Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Who elected Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge?

These two guys earn their living by stirring up the Republican base and instilling paranoia, divisiveness, and victimization in their listeners and readers.

And now they put themselves out there as the representatives of the Republican Party, to the point of offering their advice to President Obama on how to tackle the enormously complex financial problems this country faces.

Let's look at Drudge's background [from Wikipedia] to see how he qualifies for this:

Matthew Drudge, raised in Takoma Park, Maryland, near Washington, DC, is an only child.

His parents are Jewish liberal Democrats who both worked for the federal government.

His father, Robert Drudge, a former social worker who owns the reference site and his mother, a former staff attorney for U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy from Massachusetts, divorced when he was six. Drudge went to live with his mother.

He had few friends but was an avid news reader and radio talk show fan. In his book Drudge Manifesto, Drudge reports that he "failed his Bar Mitzvah", and graduated 341st out of a class of 355 from Northwood High School in 1984, thus giving himself, in his words, a "more than adequate curriculum vitae for a post at 7-Eleven".

He was arrested on June 18, 1981, for making annoying telephone calls. After the arrest, Drudge went to live with his father on a farm on the eastern shore of Maryland. Before long, however, his father sent him back to Washington to live with his unemployed mother.

Drudge was then placed in psychiatric treatment with Jewish Social Services. It was recommended that the boy be sent to a boarding school, "and if not the last choice will be a foster home" (from court papers).

In 2006, TIME Magazine named Drudge one of the 100 most influential people in the world, describing the Drudge Report as:

"A ludicrous combination of gossip, political intrigue and extreme weather reports ... still put together mostly by the guy who started out as a convenience-store clerk."

Drudge has been called "the Walter Cronkite of his era" by Mark Halperin and John F. Harris, "an idiot with a modem" by Keith Olbermann, "the country's reigning mischief-maker" by Todd Purdum of the The New York Times, and Michael Isikoff of Newsweek said "Drudge is a menace to honest, responsible journalism. And to the extent that he's read and people believe what they read, he's dangerous."

And now Limbaugh's background:

Limbaugh was born in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, the son of Mildred Carolyn "Millie" (née Armstrong), originally from Searcy, Arkansas, and Rush Hudson Limbaugh, Jr. His father was a lawyer and a World War II fighter pilot who served in the China-Burma-India theater. The name "Rush" was chosen for his grandfather to honor the maiden name of family member Edna Rush.

His family is filled with a number of lawyers including his grandfather, father and his brother David. His uncle, Stephen N. Limbaugh, Sr. is a Ronald Reagan appointed federal judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri and his cousin, Stephen N. Limbaugh, Jr., is Judge on the Supreme Court of Missouri. Rush Limbaugh, Sr., Limbaugh's grandfather, was a Missouri prosecutor, judge, special commissioner and served on Missouri's state House of Representatives from 1930 to 1932.


Limbaugh graduated from Cape Central High School, in 1969. His father and mother wanted him to attend college, so he enrolled at Southeast Missouri State University.

He dropped out after two semesters and one summer; according to his mother, "he flunked everything", even a modern ballroom dancing class. As she told a reporter in 1992, "He just didn't seem interested in anything except radio."

Two things these men have in common is their poor performances in school and their inability to distinguish themselves in their respective families career traditions. They found , instead, a field where no particular educational requirements are needed--where the skills that are most important are belief in one's bombastic rhetoric and the ability to gather gossip and rumor and turn that into political lucre.

Higher education is not always the tool that will ensure success, and there are many successful people who have done quite well for themselves with just a high school diploma and a lot of smarts in other areas. Limbaugh and Drudge have done quite well financially and have millions of followers of their respective venues. However, being a popular radio personality or the host of a blog does not make one an expert in economics. Or really, anything other than entertaining folks.

Nothing in their backgrounds qualify them to advise a president on the highly complex and far reaching consequences of a multi-dimensional financial stimulus package.

Both Limbaugh and Drudge have an overinflated opinion of themselves based only on their appeal to their audiences.

The rest of the country thinks they're self-important cacafuegos.


dmarks said...

Cacafuego... one of my all time favorite ship names!

"He was arrested on June 18, 1981, for making annoying telephone calls"

The man sounds like Tennesse Tuxedo. I think any call from him would be annoying!

I found Drudge's radio program to be awful. But I do find his web site to be the most useful on which to find up to date headlines. Design is a good part of it: it loads quickly, is easy to read, and lacks clutter. Compared to it, CNN, Fox, NBC, ABC, Daily Beast, etc are unusable due to bad design.

I'm open to suggestions for a site that's as good.

Anonymous said...

When will the wingnuts accept the fact that America voted NO! on them and their agenda TWICE. In 2006 and in 2008.

The poor misguided loonies still think they're the silent majority.

They've been rejected two times.

Do they need a third to get the message?

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about Drudge, but that Rush is a great entertainer, that's for sure ($400 million great).

Liberals keep Rush in business, plain and simple.

Savage is far more crude and out of touch.

TAO said...

Its not academic achievement but rather testerone levels that make these two successful.

Its not the truth but the spin that excites their followers.

I have been to Searcy, Arkansas and Cape Girardeau, Missouri more times than I can count....

Not much to call ones hometown to say the least....

But now that Rush lives in a house that has more square footage than the White House...well, what can you say...

It looks to me like Matt Drudge has some issues with his parents that might need some professional help....

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It shows that one can make a real good living telling bigots and blind fools whatever they want to hear. God bless America. God bless Ann Coulter and Laura Inghram. Two more nuts that make way more money than I do.

Anonymous said...

A lesson for your kids. Make certain they don't pick on the fat kid or the nerdy kid in school. The pickee never forgets and grow up to be Rush, Drudge or Karl Rove.

Shaw Kenawe said...

We have to keep reminding people that Limbaugh's "power" is diminished.

He wasn't able to deliver victories in the 2006 and 2008 elections.

There's a reason for this.

His audience is increasingly isolated and getting smaller not larger.

More people registerd as Democrats than they did Republicans this year.

Red states turned blue for Obama.

It'll take a while, I guess, for these facts to sink into his dense head.

Gordon Scott said...

Who elected Markos Moulitsas, Jane Hamsher, Jon Stewart or Rachel Maddow?

I'd say "who elected Al Franken?", but it could well be that my fellow idiots in Minnesota did. Even if he loses the recount, he got close enough.

Patrick M said...

I'm assuming you wouldn't say the same about another school failure, who failed often, but pursued his passion until he became renowned for it. Not that Rush is the equivalent of Einstein, but the point is that formalized education is not the end of everything.

(on a side note, I have minimal training in physics, but it occurred to me the other day that there's a flaw in relativity that hasn't been found yet)

His audience is increasingly isolated and getting smaller not larger.

Yeah. Keep telling yourself that. I was trying to find some numbers to confirm or disprove you, and I came across an article that said just that. It was in 2005 and was touting the success of Air(head) America.

One thing I've noticed about Rush is that his best years are the years where his political targets are big. And they don't get bigger than Obama.

Anon: When will the wingnuts accept the fact that America voted NO! on them and their agenda TWICE. In 2006 and in 2008.

That wasn't my (conservative) agenda. That was the GOP's. When you liberals figure out the difference between the two, you'll understand why liberal Democrats don't seem to stay in power when they stick to their principle, and why the GOP loses when they don't.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Who elected Markos Moulitsas, Jane Hamsher, Jon Stewart or Rachel Maddow?--Gordon

None of those people you mentioned have the listening audience that Rush has. A majority of Americans would not know who Moulitsas or Hamsher is if you stood on the street and asked them.

Jon Stewart is a comedian--he runs a fake news show. He doesn't try to promote his ideas as policies.

And neither does Rachel Maddow. Also, I've never heard any of those people call George Bush's daughters dogs on national teevee.


I said in my new post that higher education isn't the only thing one needs for success, but it certainly would be helpful to have some knowledge of economics and finance if Limbaugh thinks he is qualified to offer the president advice on the stimulus package.

Why doesn't he just stick to being a comedian? Now he wants to be a presidential advisor? What chutzpah!

And Patrick, I suggest you get in touch with Steven Hawkins immediately!

Anonymous said...

The conservatives still haven't gotten the message America gave them on Nove. 4.

Rush's "influence" is with his dittoheads. And they're an increasingly shrinking minority in this country.

Why does he run as Sarah Barracuda's VP in 2012?

The Republican Dream Ticket:


Anonymous said...

The Republican Dream Ticket:


After attending 5 collecges in 6 years, Palin received a community college journalism degree.

Limbaugh dropped out of college when he couldn't even pass ballroom dancing?

And the Republican Party thinks she would be able to lead the free world, and Limbaugh's a deep thinker?

I hope they run.

dmarks said...

"I hope they run."

No, I hope they do not. Because someone who can't ballroom dance is not qualified to be President. Because if you can't dance, you can't be a "deep thinker", right?

Thanks for reminding us of the "real important things", and managing to get lost in such trivia to actually make a Limbaugh run for the Presidency look better than it already did.

Anonymous said...


you didn't catch the joke.

The sad fact is that Limbaugh couldn't even pass ballroom dancing, in addition to the core curriculum courses that he flunked.

IOW, he was a total failure in academics--and even in non-academic courses--dancing.

you got it wrong when you think that comment was about someone not being qualified for pres or vp because he can't dance. it's about not being qualifi3d becuz he can't THINK or dance.

dmarks said...

"it's about not being qualifi3d becuz he can't THINK or dance."

Aside from all issues, I think Limbaugh is not qualified for President because he has zero executive experience. None at all.

Also, aside from all issues, anyone who becomes as rich and powerful as he has has a lot of smarts. Certainly a "deep thinker". Completely aside from whether his thoughts are good/bad, wrong/right.

dmarks said...

"qualifi3d becuz"

Also, he probably had enough schooling to know how to spell "because".

Anonymous said...

dmarks opined:

'Also, aside from all issues, anyone who becomes as rich and powerful as he has has a lot of smarts. Certainly a "deep thinker".'

A lot of smarts? Absolutely.

A 'deep thinker'? Absolutely not. One way you can identify a thoughtful person is the avoidance of instances of such conspicuous lack of thought as:


"add-a-dick-to-me" (regarding transgendered folks)

"He is exaggerating the effects of the disease," Limbaugh told listeners. "He's moving all around and shaking and it's purely an act. . . . This is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting."

“Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream.”

"Phony soldiers."

dmarks said...

Arthur: I pretty much agree with all of your opinions* on this, actually. "Deep thinker" is probably a quite subjective term here.

(* except for the "phony soldiers" one, which apparently referred to those who made up fake military careers but never served. The main argument on this appears to be between AP, which is rather centrist, and Media Matters, which is strong left-wing)

Shaw Kenawe said...

Also, aside from all issues, anyone who becomes as rich and powerful as he has has a lot of smarts. Certainly a "deep thinker". Completely aside from whether his thoughts are good/bad, wrong/right.

He's rich alright, but not powerful. He was not able to get out the vote in 2006 and 2008 and defeat the liberals. His following is the radical right. Not independents, nor moderates of either party. He's powerful with a very narrow group of people in this country. Very narrow.

But he's rich.

And so is Madonna.

And a lot of mafiosi.

Being rich doesn't confer brilliance on anyone.

It just proves that the world is full of suckers who'll help charlatans become wealthy.

Gordon Scott said...

The indefatigable Ms. K:

Being rich doesn't confer brilliance on anyone.

It just proves that the world is full of suckers who'll help charlatans become wealthy.

A better description of the career of Al Gore I have never seen.

Although, to be fair, Limbaugh was not born rich. He was quite poor several times in his life. His intelligence is what gave him the ability to become rich.

dmarks said...

@shaw: "His following is the radical right."

No. The radical right happens to hate Limbaugh and they think of him as a socialist. I read some of their tracts at a pawn shop once. I do tend to avoid their web sites and blogs, which are full of things about flouride poising America, Jews controlling the world, and fake theories about 9/11.

I say the same thing that call Pres. Obama any sort of radical. The real hardline socialist types on the left decry his policies.

I reserve the radical term for the actual radicals on both the right and left, and don't use it for those who are not radicals but happen to scream a lot.

Anonymous said...


I'd be curious what the 'radical right' is up to these days. When I was in highschool in the late '60's I used to occasionally visit the local American Opinion bookstore (John Birch Society) to argue with the paranoid reactionary geezer running the place. How times have changed. Now I just have to log on to Flopping Aces or Conservative Conscience or Mikes America to find the same thing. The mainstreaming of the once 'radical right' is a phenomenon of our time.

Shaw Kenawe said...

My, my. How jealous some people are that Al Gore has achieved so much success and so many honors since his defeat in 2000.

He [Limbaugh] was quite poor several times in his life.

Squandering one's money on illegally scored prescription drugs will do that.

Rush is a classic example of a mountebank.