Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Friday, February 2, 2024

Thank you, President Biden!


The U. S. economy added 353,000 jobs in January, 2024, far exceeding expectations. 

The unemployment rate was 3.7%, the lowest since the 1960's. 

This is Biden-omics at work. 

Predictably, FAUX NOOZ & the MAGA cult are losing their minds over this good news.


Anonymous said...

President Biden is 10 times the economist that the orange hued human orangutan is. Midddle America and the lower economic strata both do far better with President Biden at the helm. The orange hued human orangutan was, and is, only interested in the wealthy, corporations, and any criminal behaviors he thinks he can get away with.

If only the damn gop would stop listening to their orange hued human orangutan and let President Biden get the border under control.

Also, President Biden needs to strong arm the Zionist authoritarian Netanyahu to stop his genocidal rampage against Palestinian innocents. If neccessry cutting off all financial aid if the Zionist butcher refuses to listen.

Other than that, Bravo President Biden for a job remarkably well done. Especially given the shit soup the orange hued human orangutan handed off to him.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

This will give your trolls even higher blood pressure but looking at all the facts we are fortunate Joe Biden is our President in this era.

Dave Miller said...

Over 300,000 jobs added last month too.

But I predict some will follow this pattern...

Pre 2016 elections, all government data on housing, the economy, jobs and more was false and manipulated.

Once Trump was elected and took office on Jan 20, 2017, within 15 days, it was all fixed and the numbers, which were essentially identical and inline with Obama Admin numbers and trends, became true and accurate.

Then on Jan 20, 2021, when Trump left office, all those same numbers became false again, and remain so today.

Despite numerous Trump Admin officials like Larry Kudlow, saying publicly, on FOX no less, that their predictions of total economic collapse under Biden were, wait for it MAGA folks... "WRONG" and "FALSE".

It's hysterical watching the news readers and opinion ppl on places like FOX, OAN, NewsMax and more struggle to spin these numbers as bad. They've resorted to "people don't feel these realities".

Even though the data provides evidence of our strong economy. The best in the world coming out of the Covid 19 pandemic.

Dave Dubya said...

Poor Kremlin agent -FJ!

He's going to have to give credit to Trump for the Biden economy AND share his wish for a depression to advance Trump's ambition to be dictator.

"But the January LAYOFFS!", that happen every January.

Pretzel time!

skudrunner said...

He deserves our thanks but with a catch. U.S. companies in January announced more than 82,300 job cuts, a 136% increase from December. He is great at promoting the things that are positive but goes deaf when someone mentioned the open border and if he doesn't get his way with a horrible bill it is the republicans. When are we going to expect our elected elite to so something for the American people.

The No Name party is gaining in favor because it focuses on the middle of the road leadership. Joey b's and his handlers are out in left field and trump is out of control. No Name party sounds like a winner.

Joe Conservative said...

Amazing job statistics! I wonder how they account for them, Dave.

Joe Conservative said...

I suppose they dare not call them jobs...

I suppose that the Biden government statisticians probably made a few minor adjustments to this month's report. Don't worry though. I'm sure they correct them next month (aka move the jobs counted to the right).

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thank you, Joe Conservative and skudrunner, the "Debbie Downers" of P.E., and who we can always count on to piss in the punch bowl of good news.

Joe Conservative said...

Hey, next time read the report...

The U.S. economy added a whopping 353,000 new jobs in January, but the surprisingly large gain may have been flattered by the adjustments the government makes to smooth out seasonal swings in employment.
The January jobs report is often hard to decipher because of big changes in the labor market at the start of each year. Temporary workers hired for the holiday shopping season are let go, for one thing, and many companies announced job cuts at that time.

The government tries to provide a more accurate picture of the labor market by using so-called seasonal adjustments to minimize the occasional large swing in employment.

But in recent years these adjustments have led to exaggerated job gains in January, economists say. The reported increase in new jobs in the month has topped 250,000 for six straight years.

skudrunner said...

Sorry Ms. Shaw but the truth sometimes sucks. The only number that should be counted is private sector because that is productive growth. The private sector was strong and the economy is healthy so that is a plus for joey b's handlers. If he could just figure out that an open border is not a good idea for Americans.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The truth is that the US economy is doing just fine. In fact, better than countries recovering from the impact COVID had on their economies. The US is doing remarkably well. Gas prices down, unemployment down, jobs strong.

And the border is NOT open.

The MAGApublicans are blocking the best legislation on border security that they'll see in their lifetimes because Trump is in charge of the House.

It is the MAGApublicans who DO NOT WANT to fix the border problems. Not President Biden.

That TRUTH should hurt you and other anti-Biden whiners.

Anonymous said...

As the cons -fj and skud continue to swoon over their imagined "right knowledge". When in fact they are wrong. As is usually the case with skud and always the case with -fj.

Joe Conservative said...

Actually the border IS open to the first 1,800,000 illegal customers in the new bill. It's only AFTER that number have crossed that the border gets enforced (as opposed to immediately).

skudrunner said...

Ms Shaw, I guess if you consider southern border crosses of 2.5 million in 2023 or nearly 6 million under joey b's watch not a big deal then why are chicago, nyc, dc, la, san diego and san fran up in arms about Texas and Arizona not keeping them in their state.

Joey b is told to say he will close the border if congress gives him hundreds of billions for aid to Ukraine. He has the authority to close the border now but hasn't and won't so why believe he will do anything. Now you have democrats that oppose the bill making it harder to pass. This is a blame game by both sides who have no interest in solving anything because then who would they blame.

Dave Miller said...

Joe opined...

"Actually the border IS open to the first 1,800,000 illegal customers in the new bill. It's only AFTER that number have crossed that the border gets enforced (as opposed to immediately)."

Joe, unless you can provide a link to the text of the bill where it shows that, you are just sharing an opinion not evidenced with any credible information.

Republican members of the Senate deny your charge and point out that people weighing in a bill they have not seen is part of the problem in America.

Have you seen, or read the bill?

Dave Miller said...

Skud et al...

The great many of conservatives citing all these "illegal crossings" are wrong.

It is not a crime to cross and claim asylum. In fact, claiming asylum moves your crossing, no matter the merits of your claim, legal.

That is why the Dems have been asking for months for the money to fund new judges in the asylum system AND put in place news laws, es opposed to Executive Orders, to deal with the problem.

Are there lots of people trying to enter the US? Of course there. Are there solutions to be had that are safe, legal, enforceable and will be upheld by SCOTUS? Again, of course there are.

The question is will we take them?

Simply clamoring, as many do, for Biden to "enforce the laws" already there, won't work, because those laws will not do what the US needs, or provide what many want.

skudrunner said...

Rev, From the far right wing news outlet known as NBC News I found
"The bipartisan deal does include provisions that would shut down the border entirely if a certain threshold is hit. A seven-day average of 5,000 or more would mandate a border closure. If the number exceeded 8,500 in a single day, there would also be a mandatory border closure."

365x5000 = 1,825,000 so Joe was a little conservative in his statement. Joey b has the authority to close the border now but then he would take the heat and not be able to pass it to the nasty republicans. Genocide Joe has a lot of things going against him without having to be blamed for closing the border. He will still win reelection if trump is the nominee so you can sleep easy.

Thersites said...

Joe, unless you can provide a link to the text of the bill where it shows that...

Link. Now do the math

5,000 x 365 = 1,825,000 illegals per year.

Thersites said...

ps - Don't you think its' disingenuous to scream "show me the bill" when Schumer is deliberately hiding it so that Senators must "Vote for it to see what's in it"?

The Pelosi Obamacare act is getting old. It's no way to legislate in a so-called "democracy".

Thersites said...

Wanna know what the real joke is? It's in the new bill... it mandates fantasies...

But migrants who passed the asylum interview would get to stay in the country for an additional 90 days until their asylum cases were decided. In the meantime, they would receive work authorizations. Once their cases were adjudicated, they would qualify for a path to citizenship.

90 days to "decide the case"? What's the backlog on hearing asylum cases right now? There's a 3 million case backlog. The backlog is growing and the bill would add more millions to it.

Emmanuel Padilla, 19, sat on a metal bench inside a nonprofit welcome center. He said he, his mother and 17-year-old brother left their home in Mexico's violent Michoacán state because of cartel violence. They were headed to Tampa, Florida, and had been given a notice to appear.

Their immigration court hearing was scheduled for 2027 – four years off.

90 Days? Please.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Illegals after the Senate bill would have greater (and longer) work rights than a legal migrant on an H1-B visa.

Dave Miller said...

Hmmm... Both "Thersites" and Skud cited an NBC article and Thersites even attached a link to prove their point about the 1,825,000 people the new border bill would allow.

Here's the headline from that very article...

"The bipartisan border deal would not allow 5,000 illegal crossings per day, despite what Trump says.
What's become a popular talking point among conservative Republicans opposed to an emerging immigration bill is incorrect.

If you go deep into the report, we can also find this...

"The bipartisan deal does include provisions that would shut down the border entirely if a certain threshold is hit, but those are border encounters, not crossings. As noted above, no migrants trying to enter the U.S. illegally would be allowed into the country unless they passed asylum interviews or were being held under government supervision."

So here's what I think the article Thersites and Skud cite, is saying about illegal entry into the US, as allowed by the bill...

" migrants trying to enter the U.S. illegally would be allowed into the country unless they passed asylum interviews or were being held under government supervision.

Because if they pass their asylum interview, they are then considered legal immigrants thus welcomed under conservative ideology.

Anonymous said...

Just another examle of cons manipulating data to support their prefered interpretation. Believe absolutely nothing Trump and the gop MAGA clowns burp, out until verified by oneself.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

lol! Wow, the 1.8M be detained until interviewed, and THEN put on planes to red states for 4-7 years while they await an asylum hearing...

"Are you in fear for your life?" "Si." "Enjoy your stay in the US, sir!"

skudrunner said...

Rev, Your statement is just the reason the bill is so bad. If they pass muster they are now legal immigrants so lets just say open borders with stipulations. How many people are required to process 5000 interviews a day and where do these people come from. You have no guarantee all of those 5000 will vote democrat but you can guarantee all of them will receive government support. The majority have few skills including speaking English which means they will stay on government assistance or resort to crime.

Anonymous said...

More childish ignorance by one very unserious MAGA scatterbrain.

Dave Dubya said...

Kremlin agent -FJ is practically bending over backwards to display his racism and dishonesty.

Why else would he insist on calling LEGAL asylum seekers "illegals"?

He's doing a heck of job shilling for Trump and Putin.

Maybe we should start calling HIM and his fellow Trump/Putinists "IMMORALS"?

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~ Maya Angelou

(I bet he HATES Black women...except for maybe Candace "I prefer a Vladimir Putin...compared to Zelensky" Owens.

Somehow I highly doubt -FJ is Jewish, using a Nazi yellow star and MAGA as his avatar. And we KNOW he isn't an American, therefor a foreign operative. He reeks of Putin and echoes neo-Nazis.

Those he calls "illegals" are desperate people who want to become Americans. Kremlin -FJ is doing his best to help destroy our democracy.

Dave Dubya said...

Have you ever noticed how much you echo white supremacists?

You seem to deliberately "forget" that immigrants, legal or otherwise, have lower crime rates than US born Americans.

I'll share some more information from the DOJ you WILL somehow "forget".

"Comparing Crime Rates Between Undocumented Immigrants, Legal Immigrants, and Native-born US Citizens in Texas"

The study found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, U.S.-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes

Dave Miller said...

Skud... the law is the law. COngress can easily change the law, but until they do, people claiming asylum are not, by law, here illegally.

I know conservatives like you have problems with following laws you disagree with, as witnessed by the rage which followed the SCOTUS decision to force states to treat black people fairly in regards to education, and the recent SCOTUS ruling on the Texas border, but too bad.

Laws are laws.

I think you are arguing for tighter limits on all immigration. That might be good, but your words read like a lighter version of American jingoism, which seems to have shifted to maligning all immigration, even as we scream for more employees to keep our economy humming.

Dave Miller said...

-FJ... so typical. A bunch of sarcastic snark after your conclusion from the article you linked, says and proves what you stated here is totally untrue. And it's in the headline.

Again, to quote Ducky... keep pitching.

Anonymous said...

At least you and the MAGAverse believe all of your unsupported generalities about all folks you do not know..

Bravo for you and them skud. I'm super proud to not fit your narrow narrative.