Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Wednesday, July 31, 2024



Trump on VP Kamala Harris: “I did not know she was Black until a number of years ago, when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. Is she Indian or is she Black.”

NYTimes: "In a tense appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists convention, former President Donald J. Trump said Vice President Kamala Harris now wants to be “known as Black.” 

The White House called his comments “repulsive.”

"...she happened to turn Black..."

Trump's own people ended the interview. 

This wasn't the win Trump's team wanted it to be.

It was a rolling disaster. 

NYTimes: "One clip I would expect from this event that we will see in future advertising is when ABC's Rachel Scott asked, “My question is on those rioters who assaulted officers. Would you pardon those people?” And Trump replied without hesitation, “Oh absolutely, I would.” 

There are animated discussions going on among the Black journalists in the crowd. 

NYTimes: "Trump was clearly irritated by the tough questioning by some of the journalists. As he left the stage he was shaking his head and gesturing. 

Trump’s interview ended abruptly as Harris Faulkner started to ask a question about Project 2025. Trump quickly posed for the photo spray then left the stage."

Trump was supposed to be asked questions for an hour at NABJ. He was pulled off stage by his own people after just 35 minutes.


Les Carpenter said...

We are witnessing in real time the pending implosion of one Donald J. Trump. An event many (the majority) will applaud.

Donald and Just Dumb vance are already floundering like fish out of water.

May the fish keep floundering.

Thersites said...

They booked an hour of his time, and delayed the start because of "equipment problems". They sabotaged the interview from the start.

Sam said...

He just bald face lies when he knows the cameras are running. He is convinced the people will believe anything he says, and many will.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump sabotaged himself with his disgusting racist remarks about Vice President Harris’s racial heritage.

Trump’s inner self was on display for us all to see in all its ugliness

His team did America a great favor.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Les and Sam,

Trump was being his most Trumpy when he had to answer hardball questions and face a non-fawning crowd. He has no grace under fire and his inner five year old child was on display for all to see.

Dave Miller said...

Thersites, go back in your hole... the interview was not sabotaged. They had equipment problems, but those equipment problems did not cause Trump to lie profusely and spout racially insensitive, at best statements. Even the Captain of the Mothership, no friend of libs, said Trump was awful.

We could list the many many lies of Trump in only a half hour, but you, -FJ, Skud and the rest of the trolls would never believe it, or accept it.

How do we know? Because you all can't accept that Harris was never the "Border Czar". And that of course was just one of his lies today.

Geeez... thank goodness he only had a half hour, otherwise his lies would have reached Olympic proportions.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump made this insightful observation today:

“A lot of journalists in this room are Black" - Trump, at the National Association of Black Journalists Convention.

I mean, his brilliance is just, well, blinding, isn't it.

Dave Miller said...

Here's the bigger problem... if you all want a primer on election night 2024, check out what's happening in Venezuela right now. It's Trump's pl;n for 2020, where he would just claim victory without evidence and force the system to dislodge him.

And there, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Maduro is claiming, wait for it, the voting machines and systems were hacked.

Sound familiar?

Get ready for the GOP liars to double down this year.

Shaw Kenawe said...


"It was awful."

Trump's tense interview at the NABJ convention is being met with GOP reactions ranging from qualified concern to outright shock, with some Republicans questioning Trump's ability to adapt to the new Democratic ticket.

Shaw Kenawe said...

What the heck is wrong with these people?????

Ron Filipkowski:

"Trump-endorsed Republican nominee for NC Governor Mark Robinson says he isn’t a quitter taking breaks from competition like “weak little gymnast” Simone Biles."

They're attacking an Olympic champion? It seems all they can deliver is spite and hate.

Shaw Kenawe said...

OMG! Trump does not have one drop of humanity in him. He made a joke to his MAGA crowd tonight about Mr. Comperatore's widow, and the MAGAs laugh along with him.

What a wretch!

John Harwood

For anyone thinking the assassination attempt changed him...

"Trump on Corey Comperatore's widow: "Corey's wife said, 'I'd rather have my husband.' Isn't that good? I know a lot of wives that would not say that, I'm sorry." (Crowd laughs) "

Craig said...

Dave, Mz. Z loved the interview.


Ignorance, insolence, mendacity, bigotry, misogyny. These are MAGA turn ons.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

It's insensitive NOT to patronize Blacks? I would think it insensitive to do so...

Shaw Kenawe said...


Most of what Trump says and does thrills and delights the folks on the Mother Ship, and yesterday's gross performance seemed to thrill and appall them at the same time.


We can agree that Trump was spectacularly awful.

Dave Miller said...

Craig, overall, yes she did. Even as she was uncomfortable with parts of it.

Mostly because he, as many conservatives desire, spouted in a strong voice, "their truth" that they believe without factual evidence, supports theirs and Trump's fantastical views about race, the economy, POC, the election and on and on and on.

To them, if America just clearly heard their lies, the country would accept them as truth and turn, as she has said, by a 75% margin in the upcoming election.

I guess if we were a bunch of weird people who believed whatever fiction we wanted, evidence be damned, maybe we would.

But we're not.

Craig said...


Let me get this straight, directly answering the question posed to him, not lying to his audience, not insulting the panel would be patronizing? Got it.

For someone who quote mines philosophers as much as you, it's clear you have no understanding of what you copy and paste. I'm of the opinion that much of philosophy is navel gazing. I guess it's hard to for you to navel gaze when your head is firmly planted up your backside. Too harsh? You're just not as clever as you think you are.

noun: philosophy

the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline.

You should try it.

Les Carpenter said...

As I think about things, no, meditate on things, I realize most of what is truly important in life was learned by 1st grade. After that the deep conditioning began and one had to work very hard to keep from becoming what society and the predominant cultural "norms" approved of.

And that becomes the othering so prevelant in MAGA circles and approved of by the MAGA King, DJT. Maintaining and safeguarding the bigotry, racism, and white control of everything is the real agenda of Trump, MAGA, the GOP, the Heritage Foundation, Christian Nationalists, etc.

2024 is perhaps the most consequential election of our lifetimes. It will set the stage for the potential for great forward progress and positive change, or, for a great leap backwards towards the nation's darker demons.

VP Kamala Harris or the misogynistic narcissist felon DJT. The decision is a very simple one for the folks grounded in reality, truth, and basic human decency.

skudrunner said...

Come on Mr. Carpenter you are not that slow. Most people follow the doctrine All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten by Robert Fulghum. That puts you a year behind.

Every election is the most consequential until the next election. We elect idiots expecting them to do what best for us and they always disappoint so next time we elect idiots again and the circle continues. Somehow the country survives and will continue to survive with changes. Some think the changes are for the best and some think the changes are for the worse but we will survive.

Thersites said...

Philosophy is derived from the Greek... philos and sophos. Love and Wisdom.

or as Byung-Chul Han puts it... "Philosophy is the translation of Eros into Logos" or love into logic/reason, for love is the foundation upon which logic and reason stand.

You don't sound very "loving" Craig. Maybe it's influencing your "reasoning".

Thersites said...

ps - There are 4 Lacanian discourses, not just an "academic" discourse. And my discourse is of the Analyst, not the University.

Craig said...


I'll ask you, is this an example of your analytic reasoning?

Let me get this straight, directly answering the question posed to him, not lying to his audience, not insulting the panel would be patronizing? Got it.

The ancient Greek translates to love of wisdom. You can quote whoever, it won't change that.

You don't sound very "loving" Craig. Maybe it's influencing your "reasoning".

Show me where my reasoning is flawed. I don't love trolls. I don't hate them either. I treat them like trolls. Now, please explain how Trump not being a lying jerk would be patronizing. Break it down, Thirsty.