Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, January 5, 2024

These people vote.


This MAGA blogger and her pals advocate shooting to kill (even on the Mexican side of the border) migrants crossing the border into America -- that would mean men, women, and children.

Here, she is asking what can America do to control the border:


Have we been forced to go to that?  Stop and Frisk worked quite well, whether leftwingers still don’t like admitting that or not, the cops say it did.  But we had to stop because “it’s MEAN” (boo hoo)  And that was just stopping and frisking!"

Um, no. The reason "stop and frisk" ended is because it is un-Constitutional  -- not "MEAN!" -- a concept MAGAs have trouble understanding. When they or their cult leader, Trump, break the law, they ignore it and cry "boo-hoo" to those who object to breaking the law.  MAGAs honoring America's Constitution is situational: it's lawful when it suits their agenda; it's "boo-hoo!" when it does not.  

 "The controversial policy allowed police officers to stop, interrogate and search New York City citizens on the sole basis of “reasonable suspicion.” 

Judge Shira A. Scheindlin ruled that NYPD's stop-and-frisk tactics violate the U.S Constitution's 4th Amendment prohibition of unreasonable searches and seizures."

That is a concept clueless people have trouble understanding.

And here this MAGA blogger asks:


And one of her commenters answers:

"In defending America, anyone who invades our home might get shot — and while I’ll admit that most of those coming across are unarmed, the people who shepherd them, the coyotes, are armed to the teeth. Coyotes have murdered more than a few border patrolmen and border-area residents. In this sense, these “unarmed invaders” benefit from the protection of armed criminals, and they’re “okay” with that. 


Do we need signs like this in 100 different languages? Nah … after one shooting, everyone would “get the word.” And, by the way, these intruders wouldn’t be shot IN the United States. There is no need to wait until they crash down the front door. Shoot ‘em while they’re still on the front lawn (in Mexico). That way, we would force Mexico to either prevent their illegal crossing on the Mexican side or bury them. 

And the blog hostess answered:


“OH, Gee!” one might say..”that’s mean and people would DIE!” 

Yes, and people are dying as they walk miles and miles, and get raped, and can’t get food or water….or drown in the rivers….. Probably more than the few we’d shoot. 

 “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”

So there you have it. "...Yes, and people are dying as they walk miles and miles...."so let's kill more to solve the problem! 

 A MAGA's approach to ending the border crisis: Shoot 'em, even if it's on Mexican land, just shoot to kill men, women, and children. 

I have an idea! Give this lady blogger an AR-15 and get her to the border so she can fulfill her fantasy of killing migrant men, women, and children so they'll stop coming across the border. It's what Christ would want, isn't it?

I'd like to ask her, "WWJD?" These people often profess that they are ardent followers of Christ, the Prince of Peace. Can we imagine Christ blessing her, the shooter, as she kills men, women, and children to prevent them from entering America the Beautiful, home of the brave and the free? 

I can't. But maybe that's just me.

"Biden has requested $13.6 billion in emergency funds to hire nearly 6,000 immigration and border security-related employees at DHS and the Justice Department as part of a larger package that would also provide tens of billions of dollars in foreign assistance. 

The White House is still engaged in negotiations with a bipartisan group of senators on that package and additional policy changes that would seek to restrict migration, with administration officials and congressional negotiators continuing to work through their differences over the holidays and into the new year. 

 “Instead of joining the Biden administration and members of both parties in the Senate to find common ground, [House] Speaker [Mike] Johnson,” [R-La.,] is continuing to block President Biden's proposed funding to hire thousands of new Border Patrol agents, hire more asylum officers and immigration judges, provide local communities hosting migrants additional grant funding, and invest in cutting edge technology that is critical to stopping deadly fentanyl from entering our country,” Andrew Bates, a White House spokesman, said on Wednesday. He added Republicans previously approved spending cuts for fiscal 2024 that would have resulted in Border Patrol losing 2,000 positions. 

CBP and other agency officials have consistently warned their resources are strained and their workforces are overwhelmed as the administration has reassigned various groups of employees to assist with efforts at the border."


Grey One talks sass said...

I'm beginning to suspect some of my fellow citizens are not acting in good faith (/s)

When Speaker Johnson indicated he wanted to end all immigration I knew exactly what he was talking about. History is replete with examples.

I believe there is another way. Of course I do. I'm not a hammer and every issue I see is not a nail.

Shaw, thank you for all you do, meaning putting up with misinformation posted by those who are invested in maintaining the status quo, I don't know how you do it (I suspect it's because you have baby goats in your life. That would do it for me!)

Anyway, in 2024 I'm not hiding anymore. I'm taking a cue from Horton Hears a Who. I'm going to be Yopping all over the place. Someone who has the power to turn things around will hear, I believe in the teaching stories of Dr. Seuss.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass

I check in on MAGA blogs to see what they're thinking and hoping they'll move away from supporting another Trump candidacy for POTUS. And I keep seeing that is a futile hope.

Imagine suggesting killing people to solve a problem. How American is that?

I'm off this morning to the goat farm.

The other day I was listening to a lecture on Western Civilization and learned that the word "tragedy" comes from Greek, meaning "goat song."

I'm off to hear them sing. Somehow it is fitting these days.

JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

As one well known for my empathy and understanding nature, I fully understand why the republican spin machine has turned to immigration. They crapped in their punchbowl getting Roe V Wade overturned and it's cost them seats. And will cost them more. So they need to generate hate for immigrants to get their people focused on that and hopefully for their party, others that they can get to ignore liberties. Thought and the real teachings of Jesus are the enemy of the right.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Given how Democrats have reacted to oppressing J6 participants, how are they any different?

skudrunner said...

The border and illegals entering the country is a real issue. It may not be that big an issue for the elite colonials but if you are in a border state it is real. Last month was one of the largest crossings ever and what do the colonies say, they are migrants not illegals because 80% stop and register so they can go to a hearing in five years. Truth is those with bad intentions don't bother they just walk in at non crossings.

I don't believe people hate the immigrants they just want to stop the siege. That 13 billion that joey b is spending on border patrol to sign up crosser's could go to help the cities with high crime and homelessness instead of importing more future democrat votes. I agree with 101 about crapping in their punchbowl with abortion. That hangs over the republicans as the border hangs over the democrats. If the democrats don't choose a sane and coherent candidate we could have a president running the country from prison. Without joey b the democrats will win because the loons will not give up on the evil one.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Anticolonialism is the heart of the New Left, skud. And what could be more socially just than to allow uncontrolled immigration and have Europeans in America be over-run like the American Indians were?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The New Left's clarion call, "From the Atlantic to Pacific, America shall be free (of Europeans)!"

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Christ's righteous outrage directed at the Zionist Church and its glaring hypocrisy?

I suspect Christ, were he walking the earth today would have the exact same righteousness outrage towards the MAGA's and certain Churches across America and the globe.

The thought and teaching of Christ are not understood by the vast majority of sentient beings. They merely use them to further their own selfish deluded ends.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly may just be on to something.

Dave Miller said...

WOW! It's a new year and Skud comes with the sanest, best post he's ever shared.

Sure, he sneaks in his obligatory "joey b" [sic] reference, but he brought up a lot of good points.

As one who likes to give ppl the benefit of the doubt, I agree with Skud that what we are seeing from the Mothership crew is real frustration. And Skud is right... if we are spending huge amounts of $$$ at the border, we could invest that coin in our homeless problem or in providing better mental health issues around the country.

And yes, anyone with half a brain knows that President Biden is old. Maybe too old. But he's our only option right now since he is not going to step down. But heck, even a Joe Biden with half a brain is better than Trump.

Look, the border is a mess and perhaps it is the Dems anchor in the way that abortion is the GOP anchor. But that's not a reason to avoid the problem.

The Biden Admin is focused on pushing resources to the border to "handle" the problem. The GOP is focused on pushing resources to the border to "stem the tide".

Handles means more officers and stem the tide means a wall or ending the asylum system, at least for while.

Here's the compromise...

More $$$ now to clear the current asylum backlog. Good for them Dems.

A law with a sunset clause of perhaps 4 years, to process current claims and end all asylum claims at the border to give Congress time to work out a more permanent solution. Good for the GOP.

Taken together, these would be good solutions we could take immediately.

But we wont, because both sides seem to want to keep a deal off the table. Heck, we even have some GOP members of Congress saying they will never do a deal as it would make Biden look good.

So here we are.

Great comment Skud. At least IMHO...

Happy New Yeays to you.

Dave Miller said...

Once -FJ brings the craziness...

The Dems are not oppressing the J6 participants. Those participants, many who attacked and savagely beat more than 100 US Capitol Police, were arrested, tried, found guilty and are serving time in jail in accordance with our laws and the Constitution.

Sure, lots of people are crossing the border illegally. But the law sees that as a misdemeanor, akin to a traffic violation. We can dislike the law, we can even change the law, but right now, that is the law. So the people crossing, if they do so illegally, are being treated correctly, according to the law.

Just like the J6 participants.

Facts matter amigo... lo siento.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

More $$$ now to clear the current asylum backlog. Good for them Dems.

Good for the lawyers represented by the DNC.

I hear that educators need more $$$ too. It's not for the teachers unions... its' for the kids. BWAH!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

& Facts do matter, pendejo. No le olvidas!

Dave Dubya said...

-FJ is showing us his tiki torch neo-Nazi credentials with, "to allow uncontrolled immigration and have Europeans in America be over-run..."

He means WHITE PEOPLE. Europeans are from Europe.

Go ahead, -FJ, you can say it. "They will not replace us!" Except YOU are NOT an American. You're a foreign agent.

JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Politely requesting the Maga Jew to explain the anti colonialism thingy. I don't know if it's a new made up talking point from the his masters in Russia or a real thingy. I've been out of the game quite awhile. And I don't want to google what it means as it either has no meaning or I will be inundated with right wing spam.
Thank you for your prompt reply Maga Jew guy. Shalom my friend.

Anonymous said...

-fj the deranged and deluded MAGA-t must live a dark and murky existence. Believing that somehow his ignorant support of his Fuhrer will somehow benefit him directly. LOL!! Reality will not be kind to him ir his delusions.

Anonymous said...

Hey -fj the deranged and deluded MAGA-t, watch your damn language. Got ut bucko?

Anonymous said...

Off topic but good news nonetheless.

Terrorist Wayne Lapierre of the now Terrorist organization NRA has resigned. A day before he and his organization face charges. May the man and organization responsible for many children's deaths face the absolute maximum sentence for hia and their alleged crimes.

Karma is a bitch I hear when it hits compassionless ignorant aholes like Wayne and the NRA.

Joe Conservative said...

Here ya go, Joe

Dave Miller said...

-FJ... you'd have more credibility if you simply answered a direct question or offered your own solution to a problem.

And then, improved your Spanish and didn't stoop to name calling.

Anonymous said...

In 2016 they won the presidency. According to the polls they will win the 2024 presidential election. Call then nuts or whatever you want. They are our fellow citizens, and they seem to be in the majority.
A Judge's decision can be overturned by another Judge's decision. It does not mean either decision is morally superior only law at a given time. If you want to stop laws you disagree with, you must become the voting majority.

Candycorn said...


That LOUSY CHEAP Remark form that Wise Ass who said "Thank you for your prompt reply Maga Jew guy. Shalom my friend." Shows that YOU COMMIE, PROGRESSIVES, are the PHONY, LYING,
"Creeps that I always thought YOU were!

Suzanne said...

Making a post saying "Maga Jew guy. Shalom my friend".
I think is one of the most Disgusting things that I have ever read on this Disgusting Blog.
That was without a doubt An Anti-Semitic dig, and from a Black person Yet! A Person that should have known better. But why would I expect any better from a person who is obviously a PIG!

And for Shaw's bringing in this "NEW GUY" to use that sort of comment is SHAMEFUL!
But not UN-expected!

Shaw Kenawe said...

To Suzanne and Candy Corn

Both of you are not very aware of things, are you. Minus Eff Jay calls himself "the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew."

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly is just addressing -FJ AS HE CALLS HIMSELF:

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Next time PAY ATTENTION AND THINK before you both make a fools of yourselves.

JoeBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I heard both of them, or to be exact, they are the same person, are also offended by pirates and major generals. I demand you admonish them Blogmaster Shaw.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous said...

In 2016 they won the presidency. According to the polls they will win the 2024 presidential election. Call then nuts or whatever you want. They are our fellow citizens, and they seem to be in the majority.

A Judge's decision can be overturned by another Judge's decision. It does not mean either decision is morally superior only law at a given time. If you want to stop laws you disagree with, you must become the voting majority.

Nope. In 2016, Hillary Clinton received 3 million more votes than Trump. Trump won because of the electoral college, NOT because a majority of Americans wanted him.

In 2020 Trump lost the popular vote by EIGHT MILLION, and he lost the electoral vote in a landslide.

A majority of Americans rejected him.

OLD ADAGE said...

Re: Foreigner

Empty vessels make the most noise.

Those with the least knowledge and the least talent are the ones who often speak the loudest AND THE MOST!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly said...
I heard both of them, or to be exact, they are the same person, are also offended by pirates and major generals. I demand you admonish them Blogmaster Shaw.

Joe Conservative

Are all one and the same.

And he believes he's always the smartest troll in the comment section of any blog.

He can be quite amusing at times.

Joe Conservative said...

Foreigner? I was born in Massachusetts.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...
Foreigner? I was born in Massachusetts.

And the town you were born in has taken down the monument you built to yourself.

It was on the local news recently.


Joe Conservative said...

Chicopee took it down? Who knew? Does Westover AFB still have the plaque on the hospital bed I was born in?

Anonymous said...

The Electoral College is the way we elect presidents. No surprise (given the math) that at some point the Electoral College vote would disagree with the popular vote. According to our laws he was elected.

Foreigner said...

\\Blogger Dave Miller said...

\\ -FJ... you'd have more credibility if you simply answered a direct question or offered your own solution to a problem.

Go! Demonstrate it to us here -- how YOU doing it. ;-P

Pity that you said it under Anonymous. While you deserve more profound name.

Like Voice of Truth, for that said:

In 2016 they won the presidency. According to the polls they will win the 2024 presidential election. Call then nuts or whatever you want. They are our fellow citizens, and they seem to be in the majority.

\\Blogger Shaw Kenawe said...

\\ Next time PAY ATTENTION AND THINK before you both make a fools of yourselves.\

It changing that conclusion? That that was anti-Semitic attack. HOW???

\\Nope. In 2016, Hillary Clinton received 3 million more votes than Trump.


Go CHANGE voting system. Then start whining.

\\ Anonymous OLD ADAGE said...

Re: Foreigner

Empty vessels make the most noise.

Those with the least knowledge and the least talent are the ones who often speak the loudest AND THE MOST!

WHO are you... and WHY you calling my name? Here? Where NONE of my comments disclosed.

Joe Conservative

\\Are all one and the same.

Still bent of showing itself ignorant and stooopid?

Suit yourself.
