The Criminal in the White House gave a long speech full of sound and fury, highlighting his personality disorder of malignant narcissism. His lies, exaggerations, and misinformation once again made a mockery of our country and the Office of the President. His cultists lapped it up and pretended it was grand.
After reviewing the highlights of Trump's performance, I was reminded of a character from one of Kurt Vonnegut's books. The character was an orange-colored space alien, and his means of communicating was tap dancing and farting at the same time.
As usual, he took all the credit and gave everyone else the blame.
“We have Marco Rubio in charge,” Trump said. He added, as his secretary of state looked on, 'Now we know who to blame if anything goes wrong.' ”
"So it goes.
Poo -Tee - Weet."
The flaming jackass demeaning the Office of the Presidency, and America by extention, made me absolutely ashamed to be called American. The first time in my 73 years on American soil.
The malignant narcissist and flaming jackass in the Dark House is on a path to turn this country into a Russian proxy state complete with oligarchs and criminal elements running the show.
As the Germans, with good cause are saying... FU*K Trump. I share their sentiment completely.
I missed it. I had an unnecessary root canal done instead. Without anesthesia. And with rusty drill bits.
Seriously, this is the first time I can remember when I had absolutely had no desire to watch what is typically billed the State of the Union.
Once again though, as seen in the clips of the speech I have seen, President Trump said he inherited the worst economy we've ever had. Here's the truth...
US economic data
2024 inflation rate... 2.9%
Core inflation rates for January 2025... 2.5%
January unemployment rate... 4%
Jobs added in 2024, last year of the Biden Admin, all post Covid... 680,000
US Economic growth in 2023... 2.9%. In 2024... 2.8%
Dow Jones Industrial Average from 2023-2024... a record rise to highest levels in history, benefitting everyone's 401K retirement and savings account.
Then as it relates to crime...
US Murder rate in 2024... down 22.7%
US rapes in 2024... down 17.7%
US robbery in 2024... down 13.6%
US aggravated assault in 2024... down 8.1%
And to cap it off, the US is producing more oil and more energy than any country ever in the history of the world.
All of the data I cited is easily verifiable and available all over the net. They are facts. Not alternative facts. Real facts. Not the "false facts" that Lisa has said she posts at the stench trench, as FreeThinke called it.
So... was President Trump lying when he said he inherited the worst economy in US history, was he wrong, or willfully ignorant?
You all tell me...
Oh gosh - I missed it, watched a couple episodes of M.A.S.H.
Far better than hearing Biden caused WWII.
Trump: “We’re going to get Greenland…one way or another”
Hitler: “We’re going to get Poland…one way or another”
trump "And we are going to forge the freest, most advanced, most dynamic and most dominant civilization ever to exist on the face of this Earth."
Hitler: "Today Germany, Tomorrow the world".
Trump: "We are going to create the highest quality of life, build the safest and wealthiest and healthiest and most vital communities anywhere in the world."
(But we will gut education and healthcare, and impose more inflation through tariffs.)
"We are going to conquer the vast frontiers of science", (As we defund children's cancer research, NASA and NOAA.)
Trump's Joint Address by topic:
0 mentions of health care affordability
0 mentions of housing affordability
0 mentions of veterans
0 mentions of prescription drug costs
2 mentions of the Gulf of “America”
3 mentions of annexing Greenland
3 mentions of Elon Musk
5 mentions of tax handouts for the ultra-wealthy and mega corporations
6 mentions of the Panama Canal
13 mentions of Joe Biden
Plus threats to Medicare and Social Security. Just wait for howling dupes when they realize Trump is taking away their healthcare and Social Security
As the ignorant malicious malignant narcissist and Felon screws middle America (opps, now Amerika), the working poor, and the truly needy.
The unfortunate uneducated dupes of MAGA are in for a huge eye opener when their hero Fuhrer scews them deep and hard right where it hurts the most.
tRUMP is such a turd.
Trump honored a child with brain cancer last night and then led a standing ovation for him while simultaneously eliminating all spending for child cancer research. A perfect encapsulation of MAGA morality.
Dave, you are too kind. Is there such a thing as idiocracy?
Ms. Shaw, you know he didn't eliminate all cancer research spending. His speech did last too long especially after listening to mumbles go on for a half hour and say nothing.
CBS, Poll on Trump's 2025 joint address to Congress finds large majority of viewers approve.
CNN poll: Trump address to Congress gets modestly positive marks, changes few minds.
How can anyone say CNN is biased?
Any comment on democrats hating women's sports and wanting to eliminate title 9. That was just my opinion on title nine but if we promote violence against women in sports that's what will happen.
Who's promoting violence against women skud? The sexual assaulter Trump?
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