Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Saturday, February 3, 2024

MAGAs losing their minds over how popular Taylor Swift is! LOL!



Grey One talks sass said...

If they'd just left her alone there wouldn't be this kerfuffle. The bit about Hannity speaking the truth in the video was hilarious. And I know he was trying to be sarcastic. Makes me laugh even harder.

When you enemy is destroying themselves, get out of their way. (paraphrased SunTzu)

Anonymous said...

We should discontinue viewing those who disagree as enemies and simply realize they experience obscurations, delusions, and illusions. Actually, we all do to some degree/level.

As long as humans continue to view their fellow human beings as enemies simply because of their different views there will always be "enemies" and therefore there will continue to be violence, fighting, destruction, and death.

Things are generally not exactly as we perceive them. Because our sense perceptions are filtered through our habituated patterns and beliefs.

Grey One talks sass said...

I will continue to call the cultists who attack Taylor, the MTG's, the Speaker Johnson's the enemy not because they hold differing views than myself. I call them the enemy for two reasons - one is they intend to violate the Constitution by insisting their flavor of faith be the faith for all and two - they have said the quiet parts out loud; that they do not mind taking away the rights, the lawful rights, from anyone they deem other whether they be a lawful citizen or not.

I respect my honored opponent when I can find one. Lately it's all you are weird, you must die because your existence is why the world is falling apart.

Ugh - so tiring.

And I understand exactly why my enemy is freaking all the way out. It's true. Their way of life is ending. Using pie charts (mmm pie) the enemy is right, they don't have the exclusive rights to the Pie O' USA. Now they have to share. It's not that their rights have been curtailed, it's they get a smaller piece of pie, which was their fair share from the beginning.

Here I go with my If statements again. If the cultists aka Christian Nationalists aka white supremacists had agreed to be polite in the public square, if they'd agreed to share the public square... so many ifs and so many examples of why the enemy is the enemy.

Also, have you listened to any of the sermons these folks have been mainlining for decades? The pastors are not shy. The influencers have been telling their faithful flock that the end times hare now, get your guns mable because its' shooting time.

Don't believe me? Check out your traffic. I don't know how it is anywhere else but in my town when the drivers are stretched too thin they tend drive in a specific way. I'm used to the 5-10 mph speeders. That's the norm. I'm talking 15-20 mph, weaving in and out. Stressed to the max, wound so tight... I remember that time, back when the pieces of the cult were breaking for me, relationships I thought were solid were so very much fluid and not in the good fluid way either. I had no where else to go, or so I thought, trapped in a box of my own making. Pride making the locks on the doors insurmountable.

I know exactly who we are facing. You need to know too. The cultists have no where else to go. If they kill you they'll later claim they don't remember doing it, and they would be correct.

Please be safe. This is not a game. It's time to be observant kids. That's what I'm saying. And then you do you. All anyone can be.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

The Taylor Swift psyop has been so successfully PREbunked that when Swift actually dumps Kelce and endorses Sleepy Joe for president, like in 2020, nobody will care.

Grey One talks sass said...

I gave my clarification above. This is about fun.

Anon said "Things are generally not exactly as we perceive them. Because our sense perceptions are filtered through our habituated patterns and beliefs."

As I'm learning in my studies of magyck/quantum mechanics everything I think I can feel or touch isn't really feeling or touching, it's the perception of the thing, not the thing itself.

Look, I get agreeing to disagree. Love that side of life because it means I get to stop being a warrior and put on my social hat. Honored opponents, friendly debate, working on interest based problem solving where everyone with a stake in an issue sits down at a table and crunches out a solution to the issue of the day. No one gets to say NO! aka the toddler. If you do disagree and can't in good consciousness go along with a solution on the table it's on you to come up with another way which is acceptable to the rest of the table.

It's adulting on such an adulting level. I'm so tired of all the violence and I know, I was advocating for it in my previous post. But here's the thing.

One can have a society in which all citizens respect each other even if they don't like or agree with each other. There will always be a certain percentage of folks who disagree on general circumstances and want to take over the peaceful, logical population**. That's why every society must have it's defenders. Those charged with meeting the violence with the only thing that will end it - being better at killing ones enemy than they are killing you. And that my friends is Warrior 101.

**The folks who want to take over aren't interested in laws for all, only the idea that the law binds others and protects them. (All animals are created equal but some are more equal than others - Animal Farm George Orwell - the book blew my brain. I've been a radicle hippy ever since)

How else do are we to label humans within our society who cheat, bully, or lie to get their way? I'm thinking therapy but sometimes even when a person knows better they don't always do better. Too many to lock up. I'm open for another way. Not automatically accepting but open.

Anonymous said...

Yes, i have heard, read, and completely ignored the lies, innuendo, conspiracies, and delusional BS of the ones you speak. And, i will never believe the cons or the Trump/gop MAGA goons.

But i refuse to call then enemies, preferring to think that one day soon they will realize the errors in their beliefs (yet knowing Trump never will). If they dont? Well, it's their karma and they will, at sometime in the future, experience the effects of their own negative karmic energies, obscurations and delusions.

Life is so much less stressful when one simply lets thing be as they are and meditate/contemplate. As you let go of all attachments and aversions.

Les Carpenter said...

@Grey One talks sass... quantum mechanics is a fabulously interesting science. My studies in Mahayanna Buddhism ultimately lead me to QM and the infinite potential of human consciousness and awareness. Which has me setting my feet onto the path of Vajrayana or Tibetan Buddhism.

Due to our layers of societal conditioning, obscurations, delusions, and illusions what we perceive as real is merely a facsimile of actual reality.

Row row row your boat gently down the stream,

Merrily Merrily Merrily Merrily life is but a dream.

Truth... everything is mind. And therefore everything is like a dream. Day and night.

But THAT is a discussion few here would be interested in i suspect. Except maybe you?

Anonymous said...

Answer to Grey One talks sass ...

obscured... deluded... ego driven... self centered... dualistic mind... etc.

It takes curiosity, openess, a willingness to challenge ones own beliefs, study, knowledge, contemplation, meditation, a spiritual path, and seeing something beyond oneself and ones own attachments.

Goal? To not ever become one of them and to work to turn western selfisness and the archaic practices of western colonialism on its head and eradicate its present day influence.