Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Friday, January 26, 2024

The guy who incited an insurrection against the United States...

and tried to steal an election from the rightful winner, Joe Biden, is telling America how he'll set up his dictatorship (which will not be just for one day), if we ever put this madman, rapist, and tax fraud facing 91 felony counts back in power:


Anonymous said...

The gurgling of a madman preparing the nation for the f- - - ing hell he's going to unleash on every individual who opposes his authoritarian nightmare when he's reelected "President".

Trump's dream is to be the 21st century's Adolf Hitler. And he's showing it more with each passing day and gurgle.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

He's desperate and knows all he has is this garbage to throw at his minions. I'm sure Biden will win this November but it's just as important that he win huge to hopefully put an end to the maga disgrace.

Joe Conservative said...

Actual "Insurrection" indictments charged since J6.... 0.

Dave Dubya said...

I remember catching a lot of flack when I first started comparing Trump to the rise of Hitler.

Not so much anymore.

Dave Miller said...

Like it or not, at least it's a measurable statement beyond the nebulous "MAGA".

It's something ppl can debate, analyze and decide whether it is what they want or not. And in reality, there are not a lot of GOP voters who will quibble with most of those positions. And that includes the voters favoring Nikki Haley and others for the presidency.

Because the GOP, even most of the moderates, love what DJT wants to do, even if they wish it came from someone without the DJT baggage.

Bend the will of the government to match the president? Check.
Move Washington bureaucrats closer to the American people and improve rural economies? Check.
FISA court reform? Check.

Now the left can annunciate how they differ, or why those ideas, and the more crazy positions like "target the 'fake news' " [which in reality is any news agency that states negative facts about conservatives] would be bad for America.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...
Actual "Insurrection" indictments charged since J6.... 0.

Several Oath Keepers, including Stewart Rhodes, were convicted of seditious conspiracy.

"On January 6th, Oath Keepers leader Elmer Stewart Rhodes III, who was convicted in an earlier trial of seditious conspiracy and related charges, sent a message on an encrypted group chat announcing that Vice President Michael R. Pence would not intercede to stop Congress' certification of the electoral college vote, and so 'patriots' were taking matters into their own hands. Moments later, a group of Oath Keepers, including these five defendants, began their march toward the Capitol."

"Biden administration officials believe using the sedition charge could politicize the Justice Department’s prosecution of the Capitol attackers, about 500 of whom are already facing charges.

The department says nearly 200 of those 500 defendants have been charged with obstructing the congressional proceedings on January 6 to count the electoral votes and finalize President Joe Biden’s victory. That felony charge has a maximum sentence of 20 years – the same punishment as the sedition charge but more tailored to the situation of blocking Congress’ certification of the Electoral College result."

There's your answer. The J6 seditionists were convicted and put in prison, where they belong.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said... we agree, there was no insurrection. There were pockets of "seditious conspiracies"... never shown to link to DJT.

Anonymous said...

Keep hawking your ignorance jc. Nobody with any sense at all buys your conspiratorial bulls**t. But if it makes you feel good and whole keep at it. It makes smart folks laugh at you all the harder.

Anonymous said...

jc lives in a world of make believe and delusions. His addled Trump worshiping mind is beyond anything rational or logical. In short he's married to the authoritarian mindset and believes representative democracy is nothing but a huge failure. He wants and needs a strong are bully in charge. Someone like Hitler or Putin. Trump, his perfect choice.

Anonymous said...

Adjudicated rapist calls ex-governor, birdbrain. Republican Party wants him to lead America as POTUS.

We are officially a shit country. Thanks TRUMP.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said... we agree, there was no insurrection. There were pockets of "seditious conspiracies"... never shown to link to DJT.

No. It was an insurrection. And hundreds of insurrectionists have gone to prison for the crimes they committed that day.

DJT will go on trial for his part in the insurrection against the United States. We'll see how the evidence against the treacherous liar, cheat, fraud, and rapist plays out.

Your inability to come to terms with that certain truths is just another indication of your refusal to live in the real world. You've concocted a world where you are your own hero and nothing, certainly not reality, will ever penetrate your phantasmagorical delusions.

The insurrectionist are in prison. FACT.

Donald J. Trump is a rapist and tax fraud, and he is facing 91 felony counts, for which he will go on trial -- he is a criminal defendant. FACT.

In a few days, we'll see how much the jury in the E. Jean Carroll defamation suit will find against Trump, the rapist. FACT.

I understand how facts and reality can be painful for some people who cannot deal with the real world.

Dave Dubya said...

Kremlin agent -FJ wants us to believe, "there was no insurrection. There were pockets of "seditious conspiracies"... never shown to link to DJT".

Trump's closest lieutenants met with criminal Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, who ALL answered Trump's call to come to DC ("It will be wild!") and to "stop the steal" and to march on the Capitol to steal the election FOR him.

"No link".

Kremlin -FJ has no honesty and no respect for the truth or our rule of law and elections.

He is an enemy of the United States, as are ALL supporters of Traitor Trump.

How much does Putin pay him, anyway?

Shaw Kenawe said...

"In a few days, we'll see how much the jury in the E. Jean Carroll defamation suit will find against Trump, the rapist. FACT."


Donald J. Trump is ordered to pay E. Jean Carroll $83 million in her defamation suit.

Donald J. Trump was already found liable for raping her.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Nope. There was no insurrection. Not a single person was charged. The J6 "Insurrection" has proven to be 100% hyperbole. There were some seditious conspiracies, but none linked to DJT.

Some rioters, assaulters, and trespassers are in prison with DRACONIAN sentences born of institutional fear, though. As such, they are political prisoners of the Biden DoJ.

E Jean Carroll will never collect her jury award. She'll lose on appeal. And you "fact" will become a footnote alluding to an error made by biased jurors.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Proud Boys and Oathkeepers came to DC to provide Trump rally security against Antifa and progressive agents provocateurs. They weren't charged with insurrection because THAT is the role that they performed. Security.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
Proud Boys and Oathkeepers came to DC to provide Trump rally security against Antifa and progressive agents provocateurs. They weren't charged with insurrection because THAT is the role that they performed. Security.

Completely and utterly WRONG.

Proud Boy leaders and Oath Keepers leaders were charged and found guilty of SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY.

Seditious conspiracy

Seditious conspiracy is a crime in various jurisdictions of conspiring against the authority or legitimacy of the state. As a form of sedition, it has been described as a serious but lesser counterpart to treason, targeting activities that undermine the state without directly attacking it.

You can come back here and discuss things when you know what you're talking about.

You're WRONG, WRONG, WRONG again. This is what happens when you live in a bubble and do not allow facts and evidence to penetrate your impenetrable, closed-off mind.

You're arguing a distinction without a difference.

Jury Convicts Four Leaders of the Proud Boys of Seditious Conspiracy Related to U.S. Capitol Breach
Thursday, May 4, 2023

A jury in the District of Columbia today returned guilty verdicts on multiple felonies against five members of the Proud Boys, finding four of the defendants guilty of seditious conspiracy for their actions before and during the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

According to the evidence at trial, in the months leading up to Jan. 6, the defendants plotted to oppose by force the lawful transfer of presidential power, and to prevent the Members of Congress, and the federal law enforcement officers who protect them, from discharging their duties.

Four Oath Keepers convicted of seditious conspiracy in Jan. 6 attack
The trial was the second to charge members of the extremist group with seditious conspiracy in the Capitol riot.

In these matter, -FJ, it doesn't matter a whit what you "think or believe." This is what the justice system in our country meted out to the seditious conspiracists who tried to overthrow the United States government by stopping the electoral count by the VPOTUS.

You can make up any story you wish to soothe your feelings, but it doesn't matter. Not a bit.

The members of Proud Boys and Oath Keepers were found to be SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACISTS against their own country.

Some would call them traitors.

Dave Dubya said...

Kremlin agent -Fj is doubling down on disinformation, Kremlin style.

"Proud Boys and Oathkeepers came to DC to provide Trump rally security against Antifa and progressive agents provocateurs"...who were somehow in the halls of Congress? They beat Capitol cops bloody in their attempt to OVERTURN the election.

-FJ is still harping on the LIE that antifa and progressives were storming the Capitol to overturn the election for Trump. No LIE is too big for neo-Nazis.

"Security"? Trump had more than enough Secret Service security. Trump DEMANDED they remove the magnetometers/weapon detectors, saying, "They're not here to hurt me". Yeah, that says it all.

-FJ's LIES are getting as desperate as Trump's and his defense attorneys.

So how much does Putin pay him, anyway?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya

We know what -FJ and his other personas are. They cannot accept that they're on the wrong side of history.

They cannot conceive that they can EVER be wrong. They are just like Trump: No one knows more than they do. They can prove how brilliant they are by linking to YouTube videos and quoting dead philosophers!

In the end, they're nothing more than pissant pedants, twisting facts and truths to fit their egocentric agendas.

It is laughable for them to defend the insurrectionists: Proud Boys (who march covering their faces! cowards!) and the Oath Keepers! Traitors to their country.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ "E Jean Carroll will never collect her jury award. She'll lose on appeal. And you "fact" will become a footnote alluding to an error made by biased jurors."

You've been wrong on everything so far, that's just another wrong prediction! LOL!

Thersites said...

History doesn't have a side, it's whatever the powers du jour say happened. And in one year, the power du jour will be singing a different tune. Presidential pardons for victims of the Biden DoJ goon squad and who knows, multi-$$$ jury settlements. :)

Thersites said...

...and I predict that ALL my 2024 predictions will come true!

Shaw Kenawe said...


I don't believe Biden will be pardoning the insurrectionists next year.

If Trump were smart (and he isn't) he would have kept his mouth shut. But he's so stupid, he believed he could continue to defame E. Jean Carroll and get away with it.

Now it's FAFO time for the guy who believes he's the smartest guy in the room.

That delusion cost the idiot $83 mill! In the end, Trump showed the world what a dumbass he truly is.

He blames Biden for his own stupidity? This civil suit started in 2019 when Trump was president.

Again. Trump is an embarrassing moron.

Thersites said...

Defame her? She has EMBRACED the notoriety and corresponding infamy. Didn't you buy the new BOOK she's promoting? Not all "profiles" get posted on Facebook (only the virtue signalling ones). She's "Awful Joan"... and she's LOVING it.

Thersites said... it "not the MAIN CHARACTER" syndrome.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thersites said...

"Defame her? She has EMBRACED the notoriety and corresponding infamy. Didn't you buy the new BOOK she's promoting? Not all "profiles" get posted on Facebook (only the virtue signalling ones). She's "Awful Joan"... and she's LOVING it."

Do you know her personally? Have you known her for years? Met and spoke with her? If not, what you just posted here is complete bullsh*t. It's nothing more than sour grapes speculation on Carroll's motives. IOW gossip.

A jury of DJT's peers, after hearing a preponderance of evidence, found Trump liable for sexual assault -- RAPE -- as the judge adjudicated, and defamation of her character.

Everything else any Trump cultists writes or says is pure bullsh*t, plus anger because their cult leader was held accountable for his criminal actions.

So you've come here to "irtue signal" for a rapist? Poor, poor Donald. He is so colossally stupid that he made hi!s bad situation even worse by piling defamation upon defamation during his defamation trial! Is there anyone more stupid than that?

But we do note that you felt the need to come here to defame/blame a victim and defend a billionaire rapist.

Now go pat yourself on your back for giving us that insight to your moral values.

Shaw Kenawe said...

And here's more of Thersites' pro-rape rantings:

Awaiting moderation
Thersites commented on "The guy who incited an insurrection against the United States..."
3 mins ago
Every time Trump supposedly "defamed" her she shouted "LOOK AT ME!" "I was the girl that Trump wanted to f*ck." "LOOK at me, DAMNIT." "Trump wanted ME!"

Awaiting moderation
Thersites commented on "The guy who incited an insurrection against the United States..."
11 mins ago
E Jean Carroll, your 15 minutes of fame are up. Oh, you get a billionaire to pay your lawsuit expenses? You get another 15 minutes as a "supporting character" sucking up Main Character energy."

Remember ladies and gentlemen, old timers like Thersites still believe a woman "has it coming to her," and when she fights back at the anti-woman patriarchy AND WINS! The old time pro-rape people like Thersites cannot control their rage.

And there it is, quoted above. Thersites defending a rapist and re-victimizing E. Jean Carroll.

Their ways a ending. Believe me. All one has to do is read what young women think of people like Thersites and their anti-women, pro-rape attitudes.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I hope she writes another book My Greek monikered friend. She could call it "The Art of the Deal: or how I won 83 million dollars from a Lying Rapist fake Billionaire."
Trump will be sending you a fund raising letter to help him pay per soon Thersites. That will be in chapter four. Get blind deluded fools to pay the bill. Trump takes all major credit cards or Pay Pal.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I will not publish anymore of Thersites' pro-rapist rage comments.

He just left two more.

All of them blaming E. Jean Carroll for Trump's crime.


Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly

Thersites is in a purple rage over Trump being held responsible for his disgusting behavior.

It appears that Thersites is taking this a bit too personally. Male vanity and "virtue signaling" on the easily injured Trump snowflaker.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: "I hope she writes another book My Greek monikered friend. She could call it 'The Art of the Deal: or how I won 83 million dollars from a Lying Rapist fake Billionaire.'"

Comedy gold.

Thersites said...

You didn't print them because they proved by her books titles that I was right about the gold-digger turned misandrist.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Be nice to find a righty, a legitimate one if there is such a thing, that would present cogent arguments for their side. Sadly there are no cogent arguments for their side so feeble minded sheep feel they have to lie or post incoherent nonsense. It's sad.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thersites said...

"You didn't print them because they proved by her books titles that I was right about the gold-digger turned misandrist."

You proved NOTHING. I didn't publish your comments because they're blame-the-victim patriarchal bullsh*t.

BUT, even IF E. Jean Carroll DID write misandrist books, that did not give Donald Trump the right to sexually assault/rape her.

That would be like blaming a rape victim for her rape because she wrote a book about a "filthy, frail, fearful, hunched-over and limping, worthless soldier who was disgraceful in appearance."

Dave Dubya said...

“They kept telling me they could hang me and they could hang my mom. I was afraid for my life. I literally felt someone would be coming to hang me, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.”

-Shaye Moss testifying in Georgia today against Trump's goon, Rudy Giuliani.

“There was nowhere I felt safe. Nowhere. Do you know how it feels to have the president of the United States target you?” That is one of the former election workers, Ruby Freeman, testifying to Congress last year about what the 2020 election was like for her. She and her daughter, Shaye Moss, were falsely accused — by name, multiple times — of election fraud by Trump and Giuliani.

Trump and his goon Giuliani smeared innocent elections workers, who happened to be Black women. They were terrorized because men in power LIED about them.

Trump and Giuliani are defended by Kremlin agent -FJ/Thersites/Joe Con. This makes him just as much a SOCIOPATH as the evil assholes he shills for.

Trump was never the victim, always the liar, criminal, racist, and narcisstic bully who aspires to be dictator. This is exactly WHY Kremlin agent -FJ/Thersites/Joe Con reveres Trump and Putin.

There's no question that -FJ/Thersites/Joe Con and his fellow LIARS and fascists are a threat to our republic.

So how much DOES Putin pay him?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya

I'm guessing most of Trump's MAGAs will never hear this testimony, and the few who do, won't care.

They're cultists.

Like Thersites/-FJ/Joe Conservative/Foreigner and the sailors on the Mother Ship, they are dedicated to supporting a Liar, Cheat, Fraud, and Rapist.

They are irredeemable. Hopeless. And lost.

Anonymous said...

-fj, jc, thersites, foreigner, et all are but living human forms of willful ignorance on steriods. Being completely closed minded the main character and its sockpuppets have reified their delusional belief system to the level of absolute insanity.

But, that's what happens when you place your faith in an orange hued human orangutan without a clue.

Dave Miller said...

Joe... cogent arguments?

Okay, I'm not a "righty" but I'll give it a stab...

The big government folks have made it almost impossible for a "Mom & Pop" business to open, operate efficiently and make money. The amount of hoops one must jump through from zoning, construction and other myriad gov't regulations to licensing to liability insurance and more is incredible.

The Dems have annunciated no policies to address this.

Rural education and health care is being hollowed out. There are a lot of older people who own their small piece of land and can't afford to sell and move to a city where they would have better health care access. The same is true regarding rural education options.

The Dems have annunciated no policies to address this.

People are feeling disconnected from our federal government and if you have to access a Fed department for anything, it has become absolutely cumbersome unless you live near a government hub.

Now this one is interesting. Trump has said he wants to decentralize the Federal offices and put them in rural areas, bringing services and jobs to those areas.

The Dems have annunciated no policies to address this.

College education costs are astronomical, as are trade school costs.

And... the Dems have annunciated no policies to address this either.

When you leave the city and talk to people on the right and in rural areas, these are their concerns. Trump has said he'd address a lot of these issues. So they hear him. And if you talk to leaders from these states, the voice these same concerns.

Do they have plans to fix them?

I don't think anyone has "plans" to fix anything, no matter the party or side of the aisle.

I think all everyone has are plans to win.

What happens after that, no one seems to know.

Not exactly an answer, but I think a stab at the issue. In spite of Trump, I know lots of righties who just want life to function again. They're not really partisan and have voted across the aisle, but they don't feel the Dems "hear" them at all and Trump does.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I appreciate the effort Dave but the first response is actions speak louder than words. From you these things sound great. But the ring hollow as an argument from the right as they take no action to fix any of the things you mention. Sure education costs are high. Biden's tried to forgive student debt and been fought on this by the right.
Rural health care and education? Like it or not many of these counties have a poor tax base and can't afford to do anything. The only answer is help from a higher level of government which to these people would be socialism. And to the rank and file republican would be big government taking over. Asking government to help anything isn't a right wing idea.
We have extension offices for farmers in rural areas. We have offices for Congressmen, state reps county boards members that live in these areas. So adding another office for a buruecrat from another layer of government will help?
Dems have tried to bring money to rural areas and states only to have it turned down by republicans. Missouri declined help from the federal government to expand Medicaid for poor people.

Glad you tried Dave. Sad for the righties that you can present a better argument for them than they can.

Dave Miller said...

Well Joe... as you know, I'm no rightie. But like I said, I ahve lots of friends from across the spectrums and have spent significant time in rural America.

Here's a great example of what I've seen and experienced...

Take Eastern Oregon... It's a huge area of that state. The folks I know spend their own $$$ to repair watershed, rangeland etc. After a series of wild fires, the feds said it would be years to replace the burned and lost federal fencing. They did it themselves. On their own dime.

Then got in trouble with the feds for actually doing the work.

What do we do about that?

They talk to their congressional leaders all the time. But have been told there's nothing any fed politician will do, because their area does not have enough votes.

Straight up.

And it's like that all across the country. Flyover country for the Dems.

If the Dem ain't going, and they're not, they're not listening, not hearing.

Isn't it natural for someone to gravitate towards those they believe might listen and help? At least to give it a try?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I agree that we need legislators that listen to us. Sadly most of them only listen to those that can do them alot of good.
I have a friend who owns a huge farm north of where I live. It cost him $1,000 donation to see his Congressman. I don't know if said Congressman was a D or an R. He lives in a different district.
I appreciate the people in Oregon working together as a community to rebuild the fence. It does take a village. So I guess Hillary Clinton was a conservative after all. I'd like to get more of the Oregon story before making any blanket statements.

Anonymous said...

They have no time for that, Dave. They fighting against Phantom Menace Trump. Too busy.

Grey One talks sass said...

Have any of you considered why some of our rules are in place?

I ask these things because it's who I am, the daughter of a dedicated civil servant who did their best to make their fellow citizens lives a wee bit safer. OK - a lot safer as Dad pushed hard for seatbelt laws after witnessing too many crashes and the horrible after effects of bodies hurled through windows and windshields like the projectiles they become. He once told me farmers strap in bulls and other valuable livestock to just travel from barn to field and yet we won't protect what is most precious to us (our family) traveling 70 mph down the highway? Madness!.

But, I digress. So, in theory every law/rule has been asked by a congress critter to be added to the books. Sometimes it's because a group of citizens get together because "there otta'be a law!" and sometimes it's because a politician wants to run off of the appearance that government is useless.

There is also a cycle not mentioned here. It's the business to politician to lobbyist cycle that must be ended along with Citizens United. The mom and pop shops aren't failing because of governmental persecution but because big business cannot tolerate competition.

Don't believe me? Look at the laws you find to be overreach to discover who benefits, not who suffers from its enforcement. Government in and of itself is only a tool, a garden hoe if you will that keeps the weeds down. Business on the other hand will use whatever tools (including ones not their own) to get to their ultimate goal - bonuses. Greed is good I've been told and their adherence to that goal is why our prices are still so high even as material and transportation costs have gone down.

Dave Miller - you mentioned rural hospitals closing and implied the Biden/Harris admin is doing nothing about it. You, are wrong and here is why.

After the ACA and it's expansion plans had begun to roll out We The People had a course change. If HRC had been elected this wouldn't even be a talking point. Since we got the former guy who hated all things Obama changes were enacted. Medicaid was offered to states but they didn't have to take the expanded parts (that which funded the rural health care centers). You know Red states - they hate the feds and will cut off their noses to spite their face. So starting in 2018/2019 rural healthcare centers started to close just as COVID was entering the picture. Then the former guy mismanaged our economy (infrastructure week is coming, believe me, it'll be great, best healthcare ever coming in two weeks!!) and here we are.

I've no clue what plan the Biden/Harris admin is trying to get passed to help regular Americans but here's the thing. With the Inflation Reduction Act and Invest in America Act (I might have the second name wrong) the Biden/Harris admin invested in middle America. They are repairing bridges, roads, railways. They can only move as fast as Congress lets them and based on the clown show we've all been watching Congress is the one you should be mad at, not the Biden/Harris admin. As Biden has said, you know legislation is good when those who voted against it are trying to take credit for getting it passed. I've read several stories in the past week where the GOP are doing this very thing.

Last observation - regarding E Jean Carroll, in the state of NY rape is defined as genitalia inserted into genitalia. With the former guys sexual assault liability it means he couldn't get his parts inside of her so he had to use his fingers. Even when performing the act of violating rules of consent he couldn't do the business, so to speak, his parts are too small to reach. Oh my, that burn has to sting, just a bit. Ok = I'm hoping it burns to the core of his nonexistent soul but that's just me.

Craig said...

Dave, I sort of agree with you about parties responding to peoples needs, especially in rural areas. But, it has more to do with Dems not showing up to contest in heavily Republican districts. Taking your example of eastern Oregon. Congressional district 2 covers all of central and eastern OR. Since 1981 they have had Republican reps in Congress and straight Republican representation in the state. The current Rep is Republican Cliff Bentz. He voted against the infrastructure bill and the Invest in America bill.

There are lots of reasons the people you describe are struggling. Lack of investment in rural areas is one. These areas gave huge tax breaks to Big Box stores to open, driving out Mom and Pops only to see them close 10 years later leaving their shells littered across the country. Sweetheart tax incentives to Multinationals to build plants with promises of thousands of new jobs and delivering only a fraction of what they promised (see FoxConn in Wisconsin). Independent farmers being driven out and bought up by CAFOs. All this promoted and enabled by their local reps, usually Republicans.

I'm not saying Dems have the magic formula to fix everything. One party offers only tax cuts, spending cuts, regulation cuts and culture wars. It ain't working for the folks who put their trust in that. The other party at least offers investment in infrastructure, expanding broadband, affordable health ins. and subsidies to rural hospitals, Public/ private investment in microchip manufacture (of the 6 new plants, 4 are in red states), etc. I think Dems have a good story to tell in red areas if they just show up and compete.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass

Thank you for your comment. With your permission, I'd like to put it up as a post this week.

There's a lot for discussion in it as well as Crag's post!

PS I did not get your email. Please try again at the email attached to my blog:

I just sent a test email to that address, and it worked.

Please try again.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Both you and Grey One talks sass hit on some very good points. I'd like to combine both your and Grey One talks sass's comment into one post for later this week. I'll be away at the beginning of the week, but maybe toward the end.

You and she brought up many good points.

possumlady said...

Regarding the closing of many rural hospitals and clinics, there were a number of stories in the past few months on national news about this. The doctors who used to run these clinics put the blame on Medicare Advantage plans who refuse to pay them. Google Rural Hospitals and Medicare Advantage plans. As I'm going on Medicare this year, I'm doing a lot of research on Advantage plans vs. Supplemental plans. Definitely going with a Supplemental plan.

Dave Miller said...

Possum, I have good friends who work rural health care. There's not enough $$$ in the area to support good health care. And that seems to be true in not only places like Eastern Oregon, but rural Nevada too.

Here in my state, the state is forgiving student debt if docs will give 5 years in places like Elko.

I'm just not sure bribing doctors to live in these areas is the best we can do.

Since my wife is still working, I've got another 16 months before I have to take the Medicare plunge. It's all so confusing as to whether to go Medicare Advantage or traditional.

And I like to think I'm pretty sharp. The fear of making the wrong decision is palpable.

Dave Miller said...

Grey, Craig, Possum and Joe...

The rural/urban divide is huge. Look, I know the Bentz family. Not Cliff, but others in the fam. They're good people. In a nod to the past, I'd say wrong on the issues, but good folks. Opponents, not enemies.

And even in saying that, I can't square where they might stand on J6, trump or some other issues. But I know if I picked up the phone today and asked my most rabid conservative friends for help, they'd respond to this liberal.

Because I have a relationship with those folks.

And I think that's where I'm at.

The Dems have largely decided these areas are beyond hope, so why bother. Dems have got to go, listen and respond where they can and earn the vote. Tester has done that in Montana, Kelly in Arizona. We can't just write these areas off. There are areas of common ground, if we are willing to listen and contend.

Dave Dubya said...

It's difficult to empathize with rural conservatives, let alone the MAGA fanatics.

They will always vote against public education and public healthcare. Yet they complain about them both being "Communist Big Government".

They will support huge tax cuts for the rich and corporations and still whine about a "rigged system".

They have resisted Democrats from infrastructure improvement, environmental protections, taxing the rich and corporations to tolerance of LGBTQ community. They live in fear of brown people "replacing" them. This is all likely due to their cultural isolation and white identity/Christian nationalist politics.

Evangelical Christian nationalism is in stark contrast to unity and tolerance.

They vote for authoritarian theocrats who refuse to compromise on issues that clearly benefit our Constitutional provision for general welfare that cares for the sick and feeds the poor. How they hell are they Christians when they deny and obstruct any program that their Savior would promote?

And the very word "compromise" is demonized by the people they vote for.

They are a minority who want to dictate to the majority. They fear people they do not understand. Most progressives understand them far more than they even CARE to understand us.

And yes, they can be decent people who would help a stranger in need, as long as it doesn't cost them a buck or two.

They have decided to trust only far Right media and propaganda. What can possibly counter that? It closely resembles outright religious conflict of beliefs with all the associated prejudice.

Well, that's my mood for the day.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I agree with all you posted Dave. I beat myself to a pulp working campaigns for years and saw the swing to middle of the road, vote for the person switch to vote for the one with the r by his name no matter what. I gave up trying to fight it. It's easy to get them thinking for a minute about an issue and even see your point. But two minutes later it's as if you never said a word about anything from Miranda to abortion or freedom of religion. As bad as Trump or MTG or the wacky Boebert lady are, these people still believe they're better than a Democrat. The only chance a Dem has is that the republican is so bad that just enough leave the r cult and vote for the D. That got Claire McCaskel elected in Missouri twice. The last time unfortunately the republican wasn't exposed for his nuttery in time.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Joe that so many can't see past their conditioning and through their obscuration to see the truth and reality as it actually is. Not as they desire it to be. Reification of beliefs based only on desires of the heart is a certain road to suffering. Hence the MAGAverse.

Grey One talks sass said...

Dave Miller, I'm related to the rural areas, my family farmed alfalfa, meat cows (as opposed to dairy), and other assorted vegetables in the family garden (so big Grandma had to have either Grandpa or my uncle use the tractor for plowing the furrows - blew this city kids little brain at the time).

I know they are good people, believing to their core as they do. That said they are the same people who took one look at adolescent me and started with the 'you're going to hell' talk because I dared to listen to (gasp) the Beatles. And it didn't stop. Ever. To this day I know they love the cousin but hate the sin. In return I love my relatives but despise their beliefs. If it meant they could own some nonChristian they'd gladly cut off body parts.

So, I'm still struggling of how to do outreach with a population that just wants me and mine to disappear, leave, find another home, or even better die so they don't have to think about us. All I want them to do is sit and the table and work out a compromise.

You've all witnessed how that goes with the Christian nationalist/GQP crowd. They whined until none of us could stand the sound of their voices so they got all the concessions they wanted on the border but now... oh my, they can't approve of what they asked for, that would help someone they don't like.

I'm done trying Dave Miller. There is no reaching some folks and as hard as it is to say, sometimes you have to let someone bottom out before they get better. It's tough love and it sucks big time - ask anyone who loves an addict or alcoholic.

Anyway, that's where my brain has been. Off to assist family because that's what one does when you love them and they are still in your life.

Anonymous said...

You're certainly not alone in your perspective Grey One talks sass. While i didn't personally experiences the issues you did with this segment of our population i knew innately that they were dead wrong in thier beliefs. And now, with the gop and American Evangelical conservatism and MAGA i too have no more patience to try and understand thier ignorance and hate.