Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston


General John Kelly: "He said that, in his opinion, Mr. Trump met the definition of a fascist, would govern like a dictator if allowed, and had no understanding of the Constitution or the concept of rule of law."

Thursday, February 15, 2024

It would be laughable if it weren't so g-d tragic.


Guess where this insightful* assessment about the shooting in Kansas City last night came from. The writer is sure our gun massacres are caused by everything BUT the guns. Mostly Lefties.


 "It’s so definitely not the guns! SO DEFINITELY not the guns. It’s worse. But what?….. 

Tempers frayed from COVID? Tempers frayed by Leftwing insistence that we’re all racists? Parents not doing their jobs? A lack of religious faith? Knowing you may not even get arrested let alone go to jail? Tension from the Leftwing climate change fear mongering? Are our schools doing their jobs or is WOKE more important than learning the rudimentaries, including manners?"


Of course this person believes our gun culture and the fact that the leading cause of childhood deaths are from firearms is the fault of Leftists. Look at how many times she refers to the Left. 

Thersites, who occasionally comments here, says it's Howard Zinn's fault (LOL!):  

February 15, 2024 Thersites Soldier:  What changed? “Education”. From American “History” to Zinnian “People’s History.”

But, as is usual with the authors of that nincompoopery, they're ravingly wrong. 

Her, and others like her, refusal to see facts and truths about our gun-soaked and ravaged society will never, never penetrate their fact-averse skulls. Instead of doing any research, the person who wrote the above quoted comment just pulls stuff out of her, well somewhere, and thinks an intelligent discussion will ensue. 

Facts are kryptonite to these benighted souls.

Truth:  It's. The. Guns. 

Rates of firearm homicides per 100,000 population:

The US is an outlier in childhood deaths:

What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.

More Americans died of gun-related injuries in 2021 than in any other year on record, according to the latest available statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That included record numbers of both gun murders and gun suicides. Despite the increase in such fatalities, the rate of gun deaths – a statistic that accounts for the nation’s growing population – remained below the levels of earlier decades.

(Missouri allows CHILDREN to carry firearms, including AR-15s!)

There’s no question strong gun laws save lives. 

But which states care enough to pass them? Every year, we rank and grade state gun laws. And every year, we come to the same conclusion: states with strong gun laws have fewer gun deaths. It’s not a theory anymore—it’s a fact. And it’s long past time leaders in the states that fall short start facing facts and embrace the gun safety policies that will keep their constituents alive.

To MAGAs, guns are not as dangerous as being WOKE!:


The Zoot Suiter said...

It's Hunter Biden's Fault

Shaw Kenawe said...

I'm surprised her commenters didn't blame him for the shooting.

Joe Conservative said...

Isn't the answer obvious? It's NOT guns. Americans just hate black people!

Joe Conservative said...

btw - You left out a few other pertinent facts...

Anonymous said...

Missouri has unrestricted accessibility to guns/assault weapons with no background check for mental illness or domestic abuse, no required permit, license or training, no limit on magazine capacity

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative

Your links have nothing to do with the post. This post is about the number of guns and gun deaths in the US vs. other countries.

You're trying to change the subject because you obviously don't like the fact that it is FIREARMS that are the leading cause of death in children in the US and that make America lead the world in firearms deaths.

Breaking those facts down by race or anything else DOES NOT CHANGE THAT FACT.

I will delete any other comments that try to take this conversation elsewhere.

Les Carpenter said...

Yup, It Is the Guns alright.

But, the delusions of the rightwing pols, in full support of the criminal NRA and firearm/ammo manufactures, are intent on pursuing carnage over human life.

Sick, sick, sick are those fighting doing the right thing.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

My good friend from the other side, old JoeC, simply had to post some nonsense so he could report back to whatever right wing kookery site he posts on that he showed Shaw and Libs a thing or two. I hope for his mental help he got a couple of likes. The fact is the republicans need the votes of rabid gun owners that willingly believe any crap that validates them as Americans or patriots so they are pandered to at every opportunity. That a police officer is shot by a thug that shouldn't be allowed to have a gun is of no consequence to them. Heaven forbid anyone have to suffer the inconvenience of a background check or be certified in any way to own a gun to these nuts.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous @1:27 PM said...

"Missouri has unrestricted accessibility to guns/assault weapons with no background check for mental illness or domestic abuse, no required permit, license or training, no limit on magazine capacity."

Anyone who thinks that is sensible and safe is insane. This country's gun fetish is sadly apparent in states like Missouri. It's as though certain NRA states are trying to outdo one another by passing gun laws that make it easier to own guns (even for CHILDREN!) and invite more human slaughter. And it certainly is working.

This country is having a mental health crisis, and that is apparent to any sane person who sees batshyte laws like Missouri's and other Red States' being passed.

"There is no age requirement to carry a long gun like a rifle.

Missouri state law includes no prohibitions on minors carrying or possessing firearms.

Do you need a permit to carry a concealed firearm?
No, you do not need a permit to carry a concealed weapon.

Missouri still issues concealed carry permits to people 19 and older who apply for them, but the state dropped the requirement to apply for a concealed carry permit in 2017."


Shaw Kenawe said...

Oh Gawd! Here's one of the sailors on the Mother Ship explaining why America has a firearm problem:

"I believe its a combination of several things like over-population plus technology constantly being upgraded..."

Yeah. Who among us haven't grabbed a gun to go kill someone because we had to download an upgrade to our phones? Makes sense, right?

BTW, China despite being the world’s second most populous country (India just surpassed it), with 1.4 billion residents, China only records a few dozen gun crimes a year. And more broadly, violent crime has continued falling, reaching its lowest level in 20 years in 2020, according to state-run news outlet Xinhua.

So, overpopulation isn't a reason.

It's. The. Guns.

skudrunner said...

You need a license to operate an automobile yet there are 40,000 deaths a year. Since the driver is trained and licensed it must be the automobile's fault. If we had universal training and licensed to operate a firearm, would that make it the firearms fault and would it decrease deaths.

Maybe we should enforce laws and arrest gang members who shoot others. China does punish those who break the law so maybe that is the reason gun crimes are few. we let them go after beating up cops and rely on no bail to punish offenders.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner "You need a license to operate an automobile yet there are 40,000 deaths a year. Since the driver is trained and licensed it must be the automobile's fault."

How many times do you have to hear that an automobile's main purpose is for transportation; a gun's main purpose is for killing. More people are killed by firearms in America than in any other technically advanced country in the world. We also have more firearms in circulation than any other first world country. More firearms = more deaths.

The number one cause for children's deaths in America is firearms. It's. The. Guns.

skudrunner "China does punish those who break the law so maybe that is the reason gun crimes are few."

No, that's not the reason.

"Civilian ownership of firearms is largely restricted to non-individual entities such as sporting organizations, hunting reserves, and wildlife protection, management and research organizations. The chief exception to the general ban for individual gun ownership is for the purpose of hunting. Individuals who hold hunting permits can apply to purchase and hold firearms for the purpose of hunting. Illegal possession or sale of firearms may result in a minimum punishment of 3 years in prison, and the penalty for a gun crime is death penalty."

There are not more guns than people in circulation in China, unlike here in America, where there are more guns than people in circulation.

Only a few gun owners hold a large share of guns
There are more guns in the US than people.

"There are about 393 million privately owned firearms in the US, according to an estimate by the Switzerland-based Small Arms Survey – or in other words, 120 guns for every 100 Americans. That’s the highest rate of any country in the world, and more than double the rate of the next country on the list.

A majority of those guns, however, are owned by a minority of people, studies show.

Les Carpenter said...

Maybe it's... Americans.

But no, that can't be. We're prefect just the way we are. Guns are everybody's right. Right to own supercedes the right to life.

It. Is. The. Guns. skud.

Mike said...

When the US collapses, it will be the gun nuts that are the cause.

Shaw Kenawe said...

To Joe Conservative:

This post is about how America is an outlier in firearm deaths compared with other technically advanced countries on the planet.

Your attempts to introduce in the comments other reasons side-tracks and changes the discussion from the primary subject: THE US LEADS THE DEVELOPED WORLD IN FIREARM DEATHS AND LEADS THE DEVELOPED WORLD IN FIREARM OWNERSHIP. PERIOD.

Bringing in the sale of menthol cigarettes and African-American deaths by firearms DOES NOT CHANGE THAT FACT.

I will not publish your attempts to hijack this thread.

skudrunner said...

The percentage of people owning guns in this country hasn't change in a hundred years yet the number of deaths by firearms has increased. Why would that be true if it is the guns fault. We no longer enforce the laws in this country and the result is the bad people just ignore the law. The day of you never harm a cop and get away with it are over. Want to come to the US just walk across the border and say you a frightened in your own country and you will show up for a hearing in five to seven years and you will get food, shelter, clothes, and medical services.

we use to be a country of laws and only a few stepped to the other side. Low we have criminals released without bail so they can continue to earn a living being criminals. Gangs are allowed to expand in cities and terrorize neighborhoods. No it's not the gun it is the disrespect for the law and politicians who only want to get a vote at any cost.

Shaw Kenawe said...

skudrunner "We no longer enforce the laws in this country and the result is the bad people just ignore the law."

Can you give us the site where you found that? If we no longer enforce the law, how did 700+ insurrectionists from J6 go to prison? As of 2023, 110 people have been found guilty at trial and about 366 have been sentenced to incarceration in connection to the attack, according to figures from the U.S. Attorney's Office for D.C. through Aug. 4.

Don't make silly claims like that. Please. There are people going to prison every day in this country for breaking the law.

skudrunner: "No it's not the gun it is the disrespect for the law and politicians who only want to get a vote at any cost."


It's. The. Guns.

There are disrespectful humans in countries all over the planet breaking laws every day, but the US is the ONLY advanced technological COUNTRY that has the number of firearms in circulation and the number of firearm deaths, including the fact that the #1 cause of death in US children is now firearms.

It's. The. Guns.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Stop the Presses! The country with the greatest number of guns leads the world in gun-related deaths!

Do America also lead the world in automobile related deaths? SHOCKER!

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

A total of 48,117 people died of gunshot wounds last year, according to the CDC data, the second highest single-year tally on record. That’s a 1.5 percent decrease from 2021, when 48,830 people died of gunshot wounds.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has released its latest projections for traffic fatalities in 2022, estimating that 42,795 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes.

Sounds like once we banish all the guns, the automobiles are next!

Les Carpenter said...

It. Is. The. Guns. skud.

Simple elementary common sense will yeild that determination. Unless, the reason for ignoring common sense (and logic to boot) is in support of a reified belief that while sensible in 1776 no longer is in the 21st century with over 320 million people residing in our nation.

320,000,00+ - 2024 -vs- 3,000,000 - 1776

Put on yer thinking cap skud. Drop reified beliefs. And use your intelligence.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Deaths by suicide have made up the vast majority of gun violence deaths this year (2023). There's been 22,506 deaths by gun suicide this year, an average of about 66 deaths by suicide per day in 2023.

That's about half of all firearm related deaths

Yeah, these people would NEVER kill themselves without guns...

Maybe you should outlaw suicide. Think of all the "attempted suicides" you could then criminally prosecute and save... @@

IS that why many Left-wing cities no longer prosecute perpetrators of gun related violence?

Shaw Kenawe said...

-FJ "Yeah, these people would NEVER kill themselves without guns..."

Fallacious argument. A gun shot to the head through the mouth is 99.9999999% fatal.

An overdose of pills isn't always fatal, for one example. And sometimes when there isn't a gun in the home to make a suicide attempt foolproof, a person desperate enough to want to kill him/herself may get a chance to rethink the permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Your argument is ridiculous.

Suicides, homicides, mass killings, accidental shootings, etc., they are all figured into the final figures that make our country the worst advanced country in the world for firearm deaths.

You can keep throwing irrelevant arguments here in the comments, the facts NEVER, NEVER CHANGE.

You will always lose this argument. So stop.

Shaw Kenawe said...


"Sounds like once we banish all the guns, the automobiles are next!"

Another stupid comparison.

A gun's primary purpose is for killing; an automobile's primary purpose is for transportation.

No other advanced country EVEN WITH AUTOMOBILE DEATHS has the number of deaths from firearms that the US has.

You're never going to win the argument, no matter how many stupid comparisons you make.

It's. The. Guns.

Shaw Kenawe said...

PS. Millions of people NEED automobiles. Automobiles are a necessity for transportation for work, school, shopping, travel, etc.


Stop your nonsensical arguments.

skudrunner said...

Leslie, In 1776 not one person died from a automobile accident. 100% of households owned a gun and there were few murders by firearm. It stands to reason that firearm ownership and firearms are not the culprit but people are.
You had better watch out because they are coming for your car soon because it is not the driver that kills it is the car.

Ms Shaw, you want a link to criminals being let out with no bail Check the news on any give day and you will find multiple, maybe not in Boston because they are highly educated but in normal America. I know everything is January 6th with the leftist cult but that is a small portion of lawlessness except a good portion is accepted lawlessness.

Shaw Kenawe said...

SKUDRUNNER, Automobiles are necessary for transportation, for work, school, shopping, etc.

Many, many people live their entire lives without guns. Guns are not necessary for day-to-day living, unless you live in a rural area and hunt or need to protect yourself from wild animals.

Can you explain why there were approximately 4 gun deaths year in Japan in 2021, and in 2021, the most recent year for which complete data is available, 48,830 people died from gun-related injuries in the U.S., according to the CDC?

In Japan, there is little to no gun private gun ownership. Ownership of handguns is illegal, except for members of the Japan Self-Defense Force and the police. In the US guns outnumber the number of people in the country, and almost anyone can get a gun. In Missouri, for example, CHILDREN can open carry AR-15s. How's that for egregious stupidity?

The more guns in circulation; the more likely the number of deaths, either by homicide, suicide, or accident.

We're the only advanced country where the #1 cause of death for children is FIREARMS!

I'm sorry, but you arguments are fallacious.

It's. The. Guns.

Shaw Kenawe said...

SKUDRUNNER: "I know everything is January 6th with the leftist cult but that is a small portion of lawlessness except a good portion is accepted lawlessness."

Well, pardon us "Leftists" if we're overly bothered by having a POTUS who was defeated in an election encourage mobs to attack the US Capitol to disrupt the electoral certification and illegally take power and install himself as the president.

That made us a bit angry, because, y'know THE CONSTITUTION forbids that.

However, you seem to be fine dismissing it as a mere blip in our traditionally peaceful transfer of power.

I don't know of any real American who can stomach what Trump tried to do on J6. I also have no acquaintance with any American who can dismiss what happened that awful day as some Americans do.

Maybe it's because I live in Boston where people died in 1775 fighting against a despotic king and the idea of a despot wanting to take over this country is horrifying.

But that's just me.

Maybe you're okay with what Trump and the J6 traitors tried to do.

Grey One talks sass said...

skud said "Leslie, In 1776 not one person died from a automobile accident.", probably the dumbest thing they ever typed in their life. Really skud, no automobile accidents in 1776? Perhaps it's because the earliest record of an automobile was 1886 ya maroon. No, you don't get to claim humor here because as we all have learned, you have no sense of humor acceptable to polite society.

Careful folks, skuds been mainlining MAGAT juice even as they claim they don't have a problem and don't know what MAGAT juice even is, they swear!!!!

Riiiiiightttt skud. Sure buddy.

I guess the story regarding True the Vote's 'hard evidence' was a nothing burger has them upset. Added bonus, Comer's second star witness against the "Biden Crime Family" being arrested by the FBI for lying to them under oath also caused distress. Bwahahaaaa. I'll be waiting for your apology skud. Bwahahhaaaaa.

You could have responded to the questions asked of you elsewhere. You chose to come to this post to say what you said. You do you boo, you always do.

Bwahahaaaa. I'm laughing so hard - no automobile accidents in 1776. Oh my sides!

Grey One talks sass said...

Shaw, I am fierce when it comes to the J6 insurrection. It is a fact many of the foot soldiers and a few middle management folks have been found guilty and are in a correction facility which I consider a good start. What I really want to happen is for upper management to be held accountable for one of the greatest tragedies of our nation. They sat in their back rooms plotting this, talking to lawyers to see what was or was not possible. I don't care which side these traitors claim as their own. By their actions they've stepped over the line from patriot to traitor and again, I want accountability.

According to skuds own words they don't view J6 the same way as many of us who comment on your blog. I guess it's up to us "lefties" (skuds term showing they absorb more Right Wing propaganda than the average human) to carry the torch for the USA. With MAGA clearly unable to govern We The People as a whole are moving the Overton Window as to what is and is not accepted. As I've learned, We need our elected officials to actually do something, not just chase after the apparition of their lost ideal of their 'perfect' nation. Actual governing is like house work, it takes effort and diligence, neither traits of today's MAGA GOP, a point made crystal clear this past week.

Speaking of apparitions, I walked the streets of Philadelphia back when my late husband was still alive (it's been a while). When I entered Independence Hall I swear I could feel the spirits of our founding fathers milling about. There was such a hush it was hard to breath.

Strolling the streets outside the hall instead of cars I saw horses and carriages. To be honest I was glad they were all ghosts because that many horses and humans with less than modern standards of sewage and cleanliness tended to get a bit stinky, especially during the summer months.

I know there are many doomsayers in the world when talking about our nation's future. For them I have this:

Our side (aka lefties according to skud) has Love. Love of our families, the love of honoring other families that don't look like our own, Love of our country to hold it accountable when it does the wrong thing, Love of our fellow humans even if we don't like them very much.

The other side has love too. Love of power, love of control, love of punching down on marginalized communities.

Our love will win. As the Christian nationalist prophets say, it has been foretold.