Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"Everything they say is a goddamned lie." by Capt. Fogg of The Swash Zone

Capt. Fogg of The Swash Zone says what I think and would write if I had one tenth of his literary skills.

Another righteous rant from the good captain:

"I try to learn something new every day and lately, thanks to our friends in the media and all those helpful folks who work at PACS and "think tanks" today has been very informative indeed.  Sitting a doctor's waiting room, watching ABC this morning between 9:00 and 9:15, I learned that Democratic candidate Patric Murphy, running for Congress against Disgraced war criminal Allen West, was really the morally reprehensible choice because he'd been arrested at age 19 for being drunk.  Probably unforgivable even  25 years afterward and much more so than West's being forced to resign from the Army rather than face a Court Martial and a probable 11 year prison sentence for torturing an innocent Iraqi.  Abu Ghraib?  Never heard of it.  Did you hear about Obama's apology tour?

But wait, there's more.  The Democratic candidate has a secret plan to eliminate Social Security (which he doesn't) and Allen West who has campaigned long and hard to end it, is obviously the better choice -- but you say you want more for your money -- you say you're not satisfied with the level of mendacity?  Why, you can be certain says another half panicked voice on the tube; you can be certain that if Murphy is elected, then  Iran will launch the nuclear weapons they don't have on missiles they don't have and commit suicide by bombing  the United States. I guess a junior Representative has a lot more power than I thought!

Arriving home, there was a large flyer in the mail from the NRA insisting that "After four years of Obama, we have More Debt ( 87% of which is attributable to his predecessor) There is more Spending ( vide supra) and Higher Prices." I did a little quick arithmetic and under Obama there seems to have been a smaller increase than under the Commanderguy, but never mind, this isn't about the numbers, it's about tactical dishonesty.  It's about the triumph of lies, the ascendancy of evil --  a Republican campaign.

  "There's only one thing we have less of," says the NRA "and that's FREEDOM."  You can look it all up at  That's right gun ban - the one thing you can't honestly accuse Obama of  doing and during his administration, not only have there been no new gun laws, but gun laws limiting where I can can carry a weapon have actually been loosened.  Yes, the pigs have slightly less freedom to use fake Bible quotes as a suppository today.  Less freedom to interfere in our marriages and romantic attachments and private moments.   Again, none of this is about truth and again, half the country sucks up  this sewage like a vulture gulping down carrion.

Which brings me to my conclusion.  For the 8 years of the Bush misadventure, which brought us the longest and most expensive wars in our history, the biggest increase in government borrowing and spending in memory and the largest most extensive invasions of privacy (remember when Bush told us we'd have to give up civil liberties, 'cause there's a war on?) During the Bush years of  slashed taxes that gave us zero job growth and the biggest economic catastrophe since 1929 -- for all those years I was told that I, as a Liberal, hated America, was unforgivably rude for mentioning Bush's transgressions against the Constitution and individual liberty -- and just laughably and liberally trying to bring down the robust economy with pessimistic predictions (which came true.)

Well Guess what, you lying Tea Whores, you lying revisionist Zombies, you lying enemies of everything you pretend our country stands for -- at this point I do.  At least I hate half of it's brainless, undead beasts.  I hate the half that can't see any difference between pretty good and bottomless evil.  I hate the millions that decide not to vote because Obama can't raise the dead or walk on water or undo 8 years of sabotage in 6 days. I hate the ones who have been yelling that the government can't create jobs and now are sobbing that the government can't create jobs for them.  I hate you smug, ignorant, Denialist bigots; paranoid that 'the coloreds' are living off your money and too many people are having sex against your wishes and that we aren't letting them all die to decrease the surplus population and lower Mitt Romney's already meager taxes.  I hate you irredeemably stupid weasel turds who insist that high taxes gave us economic collapse when they've never been lower ( under both Bush and Obama)  and while we've had our most prosperous times under much higher tax burdens. History matters. Numbers matter. Truth matters and while your dogmas never, never, ever produce results, you still want to choke us to death with them. I hate breathing the same air that carries the sound of your lies.

I hate the average moderate Americans -- like me -- who aren't dragging these horrors out of their homes and dragging them through the streets in tar and feathers, because as nasty as that might be, we'll get accused of it anyway no matter what we do.

And it's our own God Damned fault. "

Go HERE to Stonekettle Station to read "Guns and Butter. Also, Nazis!"


TAO said...

So, why is it that ABC News did not mention that Alan West resigned rather than face a court martial? Who decided at ABC News that a 25 year old DUI was a greater threat to the morals of our leadership than torturing innocent Iraqi's? Who determines what is "news?"

I believe that Fox News has "won" when the mainstream media plays the same tune they do....

So then the Tea Party blames their dissatisfaction on "liberals" and those who call themselves "liberals" blame everything on "The Left."

I think the right won when even the liberals start pointing at something they call "The Left" to vent their frustration on.

Sounds like a whole lot of howling at the moon or maybe its just a societal "Winter Of Our Discontent?"

So now we have the internet, 24/7 news, we have hundreds of television stations, ebooks, cellphones, facebook and twitter and guess what?

Most Americans still couldn't point to Libya on a map....

So now the abortion issue goes from when life begins to there is good rape and bad rape.

Yes, the wonders of technology make us more aware of just how stupid we are and how easily we turn into sheeple...

Tomorrow Gov Christie will escort Obama around NJ to tour the hurricane damage; looks to me like Christie is cutting his losses from his blind support of Romney and looking to make amends with our next President, who will be serving his second term....

Personally, I will be raking leaves and carving pumpkins; and the news will be all the same, the bloggers on the left will whine about how stupid the right is and the right wing bloggers will whine about how the liberals are destroying this the stupidity will continue....

Shaw Kenawe said...

Hey TAO! Where've you been?

Righties aren't stupid, just misguided.

Anonymous said...

Tao has been around, as Anon

Anonymous said...

Lefties aren't aren't stupid either, and neither has a lock on misguided.

FreeThinke said...

What is said "here" is little more than a Rorschach pattern of what is said "there" -- and vice versa.

And you know it as well as I do.

The truth is hard to get at, but it's not found in either extremes of the left OR right.

I feel we must stop dealing in these grotesque caricatures most of which may be BASED on facts, but nevertheless do not even begin to show the Truth.

A half truth might just as well be a flat-out lie.

Disingenuousness is NOT honest.

Besides, the sun will continue to rise in the east and set in the west no matter who wins, and we're all gong to die anyway, so why not relax and enjoy the ride and try to find some solace in each other's company?

Maybe we ARE headed for The Gulag. I don't know, but meanwhile there's still lots of beautiful scenery to enjoy from the train. Let's sip some wine, and enjoy some superior cheese and crackers while we take it in.

To pocket, to pocket, to pocket, to pocket, to ...

Be of good cheer.
The End is near.

~ FreeThinke

Ema Nymton said...


Ema Nymton

TAO said...

'Misguided" my you are so kind! :)

If we assume that "righties" are just "misquided" then obviously a little education and a concise presentation of facts would solve all of our nations problems.

Sorry, its hatefulness that feeds the stupidity not ignorance.

Dave Miller said...

TAO, so great to have you around again...

KP said...

@FT << so why not relax and enjoy the ride >>

I will do that. Yesterday I rode my bike over 120 miles of road in the panhandle of Florida.

When I return not much had changed on the far left or far right. But I was a little happier and healthier after some exercise and having received my dose of Vit D3 from the sunshine; as well as for having unplugged from my computer.

I look forward to election day but almost dread the result. The far left and far right are like two brothers who fight with such ferocity that parents and neighbors shake their heads. When they are finally separated and a verdict is handed down by a parent one of them is going to be pissed off but not much will change.

However, they both love their sister every day. All the hatred fades if mom or dad get sick or pass away. And when they battle other kids in the neighborhood it is the brothers against the world.

We have more in common than not. America will not shift as far left as California (where I live) or as far right as Texas. Interestingly, both states have common problems and both states have strengths. It’s going to be okay.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Yes, KP, everything will be all right.

Re: vitamin D3. I am such a strong advocate for people to take that very, very important vitamin--especially women who live in northern latitudes and are sun-deprived during the fall and winter months--I actually take it all year round.

Glad to hear you had a good ride. Exercise clears the head and allows one to see things as they really are.

KP said...

@Shaw Yes on the Vit D3. I take 5000IU a day and am in the sunshine year round. It is the single most important supplement I know. As well, I recently started four tablespoons of coconut oil. It is a very easily digested MCT that is good for energy, leaning out body composition, brain protection and treatment and more.

Take a minute and read these health benefits:

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The shame of TAO's leaving the blogesphere was not so much his leaving the blogesphere as it was the democratic party never utilized him as a successful businessman who gave a shit about his employees and the economy.

My best traffic posts garnered a couple hundred visitors. Most of them around a hundred. TAO should have been utilized in mass media.