Hate to disappoint you on your list
We should have legal immigration but close the border for illegals
Poor people do not pay FIT and neither does 49% of workers so a fair tax would allow everyone to pay their Fair Share. I would assume since you work for a tax deductible charity you don't pay FIT
Abortions are a women's choice since she has to live with the results.
Support our allies not our enemies
Right to bear arms for those who are registered and have passed a gun safety course
Restoration of statues acknowledging our history instead of denying it
The last one is just childish so I will not comment

Now who would I vote for; Tulsi Gabbard, Nikki Haley, John Kasich, Joe Manchin

Dave Miller said...

Nope Skud... I don't care who you vote for. Really I don't. I'm more interested in the motivation and how you make a determination for whom you will vote.

All BB asked for was essentially a name. Who in our political sphere would best represent your views?

If you could pick anyone to run for president, who would it be?

Is there anyone?

Les Carpenter said...

Wow skudsy! Very nice job.

I disagree with most of your choices/statements but other than your restoring statues of traitors to the USA and your stance on abortion i could live with the rest.

Although Nikki Haley I've lost respect for of late and Gabbard I view as a kook.

Nonetheless, nice job.

skudrunner said...

I believe I named four but it is a futile question because our choices are dumb and dumber. I would like to see someone who represented the American people not just the special interest groups. I would like someone who would restore the American dream of work hard and you can achieve anything. Instead we have a clown who says make a commitment and someone else will pay the bill. I guess the government should pay off my mortgage or my car loan because I will have more money to spend and isn't that the rational of paying off rich kids student loans and not trade school loans. If you believe the statistics college grads will earn 86% more than non graduates yet they transfer their bill to others. It is a vote buying scheme that has been deemed illegal but it is biden so anything goes.

Hope that answers you question but I doubt you are satisfied.

Les Carpenter said...

Going back to 1950 just isn't going to happen skudsy. Once a reasonable adjustment happens and we stabilize (that's if trump loses and the gop shakes its MAGA neo-Nazi agenda and seeks bipartisan compromise) the political trajectory will swing liberal/progressive again.

It's known as the Perpetual Swinging Pendulum. As everything is impermanent and nothing remains constant and solid forever change is forever in play.

So cheer up. Sooner or later everything you cherish changes and fades away. It's simply how life and indeed the cosmos works.

Dave Miller said...

Skud... you're right. I missed them, so count it as my mistake, for which I apologize.

I like Kasich. I thought Manchin could have run and won in 2020. Now? Not so much. Haley will be pres in 2028. For me, Gabbard seems like a flavor of the day for GOP fans looking for something different. But I do see her appeal.