Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Americans Dislike Congress, But They Dislike The Republicans in Congress The Most.

Good job, Speaker Boehner.   You've done a terrific job of making Americans detest the Congressional Republicans.

The Democrats are not loved, to be sure, but the Republicans are positively hated according to the latest polls.

The GOP-TP's plan of obstructing everything President Obama proposes has backfired.  The American people don't think saying NO! to anything that would help this country through its financial woes is a good enough plan.

Americans, by large percentages, want the wealthy to pay their fair share in taxes, but the Republicans consistently say NO! to the American people. 

NO! taxing the wealthiest and YES! to the continued suffering of the middle class. 

The GOP-TP are willing to hurt the American people in order to remove Mr. Obama from the White House.  That's not a way to win the hearts and minds of the American people, and the American people are sending Congress that message.

"And the stat that should terrify congressional Republicans:
In keeping with Congress' dismal review, just 6 percent of registered voters think most members deserve re-election - the lowest percentage ever in CBS News Polls during the past 20 years, and a lower percentage than the 9 percent who thought so right before the 2010 midterms.
That is a direct indictment on Congressional Republicans, because fact is, "most members of Congress" are Republican.

Hence the current GOP dilemma—continue obstructing the president in hopes of weakening Barack Obama ahead of the 2012 elections, or actually show voters they have some ability to govern. And hey, a little pork from the jobs bill for their districts, in the form of infrastructure and transportation funding, would also go a long way toward securing reelection.

At the moment, it looks like Obama hatred is trumping self-preservation. We have to wait and see if that changes. Because if they maintain the status quo, expect huge Democratic gains in the House next year. No incumbent party can be expected to survive numbers like these. Democrats certainly didn't in 2010."


Nameless Cynic said...

"...if they maintain the status quo, expect huge Democratic gains in the House next year. No incumbent party can be expected to survive numbers like these. Democrats certainly didn't in 2010."

Yeah, the public is finally getting a peek at the dystopian nightmare that the "modern" GOP would enact.

But will it last? Like I've said before, the public's memory doesn't last past the current TV season.

Jerry Critter said...

Republican know the only way they can win is to make Obama look worse than republicans. However, what is happening is that it is becoming worse to be an incumbent than either a republican or Democrat.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Don;t get too cocky cause thes erpeublican muddas know how to exploit the stupid and angry. And they will stop at nothing. No subject is sacred. No insult is off limits. They figure if you're insulted you weren't going to vote for the asshole republican anyway.

John Myste said...

Obama's American Jobs Act has been officially rejected.

And, as they say, the rest is politics.

dmarks said...

"The Democrats are not loved, to be sure, but the Republicans are positively hated according to the latest polls."

Actually, both show disapproval (hated) above 50% (positive). Both parties are "positively hated" according to the charts you presented.

Shaw Kenawe said...

dmarks, the GOP has an approval rating 10 points lower than the Dems and. It is perfectly correct to say the GOP is disliked--hated?--more than the Dems.

dmarks said...

Yes, your most recent statement works. Because now it includes both as "positively hated".

Shaw Kenawe said...

I've had to enable comment moderation because some crazed, foaming at the mouth wacko insists on making an jackass of himself here.

He'll eventually tire of his pubescent nonsense and, thankfully, slink back to his lair.


It appears the GOP overplayed their game and the American people are fed up with their tactics.


Reasonable people understand what you stated.


I'm not getting "cocky," just looking at reality.


I don't think all of it has been rejected. Can the GOP seriously reject policies THEY initiated?

Jerry Critter said...

Ignorant ranting will never top intelligent discussion. It just defines the ranter.

sewa elf said...

Nice article, thanks for the information.

John Myste said...


So long as America hates the GOP in congress more than they hate the good guys, things are better than they could be, eh?