Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Can you imagine anything more evil than this?

I can't.

What the hell is wrong with Trump?

Trump is Proud to Call Himself a Nationalist.

via  jobsanger

You know who else were proud to call themselves "Nationalists?"

"Mussolini was an Italian nationalist who often harked back to the glory and triumphs of ancient Rome.... Italian fascism was a right-wing nationalist ideology that many, including Hitler, considered the ‘big brother’ of Nazism. ”  SOURCE

Aggressive German nationalism and territorial expansion was a key factor leading to both World Wars. 

Prior to World War I, Germany had established a colonial empire in hopes of rivaling Britain and France. In the 1930s, the Nazis came to power and sought to create a Greater Germanic Reich, emphasizing ethnic German identity and German greatness to the exclusion of all others, eventually leading to the extermination of Jews, Poles, Romani, and other people deemed Untermenschen (subhumans) in the Holocaust during World War II...The Nazi Party (NSDAP), led by Austrian-born Adolf Hitler, believed in an extreme form of German nationalism.  SOURCE

TrumpCultists -- MAGA!

TrumpCultists Give the Nationalist Salute at Trump Rally

And this:

"The idea that the powerful must be coddled arose in a setting that recalls the United States of today. The Habsburg monarchy of Hitler’s youth was a multinational country with democratic institutions and a free press. Some Germans, members of the dominant nationality, felt threatened because others could vote and publish. Hitler was an extreme example of this kind of sentiment. Today, some white Americans are similarly threatened by the presence of others in institutions they think of as their own. Among the targets of the accused pipe bomber were four women, five black people and two Jews. Just as (some) Germans were the only serious national problem within the Habsburg monarchy, so today are (some) white Americans the only serious threat to their own republic.

Hitler formulated his version of total irresponsibility after the disaster of the first world war, which destroyed the Habsburg monarchy and fragmented its German ally. He found an explanation for the disaster that spared the ego of the German nationalists who had supported it. The world was a struggle, Hitler maintained, among superior and inferior races. If superior Germans were somehow defeated in a war, this only proved that an invisible power stood behind the visible facts: global Jewry. According to Hitler, Jews inculcated ideas, such as that of individual rights, that drew people away from their natural bloodlust. 

The notion that Jews are responsible for civil rights or immigrant protection, one that seems to have motivated the mass shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, is an example of this Hitlerian way of thinking. Since Jews are supposedly responsible for rights, they are blamed when people beyond the dominant group exercise rights. Because the spread of the norm of rights takes place in the mind, the only response, thought Hitler, was to remove Jews from the planet. The accused Pittsburgh murderer (“all Jews must die”) seems to have thought in just this way."


Trump wants to sign an order to end birthright citizenship, setting up a constitutional battle 

Trump tells Axios he plans to sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of noncitizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil. 

The move would likely lead to a constitutional uproar.

Can the president amend the constitution by executive order? 

In the period of time since the Constitution was written, many formal changes — known as amendments — have expanded the original document without altering its basic meaning. 

Though the president cannot change the Constitution, he can use executive power and influence to make informal changes.

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Monday, October 29, 2018


This anti-Semitic Tweet is from a House member of the Republican Party. It is an ancient slander that Jews are puppetmasters who influence movement politics and anyone who seeks power.

The current Republican Party welcomes anti-Semites, Nazis, white supremacists, pedophiles and sexual assaulters and harassers:

McCarthy could not immediately be reached by Huffpost for comment about why he deleted the tweet. But his message danced dangerously close to well-trod anti-Semitic attacks that portray Jews as the central members of a wealthy international cabal that secretly controls the world.

Congratulations to the Red Sox!

Yes, I'm thrilled my home team won the World Series.

But I can't put up celebratory memes, posters, photos.

I'm too discouraged, despondent, and disgusted today.

America is under seige by a monstrous leader who has dragged America down into the gutter.

This monster, after a massacre by a white supremacist that slaughtered 11 Jews, worried about his hair style and barely addressed the horror that occured at the synagogue on Saturday in Pittsburg.

Trump set the tone when he attacked and slandered Mexicans as being racists and criminals, and it only went downhill from there to Charlottesville where he said Nazis were "nice people."

Make no mistake. No American president would have behaved as callously and inhumanely as this monster has behaved over the past week,when former American presidents, a vice president, secretary of state, and other prominent Democrats were threatened with murder, when African-Americans were executed, when 11 people were massacred in a synagogue in Pittsburg.

No healing words or empathy for the families that have been devastated. No. 

Trump worried about his hair.

That's the monster who leads America.

And the people who continue to support him are either blind to the damage he's doing and has done to America or they are as rotten to the core as he is.


Here is a letter that was sent to the monster in the White House by memeber of the affiliate of "Bend the Arc, a Jewish partnership for justice:

President Trump:
Yesterday, a gunman slaughtered 11 Americans during Shabbat morning services. We mourn with the victims’ families and pray for the wounded. Here in Mr. Rogers’ neighborhood, we express gratitude for the first responders and for the outpouring of support from our neighbors near and far. We are committed to healing as a community while we recommit ourselves to repairing our nation.
For the past three years your words and your policies have emboldened a growing white nationalist movement. You yourself called the murderer evil, but yesterday’s violence is the direct culmination of your influence.  
President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you fully denounce white nationalism.
Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted.  You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.  
President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you stop targeting and endangering all minorities.
The murderer’s last public statement invoked the compassionate work of the Jewish refugee service HIAS at the end of a week in which you spread lies and sowed fear about migrant families in Central America. He killed Jews in order to undermine the efforts of all those who find shared humanity with immigrants and refugees.
President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you cease your assault on immigrants and refugees.
The Torah teaches that every human being is made b’tzelem Elohim, in the image of God.
This means all of us.
In our neighbors, Americans, and people worldwide who have reached out to give our community strength, there we find the image of God.  While we cannot speak for all Pittsburghers, or even all Jewish Pittsburghers, we know we speak for a diverse and unified group when we say:
President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you commit yourself to compassionate, democratic policies that recognize the dignity of all of us.

Sunday, October 28, 2018



Image may contain: text that says 'Rose Malinger, 97, of blessed memory, was a Holocaust survivor who survived the Nazis in Europe. Yesterday, she was murdered by a neo- Nazi in America.'

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A week of executions, deadly bomb mailings, and shooting massacres all perpetrated by angry white males. No Muslims slaughterd these Americans and no Muslims mailed deadly bombs to American presidents.

The biggest danger to Americans is the alt-right, white supremacist male.  A Trump supporter.

Image result for star of david pittsburgh massacre

A man executed two black people at a grocery store, but didn’t engage a white man outside because “whites don’t shoot whites.” A Donald Trump supporter and apparent anti-Semite who looked up to white supremacists sent bombs in the mail to the president’s opposition. An avowed anti-Semite walked into a synagogue and killed 11 people after screaming, “All Jews must die!” This was one week in American hate.

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Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Barbarian

Roger Cohen:

The barbarian savior loves to see a reporter body-slammed, to parade his ignorance, to strut his lies, to broadcast his bigotry, to empower rich Middle Eastern murderers, to humiliate a woman traumatized by sexual assault, to incite his followers to violence, to sap civilization, to toy with nuclear Armageddon as a distraction from his scam. 

 The barbarian game is clear: to blind Americans to the fact that the United States is a self-governing enterprise. To say government is evil, government is terrible, bad government is what Democrats do — so just leave it to us! In short, the objective is to outlast us, and to eviscerate the institutions that make us, us. But no! We Americans are self-governing, and in the face of malevolent and feckless and corrupt people, there are better options. 

That is what the vote on Nov. 6 is about.

This is the Goopers' president dividing America again just after one of his supporters tried to kill two American presidents, a vice president, and other prominent Democratic leaders. The Gooper President said this at another of his bund rallies:

Trump: "The Democrats want to invite caravan after caravan of illegal immigrants into our country and they want to sign up them for free health care, welfare, and they want to sign them up for the right to vote."

That sounds like something one would hear from a demented far right nincompoop, not the POTUS. Yet Trump continues to say that it is the Democrats and the MSM who are to blame for the divisiveness, unrest, and chaos that he has inspired in our country. 

America's [White] Nationalist President

Trump proudly admitted to being a Nationalist at a recent one of his bund rallies. And no one is surprised that he openly admits what his presidency and he is all about.

President Unindicted Co-conspirator hasn't a decent bone [spur] in his overfed, greasy body. Any other human being with humanity would have called the American presidents who were threatened with murder by one of his own supporters. That would have been the decent thing to do, but Trump is not a decent person, he is everything that is rotten, base, cruel, corrupt, and deplorable in our shared American culture. He was put in the White House by people who believe the only thing that matters is winning and that character doesn't matter as long as they get what they want.

They, Trump's supporters, got what they wanted: A despicable human being and tax cuts.

They think it's all worth it. So did Faust.

Here's their president proudly announcing he would NOT do the decent, human thing:

Trump: I'll 'pass' on calling Clinton, Obama after pipe bomb arrest

[President] Donald Trump on Friday said he does not plan to call the two former presidents, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, who were targeted with pipe bombs this week. 

Earlier Friday, authorities arrested Cesar Sayoc on charges related to 13 pipe bombs sent to prominent Democrats and public figures whom Trump has criticized. Trump said he had no plans to tone down his campaign rhetoric in light of the mail bombs. "Tone down, no. Could tone up," he said.

Living in a Van Plastered With Hate, Bombing Suspect Was Filled With Right-Wing Rage


Friday, October 26, 2018


In a tweet directed to his base in the midst of a bomb scare affecting prominent Democrats, celebrities and news organizations, Mr. Trump also suggested that the problem was not real or exaggerated, putting the word “bomb” in quotes. 

“Republicans are doing so well in early voting, and at the polls, and now this “Bomb” stuff happens and the momentum greatly slows - news not talking politics,” Mr. Trump said. “Very unfortunate, what is going on. Republicans, go out and vote!”

The "bomb stuff" was deadly real, but to this monster in the White House, all it means to him is that Republicans may lose some votes.

Not a word from this monster to any of the people whose lives were threatened, who could have been killed, because the "bomb" stuff was real. Not one word.

What kind of an indecent human being acts like this. Sometimes I really think he's a robot, but even a robot has more humanity in it than this monster.

Here's a photo of Sayoc at a Trump rally:

Donald J. Trump is a disgrace to our American way of life and our heritage.

The Bomber's van:

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Cesar Sayoc, Jr. arrested in connection with the mail bombings.

Cesar Altieri Sayoc has been arrested in connection with the suspicious packages that were sent across to various liberal personalities and CNN. Sayoc was named as the suspect by NY1’s Myles Miller. Sayoc is 54 years old and is a resident of Aventura, Florida.

Cesar Sayoc photo pictures

Thursday, October 25, 2018



On this day in American history...the most extensive plot to kill senior US government officials and prominent Americans in history took place. It targeted two former presidents, their families, a former Secretary of State, a former head of the CIA, senior members of Congress...

“A very big part of the Anger we see today in our society is caused by the purposely false and inaccurate reporting of the Mainstream Media that I refer to as Fake News,” Trump said in a morning tweet.

That Tweet came from the man-child who referred to a Secretary of State and presidential candidate as "Crooked Hillary," and from the man-child who led the chant "LOCK HER UP!" at his bund rallies. That Tweet also came from the man-child who congratulated a man for committing a violent body-slamming act against a journalist. That Tweet came from a man-child who has, for the past 3+ years referred to the media as "the enemies of the people."

That Tweet came from a man-child who's been lying for the past 3+ years the way most people breathe. Trump is a liar, a cheat, a fraud, and a man-child who has promoted and celebrated violence since he began his campaign and has never stopped.

The mail bombs are NOT the fault of the MSM, but the responsibility lies directly on the man-child who Tweets the celebration of violence against the media and anyone who opposes him.

Trump has stoked a cold civil war in this Country. His rallies brim with menace and he has labeled journalists as enemies of the people. That someone would seek to kill their political enemies is not aberrational but rather the inevitable consequence of Trumps incitement.

Trump Stirs Up more Violence

Trump warns of violence if GOP loses midterms 

President Donald Trump warned there will be "violence" if the Republicans lose their majority in Congress as a result of the 2018 midterms, in a recording now heard by CNN.

Trump warned of violence and rigged elections if he lost the presidential election in 2016.

Now he's warning of violence again if the Democrats win the mid-terms.

Just this past week, Trump said he likes people who "body-slam journalists." That's inciting violence.

Trump is blaming the media for the violence that HE incites in his mob rallies.

Trump is a morally diseased, demagogue, who has incited violence at all his bund rallies by tolerating his mobs' screaming "LOCK HER UP!" and by calling America's media "enemies of the people."

All that we are seeing lies squarely on the shoulders of this cowardly, weak, morally diseased man-child.


Gail Collins, NYTimes:

"Terrible week. 

Donald Trump was on the road trying to rev up the country against a pitiful caravan of poor people struggling through Mexico. Meanwhile, there was a spate of bombing attempts directed at some of the president’s regular tirade targets, from Hillary Clinton to George Soros to CNN. The F.B.I. is working on the bombs. Trump has urged the country to unify, to which the country presumably replied, “Now you tell us?” 

 At his rally in Wisconsin on Wednesday night, Trump did have some early words for peace and harmony. Then he demanded that the media “set a civil tone and to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and often time false attacks.” You would think that for at least one evening he’d just mention the importance of a free press. Or even suggest that, say, body-slamming reporters is a bad thing. This is getting scarier and scarier. 

The president has been on a rally marathon in which he alternates between saying things that are meant to whip his audience into rage and things that are just wildly egocentric and imaginary. He’ll never improve. All we can do is hope he sticks to his less dangerous form of awfulness."

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Pipe Bombs Sent to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and CNN Offices

Words matter.

Since he became the candidate for president, Trump has attacked all media, calling it "the enemy of the people."

Trump has allowed the mobs at his rallies to scream "LOCK HER UP!"  A suggestion to jail his opponent who won the popular vote. All of this behavior is the normal behavior of dictators in fascist countries.

Trump supporters don't care because they're racists and fascists themselves who love Trump and who call for the extermination of all Muslims, whom they refer to as "Moslem vermin."

None of this is normal.

The Republican's president is a liar, a cheat, a whoremonger, a sexual assaulter and harasser, a Nazi lover and a white nationalist. 

I never refer to him as "my president." He is the Gooper president who got into office with the help of a government hostile to the United States of America, Russia.

Trump is under investigation by the FBI, yet it is HE who continues to scream "LOCK HER UP!" at his bund rallies.

What will it take for America to open its eyes and understand what the hell has happened to America?]


Trump is a disgrace to the values and the idea of what America is all about. 

Gail Collins of the NYTimes:

"Terrible week. 

Donald Trump was on the road trying to rev up the country against a pitiful caravan of poor people struggling through Mexico. Meanwhile, there was a spate of bombing attempts directed at some of the president’s regular tirade targets, from Hillary Clinton to George Soros to CNN. The F.B.I. is working on the bombs. Trump has urged the country to unify, to which the country presumably replied, “Now you tell us?” 

 At his rally in Wisconsin on Wednesday night, Trump did have some early words for peace and harmony. Then he demanded that the media “set a civil tone and to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and often time false attacks.” 

You would think that for at least one evening he’d just mention the importance of a free press. Or even suggest that, say, body-slamming reporters is a bad thing. This is getting scarier and scarier. 

The president has been on a rally marathon in which he alternates between saying things that are meant to whip his audience into rage and things that are just wildly egocentric and imaginary. He’ll never improve. All we can do is hope he sticks to his less dangerous form of awfulness."

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

When people say the GOP is RACIST, that's not hyperbole, it's the truth

This is a billboard put up by a Tennessee Republican (RACIST). 

The current Republican Party is the party of racists, pimps, Nazis, white supremacists, pedophiles, sexual assaulters and harassers, bone-saw murderer excusers, and congenital liars.

Monday, October 22, 2018

The Only Way They Know How to Win: Lie

PAC won’t pull ad suggesting ‘lynching’ if Democrats winPolitics Oct 19, 2018 4:00 PM EDTLITTLE ROCK, Ark. — 

A political action committee said Friday that it won’t pull a widely condemned radio ad that suggests white Democrats will lynch African-Americans if they win in midterm elections in Arkansas next month. Vernon Robinson with Black Americans for the President’s Agenda said Friday that the group won’t cancel the radio ad running in the Little Rock area in support of Republican U.S. Rep. French Hill. He said the group also won’t pull a similar ad he says is airing in Missouri. 

The ads in both states are scheduled to run through Friday,
of ads. We have a plan, we’re executing the plan,” Robinson, the PAC’s co-founder and treasurer, told The Associated Press.

Not only do the Trump Evangelicals love a serial adulterer, cheat, and liar, they're now supporting a pimp!

Evangelical Christians are now backing an actual pimp in a Nevada election

And this:

China Stops Buying U.S. Oil, Two Months After Record Total


via Daily Kos:

The election is in 15 days.