Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, January 16, 2024



The "good, heart-of-the-heartland" people of Iowa declaring their hope for an American dictator -- Trumpty Dumpty -- rather than Joe Biden.

After all, what country that values " nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all" wouldn't want as its leader a man who's been found liable for sexual assault/rape as well as tax fraud; a man who's facing 91 criminal felony counts; a man who bragged he could grab women's genitals and who hung out with pedophiles, even wishing well a woman who procured underage girls for illegal sex for a notorious pedophile!

Who wouldn't want that human disaster to represent America?

I'll tell you who wouldn't want that miserable excuse for a human being: People who have honesty, decency, and true love for America, and people who are not blinded by a deeply flawed cult leader who has continuously lied to them and conned them -- those poor deluded, deplorable people who have taken leave of their senses and are following Trumpty Dumpty and sleepwalking into a dictatorship.

Trump himself has promised the American people that future.

718,000 registered republicans 102,000 voted in the caucuses 55,000+ voted for Trump 47,000 did not Close to half of Iowa caucus voters rejected him. In 2020, Trump won the Iowa caucus with 97% of the vote. In 2024, he won 51% of the vote. Not exactly a stellar outcome.


Anonymous said...

So, it's important to GET OUT and vote. Vote AGAINST Trump. Preferably President Biden. But, anybody but Trump in the general.

skudrunner said...

Iowa is not a very good barometer of who will win the nomination. I don't remember ted cruz being the nominee after winning the iowa hey ride. GW was the last and that was 25 years ago so just because a bunch of people meet for coffee doesn't mean a whole lot. Many people in the country have some sense and will do the right thing and pick someone else, hopefully not the joey/kruella ticket if they continue their run.
As a country we cannot afford to have trump win. The last time he won the country spent millions to provide mental assistance to those socially incapable of accepting change. This time would be devastating. I don't expect Nikki to win although she would be a good choice. She doesn't have tough enough skin to overcome all the attacks coming from the left. After all look how supportive the left was toward Monica.
We have a long way to go and can expect several changes and continued attacks by the left on whoever the right might decide on.

Shaw Kenawe said...


"I don't expect Nikki to win although she would be a good choice. She doesn't have tough enough skin to overcome all the attacks coming from the left"

As far as I know, no one on the left has called Nikki "bird brain." That's Trump's name for her, after she worked for him and even said she'd pardon him if she became the POTUS.

Bird brain.

Trump is a terrible, terrible human being, and 35 - 40% of American voters adore him.

You and other Conservatives of good will (they DO exist) should work to keep Trump from ever getting near the WH again.

Yes, the opposing party doesn't always place nicey nice during an election. That's as American as apple pie. See the Jefferson/Adams rivalry. That was brutal!

But I can guarantee you won't hear Joe Biden calling Nikki Haley "bird brain," or some other nasty, juvenile name, or degrade himself, like Trump does, and act like a schoolyard bully.

Anonymous said...

Truth? As a country we CANNOT afford to elect ANY MAGAt or republican to the presidency. PERIOD.

This country now needs a revived LIBERAL movement to successfully take back the house, retain the senate, and make deep inroads in MAGA diseased states.

Otherwise the American experiment in self rule will remain in jeopardy.

Infidel753 said...

One does have to wonder how many Iowans those (fewer than a dozen) nutbags in the video represent. Trump got only 51% of the vote in the Iowa caucuses, and that was out of just Republicans. If the non-Trump vote had been unified behind a single candidate instead of split among DeSantis, Haley, and a few minnows, everyone would be talking about how close it was, not calling it a landslide.

These individuals are clearly a write-off and un-American (I mean, when you're talking to somebody in a T-shirt saying "Hang Biden for treason" and with a cross around her neck, you pretty much know this person's brain is off in orbit around Neptune), but I think they represent a fringe. Even most Trumpazoids don't really believe he'd be a dictator.

skudrunner said...

So 30-40% of Americans support trump. Even for a party before country advocate that is a wild assumption. He won a little over 50% of the caucus attendees in IOWA. 115K voted in iowa out of 2.1 million. 51% of that or 58000 voted trump which is hardly 30-40% of Americans more like 2.5% of farmers. Trump has rabid supporters who will vote for him no matter what conditions are but it is not close to you 30-40% of American voters. I can understand the DNC and media going full tilt against Nikki because she can win where trump can't.

As old as I am I do not remember the jeffereson/adams rivalry at least I don't remember voting.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm still rooting for the orange man to get the nomination as he will be easily beatable by Biden this November. But even if he loses the nomination he will burn the republican house down with him so maybe it doesn't matter. And four more years of Maga Jew fellow whining about "Kruella" would be entertaining.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner "I can understand the DNC and media going full tilt against Nikki because she can win where trump can't."

May I repeat: It is TRUMP, not the DNC, who calls Nikki "bird brain." Trump and his mobs are going after her. They're not very bright. If the GOP were smart (the current GOP is definitely NOT!) it would throw its support behind Nikki, not the indicted felon, rapist, and tax fraudist.

That shows me and the world that there's something terribly wrong with them. I've watched them in interviews tell the interviewer that Joe Biden is NOT the POTUS, that it's some actor, that Joe Biden is in prison or dead, and that Trump is the true president and is running the military. I've heard this insane talk from MAGAs with my own ears. It's mental.

And it's not just the whackos supporting this insanity, it's US Representatives and Senators. Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham, and others who give the appearance of being mentally fit all are supporting the rapist, fraudist, and indicted felon.

30 - 40% of my fellow Americans have lost their minds.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly

Just to set the record straight, it's skudrunner. not -FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said... who refers to Kamala Harris as "Cruella."

And I think you're correct to say that Trumpty Dumpty would happily burn down the country, not just the GOP, if he doesn't get his way. That's how malignant narcissists and sociopaths roll.

Shaw Kenawe said...


You may be correct. But there were a lot of things I didn't think Trump would do, and yet he did.

Shaw Kenawe said...

For skudrunner

Here's why I say Nikki Haley is a coward:

DANA BASH: How do you feel about your party's frontrunner being found liable for sexual abuse?

NIKKI HALEY: First of all, I haven't paid attention to his cases. All I know is he's innocent until proven guilty. You have investigations on Trump and Biden.

First of all, she's supposed to be very smart, but gave a very dumb answer. TRUMP WAS FOUND LIABLE (guilty pleas don't happen in civil court, but you are found LIABLE or not liable for damages from the civil suit brought against you.) Trump was found LIABLE for sexual assault and the presiding judge said that the claim that Trump raped her is "substantially true." He committed rape and defamation against E. Jean Carroll, and the judge will assess the amount of damages.

Nikki Haley KNOWS this and if she doesn't, she's a fool (or to be charitable, fibbing about not knowing it.) Being found liable for rape is a BIG DEAL for a man who hoping to regain the WH, wouldn't you say? And yet Nikki is too fearful of the man who called her "bird brain" to SPEAK THE TRUTH. And because of that, I think she's a coward.

Shaw Kenawe said...

And this just today from Nikki Haley:

Nikki Haley: "We've never been a racist country"

She's also a liar, like Trump.

This country allowed Jim Crow laws that made African-Americans second-class citizens, FFS!

And the lynching of those same American citizens went without punishment FOR YEARS!

And before skudrunner comes running here to remind us which political party was in charge during those shameful, racist years, we know. But as soon as the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts were passed, those Southern Democrats flipped and became Southern Republicans and never left the party.

For Nikki Haley to say we were never a racist country is to piss on the graves of the black and brown men, women, and children who were maimed, tortured, and murdered during the Jim Crow era in America.

Shame of her!

Joe Conservative said...

I LOVE Democrat strawman MYTHOLOGIES don't you?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Nikki Haley: "I haven't paid attention to his cases, and I'm not a lawyer…You got investigations on Trump and Biden.”

Notice how Nikki is compelled to appease the MAGAs.

Joe Biden is NOT under criminal investigation by any attorney general anywhere.

Trump was. And grand juries have criminally indicted him.

The only investigation of Joe Biden was from the MAGAs in the House of Representatives, and they've NOT CHARGED HIM WITH ANYTHING.

But go ahead, Nikki, and tried to "both sides" this. You look like a sychophantic fool.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...
I LOVE Democrat strawman MYTHOLOGIES don't you?

WRONG AGAIN, JOECON! You've got a perfect score for being wrong, wrong, wrong. LOL!

The Special Counsel investigation uncovered extensive criminal activity

The investigation produced 37 indictments; seven guilty pleas or convictions; and compelling evidence that the president obstructed justice on multiple occasions. Mueller also uncovered and referred 14 criminal matters to other components of the Department of Justice.

Trump associates repeatedly lied to investigators about their contacts with Russians, and President Trump refused to answer questions about his efforts to impede federal proceedings and influence the testimony of witnesses.

A statement signed by over 1,000 former federal prosecutors concluded that if any other American engaged in the same efforts to impede federal proceedings the way Trump did, they would likely be indicted for multiple charges of obstruction of justice.

Russia engaged in extensive attacks on the U.S. election system in 2016

Russian interference in the 2016 election was “sweeping and systemic.”
Major attack avenues included a social media “information warfare” campaign that “favored” candidate Trump and the hacking of Clinton campaign-related databases and release of stolen materials through Russian-created entities and Wikileaks.

Russia also targeted databases in many states related to administering elections gaining access to information for millions of registered voters.

The investigation “identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign” and established that the Trump Campaign “showed interest in WikiLeaks's releases of documents and welcomed their potential to damage candidate Clinton”
In 2015 and 2016, Michael Cohen pursued a hotel/residence project in Moscow on behalf of Trump while he was campaigning for President. Then-candidate Trump personally signed a letter of intent.

Senior members of the Trump campaign, including Paul Manafort, Donald Trump, Jr., and Jared Kushner took a June 9, 2016, meeting with Russian nationals at Trump Tower, New York, after outreach from an intermediary informed Trump, Jr., that the Russians had derogatory information on Clinton that was “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Beginning in June 2016, a Trump associate “forecast to senior [Trump] Campaign officials that WikiLeaks would release information damaging to candidate Clinton.” A section of the Report that remains heavily redacted suggests that Roger Stone was this associate and that he had significant contacts with the campaign about Wikileaks.

The Report described multiple occasions where Trump associates lied to investigators about Trump associate contacts with Russia. Trump associates George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, Michael Flynn, and Michael Cohen all admitted that they made false statements to federal investigators or to Congress about their contacts. In addition, Roger Stone faces trial this fall for obstruction of justice, five counts of making false statements, and one count of witness tampering.

The Report contains no evidence that any Trump campaign official reported their contacts with Russia or WikiLeaks to U.S. law enforcement authorities during the campaign or presidential transition, despite public reports on Russian hacking starting in June 2016 and candidate Trump’s August 2016 intelligence briefing warning him that Russia was seeking to interfere in the election.

The Report raised questions about why Trump associates and then-candidate Trump repeatedly asserted Trump had no connections to Russia.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... let's add this, from one of the officers of the HMS Mothership.

Speaking of the problems of America, this was said, with no push back from any of the sailors...

Stop for a moment and let the gravity of that sink in.

Mayor Pete, this commenter asserts, is unqualified to run a governmental cabinet simply because he is gay. His sexual orientation, in the opinion of this commenter places the lives of Americans at risk.

And the use of faggot as a derogatory term is tossed around about as easily as Bull Conner used ni**er back in the day. Yet the racist, misogynist people on this blog, and yes, they vote, see no problem with it.

And us libs are the unamerican folks...

Trump appeals to these people. These are his people. The Nazi's at Charlottesville were his people. The shooter at TOPS in Buffalo is his kind of people. The killer at Tree of Life Synagogue is his kind of people.

We used to say, hell, conservatives used to say, you are known by the company you keep, your friends, your supporters.

What are we to make of this?

Yes, Skud is right, the Dems have a bad candidate this year. But, we should not have to worry that one political party can't get a normal person as a candidate.

Yet, here we are.

Joe Conservative said...


The Nazi's at Charlottesville...

The myths never stop.... no matter how many times they've been debunked.

More Bad faith. Like the idiots at Davos shaking their heads and wondering where all the "trust" went...

I suppose that much like them, you attribute the loss of faith/ trust in politics to misinformation, malinformation, and outright lying...


Suzanne said...

Shaw can say whatever she wants s to, BUT THE ENTIRE MEDIA IS CALLING IT A “LANDSLIDE “. As it was

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.

OMG! I read today's post at the Mother Ship. They have no shame in exposing their homophobic and racist feelings about gay people and our first biracial POTUS, whom they detest and assign every horrible scheme their feverish minds can devise:

HERE'S ONE: "Please go and read Bunkerville’s post today; it is but one of hundreds of examples of social deviancy since the election of Barack Obama and his gang of thugs.

I keep saying, “Elections have consequences.” They do. It may not have been a big deal to hire a faggot as his Press Secretary, but hiring one as Secretary of Transportation places every single airline passenger’s life in danger."

And then this from another one of their MAGAs:

"While warning that Trump would become dictator-like in a second term, Joe Biden stole a presidential election in the wee hours of election night,

Hilarious. These people hang onto that lie like alcoholics hang onto their stashed bottles of rot gut to give them another dose of delirium when any reality starts to break through their foggy hallucinations. Once you read or hear "stolen election," you walk away, shaking your head in pity for the irredeemable nutcakes.

Oh this was the funniest:

"Joe Biden is a run-of-the-mafia capo, a thug by nature, a greedy finagler, an exploiter, a bully, and a crook. He has as much business trying to run this country as I would trying to reform Islam."

Her/his hero Trump is the one who's been found liable for sexual assault/rape and tax fraud and has 91 criminal indictments brought by grand juries against him. Her/his hero Trump is the serial adulterer who partied with notorious pedophiles. I won't list the rest of his banal of evils.

I can only guess what's going on in the disturbed mind that produced that quoted prose, and I believe that it's some sort of psychological breakdown, because they cannot reconcile their allegiance to Trump with the knowledge of his innumerable malevolent actions against this country. They know somewhere in their scrambled Trump-marinated brain that he's a terrible human being, but they cannot -- will not -- abandon him because that would be an admission of their colossal poor judgement and their having been taken in by the biggest con in American history.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Suzanne said... "Shaw can say whatever she wants s to, BUT THE ENTIRE MEDIA IS CALLING IT A “LANDSLIDE “. As it was>"

Trump won 51% of the votes cast, 49% voted against him. That's not a landslide. Anyone who has any brains would know that.

PS. Oh, now you believe THE ENTIRE MEDIA? But disbelieved it when it said JOE BIDEN WON THE 2020 ELECTION. IT WAS NOT STOLEN!


Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...

The Nazi's at Charlottesville...

The myths never stop.... no matter how many times they've been debunked.

More Bad faith. Like the idiots at Davos shaking their heads and wondering where all the "trust" went...

I suppose that much like them, you attribute the loss of faith/ trust in politics to misinformation, malinformation, and outright lying...



"On the night of Aug. 11, 2017, Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen and other white supremacists marched through the University of Virginia campus bearing torches and terrorizing students with chants of "Blood and soil" and "Jews will not replace us."

The next day, they rallied around the Lee statue at the downtown park.

"This represents a turning point for the people of this country," then-KKK leader David Duke declared at the time. "We're going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump because he said he's going to take our country back."

But the rally was met with resistance from hundreds of residents who rejected racism, chanting "Nazi scum off our streets."

Gathers was there and says it quickly turned violent.

"They lobbed all manner of things – rocks, soda cans filled with concrete and cement, water bottles filled with urine, tear gas and smoke grenades."

Gathers says police didn't intervene until then-Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency and shut down the rally.

"This is an absolute outrage," Richard Spencer, an alt-right leader and rally organizer, said at the time. "You're going to have to drag us out of here."

As demonstrators were pushed from the park, they dispersed through town, leading to pockets of violence and ultimately the deadly attack on a group of anti-racists. Neo-Nazi James Fields rammed his car into the crowd, injuring dozens of people and killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer. Two state police officers monitoring the scene died in a helicopter crash."

Shaw Kenawe said...

They were neo-Nazis who marched in Charlottesville. Every reputable news source reported it, and people saw them with their own eyes.

Your refutation of what happened is bunk. And you're wrong again.

ABC NEWS: "Images of neo-Nazis marching in the streets and violent clashes between alt-right protesters and counterprotesters in Charlottesville last year are still fresh in many residents' minds.

On Aug. 12, 2017, a "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville turned deadly when a 20-year-old Ohio man allegedly accelerated his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer and leaving 19 others injured, five critically."

CNN: "A grand jury in Virginia has indicted three individuals for allegedly burning an object with the “intent to intimidate” on the night of a 2017 White nationalist demonstration at the University of Virginia, in which scores of people marched through the Charlottesville campus carrying flaming tiki torches and chanting White nationalist slogans.

The demonstration at UVA gained international notoriety with its images and videos of White nationalists who chanted “Jews will not replace us,” “You will not replace us” and “Blood and soil,” a phrase evoking Nazi philosophy on ethnic identity."

ABC NEWS: The images of neo-Nazis marching in the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia, last summer served as a wake-up call for many Americans who thought that such shocking displays of hate were in the past.

But while the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, which left one woman dead, may be the most recent example of such hate, it wasn't the first time neo-Nazis have come out in force in America.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Skuds, JoeC Maga Jew, they're all one in the same to me Shaw. But I respect your duty as blogmaster to point out any errors.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Were there NAZI's at Charlottesville? Yes.

Did Trump praise them? No. He adamantly denounced them.

Were there, as Trump said, "Good people on BOTH sides" in Charlottesville?

Of course. He wasn't talking about the UVA Nurenberg-esque NAZI night rally. He was talking about the people protesting the taking down of Confederate statues that weekend in Charlottesville an event that the NAZI's crashed by running down some members of the crowd... but also a completely different event at a completely different time.

But the myth as related by Sleepy Joe and the theme of his 2020 election campaign conflated 2 different events/ groups and labels Trump a supporter of NAZIs.

...and so the myth lives on.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

A BS smear job just like the "Trump wants to be a dictator" smear.

Like with RussiaGate, if it weren't for dirty tricks, Democrats would know no tricks at all...

Anonymous said...

Charlottesville was a neo-Nazi event and Trump is the neo- Nazi leader at present.

And the MAGAt gop is essentially a neo-Nazi support group.

Dave Miller said...

I'm gonna reluctantly reply to the idiots who think there were no Nazi flags, no Nazi images and no Jew haters present at Charlottesville.

It's been proved? By a bunch of idiots on the right, maybe, with no facts. By ppl who support the very ideology that killed thousands of Americans and millions of Jews in the 1930's and 1940's.

Link to your evidence that there were no Nazi's there.

Go ahead, we'll wait.

Here's my link, complete with video and pictures.

To me, if you believe the BS these clowns are selling, you're spitting on the graves of US patriots and others who gave their lives to defeat Germany in WWII.

Dave Miller said...

FJ... like Skud frequently does, you've read something into my post that I did not write.


I said these, the Nazis you admit were there, are his people, and they've said so. They support him. just like the shooters I referenced. I did not quote Trump, I did not say Trump said anything.

So maybe you too, again like Skud, need to take a refresher course on the old SRA reading comprehension material.

Shaw Kenawe said...

“Speaking at a country club in Atkinson, N.H., Mr. Trump built on a recent escalation of attacks against Ms. Haley, which started with campaign events in Iowa. He painted her as out of touch with the conservative movement he helped inspire, negatively assessed her job performance as his ambassador to the United Nations and accused her of trying to wrest control of the primary from Republicans.”

That’s MAGA Trumpty attacking Haley, not the DNC.

Shaw Kenawe said...

CNN Transcript: "This all came up today as Mr. Trump was responding, of course, to Joe Biden's campaign kick off video in which Biden talked about the president's "fine people on both sides" statement. Here's what he said today when he was asked if he still believed there were fine people on both sides in Charlottesville:


REPORTER: You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are you --

TRUMP: I do think there's blame -- yes, I think there's blame on both sides. You look at both sides, I think there's blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don't have any doubt about it either.

And if you reported it accurately you would see that.


TRUMP: And you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.


Mike said...

tRUMP is a turd.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

ps - the "very fine people" were the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) who wanted the lives of their ancestors, mostly DEMOCRATS, memorialized? Are you saying that the SCV members are NAZIs? That the sins of the fathers should be carried by the sons?

Craig said...

I concede, the day after the Nazi Tiki torch parade there were people in Charlottesville who weren't Nazis. They were people protesting the removal of a statue honoring a traitor to America, the land they claim to love. They were against the removal of a statue honoring a man who took up arms against America to protect the rights of people to own slaves. They said they wanted to protect their heritage. "Very fine people". At least they weren't all Nazis.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Trump said there were fine people on both sides, meaning Nazis were fine. Period.

Trump also hosted two neo- Nazis at Mar-a-Lago in 2022: Nick Fuentes and Ye

Trump told the white supremacists, Proud Boys, to “stand back, stand by”.

If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and acts like a duck, it’s a duck. Donald is a duck who pals around with neo- Nazis.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Trump condemned the Nazis and the racists. Period.

Trump talks with diverse people. Insane, huh?

The Proud boys aren't racist, they've been smeared motte and bailey style.

And Antifa and the Black Bloc are the DNC's "proud boys". But of course, antifa (like the invisible knights of the kkk) doesn't exist. BWAH!

If it weren't for hypocrisy, members of the DNC would have NO original ideas.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

ps - the myths of RNC racism abound... stacked ever and ever higher by the DNC myth makers. They now believe more myths than Herodtus ever did ("Histories").

Trump will be a dictator on Day 1... simply the latest in a long line of DNC mythologies.

Craig said...

ps - the "very fine people" were the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) who wanted the lives of their ancestors, mostly DEMOCRATS, memorialized?

Sorry, their ancestors were traitors. I'm aware of the history of the Democratic party. Are you telling me the SCV are all Biden voters?

Are you saying that the SCV members are NAZIs?

I can't say they're all Nazi Sympathizers, but they're all Confederate Sympathizers. Carrying a swastika or a confederate battle flag makes no difference to me.

That the sins of the fathers should be carried by the sons?

Yes, if the sons are defending the sins of their fathers.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

When the "sons" have the same despicable beliefs why shouldn't they be condemned Maga Jew dude? I don't know of any Democrats defending nazis and their apologists these days.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Sad to see you're against the anti fascists Maga Jew fellow. By the way, I'd love to engage in a serious discussion with you or anyone on the right. But you continue to post nonsense.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

-FJ: Trump condemned the Nazis and the racists. Period.

SK: After his handlers pointed out that he had praised them. Then he gave another speech to correct his outrageous first one where he claimed there were "...very fine people on both sides."

FJ: Trump talks with diverse people. Insane, huh?

SK: Yeah. Diverse neo-Nazis. Fuentes and Ye. That's your idea of a POTUS engaging in diversity? LOL! Haven't you been telling everyone who'll read you that "diversity" is the bane of America's existence? But now you're all in for Trump and his neo-Nazi "diversity?" You're such a card!

-FJ: The Proud boys aren't racist, they've been smeared motte and bailey style.

SK: "The Proud Boys is an exclusively male North American far-right, neo-fascist militant organization that promotes and engages in political violence." --Wiki

Executive Summary

The Proud Boys is an all-male, far-right extremist organization formed in the United States in 2016. The group is Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, and xenophobic. The Proud Boys attend events with far-right organizations that advocate white supremacist and anti-government ideologies, though the Proud Boys leadership deny ties to white supremacy and neo-Nazism. The group is also semi-accelerationist in that it advocates violence in readiness for civil war in the United States. Most of the group’s public activity involves protesting or attending political rallies and events, typically with the intent to provoke violence. --Stanford Center for International Security and Cooperation, Spogli Institute

Of course you'd defend those thugs! You're such a card!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The SCV defends slavery? Who knew?

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ: "Are you saying that the SCV members are NAZIs? That the sins of the fathers should be carried by the sons?"

Actually, those SCV folks' religion -- Christianity -- preaches that very thing. The sins of the first parents (Adam and Eve) ARE carried by their children, all through every generation.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

ps Wiki - A dictionary Editable by every progressive liberal activist on the planet.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

@pShaw. They're ALL Christians? None are atheists or agnostics? Who knew? My parents were Christians, but I'm not one. Birth defect?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

btw - Is the original sin of the Bible the inability to follow the dictates of godlike authoritarian figures (like, "stay away from that tree of knowledge of good & evil and do what I tell you?)

Just wondering what you think it was.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
A BS smear job just like the "Trump wants to be a dictator" smear.

"Former President Donald Trump on Saturday repeated comments that he would be a dictator for “one day” if he’s elected to a second term in the White House.

Trump during a keynote speech to the New York Young Republican Club mentioned New York Times correspondent Peter Baker, saying the journalist “said that I want to be a dictator.”

“I didn’t say that. I said I want to be a dictator for one day. You know why I wanted to be a dictator? Because I want a wall, and I want to drill, drill, drill,” Trump said during the club’s annual gala, according to multiple reports."

In the America I grew up in, those words by Trump are like saying "I'll be a Communist for "one day."

When someone keeps showing you AND telling you who and what they are, BELIEVE HIM.

I believe that Trump is the greatest danger to our American democracy in our lifetime.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"btw - Is the original sin of the Bible the inability to follow the dictates of godlike authoritarian figures (like, "stay away from that tree of knowledge of good & evil and do what I tell you?)

Just wondering what you think it was."

I believe the Original Sin story in the Bible is part of a creation story, a myth. That's it.

There's more for me to say about it.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"@pShaw. They're ALL Christians? None are atheists or agnostics? Who knew? My parents were Christians, but I'm not one. Birth defect?"

Only you can answer that.

Anonymous said...

There is a story of creation. And...

Science, through ever increasing knowledge, will continue to unravel the mystery of creation and how the universe (cosmos) works.

Science may never find all the answers but it's pretty certain there is no burning bush or bearded guy in the sky.

Original sin is hogwash. Probably thought up by vengeful authoritarian religionists whose primary goal was the control of others in ways that beneficial to themselves and the church(s) they controlled.

Joe Conservative said...

A dictator through "Executive Order"... if you show any caritas and place his statements into their original context. But misconstrue his statements and add to the Democratic mythology of pending (R) fascism... at least you'll get the Antifa vote.

Joe Conservative said...

Trump - A tale of two mythologies...

Shaw Kenawe said...

The biggest mythology: That he's good at anything.

He'll forever be remembered as a rich man's brat who failed at everything he's ever done.