Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, January 23, 2024



Florida Senator Ileana Garcia put forward a bill that could have forced Florida taxpayers to foot up to $5 million in Trump's legal costs, while many Floridians are struggling to pay their property insurance. 

The proposed Senate Bill 1740, which would have set up the "Florida Freedom Fighters Fund" would have granted payments of up to $5 million to eligible politicians, who are "victims of political discrimination," for their legal fees. 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis threatened to veto this crap, thus forcing Garcia to withdraw the bill. 

Some Republicans in Florida literally wanted EVERYONE to pay for the legal bills of a self-proclaimed billionaire.

Think about that. The party that believes in personal responsibility wanted taxpayers, Republicans AND Democrats, to help pay for Trump's problems that he brought upon himself.

What kind of billionaire breaks the law and then hopes his cultists, and anyone else, will pay for his legal representation?

A man with no honor, decency, or conscience: Donald J. Trump.


-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Republican voters should get a tax credit for partisan political DoJ prosecutions on their income taxes... jes sayin'.

Anonymous said...

MAGA Con Truth Motto : Responsibility for thee (liberals), however none of that for me.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Poor Maga Jewish dude posting another bit of nonsense in hopes of getting a spanking from Shaw's paddle of truth. I guess it beats going to some website where Maga Guy has to give his credit card number before getting his spanking.

possumlady said...

Just read that Garcia is withdrawing the bill. What a bunch of maroons down there in Florida!!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe “Truth 101” Kelly,,

Here in “Bahstin,” we say you’re wicked “smaht,” and wicked funny.

Dave Miller said...

This is the GOP today.

It's a party that feels they need to pay the legal bills of a "billionaire" loser rapist.

But it's not just Trump. America does not want the majority the policies the GOP favors.

Think I'm wrong? Prove it.

Since 1992, the GOP has won a majority of votes for the presidency just once, in 2004. In seven of the last eight elections, a majority of Americans have chosen a Democrat for president. Not in the electoral college, rather in voting booths across America.

And we've got a few conservatives here who represent those loser views pretty effectively.

America does not want a GOP that uses tax payer funds to defend billionaire rapists. America does not a GOP that wants a total national ban, or even a six week ban on abortion. America does not want a GOP where Nazis, mass murderers and rocists feel comfortable. America does not want a GOP that nominates candidates who brag about grabbing women's "pu##ies". America does not want a GOP that won't call out people who use "ni##er", "halfrican", "moslem", "camel jockey", "wetback" and more. America does not want a GOP that won't fund, according to people in their own party, the "most conservative border protection bill ever".

America does not want the GOP. At least according to 7 of the last 8 presidential elections.

Think I'm wrong? Prove it.

Dave Dubya said...

Tax the public to pay for the rich white guy's lawyers.

This is white privilege taken to it's inevitable absurdity.

Their malevolent mendacious messiah must be served by EVERYONE. Just don't call them a cult.

skudrunner said...

Tax the public to pay for rich kids tuition
Tax the public to pay for entitled peoples batter chargers
Tax the public to give a credit for purchasing a battery car that only the rich can afford
Tax the public to pay for congress to have salaries for life after one term

The rich write off everything and the average taxpayer pays for their write offs. Change the tax code to make it so everyone pays their Fair Share including the 40% who pay nothing.

Dave Miller said...

Skud... us libs are happy to means test tuition for kids. So that way taxes are only being used for deserving ppl.

As for electric vehicles, us taxpayers subsidize lots of everyday products and items. Are you against all subsidies, or just the ones you don't like?

Congressional pensions only come into play after five years. Don't you think employers SHOULD provide employees with pensions?

And yes, us libs would be happy to eliminate lots of loopholes that the rich guys access, but the GOP won't let us.

And finally, everyone pays taxes of some sort. Not everyone pays income taxes, I'll grant you that. But tax indexing and things like the earned income tax credit, which poor people use to avoid income tax, were all suggested by and signed into law by President Reagan.

But I guess you don't like him.

I'm more an Eisenhower [another Republican] guy as it relates to taxes... Top rate, above 90%. Combine it with no loopholes and we'd balance the budget, solve the social security riddle and be able to provide medicare for all tomorrow.

Right after we repave all of America again.

Anonymous said...

That Dave ain't gonna happen as long as the party of Trump is in existence and has any power over the budget. It'll be tax breaks for corporation, tax loopholes for the filthy rich, big money for the MIC, and blind support for the Netanyahu's Zionist genocidal extermination of innocent Palestinians.

The sure road to hell is to follow Trump and the MAGAversej insanity.

Mike said...

Ileana Garcia should be checked out for any backroom connections to tRUMP.

skudrunner said...

Rev, Good points with a couple of minor exceptions

Even the auto makers can't sell EV's because the only place they make sense is in urban areas and most can't afford them. I know you visit out west, how many do you see on the road. Why not subsidize hybrid vehicle or a small diesel bot of which make sense except to AOC and crowd.

Why not give money to buy votes from skilled trade students who actually can graduate and earn a living providing a needed job. Probably because they are more conservative and may vote independent.

Congress should have the same pension as most American workers, pay SS and have a matching IRA. Actually I favor a citizen legislature who only meet one week every six and has a job to earn a living.

Do away with all deductions and charity contribution including churches and have a tiered tax rate
from dollar one. Top tax rate of 90%, Really?

Anonymous said...

If there was ever a good example of lies, and not even needing to be a good lie to be effective we need look no further than the Lie. I was appalled to see at an exit poll from the New Hampshire primary showing a 49% to 49% tie among respondents who answered the question......
This really makes me think about whether? Or not Joe Biden was the legitimate Winner of the 2020 election? It's very hard to effectively self govern ourselves with so many poor deluded souls out there.

Dave Miller said...

Skud asked about the top rate of 90%...

Under Ike is was over 90% for top earners. At the beginning of the Reagan Admin, it was 78%.

It's not on all your income. You know that right? It's indexed. So why not a 90% on all money earned after 10, 15 or 20 million a year?

Does someone need all that to live?

But I note your break with Reaganomics as it relates to taxes and his approach to helping poor people.

BTW, out west, we're loaded with EV's... and yes, I think hybrids, at least for now, are a better approach.