Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Go Elizabeth!

Elizabeth Warren was great in her debate with Scott Brown last night!   Here she is at her best:

"I have no doubt Sen Brown is a good husband and a good father to his daughters, but this is an issue that affects ALL of our daughters and our granddaughters. And what matters here is how Sen. Brown votes.

So he's gone to Washington and he's had some good votes. But he's had exactly one chance to vote for equal pay for equal work, and he voted no. He had exactly one chance to vote for insurance coverage for birth control and other preventive services for women. He voted no. And he had exactly one chance to vote for a pro-choice woman -- from Massachusetts -- to the United States Supreme Court, and he voted no.

Those are BAD votes for women.

The women of Massachusetts need a Senator they can count on not SOME of the time, but ALL of the time. I want to go to Washington to BE THERE for ALL of our daughters and ALL of our granddaughters.

This one really matters. There is a LOT at stake here...

... And I want to be blunt. We should not be fighting about equal pay for equal work and access to birth control in 2012. These issues were resolved years ago until the Republicans brought them back."


Les Carpenter said...

Saw the debate. Well at least most of it. Warren and Brown both scored points. It is a matter of political philosophy which side won.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Nice try at changing the subject again.

Warren is talking about Brown's record.

And the people of Massachusetts are listening to her tell us that Brown is no moderate.

She's doing quite well.

Go Elizabeth!

Jerry Critter said...

Bogus issues? I guess the are for you, SF. You're a man. And, like Scott Brown, you've got yours and you don't care about women.

Paul said...

The Lilly Ledbetter act doesn't enforce equal pay, it gives women the right to sue employers for discriminatory pay practices.
That's right a woman did not even have the right to sue an employer, even if discriminatory pay practices were proven.
Gee, that's so unreasonable.

Les Carpenter said...

Pay for specific job responsibilities when performed proficiently should be equal whether being performed by a women or a man.

Base pay, or standard pay if you prefer should be predicated on an the employee performing the job satisfactorily and once achieved pay should be equal across the board.

Top performers, or those consistently exceed expectations should receive higher compensation (often referred to as merit), BASED ON OBJECTIVE criteria not subjective. Women consistently exceeding expectation should be compensated at the same level as men who exceed expectations.

I fail to understand why anyone (employer)has issue with this.

News Flash said...

Jason Chaffetz Admits House GOP Cut Funding For Embassy Security: 'You Have To Prioritize Things'

Silverfiddle said...

News Flash: Yes, he said that, and an administration that can't stay within budget while protecting American lives deserves to be voted out.

The dumbest woman on CNN tried to draw a direct line from Chaffetz's vote to the Benghazi attack, and in her usual inept way, ended up exonerating Chaffetz and the Republicans: The Democrat Senate, which hasn't done a budget in four years, never voted on the cuts, so they never happened!

News Flash said...

It wasn't just his vote, the whole Republican House voted to cut funds for foreign office security, including Ryan.
And yes they did happen. The House still cuts checks.
Your side wants to accuse Clinton of murder, but refuse to accept the responsibility that even if there were requests for extra security the House Republicans would not give the money.
Like GITMO. Republicans want to say Obama did not keep his promise by closing GITMO, but Obama tried to close GITMO, it was the Republicans who refused the funds to do it.