Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, December 15, 2017

The Fragile Little Flower Who Sits in the Oval Office

White House officials have claimed they purposefully leave information on Russian interference out of Donald Trump’s daily briefings for fear it will upset him. 

 Current and former administration officials told the Washington Post they frequently plan the President’s daily brief (PDB,) around his suspected emotional reactions. Information about Russia, and its alleged attempts to influence the American political system, is among the most likely to set him off. “If you talk about Russia, meddling, interference – that takes the PDB off the rails,” a former senior US intelligence official told the Post.


Anonymous said...

I just want to know who the hell are these people that are SO afraid of him??? I mean, I worked for a bully once when I was in my late 20s (many years ago). He had the habit of yelling/berating people in front of the whole staff. He yelled at me in front of people just once. After he calmed down I walked into his office, closed the door and said if he ever spoke to me that way again, I would be out the door--and I meant it. Even though I was as poor as a church mouse at the time. He never did it again.

I mean, come on!


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

There is the Washington bubble, then there is the Trump bubble. He's living in his own reality. He's even more self deluded and unaware than the members of his cult. Every time I think about it I'm astounded this idiot is president. Did a time traveller muck up the timeline and we're living in an alternate reality? (think the BTTF alternate 1985 in which Biff is rich and powerful).

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dervish, you can't dissuade his cult followers, even when they are presented with the reality that he's hugely unpopular, his policies are unpopular, our allies dislike and disrespect him, and on top of all of that he's been accused of sexual abuse and harassment by 19+ women -- IOW he's a moral pig as well (he's admitted he grabs women's private parts because he can, he's a star!) He's breaking all sorts of records for the most disliked and immoral president in modern history.

WE must never let the Goopers forget they own him.

Ducky's here said...

And now for today's Mueller news ...

... knew the little weasel Kushner was next.

There are also rumbles that Lord Dampnut is getting ready to fire Mueller.

Popcorn, anyone?

Shaw Kenawe said...

The closer Mueller gets to trump, the more the rat feels cornered. If he fires Mueller, it would be an admission of obstruction of justice and collusion. An innocent man would have no fear of what Mueller might turn up. Trump is corrupt IMO and is soiling his tightie whities because of this investigation. Trump and his crime family are dirty.

Dave Miller said...

Trump seems to be more like a snow flake...

As for Mueller... clearly the GOP is setting the table to avoid the criticism that hit Nixon after his Saturday Night Massacre. If Trump dumps Mueller, he'll say he was incompetent and you can bet the GOP, supporters of Moore and other miscreant candidates will fall right in line.

There are no shades of character here.

Is it possible the Omarosa might have the biggest story to tell from inside this Admin?