Paul Revere by Cyrus Dallin, North End, Boston



Tuesday, February 6, 2024



The largest police union in the country is praising Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in a letter sent to Congress just before the House votes on impeachment articles against him, according to a copy of the letter obtained by Axios.

As conservatives balk, U.S. Border Patrol union endorses Senate immigration deal


Moses said...


Shaw Kenawe said...

Rep. MT Greene is political hack, and a rather stupid human being.

”On November 9, 2023, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene filed a motion to impeach Mayorkas, citing a dereliction of duty and saying he "failed to maintain operational control of the [Southern] border".[60] The motion to impeach failed to pass on November 13, with the House voting 209–201 to defer the resolution to the House Homeland Security Committee. Eight Republicans joined all Democrats in blocking the measure.[61][62]

On January 28, 2024, House Republicans introduced two articles of impeachment against Mayorkas, alleging "willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law" and breach of the public trust. Constitutional legal scholars and Democrats asserted Republicans were using impeachment to address immigration policy disputes rather than for high crimes and misdemeanors, of which there was no evidence. Legal scholar and law professor Jonathan Turley commented that the impeachment lacked a "cognizable basis" and that the inquiry had failed to show "conduct by the secretary that could be viewed as criminal or impeachable". In a Washington Post opinion piece, Norm Eisen and Joshua Matz argued that an impeachment of Mayorkas on grounds of "maladministration" would violate the Constitution. Former DHS secretary Michael Chertoff, a Republican, wrote in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece that "Republicans in the House should drop this impeachment charade and work with Mr. Mayorkas to deliver for the American people." On the eve of a committee vote on the impeachment articles, the conservative Editorial Board at The Wall Street Journal also questioned the reasoning for impeachment, writing "A policy dispute doesn't qualify as a high crime and misdemeanor."

On January 31, Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee approved the articles along party lines for referral to the full House.

On February 6, the United States House of Representatives voted against impeaching Mayorkas, closely on party lines, with the final vote being 214-216.”

Shaw Kenawe said...

“But these are not impeachable offenses,” he said last year. The founders, he said, set a high bar for impeachment — treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors — and if Republicans make a crime out of a disagreement, they “will have signed off on this new and unconstitutional abuse of power.” —Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA)

Grey One talks sass said...

I guess this is the wandering about lost in the desert chapters of Moses's life. Bwahahahaa. They didn't have the votes. Oh my, how embarrassing for the Speaker. Wonder if someone is going to vacate him too? Enquiring minds and all.

Anonymous said...

Wow, a gop member with some integrity. Imagine that! Wonders will never cease i guess.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Grey One talks sass

I've read that the MAGApublicans may bring this up for a vote again. But, by then, the Santos seat in the House may be filled by a Democrat.

This vote was nothing more than a revenge impeachment move, not based on high crimes and misdemeanors, but on the rapist who's running for the presidency and who is in control of the cowards in the House.

PS. Nancy Pelosi would have NEVER brought any vote forward unless she was ABSOLUTELY sure of the votes!

Nancy knew her job. Moses Michael? Not so much. He's been too busy kissing the rapist's arse.

F.D. said...

There’s one sure solution. VOTE. Give Biden the majority he deserves in both houses. (And vote for Biden.) Take the country in a decent direction. (Trump had a majority in both houses for two years and the result was a big tax cut for the wealthiest. No real immigration reform.)

skudrunner said...

Like most things congress spends time on it was a stupid move. Nowhere does it say you can impeach someone for doing what the boss asks. Biden's handlers see an open border as a good thing for them and instructed him to keep it open for the good of the party. When they are given the right to vote many will not bite the hand that fed them and become loyal yellow dogs.

Billions spent on illegals with little plan on how to handle them. We are seeing attacks in the streets including on police but street crime is acceptable and can be ignored.

Anonymous said...

Moses Michael, priceless!

As he leads the sheep to follow the visionless and dementia addled orange hued human orangutan to the great void known as the MAGAverse. Where everything
but truth, integrity, decency, honesty, compassion, intelligence, wisdom, and common sense is valued.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Funny how the traits republicans seem to value like personal responsibility and being a man about stuff rather than whining like a baby about how unfair life is, are embraced when baby Huey Trump whines like a baby about how unfairly he gets treated and takes no responsibility. I lament if Skuds is raising his own children to embrace whining and lying over being a man about adversity.

Joe Conservative said...

Now THAT's a real shame...

Shaw Kenawe said...

Joe Conservative said...

"Now THAT's a real shame..."

For Trumpers who don't believe in integrity and human decency, yeah, you could say that they'd feel it's a shame.

skudrunner said...

Joe 101, talk about being a sexist, "over being a man about adversity". You are showing your true self and your opinion that only men matter. Shame on you.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Considering that the only blog I regularly visit is run by a woman whom I've held in the greatest esteem for years it shows once again you're bereft of and rational or even original thought Skuds. But apparently my comment has turned you into a person that now supports equality for women then my work is successful. I look forward to your support of women's rights in the future.

skudrunner said...

Joe, I have always supported women and unlike some on this site support a women for president as long as she is qualified. We now have a president who has been judged senile according to the justice department and a VP who cannot complete a less than a thousand word sentence saying nothing. We can do better.

You should look a the women leading governments and corporations and the excellent job they do. Maybe it will change your mind about women being in leadership positions.

Anonymous said...

You've done a remarkably accurate job of portraying the orange hued human orangutan and to a degree yourself skud. Kudos for that.

However, your judge of other folks character and positions not so much.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Skuds tries hard Anonymous guy. Just sad all he has to work with are lies and misleads. I voted for Hillary Clinton. Skuds can claim he supports them but his only example would an MTG or the crazy Boebert lady. I feel sad that he feels he must hide his misogyny by lying about someone elses. Poor Skuds.