Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Josh Marshall: 

"The signature reality of the Trump Era is confusion. False stories crowd out real ones – false stories driven less by ignorance than as a mode of attack. We hear endlessly about ‘two realities’, in which partisans on either side of the political divide see the same things and come away with radically different understandings of them. This is mainly false. We see and understand the same things but react differently. The great threat we face as a country isn’t poor logical reasoning but the growth of authoritarianism and leader-worship.... 

 Ordinary venal corruption can be impeachable. Some serious crimes that are not tied to a President’s official duties might be impeachable. But the crimes Trump is accused of – and of which he is clearly guilty – are definitional examples of the kind of wrongdoing impeachment was designed to combat... 

Far more than Watergate, certainly more than the frivolous impeachment of Bill Clinton, crimes like Trump has committed are precisely, uniquely what the constitution writers created impeachment to prevent. It’s true that there are a lot of other bad things Trump has done which likely merit impeachment. But the vast majority of them are similar in kind to this, welcoming subversion by foreign powers and the use of the powers given to a President for just administration to corruptly perpetuate his or her own power."


anymouse said...

This is far worse than Watergate, IMO, and the blowback is coming for the GOP for their hypocritical and spineless genuflecting to the orange blob criminal pretending to be president.

Holy Crap said...

Nothing has gone right for the Democrats since the impeachment inquiry began, and that couldn’t be reflected better in the latest poll from Gallup.

According to The Hill, the latest poll shows President Donald Trump’s job approval rating is now six points up thanks to the hollow attempts at impeachment:

The Shadow said...

Shaw, you’re a fascist that opposes democracy. You want to convict and overthrow Trump for the simple reason that you dislike him b he beat the Crooked Hillary Clinton!

skudrunner said...

How is it frivolous for a president to use his office to seduce a young intern, then lie to the FBI and congress. He then sicked his "spouse" to attack all the women who he had been accused of raping. Remember the democrat version, if you are accused you are guilty. This is the double standard that the democrats seem to follow. Did trump announce the withdrawal of troops which created an avenue for ISIS. Did he pay a ransom to a known enemy of the US. No, he asked for a US citizen to be investigated for using the VP of the US to enhance his pocketbook, and you consider that OK. Trump used bad judgement, the VP used his office to enrich his son. The argument that the VP did nothing wrong is ludicrous and you know it or just turned a blind eye. What value did hunter bring to the company other than the son of te VP, the answer is none.

Anonymous said...

Found on Franco’s blog

A Guy Who HATES PROGRESSIVESDecember 18, 2019 at 1:08 PM
The Democrat Partisan Impeachment is about as Serious as a Dog in Heat.. And now these lying son of a bitches are claiming they have to impeach Trump because of some future crime he may commit in the future.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Holy Crap "According to The Hill, the latest poll shows President Donald Trump’s job approval rating is now six points up thanks to the hollow attempts at impeachment"

Trump is still underwater and has never been able to break 50% approval. So getting 3 points is hardly a victory when his job approval is only in the 40s. That means 60%, a whopping majority of Americans, disapprove and don't like him.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The Shadow said...

"Shaw, you’re a fascist that opposes democracy. You want to convict and overthrow Trump for the simple reason that you dislike him b he beat the Crooked Hillary Clinton!

That's your last comment "The Shadow." You're not here to discuss impeachment only to insult me on my own blog. Go troll somewhere else.

Les Carpenter said...

Hey Shaw, I am REALY glad to see you always allow the imbecilic comments by trump cultists. I've` been enjoying the quite entertaining hypocrisy of the trumpers. I've had many chuckles reading their asininities.

But on the other hand it's sad to watch our beloved country being brought so low by Trump and his legions of willfully ignorant cultists.


Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, I'm glad you're here, RN. I was thinking about you the other day when I read about the group of Republicans/Libertarians/Independents that are joining to work together to defeat Trump in the 2020 election.

You've taken a lot of flak from the commenters at WYD, Free Thinke, and AOW, but you've remained true to what you believe in. You really are a Conservative and classical Liberal, with a dash of Libertarianism thrown in -- maybe more than a dash.

If the Dems EVER put into the WH a man or woman as destructive of our Democratic Republic as Trump is, I hope I will stand firmly against him or her as you have stood against Trump and the danger he is to America.

We may not agree on many political issues, but I do salute you and the other courageous Republicans who've been able to see through the liar, cheat, and fraud currently defiling the Oval Office!

There. I'm glad I said it.

Les Carpenter said...

Thank you Shaw. As you noted we do not agree on all, maybe even many, political issues. But when it comes to truth, honor, decency, integrity, etc. we are aligned.

For me, those things as well as others are far more important to the health of our democratic republic and its integrity as a nation than keeping a corrupt actor just because the economy is percolating.

Wether a liberal or a conservative these are things we should all be able to agree on and support. Sadly our nation has lost the ability to do so. Conservatives and republicans are largely responsible for this.

Les Carpenter said...

BOOM! Done... tRump has earned a seat in the club of impeached presidents. A failed leader.

Happy Impeachment Day...

Pelosi is spot on tonight.

Wonder what the Orange Blobs BP is right now. His forthcoming tweets are sure to be over the top.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, Trump is at one of his rallies, raging red in his face and delirious with hate.

Anonymous said...

Please keep her. RN, no one else wants her.. besides, she’s just you type.