Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Sunday, March 2, 2025



(Disclaimer:  I found this on the intertubz. I disagree with the claim that "trump is more evil than this guy." Trump has NOT killed his own citizens...yet. Although the purging of vital government services may end up doing so.) 

"Between 1936 and 1938, Stalin eliminated his political opponents and those he considered "enemies of the working class". This purge gave him complete control of the government and the party. Some historians believe that the death toll was around 20 million.


Anonymous said...

Well, the Felon of the USA reportedly kept a copy of Hitler's playbook on his nightstand by his bed according to Ivanka. And he is on record saying Hitler did some good things. And he admires Putin as well.

It's early yet. Who knows what the future brings. With his declining cognitive function, malignant narcissism, lack of empathy, and relative ignorance he very well could begin eliminating his opposition in the near future.

Pretty sure the German cultists supporting Hitler never imagined the evil he was capable of either. Until they found out.

The Felon of the USA hasn't said anything about Stalin, yet. But given his admiration for human butchers he'd most likely say Stalin did some good things to.

skudrunner said...

What you post is always a possibility about the streamlining government after decades of abuse and not holding our elected elite responsible for anything. The axe instead the scalpel approach would result in a trimmer more efficient government and hopefully it will come to that. Of course for a trimmer more efficient government they would have to totally change the way the government works and that won't happen in four years.

With trumps inexcusable tirade against zelenskyy showing he is going over the cliff can his divorce with elon be far behind. Employee relations 101 teaches you praise in public and criticize in private, something the ultra ruling class does not feel the need to do. Zelenskyy should not have come to the country with the intent of the US defending the country you did not understand what the US would bring to the table. I can't say trump was wrong in denying what assistance the US would bring because troops in the field is something the US doesn't want but it should have been handled without the press in attendance.
Trump thought it mad him look strong when in appearance it made him look like a bully jerk.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump is an ally of the butcher of children and murderous dictator, Putin, against the man trying to save his country from Putin who invaded it:

"Wow. Trump just said he got mad at Zelenskyy because he said “negative things” about his friend Putin.

Do you need to hear anything else to determine which side he’s on?"

Anonymous said...

Elon, also an ignorant self serving multi-billonaire will continue to tickle the little orange ignoramuses fancy as he blows sweet nothings in his ear. Thus insuring the continuation of his own influence and power. The rising oligarchy in Amerika is taking form. Supported by a compliant and malleable ignorant government put in place by the Felon of the USA and his ass kissing lackeys in congress and the uneducated that elected them.

Anonymous said...

The blind and heartless will remain so until something touches their heart in a profound and powerful way. Opening it to a non physical reality that cannot be realized through concepts and words.

Joe Conservative said...

Where'd the Zen go?

Anonymous said...

You tell us joe con. The man of many identities.