Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, February 22, 2024

"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion..."--John Adams PART II

This is a blastocyst, a clump of cells formed 5-6 days after fertilization. 

At about 0.2 mm in diameter, it's the most advanced stage at which "embryos" are frozen. 

Believe it's a "baby" if you want; but that religious belief has no place in the law or in the judgment of a court.


"The Alabama Supreme Court ruled last week that frozen embryos created through in vitro fertilization, or IVF, are considered children under state law and are therefore subject to legislation dealing with the wrongful death of a minor if one is destroyed."

That is NOT a scientific or medical fact; that is a RELIGIOUS tenet. And not ALL religions adhere to that tenet, only a few.

We are a secular nation, and religious tenets, prohibitions, and laws have no place in making civil laws for we the people of all religions and NO religion.

A blastocyst is NOT a "baby." It is a POTENTIAL "baby."

ba·by /ˈbābē/ noun 1. a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.

A blastocyst is NOT a "child."

What is the official definition of a child? 

Under the law, a child usually refers to an individual who is a minor, who is below legal age or the age of majority.

The Alabama Supreme Court is in the process of establishing a state religion. The argument that humans are in God’s image is not true for a number of religions out there. It is putting one religion in a special place in the law.  Certainly, Buddhism would have a problem with this, as there is no God in Buddhism. 

So we need to ask the Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, “How should a Hindu, Buddhist, Jew, Jainist, Baha'i, Shintoist, Pantheist, Wiccan, and nonTheist interpret the language in his opinion on this specifically religious idea that Alabama has made into law?”

Alabama ranked 40th for economy and quality of life but a dismal 48th for education and health. 

".According to U.S. News, 2022, Alabama is 47th in education and 45th in healthcare and 43rd in crime and corrections and 38th in overall economy and 37th in both opportunity and natural environment. It's the third-worst state in child well-being, according to the 2021 Alabama Kids Count Data Book compiled by Voices for Alabama Children. 

That data found nearly a quarter (24 percent) of Alabama kids living in poverty and 20 percent of Alabama kids experiencing food insecurity. Alabama also ranked near the bottom in life expectancy, according to that same report, with citizens in the 7th congressional district (73.2 years) expected to live a DECADE LESS than people in San Francisco (83.4 years), which had the nation’s highest life expectancy. 

Alabama also had the nation’s fourth-worst infant mortality rate. So bad that the March of Dimes gave the state an F, primarily due to a 13 percent preterm rate. The state averaged 7 infant deaths for every 1,000 live births, compared to a 5.5 average nationally. (Pro-life, indeed.) 

NOTE:  But Alabama is now #1 in protecting blastocysts -- a collection of fertilized cells! --S.K.

 "Not surprisingly, Alabama was ranked the worst state in the South for women."


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Despite all the advances in science and human knowledge we've attained even in the last 150 years, sadly a big portion of our population still looks to what a guy in a tent 3,000 years ago to guide their lives. But if they don't think what one guy wrote, they find another piece of scripture to validate whatever suits them. Their hatred of anything different from their beliefs is stunning and scary. Sadly there are some people afflicted with infertility. Science has given them hope. This ruling not only shatters that hope, it could subject them to criminal charges.
Other than the three kooks that like to troll Progressive Eruptions, this comment won't be seen by anyone of the evangelical or pro religion theocracy government. Not that it would make a difference to them. What they are told is God's will is mostly the will of whatever church they attend and that will is to send it a portion of their paychecks every week. They listen to readings from The Bible, in some cases they may read it now and then, or every day. They are taught to turn the other cheek. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Forgive 70 times seven times. Yet they revel in the thought of someone they don't like burning in hell for eternity. How is that Christian? There's a measles outbreak in Florida. A disease thought to be eradicated thanks to vaccination. A few deluded fools refused to have their children vaccinated. That's not an exercise in faith. That's willful ignorance and blasphemy for putting God to the test.
Ben Franklin invented the lighting rod. It saved many houses from lightning strikes and prevented many deaths. Yet the evangelical crowd at that time decried thinking it was God's will to strike a house with lightning and killing people. Sad to say the evangelical crowd, for lack of anything else to call them, is still pretty much the same today.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly

The Alabama ruling proves MAGA extremists won't stop at restricting abortion access.

The MAGAs in government are coming for IVF. They're coming for contraception. They're coming for women. And they will lose when voters have their say. Reproductive freedom is about more than just the right to have an abortion — it’s the right to make your own decisions about your reproductive health.

Government under MAGA rule will insert itself into our most personal bodily functions and choices.

A vote for MAGA is a vote to hand over your bodily autonomy to the government.

We are a secular nation not beholden to ANYONE's personal god or religious laws.

Les Carpenter said...

Wouldn't it be sensible to define a human life form as being a child at the point in gestation ( i think this is the correct word usage) when the life form will sustain viability outside the mother's womb, independent of the necessity for life support? At that juncture abortion should be prohibited.

Recognizing that there are situations that may occur requiring some deviation from the above. But only if precribed by the woman's physician to preserve the life of the mother.

Seems sensible and should be a situation most reasonable peope should be agreeable to.

The Alabama SC is simply stuck in a belief system sanctioned by the RCC and Evangelicalism. A position entirely out of step with the modern scientific world.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

All laws are based in Science and NOT Religion?

Weren't the 1st "religions" just sets of laws codifying "traditions"?

Mike said...

If a blastocyst is a person, couples (or single women) should be able to claim them as dependents on their taxes. Someone should do that and have the IRS declare a blastocyst "not a person".

Howard Brazee said...

It's also a religious belief that contradicts the Bible.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Not sure what my maga Jewish friend is getting at. It would be nice if not killing, lying or stealing were traditions though. Although Zeus was know for zapping people for hubris. Good thing he isn't around for Trump's sake.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
"All laws are based in Science and NOT Religion?

No one claims that. But we'd be better off if they were.

-FJ: "Weren't the 1st 'religions' just sets of laws codifying 'traditions'?"

And a lot of them were barbaric. Like the man-made religions that required human and animal sacrifices to appease their made-up gods.

Most religious laws are made to chiefly control the adherents (mainly women) and to keep them frightened about the so-called "afterlife."

This post is about the religious Supreme Court judge in Alabama who based the recent ruling on IVF on his religion, not science or medicine.

A cluster of cells is NOT a baby, it's not a fetus, it's not even an embryo at the moment of fertilization. It is a zygote, then becomes a blastocyst, a hollow ball of cells depicted in this post.

No sane person calls it a "baby." It is RELIGION that claims the ovum is "ensouled" once it is fertilized, thereby giving it special rights.

There is no verifiable evidence of what "ensoulment" is. It is a religious idea.

It is unAmerican and unConstitutional to pass laws based on ONE religions' beliefs and traditions.

Shaw Kenawe said...

PS. The radical religious rights' claims of the sacredness of human life is not taken seriously by millions of us because of what happened at Sandy Hook and the religious Rights' fierce defense of allowing even children and adults to continue to own and carry AR-15s.

I call BS on any of them when they try to use "the sanctity of life" as a reason for disallowing abortion and IVF. I laugh in their faces.

The leading cause of death in children in this country is firearms.

They can take their "sanctity of life" BS and place it where the sun don't shine.

Dave Dubya said...

How far will MAGA regress? Whoever had "Medieval" on their card wins.

Medieval MAGAts also seem to support the "Divine Right of Trump" to be king, too.

Joe Conservative said...

Face it pShaw, ALL laws establish a de facto SECULAR RELIGION. Lawyers and judges are merely its' "new priests".

Joe Conservative said...

It is unAmerican and unConstitutional to pass laws based on ONE religions' beliefs and traditions.

Christianity is based upon at least "two" mixed with some Greek paganism.

Joe Conservative said...

Hating on one religion (Christianity or Islam) is crazy. The lawgivers have ALWAYS been "priests" of one sort or another.

Joe Conservative said...

Ennsoulment is no crazier than trying to right historical wrongs through "Social Justice". No god or "big other" is going to nod thankfully for the leveling of the scales.

Dave Dubya said...

Joe Con at the Latrine: I'm pretty sure Putin's being honest when he says he wants to "De-Nazify" Ukraine.

Kremlin agent Joe Con is also “pretty sure” his fellow Russian operatives are "being honest" about the “$5 million bribes” the Biden’s took.

And he also believes Trump and Giuliani were "being honest" with their racist lies about Black women poll workers “rigging the election for Biden”.

Trump and his goon Giuliani smeared innocent elections workers, who happened to be Black women. They were terrorized because EVIL men in power LIED about them.

Giuliani falsely said Freeman and her daughter were passing a “USB port” to each other. They testified it was a ginger mint. Rudy said it looked like a “drug deal”.

“There was nowhere I felt safe. Nowhere. Do you know how it feels to have the president of the United States target you?” That is one of the former election workers, Ruby Freeman, testifying to Congress last year about what the 2020 election was like for her. She and her daughter, Shaye Moss, were falsely accused — by name, multiple times — of election fraud by Trump and Giuliani.

Just don't call them racist liars. It hurts their FEELINGS to have the truth spoken about them.

If he doesn’t believe these lies, he lacks the decency and conscience to admit it.

And there you have it.

Trump and his fellow Putin's puppets HAVE NO CONSCIENCE!

Les Carpenter said...

Monotheistic religions have always been straight up control freaks. Most especially the RCC and radical Islamn.

But, the fascist Nazi party had no problem with momotheism. They use it politically just like thee turd laden MAGA'ts and the gop are attempting today in America.

The goons will not succeed.

Shaw Kenawe said...

No one is “hating” on religion.

The language the Alabama Supreme Court used in the latest judgement on IVF is religious, invoking “God.” That has no place in our secular laws.

There is no mention of “God” in the Constitution, nor does the Constitution claim the laws therein came from any god. It is “We the people…” who made the Constitution and its laws.

We are a secular country that does NOT favor only the Christian religion. All religions are free to be practiced by the American people, and no particular religion has a right to impose its tenets on all the American people.

That ensures freedom of religion, AND FREEDOM FROM RELIGION if any American so chooses.

The Alabama Supreme Court is imposing a Christian doctrine on all its citizens. That’s unconstitutional.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative,

Your references and comments do not change the fact that the Alabama Supreme Court made a judgement based on a religious tenet.

And that is unconstitutional in this country.

Joe Conservative said...

"Thou shalt not murder" is also a religious tenet. I Guess we need to throw all babies out with the bathwater to keep the "religion haters" from squeeling.

Dave Miller said...

Shaw... re the ALABAMA Supreme Court...

It's not just them. Nikki Haley essentially affirmed their ruling yesterday when she said she's always seen embryos as "life".

What are we to do?

Vote them out.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative,

Zygots,, blastocysts, embryos, fetuses are not “babies,” no matter how many times people like you try to push that lie.

Religion comforts people who need it. And believers are free to practice what THEY believe, BUT religionists are NOT FREE TO MAKE ME BELIEVE WHAT THEY BELIEVE, nor punish me for not believing what their religion commands. That is how places like Iran and Afghanistan and other theocracies behave.

That’s what this is about, not your incendiary claim that we want to “murder.”

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave M.

She needs Trump’s base. That’s why. And that’s the same reason she said she’d pardon him and end abortion on the federal level.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"Custom" and "tradition" comfort everyone but its' violators (who don't need/ want it). So let the pederasty BEGIN! POLYAMORY FOREVER!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Polyamory is/was practiced by world RELIGIONS.

Pederasty is/was practiced by many RELIGIONS, and covered up. The Catholic Church comes to mind.

Religion has never stopped its adherents from committing murder, pederasty, polyamory, theft, and many other sins against its commandments and tenets.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Also, remember the EVANGELICAL MAGA’s idol, Donald J. Trump: serial adulterer, liar, thief, ( not paying people who did work for him, and cheating them out of their money (Trump University), and the thousands of Americans who died from his incompetence during COVID pandemic. Trump calls people who don’t support him, “vermin,” and wished them to “ burn in Hell.”

Trump claims he’s “ Christian .” And pastors and other Christians worship him. So much for “ religion” being a force for honesty, decency, truth, and love of fellow humans.

Grey One talks sass said...

Our many faced troll uses the same tactic I've witnessed when debating religion in government with MAGA or Christian nationalists (but I repeat myself).

When it is pointed out that our secular government doesn't need religion, when it's noted that Atheists are just fine without religion their first go-to is exactly as the troll said - inappropriate sexual activities and unlikely marriages for all.

It does give me insight to those I've had to debate when fighting for LGBTQA+ civil rights. Without laws and dogma to give their life meaning and structure they would be lost; therefore anyone who doesn't follow those laws or dogma not only lost but on the edge of being consumed by their concept of a punishing deity if there is a willful 'you can't make me' included in the mix.

The concept that one might be able to do good without the laws and dogma never occurs to them and anyone it does occur to are shunned from the community. Our troll has one thing correct, we humans sure do love our priest class. Why else would we banish it only to recreate it over and over?

The founding fathers came from an era where the religionists of the day literally fought a war to state which dogma was correct. Many citizens killed because they didn't worship correctly. Humans who did nothing more than pray wrong were horribly tortured and killed, all in honor of a deity who just told his followers to love each other.

It's no small wonder that our founding fathers wanted to spare their creation a fate that they escaped. And here we are, fighting the same battle because Christian nationalists aren't done. They believe (because they were lied to by David Barton) the USA is a Christian nation, backed up by false quotes debunked by established historians who do know what they are talking about but the believers will not let their confirmation bias go.

Don't believe me? Jack Posobiec opened his CPAC speech by saying:

“All right, welcome, welcome, I just wanted to say welcome to the end of democracy. We’re here to overthrow it completely, we didn’t get all the way there on January 6th, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here [waves cross]. We’ll replace it with this right here. That’s right, because all glory, all glory is not to government, all glory to God.” – Far-right extremist Jack Posobiec, brandishing a necklace with a cross pendant.(H/T JMG)

When someone tells you who they are, believe them. Kids, we are in the fight of our life for our democracy. If you aren't scared, you should be. Once you admit to the scared it's easier to get fighting mad - these creeps are not taking my (our) country. Not this time. Not ever.

Dave Dubya said...

Jack Posobiec at CPAC: "I just wanted to say welcome to the end of democracy. We're here to overthrow it completely, we didn't get all the way there on January 6th, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here, we'll replace it with this right here." (Holds a chain with a cross representing Christian nationalist theocracy.. Just what the Founders HATED.)

There it is . Insurrectionist neo-Nazis are enemies of the Republic.

They’re really coming out of the woodwork to show us what they really are.

Kremlin agent Joe Conservative showed us what he really is at Lisa’s Latrine. This is in addition to my catching his little slip with his non-American spelling of “rumoured”. He sputtered something about going to school in Venezuela and you “can’t be more American” than he is. He also blundered with typing the same thing under both -FJ and Joe Con. As if we don’t know he’s the same Kremlin agent.

A telling exchange:

Dave Dubya:
Joe Con: ”I'm pretty sure Putin's being honest when he says he wants to "De-Nazify" Ukraine.”

Kremlin agent Joe Con is also “pretty sure” his fellow Russian operatives are telling the truth about the “$5 million bribes” the Biden’s took.

And he also believes Trump and Giuliani’s racist lies about Black women poll workers “rigging" the election for Biden.

Trump and his goon Giuliani smeared innocent election workers, who happened to be Black women. They were terrorized because EVIL men in power LIED about them.

Giuliani falsely said Freeman and her daughter were passing a “USB port” to each other. They testified it was a ginger mint. Rudy said it looked like a “drug deal”.

“There was nowhere I felt safe. Nowhere. Do you know how it feels to have the president of the United States target you?” That is one of the former election workers, Ruby Freeman, testifying to Congress last year about what the 2020 election was like for her. She and her daughter, Shaye Moss, were falsely accused — by name, multiple times — of election fraud by Trump and Giuliani.

If he doesn’t believe these lies, he lacks the decency and conscience to admit it.

And there you have it.

Trump and his fellow Putin's puppets HAVE NO CONSCIENCE!

Joe Conservative February 23, 2024 at 10:55 AM

”What, an FBI 10 year trusted CHS isn't credible? Are they going to go back and free all the people convicted based upon his information now?

So why does Biden's FBI keep paying these people? (DD: Kremlin agent Joe ignores the fact Trump’s FBI didn’t vet him and Biden’s DID.) You'd think they would have learned their lesson after the Steele Dossier fiasco.

I suppose when "Operational Success" is valued more highly than truth, you get what you pay for.

And poor Ruby... she's done as a ballot stuffer in Atlanta now.”

And poor Ruby... she's done as a ballot stuffer in Atlanta now.

And there it is. Kremlin agent -FJ/Joe Con proves my point they have no CONSCINCE and reveals his ugly racism along with his dishonesty.

Kremlin agent -FJ/Joe Con is a sociopath.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative/-FJ cannot bring themselves to understand this fact:

In several measures of societal health such as homicide rates, the United Nations' human poverty index, and child mortality rates, highly secular nations such as Norway and Sweden do extraordinarily well.

“If it were true that when belief in God weakens, societal well-being diminishes, then we should see abundant evidence for this. But we don’t. In fact, we find just the opposite: Those societies today that are the most religious — where faith in God is strong and religious participation is high — tend to have the highest violent crime rates, while those societies in which faith and church attendance are the weakest — the most secular societies — tend to have the lowest.

We can start at the international level. The most secular societies today include Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Czech Republic, Estonia, Japan, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Germany, South Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Vietnam, Hungary, China and Belgium. The most religious societies include Nigeria, Uganda, the Philippines, Pakistan, Morocco, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, El Salvador, Colombia, Senegal, Malawi, Indonesia, Brazil, Peru, Jordan, Algeria, Ghana, Venezuela, Mexico and Sierra Leone.

It is the highly secularized countries that tend to fare the best in terms of crime rates, prosperity, equality, freedom, democracy, women’s rights, human rights, educational attainment and life expectancy. (Although there are exceptions, such as Vietnam and China, which have famously poor human rights records.) And those nations with the highest rates of religiosity tend to be the most problem-ridden in terms of high violent crime rates, high infant mortality rates, high poverty rates and high rates of corruption.

Take homicide. According to the United Nations’ 2011 Global Study on Homicide, of the 10 nations with the highest homicide rates, all are very religious, and many — such as Colombia, Mexico, El Salvador and Brazil — are among the most theistic nations in the world. Of the nations with the lowest homicide rates, nearly all are very secular, with seven ranking among the least theistic nations, such as Sweden, Japan, Norway and the Netherlands.“ —LA TIMES

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Joe Conservative says without religion we’d all be pederasts and bigamists. Both of those things are practiced by religious institutions. Does he know wha t he’s talking about?

Shaw Kenawe said...

MAGA: Democrats are destroying democracy!

ALSO MAGA: Jack Posobiec at CPAC: ”I just wanted to say welcome to the end of democracy. We're here to overthrow it completely, we didn't get all the way there on January 6th, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this right here, we'll replace it with this right here." (Holds a chain with a cross representing Christian nationalist theocracy.. Just what the Founders HATED.)”

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

@pShaw - Just because you choose to view the world through the GAZE of Foucauldian power struggles doesn't mean I have to. Just because you want your children growing of as catamite food for pederasts doesn't mean we ALL have to. Atheists are idiots, as delusional as any Theist. They think that they "know" sh*t that no one can know.

Polyamory is/was practiced by world RELIGIONS.

Pederasty is/was practiced by many RELIGIONS, and covered up. The Catholic Church comes to mind.

No sh*t. The point of making laws is to prevent that nasty sh*t from going on. Trouble is that the "administrators of the laws" become administrators (priests and judges) to allow themselves to BREAK those laws. It's the same reason "soldiers" join the Army. To BREAK those laws against MURDER. There's "jouissance" in the power to break the laws. There's "surplus value" in breaking them. It's what made so many homosexuals "neurotic", feeding off those surplus values. It was a "thrill" to go to public restroom and give blowjobs. It's "why" they did it.

It's the tragedy of the commons (Garrett Hardin) "Myth of the Administrators of the Commons". It's Freud's "Totem and Taboo" and "Society and Its' Discontents" combined.

What kick do you think that Erdogan get's in "fining" Trump. You think he does it (break case law precedent) because he's just a "good judge"? LOL!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

highly secular nations such as Norway and Sweden

They're doin a lot LESS well since they stopped being "monocultures". Japan (not white) does even BETTER. I wonder why... could it be that they haven't surrendered all their "customs and traditions" like we have, out of some misguided SoJus guilt trip performed for the benefit of an imaginary "The Big Other" Marxist PsyOp?

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Secularization has nothing to do with it. All THAT does is create "secular gods". Ours is SoJus, where we appease The Big Other with sacrifices of Western cultural traditions, the very things that allowed the "Enlightenment" to be born and "secularization" to evolve. Christians "killed G_d" which allowed atheism and secularization to flourish.

You now think that letting all the "tension" out of a bow will make it shoot farther? @@

Les Carpenter said...

So -fj, will you then acknowledge trump is the MAGAverse's secular god?

If not one then knows you're up to your a*s in BS for sure.

Les Carpenter said...

Cause trump is neither spiritual or Christian. He's a secular narcissistic who thinks he's a god.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Social justice is aimed at promoting a society which is just and equitable, valuing diversity, providing equal opportunities to all its members, irrespective of their disability, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation or religion, and ensuring fair allocation of resources and support for their human rights."

Sounds like an idea Jesus Christ would promote.

Christians who used political power to strip Christ from Christianity are the ones who “ killed” the idea of a loving and just god.

Just look at who the MAGA Evangelicals idolize and liken to their Savior: A serial adulterer, sexual assaulter, liar, cheat, and fraud!

I had NOTHING to do with the bastardization of Christianity’s message from “Love one another,” to “Rot in Hell!”

Shaw Kenawe said...

“FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
highly secular nations such as Norway and Sweden

They're doin a lot LESS well since they stopped being "monocultures". Japan (not white) does even BETTER. I wonder why... could it be that they haven't surrendered all their "customs and traditions" like we have, out of some misguided SoJus guilt trip performed for the benefit of an imaginary "The Big Other" Marxist PsyOp?“

Our “ customs and traditions” came from Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, Central America, and South America.

The only “ customs and traditions” original to what is now the USA came from Native Americans. Period.

Colonialist always believe no culture existed before they conquered native peoples they then proceed to decimate the native population and establish themselves as the only true “culture.”

The USA’s “culture” was entirely borrowed and taken from other countries!

You despair over imagined grievances. Accept reality. You’ll be happier.

Howard Brazee said...

Quoting: “If it were true that when belief in God weakens, societal well-being diminishes, then we should see abundant evidence for this. But we don’t. In fact, we find just the opposite: Those societies today that are the most religious — where faith in God is strong and religious participation is high — tend to have the highest violent crime rates, while those societies in which faith and church attendance are the weakest — the most secular societies — tend to have the lowest."

Of course. When you have authority to kill or to rule or to punish, it isn't you doing those things, it is God or the King or the President who is doing it.

Even if you make up that authority in your head.

Dave Dubya said...

Kremlin agent -FJ/Joe Con is essentially telling us "monoculture Russia" is better than the US because it's more white.

He's clearly promoting the racist and fascist "great replacement" paranoid sense of victimhood in other terms.

He resents African Americans for embracing their culture, seeing it as less legitimate as white European American "culture". Ignorant racist hillbillies, the Klan, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, 3%ers, and his January 6 THUGS etc. are "legitimate" since it's Trump's culture.

As an agent of Putin this is the only American culture he cares about. Like every authoritarian and neo-Nazi he resents academia, the arts, and minorities who preserve their culture and traditions that have been here as long as the US existed.

All too "decadent" and "non-Aryan" for him.

Yup. The US is not white enough for the guy who said this about Trump's and Giuliani's RACIST smearing of Black poll worker Ruby Freeman: "And poor Ruby... she's done as a ballot stuffer in Atlanta now."

Calling them "deplorable" is too kind for such racist sociopaths.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~ Maya Angelou

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative/-FJ are perpetually indignant because all of their beliefs around the stolen 2020 election have proved to be wrong.

They cannot and will not accept the truth: Donald Trump lost the 2020 election.

Dave Dubya said...

Kremlin agent -FJ/Joe Con has already shown his racism with his nasty remark on Ruby Freeman.

He goes on to demonstrate his bigotry with his demeaning and uselessly broad characterization of gay men. Maybe he's an incel, and doesn't know heterosexuals also get thrills with sex in places that risk discovery. He insults soldiers too, saying they do it to "BREAK those laws against MURDER". This is a sociopath talking now. Yes, -FJ makes his sociopathy quite clear. Being a loyal MAGAt or Kremlin agent makes the case. They have no conscience.

MERCENARIES are the ones who get their jollies killing people. Most soldiers are young men who need a job, or want to express their patriotism, or see military service as an opportunity to develop skills for a military OR civilian career.

Now the funny part is the glaring irony in, "Trouble is that the "administrators of the laws" become administrators (priests and judges) to allow themselves to BREAK those laws".

But he's good with Trump's claim of perpetual immunity and being above the law. He serves and admires Putin.

Authoritarians love dictators. If not for double standards, they'd have none at all.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I think he just likes to stir things up.

Grey One talks sass said...

In my life, when things get massively complicated I find taking a moment to sort out all the separate parts helps.

Our many faced troll does love them some authoritarians. They also like to simplify situations that are not simple - for example their condemnation of homosexual activity in public bathrooms without acknowledging the society pressures that placed them there. Funny they wouldn't make the connection after using Foucauldian philosophy as a point. Almost as if they know the idea of the thing but not its substance.

Simply put, absolute power corrupts absolutely. After all these millennia humans have yet to figure out how to avoid this truism. We place humans in positions of absolute power while forgetting the checks and balances needed to keep them on the up and up. Well, I say we forget but someone remembered.

Our founding fathers placed our governmental power in three institutions, not one. Of course we humans have messed that up because we are lazy. We would rather someone else do the hard work as we get along with the job, kids, yard, barbeque, and life in general, forgetting that governing is part of the package.

So here we are, with a group of humans determined the rest of us have to follow their religious beliefs no matter if we believe or not. That's the central point here. We The People are at war with a group of theocrats who declared war on the USA decades ago, mustering their troops in their churches and because no one ever monitored the wall between church and state, they were able to quietly gather strength until now.

This set of legislation isn't their end game, it's the opening salvo at making our secular nation a theocracy. It is good our resident troll is here to expose the soft underbelly of the opposition. Their reliance on philosophies which sound good but ultimately disprove their argument helps me at least to see them for what they are - a sad slice of humanity who once held power but has been replaced by the new, brighter, shinier. The funny thing to me is this is what they've advocated for all along and now they have what they wanted they aren't happy.

Maybe our troll and those like them just need to simplify their life.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Monoculture Russia...???

The reason there's a war in Ukraine that started in 2014 is because ethnic Ukrainians hate ethnic Russians, and want to ban their language and culture.

SoJus is just ethnic minorities wanting to ban ethnic Europeans. Google AI actually DID it.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

"Social justice is aimed at promoting a society which is just and equitable, valuing diversity, providing equal opportunities to all its members, irrespective of their disability, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation or religion, and ensuring fair allocation of resources and support for their human rights."

...and how does it ACCOMPLISH this. Through discrimination against the MAJORITY of the people.

Let's discriminate more.... Woo-Hoo! Let's make discrimination RIGHTEOUS! Discrimination is GOOD! The BIG OTHER is PLEASED!

It's the ethics of kitsch. We have many ways of avoiding this realization. We talk about Nazism as nationalism, or class struggle. We pretend the Nazis were genuinely deluded by an actual belief in their nonsense mystifications of Jews as "an alien species". But the reality, that we are desperate to incomprehend is just this: Humans like to humiliate, torture and kill other humans. Nazism was nothing but a theatrical justification for those dark desires.

But that pleasure wasn't only the act of murder, it was murder for a higher cause. Murder to serve a greater good. Murder with meaning. The true pleasure is the act of violence that is justified by a "Transcendent Purpose". Killing that makes us not killers, but Saviors. To truly do bad things, people must believe they are doing good things. So the Ethics of Evil requires the invention of a "Transcendent Purpose," and that requires The Ethics of Kitsch.

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ. “Sojus is just ethnic minorities wanting to ban ethnic Europeans. Google AI actually DID it.”

No, Dear, SoJus is a way to level the playing field. You forget how the Confederate States, post war, made an entire race of Americans second-class citizens, because of the color of their skin, and murdered them with impunity for, in some cases, looking the wrong way at a white person.

This sort of state sanctioned murder was practiced in the south during my lifetime. Also our so-called Land of the Free made LGBTQ Americans illegal.

Now that these Americans have equal rights, are diversifying participation in government, integrating into society, their oppressors are frightened and livid.

You’ve got it completely backwards. It was the ethnic Europeans, English, Scotch, Irish, and others in the South who sought to ban these minorities. DEI is righting that terrible wrong.

Shaw Kenawe said...


“...and how does it ACCOMPLISH this. Through discrimination against the MAJORITY of the people.

Let's discriminate more.... Woo-Hoo! Let's make discrimination RIGHTEOUS! Discrimination is GOOD! The BIG OTHER is PLEASED!”

Giving equal rights to minorities is NOT discriminatory against the majority. It frightens the people in the majority who delighted in abusing the minorities and angers them to give up some of their power over them.

You’re obviously frightened of this trend in giving Americans you don’t like equal opportunity and rights.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

for example their condemnation of homosexual activity in public bathrooms without acknowledging the society pressures that placed them there. Funny they wouldn't make the connection after using Foucauldian philosophy as a point. Almost as if they know the idea of the thing but not its substance.

Without acknowledging it? I literally SCREAMED it!

There's "jouissance" in the power to break the laws. There's "surplus value" in breaking them. It's what made so many homosexuals "neurotic", feeding off those surplus values. It was a "thrill" to go to public restroom and give blowjobs. It's "why" they did it.

btw - Why do you think Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ pver 120? Social "oppression" increases neuroticism. That which does not kill me makes me STRONGER! 2,000 years in the diaspora. Oddesseus' "Tension in the bow."

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Othodoxy contributes zilch to intelligence and thought. Why are gays so "creative"? You're welcome.

Shaw Kenawe said...


“ORTHODOXY contributes zilch to intelligence…”

Japan disagrees.

“What is the Japanese culture of conformity?
Social conformity thus became an inextricable part of Japanese culture where even little children are taught not only to obey their parents and teachers but also respond positively to pressures from classmates.”

Japan is #7 in the world for Nobel prizes won. Not too bad for a conformist/orthodox country.

The US is number 1. Not bad for a socially diverse country.

Two things can be true.

Les Carpenter said...

Not in the the constricted conditioned mind of a conservative or trumper succking in the fumes of the MAGAverse. -fj's addiction.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Japan gets the "group award" for Nobel Prizes.

Grey One talks sass said...

Many faced troll said "There's "jouissance" in the power to break the laws. There's "surplus value" in breaking them. It's what made so many homosexuals "neurotic", feeding off those surplus values. It was a "thrill" to go to public restroom and give blowjobs. It's "why" they did it."

Please be precise. It's why YOU would do it. You don't speak for others, how can you? Are you in their minds? Can you hear their thoughts?

For the record it's not just a small population of the LGBTQA+ community who enjoy sex in places where they can get discovered, it encompasses everyone. So what is everyone else's excuse?

There is purpose in Japan's conformity. In a small country with a large population and more than their fair share of natural disasters it behooves them to work as an operational unit. What works for Japan won't work for the USA though. We The People are not only the descendants of immigrants but also the children of criminals as we were a penal colony for quite a while - at least until all the resources were discovered and suddenly Australia was the penal colony.

The fact our troll keeps harping on the same point while their hair is on fire concerns me as much as other commentators. Are you OK Many Faced Troll. Do you need a nap?

I bet you are freaking out. Chickens are coming home to roost and they remember their dinosaur roots. Honestly I'd be scared too if what I did to others was going to be visited upon myself. Shoulda/Coulda/Woulda done better if you'd known the tides turned.

PS - the more you protest the more I know I'm correct. It is my super power.

Dave Dubya said...

Kremlin agent -FJ/Joe Con reeks of the same fascist "victimhood" complaints by white bigots and German Nazis. The HELL those Jews imposed on "Good Germans" and what Blacks did to white Americans is beyond imagination. Unless your imagination is full of racism and bigotry, of course.

Grey One talks sass said...

I have fibro brain today so can't tell if our multi faced troll has used the argument that liberals, being tolerant, have to tolerate their nontolerant beliefs. I figure if they haven't yet, they will soon. It was a favorite of the trolls I encountered back in the day.

For them I have The Paradox of Tolerance by Philosopher Karl Popper from their book The Open Society and Its Enemies, Karl R. Popper.

Should a tolerant society tolerate intolerance? The answer is NO! It's a paradox, but unlimited tolerance can lead to the extinction of tolerance. When we extend tolerance to those who are openly intolerant the tolerant ones end up being destroyed and tolerance with them. Any movement that preaches intolerance and persecution must be outside of the law. As paradoxical as it may seem, defending tolerance requires to not tolerate the intolerant.

The theocrats trying to take over the USA are the intolerant ones. Already their minions are enacting laws that discriminate against the LGBTQA+ community. The next rounds focus on reproductive health care, and next... well, there was a poem about being the last one standing but I've already used up my brain cells and typing skills for the day. Y'all are clever - it would be why I'm here. If you really need to know the poem I'm sure you can find it.

Also I have the receipts to back up my statements if you can wait until the wind stops blowing and my brains return from whatever they were doing in Nebraska. Wind is not my friend.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The more "legally accepted" they become, the weaker the LGBTQ+ "community" gets.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The harder you try and ostracize Trump and cancel his supporters, the stronger the Trump community gets. "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger" - Nietzsche

Shaw Kenawe said...

"FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
The more "legally accepted" they become, the weaker the LGBTQ+ "community" gets."

Yeah. Right. That's why so many in our brothers and sisters in the LGBTQ community are in important government positions here and in other countries.

That NEVER happened even 20 years ago. THAT is real power!

Biden Administration

Pete Buttigieg, Karine Jean-Pierre, Ben LaBolt, Rachel Levine, Ned Price, Chantale Wong, and Shawn Skelley, just to name a few. Look them up and see the high-ranking positions they hold.

Thaat's power!

And internationally:

Gabriel Attal
Country: France

Position: Prime Minister

Time in Office: January 2024-Present

Edgars Rinkēvičs
Country: Latvia

Position: President

Time in Office: July 2023-Present

Ana Brnabić
Country: Serbia

Position: Prime Minister

Time in Office: June 2017-Present

AND: Leo Varadka: On 14 June, he was nominated as Taoiseach by Dáil Éireann and this nomination was approved by the President of Ireland. Varadkar became Ireland's first openly gay Taoiseach, as well as the youngest and the first of half-Indian descent.

WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. Again. Weaker? They're hold positions as HEADS OF STATE!!!

I can't wait for our first openly gay POTUS, male or female!

Shaw Kenawe said...

"-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
The harder you try and ostracize Trump and cancel his supporters, the stronger the Trump community gets. "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger" - Nietzsche"

Nah. Those "supporters" are a minority. 65% of Independents HATE him. Trump is strong with the poorly educated, insurrectionists, and Neo-Nazis. For sure.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Re the Alabama judgement on IVF

Judge Parker wrote "“Human life cannot be wrongfully destroyed without incurring the wrath of a holy God.”

However, Alabama has executed 73 people since 1976. Of these, nine were later exonerated.

How exactly did God's wrath manifest to Alabamans for those nine transgressions?

Judge Parker must have had a role in one or more of those executions. However, God's wrath has not apparently fazed his hubris or augmented his humility.

Dave Dubya said...

Kremlin agent -FJ is ignoring a HUGE number with his "The harder you try and ostracize Trump and cancel his supporters, the stronger the Trump community gets."

Try this instead: The harder you try to CANCEL the VOTES of 81,283,361 Americans, the stronger the pro-democracy community gets.

Kremlin agent -FJ STILL hasn't shown us the massive fraud engineered by the "Senile Biden" to steal the election from his "stable genius" Fuhrer.

Did the dog eat his homework? (That's an American expression, in case -FJ is unfamiliar with it.)

Shaw Kenawe said...

Dave Dubya,

-FJ will never accept the truth of the 2020 election.

It's a waste of time to talk people out of their delusions. For some of them, it's all they have.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

You left out the post that explained the two short ones. But hey, why tell your readers the truth?

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...
You left out the post that explained the two short ones. But hey, why tell your readers the truth?

I give you more than enough exposure here for your opinions. What I won't allow is having you hijack my blog like you do to other bloggers.

"My blog; my rules."

Dave Dubya said...

I can imagine -FJ is a lonely dude. IF he's really a Jew, then the great majority of his fellow Jews reject his Trumpism and racism.

So that leaves the deranged evangelical white nationalists in his camp.

Kind of sad, but perfectly suitable for an authoritarian sociopath. He'll always be welcome in a cult.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Yep, your blog, your rules.

"Alchemy is not interested in truth like the scientific method, it's interested in operational success."

-George Soros, "The Alchemy of Finance".

Joe Conservative said...

Biden doesn't poll very well with Jews, lately. I wonder why... NOT!

Les Carpenter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Les Carpenter said...

-fj is right about one thing. The more intelligent, compassionate, and reasonable people aim justified critisisms at trump the angrier and more unhinged the cultists become.

However, it is doubtful the cult is growing. Other than the anger, hate, and ignorance that has existed in that tribe of cultists since the beginning when the Orange Turd descended the elevator.

Dave Dubya said...

Kremlin agent -FJ/Joe Con is thrilled by this?

65 Jews were polled.

Did he read this far in his linked article?

Jews made up just 8% of the large sample size: 806 people. That means the margin of error for the 65 Jewish respondents would be potentially much larger than 4.2 percentage points.

Mark Mellman, president of Democratic Majority for Israel, told JNS that “the margin of error for Jews in the Sienna poll is plus or minus 13 points on each number.”

“This poll tells us very little about how New York Jews will vote,” he said.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thanks for catching that, Dave Dubya

Howard Brazee said...

Conservatives, and MAGAs are much more likely to believe that human nature is that we are all corrupt than liberals.

And Republican politicians and pundits seem to believe that — about themselves and their opponents.