Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, January 22, 2024



The name "Pocahontas" is trending because trump supporters are sharing racist videos painting Nikki Haley's face like a Native American. But tell us, Nikki, how America was "never a racist country." This is disgusting.

Also, today Trump kept referring to Haley as "bird brain." 

Think of the mentality of the people who want that schoolyard bully to lead America!


Joe Conservative said...

Why would a Trumper post this complaint? Isn't it the law of Democratic Party discourse that Trumpers and Republicans don't give a sh*t about racism, since they're ALL racists?

Joe Conservative said...

btw - Shouldn't that picture just have a big red dot in the middle of her forehead?

Joe Conservative said...


Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative,

I don't know if they're ALL racists, but it's pretty evident that racism is a value the current MAGApublican Party holds near and dear. Just pop over to the Geeez blog for proof.

One of their more prolific racist contributors referred to Nikki Haley as a "n*gg*r in the woodpile," President Obama is "halfrican," and all Muslims are "Moslem vermin." That blog is a amazingly rich pit of racism in all its ugly glory.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative,

Nikki Haley is a Christian, why would she wear a bindi? She's not a Hindu, Jainist, Buddhist, or Sikh.

Or are you just being a bigot trying for a laugh?

Shaw Kenawe said...

This is O.T., but very funny:

Jan 14
"DeSantis: You can be the most worthless Republican in America, if you kiss the ring, Trump will say you are wonderful.

Ron kissed the ring just 7 days later!"

Joe Conservative said...

A reflexive environment is one where everybody has to talk about a certain thing.

This is a political op to create a reflexive environment so that by painting Nikki as an American Indian, and not an Asian Indian, is meant to get people talking about "the current thing" and how is fits into the "mistake", to generate a "buzz" to shift the Overton Window in NH. I'm surprised that you fell for it, pShaw. Unless, of course, you want Nikki to win.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...

January 22, 2024 at 2:45 PM

"Nikki Haley and her husband, Michael Haley, were wed in two ceremonies, one Sikh and the other at St. Andrew’s by-the-Sea, a Methodist church in Hilton Head, where Mr. Haley’s parents live."

It is interesting to note that Haley came to Christianity late in life. "In 2004, for instance, she was widely hailed, particularly in news outlets like The Hindustan Times and, as the first Sikh elected to the South Carolina Legislature and the first Republican Indian-American elected to any state legislature."

A politician knows what he/she has to do, especially in the South, to get elected and accepted nationwide. And Haley did the practical thing in order to get into national politics in the Republican Party -- she became a Christian., changed her foreign first name to a more acceptable one, and embraced the anti-abortion culture that is anti-girl/woman.

When Trump wins the NH primary, she may hang on until the SC primary, but eventually, she'll kiss the ring of the man who even today mocks who she is.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative

"Unless, of course, you want Nikki to win."

Trump is double-digits ahead of her. It doesn't look like she'll win.

Joe Conservative said...

It doesn't look like she'll win.

Hence the "reflexive environment" post. And since it's about race... to get out the DEMOCRAT vote for Nikki.

Anonymous said...

Both Indian philosophy and Native American philosophy outstrips all conservative philosophy of the West, anywhere. Especially the MAGA non philosophy of Trumpers.

The ugliness, hypocrisy, and indecency of MAGA is sick and revolting.

Mike said...

Haley needs a new name for tRUMP. How about Dirtbag Donnie?

Anonymous said...

The very most reflexive environment in the western sphere of planet earth is the MAGA stew of ignorance. Brought to the world by an orange hued human orangutan.

Anonymous said...

Spoiler alert: the guy who stinks will win the New Hampshire primary tomorrow.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Ron Filipkowski
Trump explains why he called Haley ‘Nimbra’: “It’s just a little takeoff on her name - wherever she may come from. I look at her name. I look at a lot of people. I do a lot of names for people. Some people say I’m very good at that.”

Imagine the emotional and intellectual immaturity of the people who support this man-child!