Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Monday, January 15, 2024

TRUMP: "We're going to build an iron dome over our country."



Anonymous said...

Yup, confirmed by his own words. The orange hued human orangutan has completely lost whatever mind he may once have once possessed.

Dave Miller said...

This video is from the same speech where Trump said he may be president again for "four years and beyond!"

What does "four years and beyond" mean?

If Trump wins, is he expecting a potential third term, which is unconstitutional?

Or did he just make a mistake?

And if it's a mistake, what would the MAGAverse be saying if Biden had made the same mistake?

You can all guess...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Watch the money pour in now from Lockheed Martin and Boeing...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Oooops... Raytheon.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

If Donald Trump were elected VP in 2028, he could theoretically fill out THAT president's term, were he incapable. From Wiki:

As worded, the focus of the 22nd Amendment is on limiting individuals from being elected to the presidency more than twice. Questions have been raised about the amendment's meaning and application, especially in relation to the 12th Amendment, ratified in 1804, which states, "no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States."[23] While the 12th Amendment stipulates that the constitutional qualifications of age, citizenship, and residency apply to the president and vice president, it is unclear whether someone who is ineligible to be elected president due to term limits could be elected vice president. Because of the ambiguity, a two-term former president could possibly be elected vice president and then succeed to the presidency as a result of the incumbent's death, resignation, or removal from office, or succeed to the presidency from another stated office in the presidential line of succession.[9][24]

Some argue that the 22nd Amendment and 12th Amendment bar any two-term president from later serving as vice president as well as from succeeding to the presidency from any point in the presidential line of succession.[25] Others contend that the original intent of the 12th Amendment concerns qualification for service (age, residence, and citizenship), while the 22nd Amendment concerns qualifications for election, and thus a former two-term president is still eligible to serve as vice president. Neither amendment restricts the number of times someone can be elected to the vice presidency and then succeed to the presidency to serve out the balance of the term, although the person could be prohibited from running for election to an additional term.[26][27] The practical applicability of this distinction has not been tested, as no person has been elected president and vice president in that order, regardless of terms served.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

btw - How's the pre-coup planning going?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Prophetic words Maga Jewish guy. I misunderestimated you,

Mike said...

Does this moron not know we have a mega iron dome over our country already? Probably not.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
btw - How's the pre-coup planning going?

Linking to Breitbart -FJ?

"Is Breitbart a reliable source for news?

Its content has been described as misogynistic, xenophobic, and racist by academics and journalists. The site has published a number of conspiracy theories and intentionally misleading stories. Posts originating from the Breitbart News Facebook page are among the most widely shared political content on Facebook.

Breitbart News is aligned with the alt-right, the European populist right, and the pan-European nationalist identitarian movement under the management of former executive chairman Steve Bannon, who declared the website "the platform for the alt-right" in 2016. Breitbart News became a virtual rallying spot for supporters of Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.

The company's management, together with former staff member Milo Yiannopoulos, solicited ideas for stories from, and worked to advance and market ideas of neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups and individuals.

After the election, more than 2,000 organizations removed Breitbart News from ad buys following Internet activism campaigns denouncing the site's controversial positions. Breitbart News has promoted climate change denial and COVID-19 misinformation.

Are we surprised that -FJ, (JoeCon, Thersites, and Foreigner) frequent a website that spreads QAnon conspiracies, lies, disinformation and idiocy? No, we're not. Also THEY use "Gateway Pundit" as a resource. Jim Hoft is described as "the Stupidest Man on the Internet."

But -FJ and his personas sometimes amuse us. And using Breitbart to spread another whopping stupidity of a conspiracy is a real knee-slapper.

Anonymous said...

That's our MAGA guy to a tee!

Anonymous said...

DeSantis waiting in Iowa to see if Pence will do the right thing for the country.

skudrunner said...

Build an iron dome to protect the country versus opening the border for all to enter. That is a tough decision but I'm sure it will all turn out OK even for those who don't want America to be great.

Mike, we have the capability of having an iron dome and it can be produced. We do have a system to protect important cities like DC with all the brilliant minds but Kansas is on it' own. The United States is using Iron Dome defenses in limited ways.


"The Iron Dome is designed to combat threats such as those faced by Israel, a small nation hemmed in by enemies. Because the U.S. is larger and doesn’t have the same threats from its direct neighbors, the technology is less useful here."

I did see where donnie got over 50% in Iowa. Now the true battle begins since he has proven to have support even if it is from the looons. How long will it take before the dems throw joey b to the curb because he is suspect of winning especially with kruella as his running mate.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

49% voted for somebody else Skuds. For the dear leader of the republican party that doesn't bode well. I know as well as anyone about the loyalty of the republican voter. But these numbers show that quite a few of them are fed up with this joker and his whining about things being unfair. They wouldn't tolerate that behavior from their children. Face it my friend; Trump will lose again this November.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but, there's J6. A Trumpty Dumpty loss just might trigger a repeat should he lose AGAIN. And when he does he will and create additional CONSPIRACY. His angry hateful MAGA minions with guns will be in waiting for his call to arms. The hate he has whipped up, and continues whipping won't just dissipate when the results are announced.

The orange hued human orangutan will keep whipping and whining. And his party will continue to believe whatever he howls. A sad sack group of misfits looking for a Putin type to take charge.

Joe Conservative said...

Is NBC a subsidiery of Breitbart, too?

Or is that just another paranoid Democratic Party conspiracy?