Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, June 24, 2023


"As we watch Russia collapse into chaos, here’s your reminder that the Leader of the GOP, Donald J. Trump, and many members of the House GOP side with Putin and his criminal regime."

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., also sides with Russia:

" '... the Russians were acting in good faith,' he said. 'So, no, I think we're the ones who have not been acting in good faith.' "


Anonymous said...

Just another day on the samsaric merry-go-round of ignorance.

Dave Miller said...

A name does not qualify you for the presidency. Nor does being elected. You may ultimately win that election and even ascend to the office, but it does not mean you possess the skills and temperament to be a successful president.

Bobby Jr is just the latest proof to that.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.

RFK,jr. is not a Democrat, even if he calls himself one. His statements on vaccines are disturbing to say the least. He's a raging conspiracist. Some of his own family spoke out against his claims, saying they love him, but he's wrong.

Anonymous said...

Who is going to lead the Republican party if Putin and the Kremlin falls?

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... I didn't say RFK Jr was a Dem but it begs the Trump questions for Dems...

If RFK was to somehow capture the nomination, and Trump or DeSantis was the alternative in the GOP, would we/they vote for him?

This is the existential issue the two parties face as a result of the primary system gone wrong. Kooks and extremists can capture the nomination of a party with a very small representation of the total vote, leaving the centers of American life outside in the cold.

Mike said...

Who could we have sign up for the republican nomination for president that is crazier than tRUMP? Kid Rock?

Anonymous said...

Guess fake news is rampant. Trump sided with Russia and because Kennedy is anti vac so that makes them bad. We should have only one party because if you disagree with the democrats you are wrong. Talk about Russia and China look at what you are saying there can only be one opinion, dangerous folks

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous wrote: "Trump sided with Russia and because Kennedy is anti vac so that makes them bad."

Yeah. Is that difficult to understand, Anon? Trump sided with Putin over his own government; Trump said Putin's invasion of a sovereign country was brilliant -- is blowing up hospitals, apartment buildings, orphanages, and torturing and killing civilians brilliant in your opinion? If you think so, then congratulations, join with the other butchers and murderers in history whom you apparently admire.

Robert Kennedy, Jr., is more than anti-vaxxer, he's a conspiracist and, IMO, a nutcase.

Members of his own family have distanced themselves from his whacko ideas.

I've NEVER advocated for only one party or one opinion. Ever!

Actually, it is a REPUBLICAN running for the presidency, DeSantis, who said if elected, he would destroy liberalism.

"Ron DeSantis says he will 'destroy leftism' in US if elected president. Predicting two terms in the White House should he defeat Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination next year, Ron DeSantis said he would go on to “destroy leftism in this country.".

Please do better with your comments, Anonymous, before coming here and whining about things that aren't happening.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous, you support RFK, Jr?

Ron Filipkowski

The evangelical christian family values people are willing to overlook RFK Jr documenting in explicit detail affairs with 37 different women, which ultimately led to his wife’s suicide after she found his journal, because he’s anti-vax so he’s a great guy.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Robert F. Kennedy Jr. grappled with what he called his biggest defect — “my lust demons” — while keeping a scorecard of more than two dozen conquests, according to his secret diary.

The thick, red journal was found in their home by his wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy, who, distraught over their impending divorce and Kennedy’s serial philandering, committed suicide.'

Shaw Kenawe said...

I'm beginning to understand why RFK,Jr. is so favored by the Evangelicals. He has all the qualities the religious right admires in a man.

Anonymous said...

R. F. Kennedy Jr., like Trump, is a nutball conspirtatist and crazy as a loon.

Either would be disasterous in the oval office.

Anonymous said...

Dishonesty, adultery, conspiracy, lunacy, idiocy, and ignorance.

The rights dream man.

Anonymous said...

Talk about twisting words to fit the lefts narrative. I never said I support RFK I said he is demonized for having an opinion that differs from the talking points released from the dnc. Don't go with the government on vax, you are a horrible person even though the medical hustler has cashed millions to spread his side. Now that he has been exposed as a fake, he is hiding. I don't support RFK or trump but they have a right to think independently. This does go against the political parties because politicians should march to the leaders and thinking politicians are dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Poetic you certainly aren't Anonymous.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous: "I never said I support RFK I said he is demonized for having an opinion that differs from the talking points released from the dnc."

Talking nonsense is not having a differing opinion. His views on all vaccines are not supported by the American Medical Association, or any medical experts. I'd believe the AMA and people who've studied virology before a guy with a law degree and a mission to make himself POTUS. Also, he himself has said he suffers from satyriasis. We don't need that in the presidency either.

I don't know who the "medical hustler" is that you wrote about.

Anonymous: "I don't support RFK or trump but they have a right to think independently."

Lots of crackpots believe their nonsense is "independent thinking." Trump, for example, believed the COVID pandemic would be over in a month; that Putin was brilliant in invading a sovereign country, Ukraine, and slaughtering children in hospitals and orphanages and committing other war crimes.

Here's another one of Trump's "independent" thoughts: "I won the election by a lot!"

If you believe crackpots' ideas are "independent thinking," then I've some Trump steaks, wine, and a couple of casinos I'd like to sell you.

Anonymous said...

And your real point is anonymous?

Make it simple. Too much detail might confuse you

Shaw Kenawe said...

RFK Jr. to Hold Event With Doctor Who Says COVID Vaccine Makes Forks Stick to Your Body