Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, January 13, 2024



Trump gets coveted endorsement about his "incorruptibility" from a ex-Mafioso serial killer!!!

As long as anyone says anything nice about him, Trump, the malignant narcissist, is thrilled to get an endorsement from a killer!

Trump thanks Gambino Crime Family mobster, rat, and serial liar Sammy ‘the Bull’ Gravano, who confessed to 19 murders and countless kidnappings, armed robberies, burglaries & 1000s of other felonies, for vouching for him. Trump’s new character witness.

So, we have reached the part of this bizarre timeline we are living in where the frontrunner for the GOP nomination, a disgraced former president facing 91 felonies, who attempted a coup, and who committed massive business fraud--is citing Sammy the Bull as a character witness.


Shaw Kenawe said...

It would never occur to a malignant narcissist like Trump that getting an endorsement from a serial killer and horrible human being is not something to brag about or publicize.

Trump is too stupid to understand that getting an indorsement from Sammy "The Bull" Gravano is a bad thing. A very bad thing. But Trump's narcissism blinds him to his own stupidity.

And Trump just made an ass of himself. Again.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Trump is stupid at all. I think he's very shrude,

Shaw Kenawe said...


Joe Conservative said...


Anonymous said...

It is going to be VERYinteresting to find out just how many MAGA'ts are just as stupid as Trump when they vote for him.

But, think about this, a Trump presidency would likely result in a government alliance with organized crime.

Trump would then be the top crime boss of The Crime Family of the Trump USA. In his sick pathetic mind that would be his greatest achievement.

Anxiously awaiting the anticipated responses from his party of MAGA gop. Will it be Make Americ a Great Again by being the best criminal government on the planet?

It would seem about right given the MAGA mentality.

Grey One talks sass said...

Nothing like intimidating judges who hold your fate in their hands with not so veiled implications that you are connected to the mob.

Wow. Who was supposed to be watching the orange baby because someone just lost their job. His lawyers must be having kittens.

I'm dying to see how they spin this!