Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Saturday, March 10, 2018

The Evangelicals' Most Admired President

Below:  Trump with pregnant Melania and his mistress, porn star, Stormy Daniels.

Why do I continue to publish this on my blog? To remind everyone, but especially the wingnuts who visit here every day, what a sleazebag Lord Dampnut is. The kind of sleazebag those same Goopers railed against when Bill Clinton was president. 

From the New York Times:  "But the scandal will lie less in the details of Trump's degeneracy than in the steps he and his lawyers took to cover it up. "This is early days yet in the unfolding Trump himself, it's preposterous, but it's not going away."

Like the Russia scandal, the Stormy Daniels scandal is not going away:

Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people standing


 Oh, and thank you Trump and your supporters for MAGA! Here's another example of how you've accomplished that:

This is what happens when you elect low-class people to represent America. The photoshopped image below is going viral. It's about America. Now. Compliments of people who voted for President Degenerate:


Les Carpenter said...

It is probably just me, but, it is a highly unlikely to a non existent chance that those you are reminding will be affected by being reminded of the TRUTH. However, you may have an influence on those (likely few) who might be on the fence and have a conscience.

Just my 2 cents worth.

R.D. said...

It isn’t whether or not Stormy Daniels wins the case that is a political problem. It isn’t even the penis pics or anything else that Daniels may have. The cover-up of the payoff and the lies are the problem for Trump. If Stormy Daniels and her lawyers blow the lid off of the cover-up through discovery, who knows how many other payments and agreements are out there?

The cover-ups and lies could add up to more impeachable offenses. Republicans already set a precedent for lying about affairs as an impeachable offense when they tried to remove Bill Clinton from office. If any of this cover-up continued after Trump took office, this scandal is going to explode.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, I don't expect to change Trump cultists' minds, they're beyond redemption. I just want to keep what Trump is front and center. The fact of his degeneracy and sleazebagginess will seep into their consciousness, but not enough to make them change their minds, just enough, I hope, to continue to nettle them. Remember, these are the same people who said "character counts" when Bill Clinton was president.

And the Trump cultists do visit almost every day, including the famous "ruthie," who can't seem to stay away from here. He and his sock puppets have a burning need to tell me what a great job Lord Dampnut is doing because somewhere in the deep, dark recesses of their cavernously empty skulls, they know what a jackass DJT truly is. SAD!

R.D., it's always the cover-up isn't it?

The Moonbat Slayer said...

Like the Russia scandal, the Stormy Daniels scandal is Bull-Shit.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Not being of the fairer sex I can only speculate, but Shaw my good friend, if you were unfortunate enough to be in a marriage with someone as crude and disgusting as Donald Trump, wouldn't you be happy to have some other woman take over your wifely duties? I'm more surprised Melania didn't write checks to Stormy to keep Donald and his lusts away from her.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe, nice to see you here! It's not Trump's harem of wives and mistresses that is the issue, it's the hypocrisy of his ardent supporters who crucified Clinton and Hillary for his sleazy behavior. They're silent as dirt on Trump.

To answer your hypothetical about my paying off a strumpet to service my husband had I had the misfortune to be in a marriage with someone as degenerate and repulsive as Trump? The answer is that I would have terminated the marriage as soon as he nakedly approached the marital bed and I saw how inadequate our conjugal life would have been.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Moonbat, you folks just can't stay away from this liberal blog, can you? Like Trump you people have no self control.

PS. Please do keep telling yourselves that Trump's scandals are b.s. Please. Do.

Jerry Critter said...

Don’t forget that Evavgelicals worship a god that had a child with an unmarried virgin who most likely was a teenager. Of course they love Trump!

Dave Miller said...

Let me just say that former President of Mexico is having a bit of a renaissance in his country as the Chief of Trolling Trump on twitter. He kills it...

dunkinville said...

How quickly the Evangelical republicans flipped there agenda - from hyper focus on morality, to blind eye.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Jerry, Dave and Beantown, it is depressing and revolting at the same time.

Kevin Robbins said...

First, if that is the real Vicente Fox then bravo to him. I remember he's the one that revealed Dubya had a phobia of horses.

Second, Trump has the worst lawyers imaginable. I suppose you don't get top shelf when you don't pay people for work done.

Third, if Stormy Daniels is BS, I can't imagine why they would have paid her $130,000, though. I appreciate them using Trump campaign e-mails to arrange everything.

BB-Idaho said...

Build a wall and make Stormy pay for it?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Kevin, Vicente is the best Latino Trump troll. Who'd want to work for a guy who doesn't believe in paying for services? The Stormyo-Trumpy tryst is real. Who knows how many other porn stars or sex workers he shagged while married to his third wifey.

BB-Idaho, Stormy got only 130,000 out of trump. Not enough to build the big beautiful wall he bragged about. Not even enough to silence her. LOL!

Ducky's here said...

Off topic but the "Lock Her Up" crowd isn't going to mention it.

Uranium One comes to nothing. If there had been anything you can bet it would be used for its intended purpose of getting Stormy Daniel off the front pag.

You'll never see a right wing outlet admit it was nothing but I wonder if they're running out of fake scandals.

Meanwhile ... when is Sarah getting the boot for not handling l'affaire Stormy Daniels?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Court filings imply that Donald Trump got Stormy Daniels pregnant and she had an abortion [article excerpt] While paying her off, Trump originally forced Daniels agree to keep quiet about a specific set of things that went beyond the mere fact that they were having sex. MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell managed to pick this passage out of Daniels' court filings, which he presented on-air on Wednesday evening: "sexual partners, alleged sexual actions or alleged sexual conduct, related matters, or paternity information".

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dervish, isn't that just legal boilerplate that would cover any and all contingencies whether or not they apply?

However, a sleazebag like Trump has probably paid for dozens of abortions for all the women he's shagged in his life.

Jerry Critter said...

Wait a minute! A porn star, someone who has sex for a living, got pregnant accidentally? Ain’t gonna happen, period! Oh wait...maybe it wasn’t accidental?!?

Anonymous said...

A good looking billionaire can get all the cooze he could ever want....america, what a country

Shaw Kenawe said...

Ducky, I've read the passengers on the Mothership say with certainty that Hillary and Obama are guilty of something or other on the Uranium One deal. If there had been anything to it, the feds would have been on it. It truly is a nothing burger, but the far right deceive themselves on this as well as on believing #45 is a great president.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Jerry, I doubt there is a pregnancy involved. The wording in the NDA sounds like legalese to cover all contingencies.

Anon, you sound jealous. Trump good looking? ACK! His personality overwhelms anything good nature bestowed on him and, therefore, he is an ugly, ugly man.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Shaw, money talks, B.S. walks

Kevin Robbins said...

The biggest problem might be the campaign violations in paying her off. Mueller can just add it to the pile.

Anonymous said...

Maybe tRump has a permanent STD and that's why his brain doesn't work too good?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The next line in the article I previously linked to says "Unless Trump's attorneys were so incredibly sloppy that they merely copy-pasted boilerplate language into the nondisclosure agreement that had nothing to do with the affair, this implies that Trump got Daniels pregnant".

This NDA was drawn up and signed LONG after the affair ended. At this point in time pregnancy was no longer a contingency (AKA "a future event or circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty"). Either there was paternity to not disclose or there wasn't. And why would the NDA cover it if it wasn't? The NDA also mentions "alleged children", apparently.

As per The Guardian, "Clifford also described her sexual encounters with the businessman, saying she did not use protection: 'It was kind of in the moment. And I was really kind of upset about it because I am so, like, careful'".

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dervish, good information. I had not read that far into the link you provided. Only time and more clever lawyers will uncover the sordid details about the Evangelicals' admired sleazebag.

Anon @7:08 3/10: A perfect description of #45 -- a wealthy

Kevin, This is the sort of thing one would expect when people vote a liar and a dirtbag into the presidency.

Anon @7:43 That may very well account for #45's incoherent tweets and ramblings when he speaks.

Anonymous said...

Regan was - The Evangelicals' Most Admired President.

Les Carpenter said...

We now are consumed of pornacopia. To what purpose? To accomplish what ends?

With so many issues that affect the nation and the world by far more than where tRump inserts his penis. I find the media focus on the Daniels Dalliance a waste of time. Given everything we KNEW about tRump BEFORE he was elected none of this should be anything other than expected.

This has become tedious and a waste of valuable energy spent on things from the past and something we had and have no control over .

More likely than not this will continue to roll on until the next scandal is found. When with renewed energy it will be followed and beat to death until... The next one. And so on and so forth.

Shaw Kenawe said...

RN, it's not the shagging that keeps this story in the news, it's the real possibility of illegality during the Trump campaign. It was the same with Monicagate -- it was the lying that got Clinton impeached, not the bj.

The feds got Al Capone on an income tax issue, not the homicides. I'll wait to see where this goes.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Trump's lawyer broke the law when he paid off Daniels. It was an illegal in kind campaign contribution. The lawyer says Trump was unaware that he made the payment, but that lie does not pass the smell test. He was obligated (under NY law) to inform his client. And the Trump campaign was obligated to report it (they didn't).

Shaw is correct, what is important is the lawbreaking and not the sex. Remember John Edwards was prosecuted (6 felony charges) for "orchestrating nearly $1 million in payments [via] two wealthy Edwards donors... to... his pregnant mistress".

Anonymous said...

Shaw, I can answer Vincente'question. Of course POTUS is always on the bottom. All he knows how to do is fuck up.

Les Carpenter said...

I don't dispute any of that. It's the tiresome other stuff.

YOU KNOW WHO said...

The Evangelicals who accept Trump's behavior because they believe his policies are good for them are just as vile as he is. There are those who vote to restrict abortions, prevent birth control, defund Planned Parenthood, admire Trump's lying and preach the Ten Commandments. What despicable people they are.