Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, January 22, 2024




Anonymous said...

If elected president you'll see her immediately become Trump abd MAGA light.

Another dishonest republican con.

Dave Miller said...

Off topic but breaking news...

Today there was a mass shooting in Liverpool, England. And another in Lyon, France, and yet another in Melbourne, Australia. Early yesterday 8 people were shot dead in Oslo, Norway.

Maybe you're confused. But perhaps you shouldn't be... because those shootings didn't happen in those countries at all. The great majority of mass shootings around the globe happen in the United States of America.

Tonight there was a mass shooting. But as usual it was here. In our country. In Joliet, Illinois. 8 people are dead as a result.

And you know what?

We won't do anything about it.

Except send useless hopes, thoughts and prayers.

The affected families, no matter how many prayers are prayed, will never talk to the sons, daughters, moms, dads, brothers and sisters who were killed again.

And that's the best we can do.

Unless of course, we want to take the advice of some of our more conservative MAGA friends and move somewhere else, rather than work to make America better.

Something isn't rotten in Denmark. It's rotten right here, in America.

Here we are in the middle of a presidential election campaign season, and you know what? We're not even gonna talk about this disgusting violence that continues unabated in America.

But hey, about those statues...

Mike said...

Nobody wants to talk about the 8 trillion tRUMP and the republicans spent. It should be front and center on all of Biden's ads.

Anonymous said...

Just another day in the jungle of conservative insanity.

But there are thoughts and prayers.

As America continues as it always does with protecting its attachment to and love of instruments of death.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

According to the CBO, Biden is going to match Trump’s addition to the national debt in just three years, reaching a total of $7.1 trillion over his four years. That would be $1.5 trillion more than Trump contributed during his term, which included the 2020 one-time COVID emergency spending.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

According to the CBO, Biden is going to match Trump’s addition to the national debt in just three years, reaching a total of $7.1 trillion over his four years. That would be $1.5 trillion more than Trump contributed during his term, which included the 2020 one-time COVID emergency spending.

Well, that should endear President Biden all the more with the MAGAs and other supposed fiscally responsible GOOPERS, since they didn't give a flying donut about that when Trump was president.

Anonymous said...

Hypocrisy is the Hallmark of the republican party and most especially MAGA.

skudrunner said...

When you say trump lite do you mean she will get a lot done without all the insults and personal attacks. That would be a real change from the donald who attacks anyone who says he is mean and joey b who spends all his time and our money on buying votes and declaring republicans the enemy of the state.
Nikki Sounds like a good choice to me but she won't get that far because of all the hate female conservatives in the media.

As to the debt, who demanded we give away the ship on unproven science while trump was in office?

Grey One talks sass said...

OT but lets get this fact out of the way:

Our resident troll with the many faces tells me they know nothing of how our government works all without admitting to this fact.

Yes, President Biden used the American credit card to invest in We The People. He's repairing bridges, roadways, and railroad tracks to ensure the business of the American people can continue.

The money spent was meant to be offset (accounting term for paid for) by the monies brought in by the IRS's collection of back taxes from the ultra rich. Too bad the GOP rescinded those moneys when they threatened not just the national economy but the world economy in their last governmental shutdown tantrum. The remaining debt is on their heads, not Biden who worked with the CBO for this very reason.

Huh - it's almost as if our troll wants to paint one side as evil (the Democratic party) because the facts aren't on their side. We don't have to resort to such subterfuge as we highlight the GOP's words and actions. Facts as it's been said more than once have a liberal bias.

Grey One talks sass said...

On topic - I learned long ago to not trust any human who will say and do whatever it takes to achieve a position of power. Well, that's not totally true. I trust them to be who they are, a power grubbing human who would sell their family and loved ones for a chance at being in charge. It's all they care about, no matter their words. With the power hungry it's the actions you want to watch and Nikki's actions and about face comments illuminate her intent (at least to me) very clearly.

Dave Miller said...

Grey... thank you. Few in the GOP and certainly none of trollish boors here are willing to accept this fact.

Every dollar invested in the IRS collection system, brings into the treasury over $1.25 in revenue, thereby 100% paying for itself. And lowering the national debt.

It's a fact.

Contrast that with standard GOP rhetoric about wanting tax cuts because "they pay for themselves" and, well... you know.

Anonymous said...

Nikki Haley is, Trump Light in a skirt. Not as heavy nor as orange.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass, Mike, Dave M.,

-FJ lives in a world where he believes Steve Bannon would provide good leadership for our country.

Steve Bannon, a convicted felon who was pardoned by Trump, a convicted rapist and tax fraud, facing 91 felony counts! And to these cultists, all of these criminal findings and indictments against Trump are the result of the “Deep State,” not the natural outcome of a man, Trump, who’s cheated, lied, and committed fraud and sexual assault all his life.

And these people want to be taken seriously?

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Shaw, millions do take them seriously. And they vote. This national fiasco ain't gonna be over any time soon.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Steve Bannon currently has 3,000 "MAGA trainees" eagerly awaiting their Trump Admin political appointments. :)

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Nikki Haley...leads the NH (R) primary with her sweep if the midnight "Dixville Notch" vote...


skudrunner said...

"Yes, President Biden used the American credit card to invest in We The People. He's repairing bridges, roadways, and railroad tracks to ensure the business of the American people can continue."

Don't forget the 7.5 billion on EV chargers and according to Politico not one has been built. Don't forget the millions used to pay off rich kids student loans. Money offset by increased IRS seizure of middle class funds, great work. Oh that's right, a politician said it would not affect the middle class and you believe them because democrats don't lie.

Yes some of the monies have gone to good things but not at the expense of MASSIVE PORK but hey, that's politics where the only thing that matters is increasing politicians wealth. Everyone needs to pay their fair share as long as it doesn't include everyone and only targets the 50% who pay federal income taxes

Shaw Kenawe said...

Steve Bannon is a convicted felon. MAGAs support felons, rapists, tax cheats, and thieves.

-FJ is giddy thinking about having convicted felons run our country.

Don’t be like -FJ and other Trump cultists.

Did anyone in their right mind ever think that a large group of Americans would support and admire felons as leaders of the USA?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Didn't the (D)s give felons the vote? So why stop there/

Anonymous said...

Bannon is as big a dick as Trump, if not bigger.

And MAGA man fj is having an orgasm over the thought of authoritarians running the country.

What he'll soon realize if that happens is just how freaking dumb he was to believe the lies of the orange hued human orangutan.

Ignorance runs deep and strong in the MAGAverse.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ argues that if some states allow convicted felons to vote, why stop there?

MAGAs would like convicted felons, rapists, tax frauds, and thieves to represent them.

Seems right to me.

You are what you vote for? Where it concerns MAGAs, why yes, yes it’s true.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Donald Trump has a problem no matter what happens in New Hampshire on Tuesday night: There’s a whole swath of the Republican electorate and a good chunk of independents who appear firmly committed to not voting for him in November if he becomes the nominee" —Politico

Shaw Kenawe said...

“I can’t vote for Trump. He’s a crook. He’s too corrupt,” said Scott Simeone, 64, an independent voter from Amherst, who backed Trump in 2016 and 2020. “I voted for him, and I didn’t realize he’s as corrupt as he is.”

Dave Miller said...

In Florida, a GOP state, the people there voted overwhelmingly to allow Ex-Felons, after they've left prison, to regain the right to vote.

Not liking what the general population voted for, the state GOP and Gov DeSantis passed new legislation to nullify the vote, in direct opposition to the will of the people.

Taxation without representation. Your GOP today.

Anonymous said...

Used to be a republican, Until Bush #2. Still occasionally voted republican. Then along came Trump. Since the orange hued human orangutan took over and controls the con republican gang of crooks the gop is now dead and buried with respect to my life.

Anyone with common sense and a love for democratic self rule will do the same and relegate the gop to the dust bin of history.

Grey One talks sass said...

skud said this in response to me... as always he misrepresents everything I said. Wow. This is my shocked face.

Anyway, skud said this "Don't forget the 7.5 billion on EV chargers and according to Politico not one has been built. Don't forget the millions used to pay off rich kids student loans. Money offset by increased IRS seizure of middle class funds, great work. Oh that's right, a politician said it would not affect the middle class and you believe them because democrats don't lie."

Gish Gallop time - been a while but I need the exercise.

The fund to build the chargers exists. As the need grows the charging stations will be built. If you'd listened to the plan (I know, hard to do, listening to a wise human speak. Yes, he's slow but so are many of the elders I speak with in my community. It's called respect to be patient and listen to what they say while not compiling a list of but what ifs in ones brain)... the plan is to build a network of charging stations across the country, a lot like the rest areas envisioned by Lady Bird Johnson. As the neediest areas are identified then more can be built in those areas. Seems wasteful to build build build without first identifying the need. And you call the Democratic party fiscally irresponsible.

Define rich skud. I'm sick of your attacks on humans with student loans so define your terms. Oh wait, you can't because all you have is hatred of someone getting something you did not. Well, you know who is getting their student loans forgiven? Regular people who've been paying for years and now owe more than they borrowed because of the way the interest payments were structured. Shouldn't have signed the contract I can hear you say skud. It is an almost absolute certainty that the bank these kids signed with back in the day are not the same institutions they are dealing with now. Have you ever heard of debt sales? Predatory practices where debt is transferred from one organization to another and the second is allowed to set their own terms. Elizabeth Warren had a plan for this, didn't she?

So skud, define rich or shut up about 'rich' kids getting their loans forgiven. Or be honest and call out the GOP politicians who took COVID loans and never paid them back. Or are you only about punching down?

Nice false equivalency skud with this little gem "Oh that's right, a politician said it would not affect the middle class and you believe them because democrats don't lie."

What's got your shorts in a bunch? Crackers in your bed? Fly in the ointment? Not one person on this blog has EVER EVER EVER said politicians in the Democratic party do not lie. Do better skud. We've certainly done our best to teach you what better looks like but you keep reverting to bad behaviors. Do we need to monitor your internet usage? Have you been radicalized?

Also - your claim the IRS was going after middle class tax cheats falls flat unless you consider millionaires middle class now. They've been a busy bunch of agents and collected a tidy sum of back taxes. Yay USA. Oh wait, you weren't one of the cheating millionaires, were you skud? Ooops, my bad if you were.

Joe Conservative said...

AT least Republicans aren't holding a Fake NH Primary this year so that billionaire (D) donors can pick the President.... I hear Barrack's "polling" them now...

Shaw Kenawe said...

Curtis Thornbrugh, 81, an independent from Rindge, had voted for Barry Goldwater, Bob Dole, and both Bushes before casting his ballot for Obama twice and Biden in 2020 (he did not say how he voted in 2016). He was open to backing Haley in 2024 but couldn’t see himself supporting Trump.

“I can’t find anything good to say and I try,” he explained. “He’s dangerous and the people around him are, too.”

Forbes Farmer, 79, a fellow independent from Rindge, also went to view Haley in person at that event. He said he’d lean towards supporting her if she ran against Biden in November.

Could he back Trump should he prevail?

“No, never,” Farmer said. “I absolutely hate Trump.”

Anonymous said...

Does anyone take jc seriously. The dude must spend all his days in his head looking for the most outrageously false narratives he can locate there and elsewhere.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Over 60% of voters in NH don’t identify as MAGA according to exit polls.

Proving -FJ wrong again!

Dave Miller said...

Grey... you're surprised Skud mischaracterizes your comments?

Heck, he mischaracterizes direct quotes from me.

But like Trump, he never admits a wrong, never apologizes, even when you bring receipts.

It's what he does. The real question is why?

That's not what adults do in respectful, or polite company, even when you disagree, and it's not how we'd want our children to behave.

But that's MAGA.