Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, January 20, 2024



I couldn't let this go unnoticed because of its appalling racism and hatred toward a former FLOTUS, who not only is highly educated but who is also a force for goodness and decency.

The thread on this blog was about Michelle Obama running for the presidency in 2024. I don't know where these Trump cultists get the idea that Mrs. Obama will run for president in 2024, I've seen it nowhere in any legitimate media. These cultists apparently have seen these rumors on FAUX NOOZ and Newsmax. LOL! Being gullible deplorables, they believe it.

Anywhoo, here's one of their frequent commenters giving vent to his/her racism and hatred of Michelle Obama.

It's an interesting insight into what truly awful people Trump cultists are:

"Mikey started out with all the grace and aplomb of a 1960s-era Hong Kong B-girl. Greedy, sneaky, flashy, insecure, ignorant, and unfortunately unattractive.
(But...but, I've NEVER seen Mrs. Obama nude and in bed with another woman in a soft-porn photo shoot! And Mrs. Obama never had to lie about her education, did she. The Geeezes are marinated in disinformation, hatred, and lies about Mrs. Obama.)
As time passed, she graduated to become a bitter, confused, closed-minded, brainwashed, victimized, racist parasite.
(In psychology, this is called transference. The writer of this hateful mess has "issues," and they're not about Mrs. Obama. This sicko needs help.)

As the “wife” of a historic White House first, in her childish ignorance, she listened to the propagandists paid handsomely to convince the public that she is bright, informed, graceful, loving, and stylish.

(Mrs. Obama earned a BA from Princeton University and a JD from Harvard University. She didn't need to pay anyone to state those facts.)

Eventually her inferiority complex and absence of character caused her to buy into the image the slobbering leftist media constantly bombarded us with in their white-guilt woke adoration of an illegitimate and unqualified poseur foisted upon us by Oprah Winfrey for some insidious reason.

("...absence of character..." Mrs. Obama is an educated, dignified woman who NEVER stripped down to show off her tatas and booty in soft-port mags, nor did she ever say this about having to decorate the WH at Christmas time:  "I'm working ... my ass off on the Christmas stuff, that you know, who gives a fuck about the Christmas stuff and decorations? But I need to do it, right?" --Melania Trump recorded on audio tape)

The myth settled in her bitter brain and triggered an epiphany of sorts based on her association with professional entertainers who showed her how to dress, sit, walk, and milk white guilt for all it’s worth.

By the time her halfrican co-conspirator left the office, the two of them were multi-millionaires with immense identity loyalty and a knack for mimicking intelligent speech and acceptable behavior in public.

Today Big Mike is mistress of her body and understands that a big ass, a paunch, tats, and ebonics do not attract franklins from whitey. Realizing that gangly silverbacks are largely unappealing to most people, she no longer has tiny little hairs in places where kinky hairs are unsightly on a woman who would be queen — upper lip, ears, chin . . . .

(Disgusting racism and misogyny in all its Trumpian ugliness!)

The earlier wardrobe, built primarily from seat covers, tablecloths, and awnings, was replaced with solid-color frame-enhancing sheaths and pullovers, and her makeup style no longer follows the Curly Howard school of greasepaint and pancake.

The Americanization of Mooch has been a rather spectacular transformation, and today she often seems to be legitimately female, almost attractive at times, with diction and enunciation nearly as good as the halfrican’s."

The person who wrote that appalling screed appears to be a pustule of hatred in desperate need of lancing!


Dave Miller said...

The fact that no one disagreed with what was written in that screed, nor said it was over the top, nor remarked on the racism and misogyny in it and in fact piled on, shows that there is a very dark streak of people in the US who have no problem with openly expressing racism.

Sure, it's a free country and we are largely allowed freedom of speech.

But are we free to spew pure, offensive hatred?

Apparently so.

And let's not forget, the people using this language feel welcome and appreciated by the Republican party and fellow conservatives.

Just as they are.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Guy and his cohorts are scared of a well spoken black woman. Actually they're scared of any black woman. Kind of comforting knowing that for all they're bravado and gun toting, they're timid titmice.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.

Well that horrid mess of racism confirms that Nikki Haley doesn't know what she's talking about when she claims the U.S. is no longer a racist country.

Almost every word that commenter wrote reeks with the stench of racism AND misogyny.

It's interesting to note the intense hatred the writer feels -- so intense that it suggests a transference of some kind because of something dark and awful that happened in the past to the writer. I'm not a psychologist, but why else would that writer feel so compelled to write those hateful, inflammatory, and slanderous things about a woman she's never met and knows nothing about, except what he/she's read on racist sites on the web?

Mrs. Obama is the complete opposite of the FLOTUS the Geeezers admire:

Mrs. Obama is highly educated -- Melania Trump dropped out of college after one semester and entered modeling. And Melania LIED about it to get her Einstein VISA! I think that's a crime!

Mr. and Mrs. Obama have been in a happy and faithful marriage. Melania Trump accepted the fact that her husband cheated on her, his 3rd wife, with a porn star and playboy bunny while she was pregnant with his 5th child.

The world is turned upside down when we witness supposed "Christians" slandering Michelle and Barack Obama and idolizing Trump and Melania.

We're doomed!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly

Those cultists on that blog refer to President Obama as "halfrican" and Michelle Obama as "Mike."

Those people are mostly the older generations: Boomers and pre-Boomers, y'know, when, they believe, America was its best.

And here they are, happily displaying the worst of our American culture: racism and misogyny!

Dave Dubya said...


This is the face of American fascism. And it IS pure evil to the core. These are they fascists who would take delight in the suffering and demise of those who dare display intellect and reason beyond their raging blind cult hate and bigotry.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya

There is more to that ugly screed than what I posted. Imagine being so full of bilious hatred that someone would take the time it took to write that!

Sadly, they are as you describe them. They fall for every conspiracy they hear on FAUX NOOZ and Newsmax, how else to explain their utter terror in thinking Michelle Obama would run for the presidency.

The fact that they think this may happen, even for a second, shows their reasoning is shot.

Too much FAUX NOOZ, Newsmax, The Gateway Pundit, rots one's brains, as is evident in that screed.

Anonymous said...

The face of Trump's MAGA American fear campaign. The fear that America is losing it's whiteness, combined with the fear of "the other". A fear marinated in modern day Evangelicalism

Anonymous said...

The person writing that hateful screed is consumed with self hatred. It is a projection of that inner hatred for themselves that we read on the screen.

Shaw Kenawe said...


I had the same thoughts about that writer. One must have a deep well of self-loathing in order to write those words. Especially writing that about someone he/she certainly never met, plus the misogyny, racism, and hatred that writer carries in his/her heart is disturbing.

Harboring hatred that strongly is like drinking poison and hoping the one you hate dies.

Craig said...

The guy that wrote this taught JC English and fancies himself a "Writer". This tripe passes for clever and witty at Mz. Zees Bizarro blog. The Mothership is adrift in a cesspool of this shite.

Is 'cesspool of shite' redundant?

skudrunner said...

The dems do not disappoint with their inclusive mentality. Throw rocks at melania because she was an attractive women who happened to be a conservative. Praise jill b because she hasn't done anything except keep joe pointed in the right direction off stage. No national campaign about anything which at least michelle had.

Now the left is cranking up the hate against Nikki because after all she is a conservative women and if nominated will beat joey b. Lets see how many news outlets call the dems anti women for criticizing Nikki the way they accused anyone against barry as being racist racist.
BTW, michelle could win but anyone except trump can win which shows how poorly the current administration is doing.

Shaw Kenawe said...

SKUDRUNNER: "Throw rocks at melania because she was an attractive women who happened to be a conservative."

Who's "throwing rocks at melania?" This post is about a biliously hateful poster over at the Geeez blog who wrote a miserably racist and misogynistic screed about Michelle Obama! So what are you talking about?

But for your information, Melania Trump LIED ABOUT HER EDUCATION on her application for citizenship (a crime) and someone sponsored her for an EINSTEIN VISA -- her extraordinary accomplishment? Posing for soft-porn magazines!

Both Michelle Obama and Jill Biden are highly educated accomplished women. Mrs. Obama holds a BA degree from Princeton, and a JD from Harvard. Dr. Biden has a PhD. in education. Melania Trump took one or two semesters in University and dropped out to be a model. She never made it as a supermodel, as Trump, who is a liar, says she did. She and Trump are all over the internet in photos of them partying with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, TWO NOTORIOUS PEDOPHILES WHO PROCURED AND RAPED CHILDREN.

And yet the idiot who wrote the screed in this post went after Michelle Obama in the most horrific racist and misogynistic attack I've ever seen anyone write.

The DNC is NOT "going after Nikki. The adored rapist and tax fraud who's running for POTUS for the Republican Party is doing that.

Trump is attacking her race and citizenship, just as he did against Barack Obama.

The Republican Party, MAGApublican Party, insists on having a rapist and tax fraud with 91 felony counts against him represent them as their family values candidate for the presidency.

It is that horrible excuse for a human being who is attacking Nikki Haley. And if Trump eventually chooses her as his VP, she'll do what all the other cowardly MAGApublican do,

She'll kiss his prodigious and criminal posterior.

Dave Dubya said...


Old Skud seems to have a crush for Melania, the arrogant trophy wife who plagiarized Michelle's speech.

He must have a thing for Nikki, too. He thinks the "left" hates for being a conservative woman, but IGNORES here white nationalist sympathies shown in avoiding the fact that slavery was the the reason for the Civil War.

He seems to endorse her for saying she will pardon Trump as well.

I've just show two significant reasons to keep that woman from the White House, and neither one of them are because she's a "conservative woman".

Maybe Skud is hot for Laura Ingraham, Boebert, Greene, and Elise Stefanik too?

They all seem to be his type.

Anonymous said...

Living in unreality must be a great thing for some. skud, some cons, and MAGA seem to do it always. Some libs as well. But far far fewer.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Craig said...

"The guy that wrote this taught JC English and fancies himself a "Writer". This tripe passes for clever and witty at Mz. Zees Bizarro blog. The Mothership is adrift in a cesspool of this shite.

Is 'cesspool of shite' redundant?"

No. It's an accurate term for the attack on Michelle Obama it published this week.

Those sailors on the Mother Ship, and its captain, have nary an unkind word to say about the former FLOTUS who wore a coat that said "I really don't care, do you?" as she was on her way to see caged children at the border. A woman who complained about having to decorate the WH at Christmas, and a woman who posed nude for soft porn magazines. Imagine if any Democratic FLOTUS did that. Imagine the outcries of outrage from these hypocrites!

They fancy themselves as "family values" voters and support a rapist, a tax fraudist, and a guy facing 91 felony counts, who also tried to overthrow a free and fair election and was okay with his mobs threatening to HANG MIKE PENCE!

But their extraordinary vitriolic racism and misogyny is heaped on Michelle Obama? A faithful, dignified, decent, educated, and lovely woman who clearly represented the best in America when she was FLOTUS.

skudrunner said...

As Nikki climbs in the polls it will only get worse for her because she is a smart women and we know how smart women are treated. Ask Monica Lewinski how she was treated by the inclusive feminist left and the entire right.
It seems to be OK for a black president to plagiarize but make one stolen statement and you will crucified. The same can be said for joey b in law school where he plagiarized 5 pages to his 2020 presidential campaign. "In September 1987, Joe Biden Acknowledged He Plagiarized A Law Review Article During His First Year In Law School"

Instead of calling it the DNC it should be named NHC for national hypocrite party.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skud The only "black president" we've had is Barack Obama, who is actually bi-racial. So are you referring to him when you claim "It seems to be OK for a black president to plagiarize...?"

When you accuse someone of plagiarizing, you need to provide evidence for that accusation, otherwise it's nothing more than made up gossip.

PS. Melania plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech, and it wasn't just "one line."

Yes I know Biden acknowledged what he did. Melania never did. That's the difference between someone who takes responsibility for misdeeds, and someone who thumbs her nose at them.

SKUDRUNNER: "As Nikki climbs in the polls it will only get worse for her because she is a smart women and we know how smart women are treated."

First, the latest polls in NH show Trump ahead with double digits. She's not climbing anywhere.

Second. Trump, a Republican, is calling into question her citizenship (he's wrong just like we was wrong about Mr. Obama and Ted Cruz, and Trump is attacking her every which way from Sunday -- NOT THE DNC.

We know better than to go after someone who's being dissed by the champion of lies and dirt throwers.

I will remind you, however, that after all the crap he's said about Nikki, and all the insults to her intelligence, citizenship, and abilities, Nikki will kiss Trump's ass.

Talk about hypocrisy! LOL!

Dave Dubya said...

Well, Skud has pretty much confirmed his crushes on Melania and Haley. Look how he deflects for them with more FOX(R) talking points.

Skud's dismissal of "one stolen statement" actually applies to Obama, NOT Melania. She stole much of what the Black First Lady said. Skud thinks that's only "one stolen statement".

And yet Skud is outraged by "one stolen statement" he calls plagiarism:

Obama's speech sounded similar to a speech given by Deval Patrick in his 2006 campaign for governor, according to the video.

"Don't tell me words don't matter! 'I have a dream.' Just words. 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.' Just words. 'We have nothing to fear but fear itself.' Just words, just speeches," Obama said in his speech.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal'-just words. Just words. 'We have nothing to fear but fear itself'-just words. 'Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country'-just words. 'I have a dream'-just words," Patrick said in 2006.

So the Black president plagiarized "just words"? Really? "Just words"?

Obviously Skud employs the same double standards as the radical white Right. Especially when directed at the Black president and first lady.... Hmmm. Sometimes Skud sounds "mighty white", indeed.

skudrunner said...

Ms. Shaw, You are correct to call me out on that I meant the current seat sitter joey b not barry.
So MSDNC is not a station you watch because they are all about trashing trump and now Nikki. Tuesday will show a lot and if Nikki is even close the leftist media attacks will intensify because they know the only one joey b can beat is trump. We all know trump attacks anyone who says anything about him so his words have no impact and may even hurt him. He has a staunch 20% which according to some is all republicans but that is like saying joey b is doing great with a 35% approval rating

Anonymous said...

It's time to begin tossing old paradigms and begin with a fresh view on our ever changing situations.

Change is constant and everything is impermanent. Very little is realy as it seems.

Peoples conditioning throughout life and their reified beliefs keep them from seeing reality as it is.

They instead see things as they wish they were, or, put another way, as their habit energies steer them.

Time for MAGA cons to wake up.

Dave Dubya said...

Skud keeps steering Right and deflecting.

"So MSDNC is not a station you watch because they are all about trashing trump and now Nikki."

The media cannot trash Trump more than his words, actions, and crimes have already done.

"Trashing" to Skud, means quoting their own words, calling out their lies, reporting the facts, and informing the country that Trump and his Cartel are under CRIMINAL investigations and CHARGES.

Nothing to see here, amirite, Skud?

And, "...His (Trump's) words have no impact".

Trump dominates the Republican Party. He tired to STEAL an election and CANCEL the votes of 81 MILLION Americans. He has a cult of millions of deluded fanatics, including many willing to kill and die for him.

And THAT is the message the news media needs to relentlessly repeat if they still want freedom of speech and press.