Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Saturday, December 28, 2019
You can thank your Trumpublican relatives and friends for this...
The president tweeted the name of the presumed whistle-blower in the Ukraine scandal—demonstrating that he is unrepentant and determined to break the law again
"Amid a two-day binge of post-Christmas rage-tweeting, President Donald Trump retweeted the name of the CIA employee widely presumed to be the whistle-blower in the Ukraine scandal. On Thursday night, December 26, Trump retweeted his campaign account, which had tweeted a link to a Washington Examiner article that printed the name in the headline. Then, in the early hours of Friday morning, December 27, Trump retweeted a supporter who named the presumed whistle-blower in the text of the tweet."
The Republican Outlaw President is having a complete mental breakdown in front of the world:
George Conway was pretty blunt:
GOP senators: You all know he’s nuts, right?
7,968 people are talking about this
One account links to neo-Nazis and Qanon. How Presidential*:
This account the president* is obsessively retweeting over and over has frequently tweeted links to neo-Nazis and Qanon.
I know, more of the same, but goddammit this shit is NOT RIGHT.
See Charles Johnson's other Tweets
He is retweeting a bot that keeps getting suspended. Not suspicious at all:
3. As it happens, @DebPort48849817 was suspended by Twitter less than a week ago. The new account, @DebPort03755076, was then created. The new account has tweeted more than 600 times in less than a week.
And that's whose message @realDonaldTrump is amplifying.
Friday, December 27, 2019
What can anyone say when the Trumpublican cultists continue to support a guy who ripped off his fellow Americans with his fake Trump University and then had a judgement AGAINST hin in court that ordered him to pay $25 million in penalties for cheating Americans who signed up for his fake Trump U.?
For me, it will always be a mystery why so many people who consider themselves good Christian Americans continue to support this crook. The only explanation that makes sense to me and millions of other Americans is that Trumpublican cultists really admire a guy who cheats people out of money, who cheats on his spouses (and his porn star and playmate mistresses), who lies the way normal people breathe, and who's clearly losing what's left of his inferior mind.
And who now has the distinction of being only the third US president to be impeached and THE FIRST US president to be impeached in his first term.
So many firsts with this crooked POTUS!
"The circumstances are nothing short of bizarre: a sitting president of the United States has written a check for $25 million to a group of Americans who credibly claimed that he ripped them off by perpetrating a fraud. You know things are bad for a president when a story like this goes almost entirely unnoticed by the public, eclipsed by a dozen or so more pressing scandals."
For me, it will always be a mystery why so many people who consider themselves good Christian Americans continue to support this crook. The only explanation that makes sense to me and millions of other Americans is that Trumpublican cultists really admire a guy who cheats people out of money, who cheats on his spouses (and his porn star and playmate mistresses), who lies the way normal people breathe, and who's clearly losing what's left of his inferior mind.
And who now has the distinction of being only the third US president to be impeached and THE FIRST US president to be impeached in his first term.
So many firsts with this crooked POTUS!
Judge finalizes $25 million settlement in Trump’s fraud case
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"The circumstances are nothing short of bizarre: a sitting president of the United States has written a check for $25 million to a group of Americans who credibly claimed that he ripped them off by perpetrating a fraud. You know things are bad for a president when a story like this goes almost entirely unnoticed by the public, eclipsed by a dozen or so more pressing scandals."
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Monday, December 23, 2019
And this confused and delirIous liar has his finger on the nuclear button.
This is an extremely unwell man. Trump spewed utterly bizarre, deluded nonsense Saturday night, rambling and ridiculous at a level that is scary even for him. Dementia is a rapidly progressing affliction and stress can cause it to worsen. This is approaching a crisis.
BTW, they're not called "windmills," they're wind turbines, but no one has the courage to tell the Stable Genius who knows "windmills very much."
CRIKEY! He needs an intervention STAT!

Sunday, December 22, 2019
Saturday, December 21, 2019
This is for Conservative/Libertarian commenters who come to P.E.
You've been true to your moral principles, NOT to a demagogue -- a liar, cheat, and fraud --Donald J. Trump
Congratulations on sticking to what you believe in.
Four Tests for Impeachment
"The National Review, founded by William F Buckley, has been since the 1960s a conservative Republican bastion.
This clearly reasoned article comes to the inescapable conclusion that DJT’s impeachment was justified and his removal is necessary. It will shake some lifelong Republicans."
"Virtually all traditional conservatives with moral principles (not Trumpists) agree."
Yes. Trumpist will not agree, but they're not Republican/Conservatives, they're a breed apart that fell for the lies, false promises, and deceptions Trump fed them. The only guiding principle the Trumpists cling to is "Trump drives the libs crazy." That's it.
There's nothing moral, decent, or patriotic in Trump's character for them to advocate, so all they have is "He sticks it to the libs."
When this dark and shameful period in American history is over, that will be the Trumpists' legacy -- a schoolyard taunt and nothing else.
Friday, December 20, 2019
At last!
Christianity Today published a scathing indictment of Donald Trump, calling for his removal from office. Now let's see how those who call themselves Evangelical Christians react to this. This wasn't written by Democrats, but by their own people who understand what a morally diseased man Donald Trump is and that by not speaking out about the degenerate and venal man that Trump is, they will do harm to everything the Evangelical Christians and their church stand for.
At last! Moral courage and righteousness.
Where do the so-called Christians who continue to support Trump go to now to excuse their deplorable continued support for this very unChristian and morally diseased man?
The maniac in the Oval Office, as predicted, has attacked and denigrated Christianity Today for telling the truth about his odious behavior as POTUS.
Maybe Trump will suggest Jesus is "looking up" from where he is because this important Evangelical group no longer supports the liar, cheat, and fraud.
Here's Trump's response to CT (he even spelled the magazine incorrectly (ET) in his ranting rage.)
At last!
Christianity Today published a scathing indictment of Donald Trump, calling for his removal from office. Now let's see how those who call themselves Evangelical Christians react to this. This wasn't written by Democrats, but by their own people who understand what a morally diseased man Donald Trump is and that by not speaking out about the degenerate and venal man that Trump is, they will do harm to everything the Evangelical Christians and their church stand for.
At last! Moral courage and righteousness.
Where do the so-called Christians who continue to support Trump go to now to excuse their deplorable continued support for this very unChristian and morally diseased man?
An editorial published Thursday by Christianity Today, a magazine founded by the late Rev. Billy Graham, called for President Trump's removal from office in the wake of his impeachment, deeming him "grossly immoral."
"We have reserved judgment on Mr. Trump for years now. Some have criticized us for our reserve. But when it comes to condemning the behavior of another, patient charity must come first. ... To use an old cliché, it’s time to call a spade a spade, to say that no matter how many hands we win in this political poker game, we are playing with a stacked deck of gross immorality and ethical incompetence."
Why it matters: Christianity Today is an influential mainstream magazine for evangelicals, with 4.3 million monthly visitors on its site and hundreds of thousands of print subscribers. President Trump won 81% of the evangelical vote in 2016, a group that makes up about 25% of the electorate, according to the Pew Research Center.
- Billy Graham's son, Franklin, is an ardent supporter of President Trump. He told "Axios on HBO" in November that he supports the president because he "defends the faith."
Highlights: The editorial calls Christianity Today's stance a moral choice — similar to how the magazine reacted when former President Bill Clinton was impeached.
- "[T]he facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral."
- "Trump’s evangelical supporters have pointed to his Supreme Court nominees, his defense of religious liberty, and his stewardship of the economy, among other things, as achievements that justify their support of the president. ... None of the president’s positives can balance the moral and political danger we face under a leader of such grossly immoral character."
- "That [Trump] should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments."
The maniac in the Oval Office, as predicted, has attacked and denigrated Christianity Today for telling the truth about his odious behavior as POTUS.
Maybe Trump will suggest Jesus is "looking up" from where he is because this important Evangelical group no longer supports the liar, cheat, and fraud.
Here's Trump's response to CT (he even spelled the magazine incorrectly (ET) in his ranting rage.)
Donald Trump has launched an angry broadside against a Christian magazine which endorsed his impeachment, while apparently misspelling its initials and proclaiming: “I won’t be reading ET again!”.
Evangelical publication Christianity Today, founded by Billy Graham and widely known as CT, had called for him to be removed from office for acting in a “profoundly immoral” manner.
It was a serious blow for the president, who counts evangelical voters among his support base.
And amid an early-morning flurry of tweets just days after he became the third president in US history to be impeached, the Republican turned his sights on the magazine, falsely describing it as “far left”.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
This is the moral pig and loathsome, indecent waste of human flesh that the current Trumplican Party is defending to the last man and woman.
How Trump and his yawping mob mocked and degraded a beloved US Representative, suggesting he was in Hell, and how he denigrated his widow are acts too shocking and indecent to comprehend.
This is Trump being Trump and his cultists can't get enough of this repulsive blight on all that is decent and good in America.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Only the third president
in American history.
The stain on his presidency is permanent.
The stain on his presidency is permanent.
Josh Marshall:
"The signature reality of the Trump Era is confusion. False stories crowd out real ones – false stories driven less by ignorance than as a mode of attack. We hear endlessly about ‘two realities’, in which partisans on either side of the political divide see the same things and come away with radically different understandings of them. This is mainly false. We see and understand the same things but react differently. The great threat we face as a country isn’t poor logical reasoning but the growth of authoritarianism and leader-worship....
Ordinary venal corruption can be impeachable. Some serious crimes that are not tied to a President’s official duties might be impeachable. But the crimes Trump is accused of – and of which he is clearly guilty – are definitional examples of the kind of wrongdoing impeachment was designed to combat...
Far more than Watergate, certainly more than the frivolous impeachment of Bill Clinton, crimes like Trump has committed are precisely, uniquely what the constitution writers created impeachment to prevent. It’s true that there are a lot of other bad things Trump has done which likely merit impeachment. But the vast majority of them are similar in kind to this, welcoming subversion by foreign powers and the use of the powers given to a President for just administration to corruptly perpetuate his or her own power."
"The signature reality of the Trump Era is confusion. False stories crowd out real ones – false stories driven less by ignorance than as a mode of attack. We hear endlessly about ‘two realities’, in which partisans on either side of the political divide see the same things and come away with radically different understandings of them. This is mainly false. We see and understand the same things but react differently. The great threat we face as a country isn’t poor logical reasoning but the growth of authoritarianism and leader-worship....
Ordinary venal corruption can be impeachable. Some serious crimes that are not tied to a President’s official duties might be impeachable. But the crimes Trump is accused of – and of which he is clearly guilty – are definitional examples of the kind of wrongdoing impeachment was designed to combat...
Far more than Watergate, certainly more than the frivolous impeachment of Bill Clinton, crimes like Trump has committed are precisely, uniquely what the constitution writers created impeachment to prevent. It’s true that there are a lot of other bad things Trump has done which likely merit impeachment. But the vast majority of them are similar in kind to this, welcoming subversion by foreign powers and the use of the powers given to a President for just administration to corruptly perpetuate his or her own power."
Today, Donald J. Trump, 45th POTUS,
will be the third US president to be impeached.
And he deserves it.
Comment Moderation is off for today.
Please politely and cogently express your thoughts.
I will delete trolls who come here to badger, taunt, and disrupt.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
So literally attempting to kill every member of an ethnic group is not genocide in Trump's view - of course not - Trump has businesses in Turkey!
There's a certain far right blogger who has Armenian heritage, and she's a big Trump supporter. I wonder how fabulous she feels about her hero announcing this lie and slander against the Armenian people.
My father's first business partner was Armenian, and as a child we had many happy Sunday dinners with his family. Growing up in the Boston area, I've met and been friends with many Americans of Armenian descent. Every one of them big-hearted, family-oriented, decent human beings.
My neighborhood has a memorial to the Armenian massacres, which I often visit on my way home from Downtown Crossing. It's a beautiful, serene sculpture garden that gives everyone who stops and reflects a chance to remember those Armenians who suffered and died in the genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire (present day Turkey).
It's not a secret that Trump and his family have huge business investments in Turkey, and it's not difficult to link Trump's shameful betrayal of the Armenian people and their descendants here in America to those lucrative businesses.
Every time I think Trump cannot sink deeper into the world's sewers of power, he proves to me and the world that there is no bottom to his treachery.

Trump sided with Turkey and blocked Congress' bipartisan effort to recognize the Armenian genocide
Trump refuses to back recognition of Armenian genocide after Erdogan threat Bipartisan Senate resolution passed in defiance of US president
For those of you who are not knowledgeable about the Armenian genocide.
Russia State TV Calls Trump Their "Agent"
I'm old enough to remember when the Republican Party disliked everything Russian, did not trust them, and rightly acknowledged them as deceptive, untrustworthy, scheming, murderous, and anti-democratic.
Not anymore!
Trump is Russia's BFF, and they're laughing at him because they've got America right where they want her with the chump in the Oval Office willing to trade away America's standing in the world for Russian oligarch money for his Trump businesses.
A partnership made in Hell.
Russia’s State TV Calls Trump Their ‘Agent’
Sometimes a picture doesn’t have to be worth a thousand words. Just a few will do. As Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office last week, Russian state media was gloating over the spectacle. TV channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment entitled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.”
Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that it was Trump, personally, who asked Lavrov to pose standing near as Trump sat at his desk. It’s almost the literal image of a power behind the throne.
“Putin has expressed undisguised delight with the crusade led by Trump and Giuliani to whitewash Moscow’s interference in the U.S. elections.”
Trump and his MAGAts:
Making Russia Great Again!
Monday, December 16, 2019
The American people want Trump impeached and removed. The Republican Party is anti-American people.
Even the FAUX NOOZ fans who believe all Trump's lies want the criminal S.O.B. impeached!
Fox Host’s Kilmeade Explodes Over Fox Poll Showing 50% Of Voters Want Trump Removed
Saturday, December 14, 2019
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