Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Sunday, January 14, 2024



Greg Locke:

Listen to this maniac (No, it's not Trump), it's a "Man of God."

And listen to the equally crazed crowd cheering this disgraceful "pastor" on.

What has America become?


Anonymous said...

Sick. Despicable. Un-Christian (Jesus did NOT preach this shit), Immoral. Sociopathic.

If there are demons this dude is surely one of them. He is projecting his inner world. His evil sociopathic preaching is very dangerous and everyone would be at risk in a culture like this sick person desires.

This fake "man of the cloth" belongs in a padded cell under strict observation.

Joe Conservative said...

OMG, he wants to CANCEL Democrats. Sounds like the mirror opposite to what Democrats want to do to Republicans...

The horror!

Shaw Kenawe said...

No, Bunky, that maniac "pastor" calls Democrats "demons," and calls anyone who votes for a Democrat a demon.

Demons are devils. And for a crazed fake Christian, like the maniac who calls himself a "pastor," devils should be killed.

Anyway, we're not surprised you'd come here, stick your thumbs in your ears and wiggle your fingers while saying, "Nah, nah, nah! The Democrats do it too!"



Joe Conservative said...

No, Bunky, that maniac "pastor" calls Democrats "demons,"

...and we only get called, deplorables and magaturds. That's a BIG difference...

"Nah, nah, nah, Democrats NEVERR do it!".... BWAH!

Shaw Kenawe said...


If you read about that Locke's background, you'll see he had a very disturbed childhood:

His father was imprisoned during Locke's early life, and his mother remarried when he was 5; Locke had a turbulent relationship with his stepfather.

Following multiple arrests, Locke was sent to a children's home at the age of 15, where he converted to Christianity.


On January 23, 2022, during a sermon, Locke claimed that obsessive-compulsive disorder and autism spectrum disorder "could be" forms of demonic possession: "Are you telling me my kid's possessed? No. I'm telling you your kid could be "demonized" and attacked but your doctor calls it autism." This statement was condemned by advocates for neurodivergent people and the Autism Faith Network.

On February 2, 2022, Locke held a burning of books and materials related to witchcraft and the occult. During a sermon on February 13, he claimed to have discovered six "witches" within his congregation during a deliverance and said he'd reveal their names if they didn't stop interfering.

Locke is clearly a nutcase covering himself in Christianity in order to dupe weak-minded people into giving him money for his con game.

IOW, Trumpians in Trumplandia

Joe Conservative said...

Remember Obama's pastor and "spiritual advisor" Jeremiah Wright, "Da white debils gonna get ya!" Was he a Christian?

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Joe Conservative said...
No, Bunky, that maniac "pastor" calls Democrats "demons,"

...and we only get called, deplorables and magaturds. That's a BIG difference...

"Nah, nah, nah, Democrats NEVERR do it!".... BWAH!"

There's no use trying to communicate with someone who doesn't understand the difference between a PASTOR OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH calling Democrats "demons," and Trump cultists being referred to as "deplorables and megaturds" by unpastorals.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Joe Conservative said...
Remember Obama's pastor and "spiritual advisor" Jeremiah Wright, "Da white debils gonna get ya!" Was he a Christian?"

Yes, he is a Christian. And, sadly, he was correct.

Anonymous said...

True evil is growing in America. That evil is multi-faceted and deeply entrenched in conservative and Evangelical bunk christianity.

The demons are wearing the cloth and finding their way into government at highly accelerated rates. This mixing of secular government (we have never been a Christian nation only and we NEVER should be. Never. In fact the founders realized the dangers and set our system againat a state sanctioned religion.

Joe Con us a fraud. A farce. He represents the worst in America with his MAGA't mentality and unfounded conspiracy bunk.

But have at Joe Con, truth will win the day. Eventually. It always does. Good luck to you when it does. You'll have no home anymore.

Anonymous said...

When attempting an intelligent and truthful exchange with JC the MAGA con one should play the following silently in their mind...

Row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream.

And yes, Jeremiah Wright was, sadly, and very unfortunately, absolutely correct.

Anonymous said...

The ego has a very strong hold on Joe Con. Anything that causes him to question his white privilege status raises his MAGA hackles. Joe knows simply because he knows. No supporting evidence neccessary or required.

It's the Trump MAGA way and if it takes propaganda, lies, and conspiracy non stop to convince the populace then that becomes the path. They learned well from Hitler, Stalin, Mao, et all.

Grey One talks sass said...

Poor little troll has their feelings hurt. So sad. Because name calling is exactly the same as advocating for death (as if the MAGA crowd weren't engaging in name calling long before HRC's deplorable comment. I mean, why do you think she said it?)

So, Locke, Christian nationalist extraordinaire has said this - People in wheelchairs lack faith in God when speaking about why he doesn't want to have handicapped parking at his church.

Was the book burning mentioned above held in 2022? The guy never met a 'controversial' book he didn't want to burn so I just want to be sure I'm not repeating an event.

Claimed humans who belong to the Democratic party couldn't be Christians because of the abortion issue. After he said this, in church no less, Americans United For Separation of Church and State asked the IRS to investigate him for violations of the Johnson Amendment. Locke claimed at the time he'd dropped his tax-exempt status in order to say what he wanted.

After Locke supposedly exposed witches in his congregation (rumor had it that he'd been boinking the wrong person and several women in his congregation were going to expose him hence the witch accusation) Locke complained people were sending him dildos and hexes in the mail (couldn't happen to a more deserving guy). Honestly I still laugh at this story.

In the blogs I frequent Locke is well known as a hate pastor - not a nice human at all. No surprise here he is still doing what he does - hate on others which his lord and savior used to hang out with back in the day.

Shaw Kenawe said...


Joe Conservative, -FJ, Thersites, and Foreigner ( His PRONOUN: "They") are all disrupters and come here just to "get a rise" out of us.

I'll allow some of their comments, but it is my blog and I decide which comments get through for publication. They don't like that because their ardent dream is to take over any blog they're allowed to comment on. They've done it in the past and will continue because their egos are, like Trumpy's, insatiable.

And isn't it Ego that's a destructive force in humans? That and desire, which causes suffering. I've been trying to get a better understanding on this. Learning more and more.

The Many Faces of -FJ are a great example of how Ego derails human understanding and compassion.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks trash

Greg Locke is NOT a "Christian pastor" by any definition of those words.

He's an aberration and a deplorable human being, just like the Catholic cardinals and priests who covered up the rape and sexual assault of children by their clerics, who got passed to other parishes to continue their crimes against humanity.

Locke is just a bad person pretending to be a man of God. What's so depressing is listening to his congregants cheering the malevolent "pastor" on.

Locke, IMO, is just like the mullahs who preach "Death to America."

Mike said...

There have been several of these nutjobs interviewed recently by national correspondents. THey need to stop giving these wackos airtime.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Mike, I sent you an email this morning. Did you get it?

Anonymous said...

Yes Shaw, the "ego" is responsible for much inhumanity and suffering. I enclose the "ego" in quotations because there is no such thing in reality. It is a conceptual construct that defines obscured and delusional minds. IOW the "ego" is used to prop up and support misguided and or incorrect beliefs.
Beliefs that serve only to protect
ones own self centered views of existence.

As i've grown fond of saying, a person becomes wise and free the moment they forget everything they thought they knew and begins to view reality as it really is. Not as they wished it were. With all its infinite possibilities and potential.

We need never worry about Trump or the stable of MAGA sockpuppets ever understanding this. Their conditioned abd obscured minds will no doubt remain incapable of accessing truth or compassion.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Joe C. and the other righties continue to fire their bullets of ignorance at anything that questions their deluded beliefs. Unfortunatly for them it's the only ammo they have. William Buckley started that nonsense type of argument but he never really became a right wing hero as he had an Ivy League accent that made him sound like a pansy. Poor Joe C. will shoot his blanks of misleads and whatabouts in hopes newsmax or fox give him a show. It' won't happen JoeC. But if continuing to be a pawn for the right gives you hope who am I to deny you that?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe “Truth 101” Kelly,

You’ve hit the nail on the head!