Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Sunday, March 9, 2025




Anonymous said...

Compassion and wisdom, two neccessary ingredients for a civil society. Out of which naturally flows empathy for ones fellow travelers.

Both are but empty words within the Musk/Trump administration and the cultists of the MAGA con. Empathy dies when compassion and wisdom are scorned.

skudrunner said...

Maybe there is a middle road. We went from tons of compassion for everyone but the middle class with zero wisdom to zero compassion except for the middle class and a lot of wisdom. There has to be a reagan hiding in the wings to bail us out.

BTW, I looked up this morning and the sky was still there, hasn't fallen yet but I will check tomorrow.

BB-Idaho said...

Empathy likely kept the human species from going the way of the dinosaur.
An important trait for us all. Seems some recessive gene is missing in a few current politicians, but who are we to judge that were not born with a silver spoon in one of our orifices?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The removal of human agency and emotion from governance is consistent with Musk’s views on empathy, which he recently shared with Rogan. “We’ve got civilizational suicidal empathy going on,” Musk said. Musk qualified his remarks slightly, noting that he is not wholly opposed to empathy, but nonetheless believes that empathy is destroying Western civilization. “I believe in empathy, I think you should care about people. But you need to have empathy for civilization as a whole, and not commit civilizational suicide,” he said. After repeating multiple falsehoods about immigrants, Musk claimed it was empathy that had allowed immigrants to become a threat to the United States. “The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy. The empathy exploit—they’re exploiting a bug in western civilization, which is the empathy response,” Musk said.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Reagan would have detested what Trump is doing to our allies and our country.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Musk thinks he's a philosopher too? He's no genius. A genius would never have taken up with a corrupt, demented man like Trump.

The Christian Nationalist Evangelicals who support Trump have betrayed everything their Savior preached.

Among the most important is compassion and EMPATHY for those who are suffering and in need of help. That includes immigrants fleeing murderous regimes.

That's why some religious people truly believe Trump is actually the anti-Christ. He is everything the Christian's Savior preached against. EVERYTHING.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Minus FJ would disagree. He's so marinated in Trumpism that he's willing to swallow the argle-bargle Musk is selling about empathy to Trump's cultists.

Musk's been firing people, including veterans, from their jobs without any idea if he's following the law or not, and in doing so disrupting thousands and thousands of Americans' lives. These Americans will suffer terribly, but Musk, in his infinite multi-billionaire wisdom, says this has to be done in order to save America. The idiot doesn't understand that the people he's kicked out of jobs ARE America.

The richest man on the planet telling lowly government workers they'll have to "suffer a little," to make America great again, while he scoops up billion dollar contracts with the government is the biggest scam of all. It surpasses anything the biggest con artist and scammer, Trump, could ever dream of.

Anonymous said...

TRUTH: Must is ignorant as well as deluded. As a result only suffering will arise from his desired actions and plans for America.

Anyone, regardless their spiritual path, who knows anything about Jesus of Nazareth and his true teachings will agree Trump is a manifestation of the Anti Christ.

Shaw Kenawe said...

SKUD: "BTW, I looked up this morning and the sky was still there, hasn't fallen yet but I will check tomorrow."

Yes. I understand. Nothing has happened to you -- you haven't lost you job and don't have to worry about health care coverage for your family, or paying your mortgage, and everything else that's threatened when mothers and fathers lose their jobs -- or anyone!

I'm beginning to understand what many people have said about libertarians: as long as they're fine, they don't give a flying donut about what happens to anyone else.

It's a selfish, self-centered way to live one's life. And lots of Americans are fine with that. After all, the leader of America -- it's own Felon-in-Chief is the epitome of that mentality.

Shaw Kenawe said...

One could say we’ve already sunk into barbarism because we’ve put a criminal back in the White House. What kind of civilized society does that?

skudrunner said...

A society who is given no viable options. The choice between evil and incompetent leaves little room for choice so people go with the selection that will do the least harm.

Anonymous said...

It s not at all suprizing that Musk, who is a white billionaire, as well as his "boss" the Felon of the the USA blames immigrants for the ills of the US.

Better to blame brown people rather than to look in he mirror for some folks. Trump and Musk will create more ILLS than immigrants ever have.

BB-Idaho said...

Hmm, Germany in the 1930s? Oh, I missed the 'civilized part!