Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Trump will be impeached for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

WASHINGTON — House Democratic leaders announced Tuesday that they would move ahead this week with two articles of impeachment against President Trump charging him with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, accusing him of violating the Constitution when he pressed Ukraine for help in the 2020 election. 

 Speaking from a wood-paneled reception room just off the floor of the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and leaders of several key committees said that Mr. Trump’s actions toward Ukraine, and his efforts to block Congress’s attempt to investigate, had left them no choice but to pursue one of the Constitution’s gravest remedies. The move will bring a sitting president to the brink of impeachment for only the fourth time in American history.

Trump to meet with Russian foreign minister Tuesday

Meanwhile, later today, Trump will meet with Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov. This will be the second time Trump has met with Lavrov, an unusual meeting.

Trump has not met with Ukraine ally, President Zelensky, but will meet for the second time, the Russian foreign minister, along with Secy. of State, Pompeo, in a closed-door meeting with no American media allowed.

America 2019: a power-mad demented imbecile is facing impeachment for abuse of office and his loudest defenders are a degenerate half-dressed wrestling coach, Drunk Florida Man and a fake farmer suing an imaginary cow — just as our founding fathers envisioned


Dave Miller said...

The GOP never liked the process that brought the Dems to this point. I get that. What they never offered up however was any evidence that President Trump did not ask a foreign government to involve itself in United States elections.

They also never answered the question as to whether that action, if done by a US President, would be proper, constitutional and legal. They never presented a single witness to address those questions, despite multiple opportunities to do so.

One has to ask why...

Shaw Kenawe said...

Also, Dave, Trump stopped Mulvaney, Pompeo, and Barr from giving -- if they had any -- exculpatory evidence. He stonewalled the entire process, which is in itself a crime, obstruction.

If those people had exculpatory evidence, Trump would have allowed them to come before the House committes and give it. Innocent people do not forbid such things.

Trump is guilty as sin, and the Republican Senate will allow a criminal president to get away with his crimes. BUT! Trump will forever have an asterisk beside his name for being impeached and history will note that his party refused to bring the corrupt president to justice.

The GOP will have an asterisk beside its name as well for subverting the US Constitution for a liar, cheater, and fraud.

anymouse said...

Not to mention that the REPUBLICLOWNS wrote the rules currently being used by Schiff and nadler while President Obama was in office in the hopes they'd find something to impeach him with. Sadly for them, President Obama was/is a very ethical man and above reproach. Now they whine like little spoiled brats about the 'process' - the one THEY wrote and passed!!! Fricking dumbassed hypocrites, the lot of them.

Anonymous said... asterisk!! Is there anything worse then an aterisk?

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Anonymous said... asterisk!! Is there anything worse then an aterisk?"

No. There isn't. Trump will be in the same company as the man the Goopers have demonized for over 20 years: Bill Clinton!

It's more than just "an asterisk," Sunshine, he'll forever be remembered as a corrupt president who lied, cheated, and defrauded the American people. It doesn't matter if the GOP Trump cultists find him not guilty, just like it didn't matter when the Dems found Clinton not guilty, Trump will always be that president who disgraced himself by extorting a foreign ally so he could cheat (again) to win the presidency and who betrayed America. As opposed to the president with the blue dress. That's peanuts compared to what trump did.

Clinton lied about a BJ. Trump will actually make Clinton look better when, in the history books, crimes for which they were impeached are compared.

Lie about a BJ or betray your country and your oath of office to cheat to get re-elected.

That's some big-ass asterisk!

Ray said...

tRump’s actions were an assault on both national security and the integrity of our elections, the Anonymous isn't smart enough to understand the implications of what tRump did and like the rest of tRump's ignorant supporters they think him avoiding getting found guilty is a good thing. That's because like tRump, his supporters do not respect America or its Consitution.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

If there's an asterisk by his name Trump will just compare himself to Roger Maris only Trump would have hit more home runs.

Anonymous said...

A tempest in a teapot...its going absolutely no where.

See you in November 2020

Shaw Kenawe said...

Calling the impeachment of Trump "a tempest in a teapot" is hilarious.

Trump will be impeached. He will be the ONLY POTUS to be impeached in his first term. He's making US presidential history -- in a criminal way.

Only a Trump cultist will pretend this is nothing.

Everyone else knows that Trump has been disgraced by this impeachment.

But keep whistling past the graveyard.

skudrunner said...

The democrats were ready to impeach trump the day after he was inaugurated they just weren't sure on what. When the russia hoax didn't turn out they had the opportunity over a phone call that although was not that bad could be used to stir up a hearing in record time. Where did the fraud charge go and what is abuse of power and how do you obstruct a group who do nothing to obstruct. Why is it not an abuse of power to force people to buy a product from a company or face a fine.

Good luck with this and I hope it forces him to resign. I do like it that joey said he knew nothing about what his coke snorting son did yet he flew to the Ukraine to bail him out. Funny how the media passes that by while a phone call gets 24/7 coverage.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: "The democrats were ready to impeach trump the day after he was inaugurated they just weren't sure on what. When the russia hoax didn't turn out they had the opportunity over a phone call that although was not that bad could be used to stir up a hearing in record time. Where did the fraud charge go and what is abuse of power and how do you obstruct a group who do nothing to obstruct. Why is it not an abuse of power to force people to buy a product from a company or face a fine.

Good luck with this and I hope it forces him to resign. I do like it that joey said he knew nothing about what his coke snorting son did yet he flew to the Ukraine to bail him out. Funny how the media passes that by while a phone call gets 24/7 coverage."

That phone call by Trump was about extorting a foreign government to get them to interfere in our American elections.

You obviously didn't read the Mueller report. It listed at least 10 obstruction of justice crimes Trump is guilty of.

This Ukraine investigation lists more and is worse. Trump is a law-breaking slimebucket.

You obviously are ignoring Trump's hand-picked EU Ambassador's testimony UNDER OATH with penalty of prison if he lied: Sondland: "Was there a quid pro quo? The answer is YES!"

Was the foreign aid withheld? YES! It was released when Slimebucket Trump found out that Congress was on to his extortion scheme.

That you and other howling Goopers willfully ignore that phone call shows me and the rest of normal Americans that you don't give a crap about allowing a criminal to remain in the White House.

Trump was ill suited to be president and with Russia's help he became the worst in modern history.

He's never been able to break 50% approval from the American people and has languished in the low 40s approval his entire presidency.

I'm not afraid to call a crook a crook. You Trump cultists are too invested in your rotten party to see Trump for the scurrilous, law-breaking crook he is.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's more for you and the other Trump cultists who visit here to think about, if you have the courage to read and digest it:

"...Trump’s allies in the media and Congress have largely given up disputing [the facts of the Ukraine scandal]: Trump held up congressionally directed taxpayer funding to strengthen Ukraine’s military against Russia until the new Ukrainian president agreed to do what Trump called a “favor” — announce that Ukraine was investigating Trump’s most likely opponent in the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden, and his son, who was involved with a Ukrainian gas company. Trump apparently thought that just the announcement of such an investigation would kill Biden’s campaign in its crib.

Generally speaking, I believe presidents should be elected and removed by the voters at the polls. But when I hear Trump defenders scream, “Impeachment subverts the will of the people,” I say: “Really? What the hell do you think Trump was doing in Ukraine?” He was subverting the will of the people by scheming to use our tax dollars to knock out his most feared opponent in the coming election — rather than trusting voters to do that."

The only reason the plot was aborted was that a whistle-blower from the intelligence community drew attention to the president’s plan, forcing him to release the money to Ukraine — moments before his shakedown exploded into public view. Trump was like a bank robber with a gun to a teller’s head, who suddenly heard the police sirens approaching and ran off before he could stash the money in his bag.

Facts are stubborn things, skud. Give me a cogent, fact-based argument against the above.

If you or the other Trumpers who visit here don't or can't, I will take that as everyone's including you, skud, inability to defend with facts what Trump did.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's what The American Conservative, a right wing magazine says. (Again, not all Republican/conservatives have fallen for Trump's lying, cheating, and fraud. Many of them see right through the con man:

The American Conservative says "The Case for Impeachment is Overwhelming."

"The president’s abuse of power is not in dispute. It is clear that he used the powers of his office in an attempt to extract a corrupt favor for his personal benefit, and this is precisely the sort of offense that impeachment was designed to keep in check. It doesn’t matter if the attempt succeeded. All that matters is that the attempt was made. It is also undeniable that he has sought to impede the investigation into his misconduct. The president has committed the offenses he is accused of committing, and the House should approve both articles of impeachment.

The president doesn’t have a credible line of defense left. That is why his apologists in Congress and elsewhere have been reduced to making increasingly absurd and desperate claims.

The central question at the heart of this matter has always been whether we will tolerate the president corruptly using the powers of his office for personal benefit. The president’s defenders have answered loudly that they will tolerate corruption of the presidency. If we have any respect left for the Constitution and the rule of law, it is imperative that the president is not allowed to escape without facing serious consequences for his abuses."

skudrunner said...

Ms Shaw, I have never contended that trump was anything other than a scumbag but this is not something to impeach over. He has so many issues that I disagree with, attacking everyone on twitter, having his daughter sit in on meetings are just two issues I have. Like his predecessor who attacked the middle class, police, small business, conservative thinkers and christens, he was the president and needed the time to lead the country. Trump has never been given that chance and I will admit he brings most of his issues on himself. When a political party says we need to impeach a president before he takes office I feel that is wrong. The democrats have had it out for him on day one and finally rushed a hearing of impeachment because selecting a decent candidate is to much for them.
Like I have said he needs to resign but that won't happen due to his massive ego. Unfortunately the last two presidents have had a great opportunity to do great things because they were different than all other presidents. One being mixed race who proved himself incompetent and one being a non politician who proved to be a scumbag.
I will say that one of those was a swell guy.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud: "The democrats have had it out for him on day one and finally rushed a hearing of impeachment because selecting a decent candidate is to much for them."

Damn it, skud! You hypocritically ignore the reported fact that the Repubs got together the night of Mr. Obama's inauguration and vowed that they would oppose him on every issue and that Mitch McConnell actually said his most important job as Senate majority leader was to make Mr. Obama a one-term president.

Your whining about how Trump was "wronged" when before his administration got started is quaint. You have a selective memory or you, like most of the Repubs, are willfully blind to the shenanigans your own party was up to when Mr. Obama was POTUS.

Trump committed crimes. That's why he's being impeached. Period.

Les Carpenter said...

Whining is what Trump and his cultists do. Remarkably well I might add. And hypocrisy is their middle name.

skudrunner said...

Ms Shaw, you know what you said is not the truth. Did the republicans say they will prevent him from another term, yes as would be expected but did they say he is not my president and impeach him after day two of his inauguration, no. When Bush won did the democrats say wow lets get him reelected, of course not.

RN, do you have something to add?